Tang's dining table

Chapter 355 The gift was finally given out

When Li Hong came to Jinchangfang to visit Yunchu's family, Yunchu gave him a pot of cabbage that had just sprouted.

For half a day, Li Hong stayed with Yun Chu, learning how to cultivate a good cabbage.

“Once these fluffy seedlings have grown four leaves, the pot will be too small and they will need to be transplanted to the field.

You can find a piece of fertile land in the palace and ask the palace people to take care of it for you. After three months, you may get a surprise. "

"Why is there a possibility of a surprise rather than a certainty of a surprise?"

Yun Chu looked at Li Hong's dark eyes and said, "Anyone who tells you that there will be a surprise is usually a liar."

"So, my mother is a big liar."

"You can't say that. The word "liar" doesn't even need to be used by your own parents. Even if they lie to you, they are doing it for your own good.

The problem lies with you. From now on, you must have the ability to identify liars. "

"So, Li Yifu and Guan Yi are both liars."

"You can't say that about your teachers. They lie to you just to make you smarter and grow up as quickly as possible."

"Oh, I get it, but why should I grow cabbage?"

"Because you should know from now on that your future will be made up of those things."

"I understand. Shangguan Yi said that Sheji is the collective name of the Earth God and the Grain God, and also refers to the country. He also said that land and grain are the foundation of our country and the foundation of our government in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, cabbage is also a kind of food, and it is also the basis for establishing politics that I must learn. "

Yun Chu touched Li Hong's round head and said, "Don't act so smart in the future, let alone be smart enough to draw inferences from one example. Just show half of it. Once in a while, be smart and let them think you are a teachable person." Boy, it’s done.”

"I discovered that I can occasionally lose my temper in front of my father. My father seems to like it very much. But I can't lose my temper around my mother. I have to behave obediently and well-behaved."

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment and said, "Is this something you gradually figured out through daily contact with your father and mother?"

Li Hong nodded and said, "That's it. Every time you lose your temper in front of your father, your father will laugh. If you lose your temper in front of your mother, you will be beaten."

"So, you like your father, but don't like your mother?"

"No, because I like my father, I usually only stay with him for a while. Because my mother always beats me, so I have to spend more time with my mother to see what I can do to avoid being beaten."

After listening to what Li Hong said, Yunchu couldn't help but look back at Naha, who was watching the swallows building their nests.

I feel that she and Li Hong are not the same species at all.

After sharing about Baicai, the teaching time between Yun Chu and Li Hong is over. Under normal circumstances, Yun Chu will only talk to Li Hong for five minutes. If the time is too long, there will be no teaching effect.

Whoever knows the importance of cultivating new species is better than letting Li Hong know it. Only by engraving the importance of cultivating new crops on Li Hong's bones will he pay attention to this thing in the future after he becomes emperor.

After finishing the cabbage, Yunchu took Li Hong to see the water column that the craftsmen demonstrated to him.

The craftsman who came this time brought a very strange piece of equipment. Generally speaking, it was a large curved horn. The craftsman kept pouring water into the big horn, and the small curved tube connected to the big horn began to spray water outwards. , the bigger the horn, the higher the water column sprayed from the pipe.

This has touched upon the concept of pressure. If the craftsman is rich enough and can make a loudspeaker big enough and a copper pipe strong enough, in theory, the water column can indeed rise to thirty meters.

Li Hong was having so much fun that Yunchu spent money to buy the craftsman's whimsical idea.

"So, when you went to Jinchangfang today, you got back a small pot of cabbage, and you also saw a big speaker and a small copper pipe built by the craftsman to spray water?"

Wu Mei stood straight and stared at Li Hong intently.

Li Hong said directly: "The child is playful, please punish me."

Wu Mei frowned and said, "Aren't you going to defend yourself?"

Li Hong knelt down and said, "Playfulness is playfulness. Excusing yourself will only make you lazy."

Wu Mei loosened her frown and said, "I asked you to go to Jinchangfang to see your sister, and also to relax you, not just for fun. Especially someone like Yunchu who spent a thousand dollars just for Seeing the water spraying high is something only a foolish king would do, you know?"

Li Hong immediately replied: "It's my child's fault and I won't read it again in the future."

Wu Mei looked at the pot of water spinach and said in a slower tone: "It's good to be a farmer. Since we promised Yun Chu to raise these water spinach well, we can't give up halfway until the water spinach is well grown. "

Li Hong lowered his head and said, "My child can do it."

"Continue to learn the great etiquette well. In one month, it will be the time when you enter the East Palace."

After Li Hong kowtowed, he resigned.

Wu Mei wanted to stop her son who had already reached the palace gate. She opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Not long after Li Hong walked out of Liangyi Hall with a sad look on his face, a smile appeared on his face. Today, he understood one thing. Every move he made was reported to his mother.

He saw his eldest brother, Prince Li Zhong, and his biological mother, Sun Bin, wandering outside the Liangyi Palace, not knowing whether to go in or out.

However, seeing how frightened they looked, Li Hong did not choose to go up to them, because Yun Chu once told him that if you find it difficult to meet someone, then don't go up to them.

