Tang's dining table

Chapter 326 Can’t have both sides

Some things cannot be left to others.

In particular, extremely sensitive matters such as the construction of Dianjiangtai cannot be left to local governments casually.

Just think about it and you will understand that when the emperor and all the civil and military officials were on the stage pointing out the troops with great interest and enthusiasm, suddenly, the stage exploded...

Gunpowder has come out and its effects have come out, but these people's defense methods and concepts have not yet caught up.

Yunchu didn't want to build this platform at first, but they allocated 600 guan and 1,000 dans of grain, and there are still many people in Qujiangfang who have little work to do in winter, so it would be better to increase the GDP of Wannian County. It's not a bad thing. It's better to wait until spring to demolish it. This will increase GDP again.

Yun Chu was more familiar with this kind of thing. He had done it too much in the past and pursued it too much. He was already familiar with it to the point where it became instinctive in his body.

As for whether it would delay the military parade, Yun Chu didn't care. In fact, time was not that important. The previously specified time was actually just what Li Zhi said casually.

When we arrived in Menxia Province, we advanced the time and handed it over to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War advanced the time and handed it over to the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs. They then advanced the time a little further and finally handed it over to Yunchu. They shortened it a lot. The time finally became the last time for Yun Chu, a worker.

The common people are idle, so let's find some work and get some money to spend. After finishing the last job, Yunchu felt that it was not enough, so besides educating Baiqisi, he would get some more money to spend, two trips After finishing the work, the people in Qujiang will have money and food for the winter, so why not do it?

God knows if there was any gunpowder in the platform that was repaired earlier. Anyway, the platform is now sealed in ice and is as solid as a whole stone, making it impossible to detect.

Even if the bricks were removed in the spring and there was no gunpowder inside, wouldn't Yun Chu be allowed to worry about the emperor's safety?

There should be nothing wrong with this.

Today is a sunny day, and seven or eight eunuchs are busy bathing the giant bear and using a grate to check whether the giant bear has worms.

The clean giant bear looked more cute and charming in black and white. Li Zhi let it climb onto a huge scale, and the eunuchs were busy stacking stones on the other side.

After finally weighing the stone, I learned that this guy now weighs 400 kilograms.

At the same time, Li Zhi finally figured out that this guy was a female bear. Maximum five years old.

At this time, other beasts, as soon as they start to go into heat, will look for males everywhere to mate. However, this bear is very weird. Apart from being interested in eating, the rest is not important to her at all.

Li Zhi found some male bears to come over, hoping to satisfy this guy's desire. As a result, when this guy saw other pandas running over, the first thing he didn't do was make love. Instead, he held up his huge bear paw and roared and slapped the other panda on the face. body, until the opponent was beaten and fled, then he lay down next to Li Zhi again, secretly looking at Li Zhi with his small eyes from time to time.

This scene fell in Li Zhi's eyes, and he was immediately delighted.

Zuo Chun and Yun Chu from Baiqisi hurried over. The giant bear discovered Yun Chu, and carefully hid its huge body behind Li Zhi, hoping that Yun Chu would not find it.

Li Zhi, who had long known that the giant bear had been beaten badly by Yun Chu, immediately became unhappy. He looked at Yun Chu and said, "What are you doing here?"

Yun Chu saluted and said: "I have been unable to think day and night these days. I was afraid that I could not guarantee your majesty's safety, so I came to the palace to ask for an idea from your majesty."

Li Zhi looked at Zuo Chun and said, "What's going on?"

Zuo Chun said quickly: "Yun Chu is worried that there will be gunpowder buried under the newly built high platform."

Li Zhi's hand trembled obviously, then he looked at Yun Chu and said, "Are you sure?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but the minister is worried, so I suggest your majesty to let Baiqisi build another high platform."

Li Zhi frowned and said, "Why do you have such a bad feeling?"

Yun Chu said: "Weichen has seen the scene of the Xianyang Bridge explosion, and Weichen has also seen the scene of the Waste Rock Platform explosion. Therefore, whenever he sees the high platform, Weichen can't help but think of the scenes of those two explosions.

Perhaps this is Wei Chen's unfounded worry, but Wei Chen still strongly suggests that Your Majesty let the people of Baiqisi supervise at all times and build another high platform.

Moreover, Wei Chen believes that in the future, the places where His Majesty's Luan Jia travels should be arranged by the people of Baiqisi, instead of being left to the local officials casually.

There are too many links in this process that can be exploited. "

Li Zhi said: "Why not dismantle that high platform and check it?"

Yun Chu said: "The high platform has been glued together by the ice and snow. It is very difficult to open it. When spring comes, the high platform will inevitably collapse. It will not be too late to see it then."

Li Zhi thought for a while and finally said to Zuo Chun: "Build another high platform. This time, Baiqisi will supervise the whole process."

Yun Chu and Zuo Chun saluted together: "Here!"

Just when the two of them turned around and were about to leave, Li Zhi suddenly said to Yun Chu: "All the fines that were imposed on you in the past will be cancelled, and the Ministry of Household Affairs will double the repayment."