When passing by the bamboo forest, he only saw the giant bear sitting on the ground gnawing bamboo shoots. He did not see his father. However, there were human voices inside the bamboo forest. It seemed that his father and his people were digging bamboo shoots for the giant bear.

Li Hong was still unhappy because he had just seen his eldest brother and his mother, so he did not step forward and walked around from the other side of the bamboo forest.

At this time, the young cabbage seedlings in the flowerpot held by the palace man were trembling slightly, as if they were afraid of this place.

When Li Hong returned to his place of residence, he dug up all the peonies that were about to bloom in a small garden. After the palace officials and eunuchs leveled the land, Li Hong sprinkled some seeds inside, covered them with soil, and watered them. Get water and prepare to slowly wait for the seeds to germinate.

As for the pot of cabbage that Yunchu gave him, he placed it in a sunny place in front of the window, and planned to transplant it to the small garden after the seedlings sprouted four leaves.

Sitting in front of the window, Li Hong asked the palace attendant to open the window and stared at the pot of cabbage seedlings with dull eyes. He didn't know when the pot of cabbage would grow up, but he didn't really expect these cabbage seedlings to grow up tomorrow. , he just wants these cabbages to grow up slowly like him.

"It would be great if I could live in Jinchangfang like Yu Nu'er."

Li Hong was startled by his own voice. He looked around and saw that the palace people serving him were busy in the distance. He patted his chest and took a piece of paper. After the palace people helped him grind the ink, he started to write. Transcribe the Heart Sutra in one stroke.

He didn't know the meaning of the Heart Sutra. He only knew that his father and mother liked it very much.

Because Yun Chu spent a thousand guans on the fountain which was too shocking, he was called over by the chief censors at the Censorship Station and scolded him.

Let this be settled.

He was also forced to write a letter of repentance and submit it. Three days later, there was no news about this matter.

The craftsmen in Jinchangfang were very sorry. They thought they were missing a way to get rich quickly.

Li Yifu sent a greeting card for the first time and asked for a long talk with Yun Chu.

Because of etiquette, Yun Chu did not wait for the teacher to come to see him. Instead, he brought a basket of food to Li Yifu's house to meet the teacher the next day.

Although his face has been torn, the title of master and disciple is still there, so he cannot go too far.

After all, Li Yifu sent a greeting card to the Yun family, which shows that he puts his status very low.

Yunchu once again saw Li Yifu who smiled warmly.

"I heard that you have a pair of dragon teeth at home?"

Li Yifu smiled warmly, but he was not in the mood to talk to Yun Chuxu. He went straight to the point when they met.

Yun Chu said with a smile: "It makes the teacher laugh, that's not a dragon tooth at all, it's just the mandible of an ancient giant beast."

Li Yifu smiled and said: "Now, I need the mandible of this ancient giant beast, what do you need?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "As long as a nineteen-year-old fifth-rank official doesn't make mistakes, doesn't take shortcuts, and does his job honestly, he will achieve his goal sooner or later."

Li Yifu said: "In the past, my eyes were dim and I mistook the dragon for a snake lying on the ground. Now, I am willing to correct it for you."

Yun Chu looked around, pondered for a moment and said, "I don't dare to talk about it, Mr. Lao Lao. This disciple has always had a question. I don't know whether to talk about it or not."

Li Yifu Taishou said: "Tell me and listen."

Yun Chu sat up straight and said, "Looking at my past, I have always pursued safety and stability in doing things, and strived to be watertight. Why has my husband been so full of loopholes in his work in the past two years, and has always left people with excuses?"

Li Yifu looked up at the roof and said: "What you strive for to be watertight is often your biggest loophole.

There is no perfect person in this world, and a perfect person has no friends. If I still keep things airtight, do you think I can have my current status? "

Yunchu sighed and said, "It's really too dangerous."

Li Yifu looked at Yun Chu with interest and said, "Is this why you volunteered to take the official position of Jing Zhaoyin?

Boy, you must be brave and diligent as an official. Taking a step back will not make your life easier, it will only invite gang fights.

Only by moving forward and letting everyone look up to you, fear you, and respect you, whether true or not, will the road in front of you become broader. "

Yun Chu stood up and saluted: "Now that you have learned the lesson, I will ask the butler to bring the mandible of the giant beast to you later."

Li Yifu said: "If you have different Taoism, you can't conspire against each other. From now on, the friendship between you and me as teacher and student will no longer be mentioned. Of course, Di Renjie, the same goes for Wen Wen."

Yun Chu said: "Different stages of life require different teachers to teach, and we teachers and students have now exhausted their path.

Students here can only wish the teacher all the best in his life. "

Li Yifu said: "Let's go, you are not welcome in this place."

Yunchu bowed his hands and said goodbye. When he walked to the door, he looked back at Li Yifu and said: "The bird traces and insect inscriptions were not actually created by Cangjie. They were created by the ancient ancestors in their labor and life. Therefore, there are basically no traces. Xun, if you want to take advantage of Chunyu's ability to understand the traces of birds and insects, be careful."

See you tomorrow

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