Yunchu said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Zhi added: "With you as my companion, Hong'er will not lose his benevolence and filial piety. Now that you are determined, continue to take good care of my Yunu'er. She can live a good life with you for a few more years."

Yun Chu saluted again and said, "Your Majesty, you have given me the reward."

Yunchu was originally waiting to receive the second thank-you gift, but when he saw that Li Zhi didn't respond, he had no choice but to follow Zuo Chun out of the palace with regret.

Just after leaving the palace, Zuo Chun said to Yun Chu: "Are you being too careful? Someone has seen that high platform and it is as solid as a rock."

Yun Chu said to Zuo Chun: "You should go and see the ruins of the waste rock platform explosion, and you should know that my suspicion is not groundless.

Governor Zuo, be serious. If you really don’t know anything about gunpowder, go get some gunpowder and find a few death row prisoners to blow it up and test it. Then you will have the same idea as me. "

Zuo Chun sighed and said: "The Baiqi Division has just been established, and there are so many things to do that we don't have to worry about so much."

Yun Chu looked at Zuo Chun and said with a smile: "Protecting His Majesty is the most important thing you should do. As for the other things, they are all things that will add glory to you after doing this."

Zuo Chun raised his hand and saluted, indicating that he was taught.

Yunchu jumped on his horse and galloped away.

To be honest, now that the blame has been thrown out, Yun Chu doesn't even bother to say a word to a spy leader like Zuo Chun.

Yun Chu meant what he said about protecting Li Zhi. Only when Li Zhi was intact could Yun Chu continue to grow obscenely.

What determines success or failure is always strength, and it is personal strength. Yun Chu needs a long and stable period of time to shape himself into an old thief.

After all, Yunchu underestimated Pei Xingjian's shamelessness!

I thought that this guy's apology was just a simple show, but I never expected that this man would be naked from the waist up, displaying the countless scars he had acquired on the battlefield in front of everyone.

Not only that, he also placed a bundle of thorns in front of him, and next to it stood a huge sign, "The sinner Pei Xingjian is here."

There were almost a huge crowd of people watching.

Pei Xingjian caused serious harm to the people of Chang'an County. If Liu Rengui had not made timely remedies, it would have probably triggered a civil uprising.

Now, Pei Xingjian is back and serves as the magistrate of Chang'an County. On the first day he took office, he did nothing else but took off his shirt to reveal his scars, and asked Gongsun to stand beside him holding his one-year-old son, waiting for the people of Chang'an County. Come out and vent your anger.

Pei Xingjian has many friends in Chang'an. These people are either wearing armor or official uniforms. They are either fierce or arrogant. In such a scene, which common people dare to come forward.

Although it is said that people in Guanzhong don't care when their tempers rise, but they are common people after all, and they have things to fear.

From the eyes of the people watching around him, Yun Chu discovered that many people had anger in their eyes, but they just dared to be angry but dared not speak out. Yun Chu believed that a person should be sincere when admitting his mistakes and not be pretentious, so he reached out and picked up half a bamboo pole from the side. With a little force, the bamboo pole was inserted into the dung door of a donkey.

The donkey screamed and rushed into the crowd carrying a fat woman.

"Dog Beater!"

A sudden voice sounded, and the people of Chang'an, who had long hated Pei Xingjian deeply, did not know where they had the courage to pick up the thorn sticks one after another. Amidst Gongsun's screams, they fell like raindrops on Pei Xingjian.

Yun Chu rode a bay-red horse and bowed his hand towards Di Renjie, who was drinking tea upstairs. Di Renjie also bowed his hand to Yun Chu in a subtle way and invited him to go upstairs to drink tea.

Yun Chu went up to the second floor and found that Wen Wenwen was also there, a white-haired man singing there with a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

To be precise, he was singing poetry. The accent sounded different from that of Chang'an, and the music he sang was too babbling to hear clearly.

"Why are you here?"

Di Renjie said: "Since Pei Xingjian wants to plead guilty, this is a rare and grand scene in Chang'an. Let's see how it will happen.

Look over there, we brothers are not the only people watching Pei Xingjian perform. "

Yun Chu looked in the direction directed by Di Renjie, and happened to see Su Dingfang pointing at them opposite.

Yun Chu cupped his fists and saluted Su Dingfang, and then asked Di Renjie, did he see what I did just now? "

Wen Wen shook her head and said, "Everyone is focusing on Pei Xingjian, and no one should be looking at you."

Yunchu felt relieved and looked at Gongsun holding his son and lying on Pei Xingjian's body to protect him.

A fat woman was riding on Gongsun's body, and Pei Xingjian held down the crazy donkey by himself. With so much force in his arms, he broke the donkey's head.

The thorns that originally fell on him like raindrops were frightened away by Pei Xingjian's angry shout.

I saw the people around me shouting, and immediately the birds and beasts dispersed.

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 5 pm on the 14th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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