Tang's dining table

Chapter 363 A bolt from the blue

The food sent by Brother Wang Zhao cannot enter the military camp yet. This is a military regulation.

Every military regulation was forged with blood, so even though Yun Chu trusted the three Wang Zhao brothers, Yun Chu still asked Lao Huang to take these two thousand loads of grain to the supply camp and exchange it for grain supplied by the Bingzhou government.

People in the transport camp are better at identifying grain. They randomly grab some grain from two thousand tons of grain without cooking it, and stuff it into the mouths of various spies caught on the road. Hundreds of people eat it every day. If you take one bite and are not poisoned to death, you will pass the test.

There were two thousand more tons of food in the Yunchu military camp, and the good habit of three meals a day was naturally restored.

For this reason Zhong Kui was very satisfied with the three Wang brothers and deliberately got close to them.

Zhong Kui was ugly in all aspects. Not only was he ugly, he also smelled. This smell could not be washed away, so Yun Chu was generally reluctant to get close to him.

From this point of view, God is a very fair existence. He gave him a good brain and a lot of strength, but refused to give him more benefits.

Due to Zhong Kui's domineering attitude, although the three Wang brothers were very scared, they still had to reluctantly become good brothers with Zhong Kui.

"The Khitans are the most powerful, but these Khitans are not human beings when they fight hard and are not easy to kill. Since Xue Rengui has chosen the Khitans, we might as well give up on the Khitans.

The Kumoxi people live too far away. They like to raise pigs and sheep, and sometimes plant some crops. However, they like to plant crops in spring and harvest in autumn. How much they can harvest depends on luck, so they are very poor.

There are more women than men there. They welcome women who sleep with them, and they will fight you for their food. It is not worthwhile to fight them.

You can ride horses to harm their livestock and drive them away, and they will have no way to survive.

Needless to say, the Shiwei people live in the forest and make a living by raising moose and hunting. Most of the Shiwei people can't even speak human language.

It is not good for an army to enter the forest. Besides, no one can defeat the Shiwei people after entering the forest. However, they are very good at catching minks. The best mink skins in their hands are worth thousands of gold in Chang'an.

You can grab them while they are trading with outsiders. As long as they are unable to exchange for food, half of them will die after one winter.

Finally, we have to talk about the Mohe people. This barbarian tribe is different from other barbarians. I heard from the Wang brothers that the leader of the Mohe people is called Qiqi Zhongxiang. He can speak Tang Dynasty dialect and write Tang Dynasty characters. The most important thing is What's more, based on what the Wang brothers told me, I found that this beggar Zhongxiang was probably a very knowledgeable and knowledgeable person.

Because the Mohe people have learned to build cities, farm, fish, hunt, and boil the sea into salt, and rudimentary management institutions at all levels have emerged.

If the Tang Dynasty wanted to completely eliminate the disasters here, besides Goguryeo, the Mohe people would be the biggest potential disaster. "

Yunchu calmly found a seat upwind and sat down, looked at Zhong Kui and said: "The Mohe people really need to be eliminated, but while getting rid of the Mohe people, we must also try to reduce losses. In a word , I hope that after the war, our gains will be higher than our losses."

Zhong Kui was stunned for a moment and said, "Do we still need to consider this?"

Yun Chu said angrily: "We don't need to spend money on food and grass, or our weapons don't need to spend money, or our soldiers who died in battle don't need to be compensated?"

Zhong Kui thought for a moment and said, "Boss Wang said that the Mohe people are also good at raising a kind of bird called Haidongqing. Every year when the swans return to the south from the far north, the Mohe people release Haidongqing to catch swans.

After catching the swan, you will open the swan's crop. If you are lucky, there will be a finger-sized, round and shiny pearl in the swan's crop. Wang Laoer said that this kind of pearl is extremely precious. In the Tang Dynasty, There are only a few of them in the royal family.

Wang Laoer also said that as long as he gets back ten or eight pieces, he will definitely make a lot of money. "

Yun Chu nodded with satisfaction. He decided to wait for the army to enter Liaodong and then go to the Mohe people's city to have a look.

The famous Bohai State Yunchu still knew about it.

It was naturally impossible for Yun Chu to hold something like an advance map sent by the Wang brothers and not hand it over.

After Wen Wenwen spent two days copying one picture, Yun Chu showed the original picture to Gao Kan.

After Gao Kan saw this picture, he was shocked and immediately took Yun Chu to the Chinese army's tent.

When he arrived at the Chinese army's tent, Yun Chu saw two bloody heads at the camp gate. From the looks of it, it seemed that Li Ji had finally found someone to sacrifice the flag to.

"A Lieutenant Zhechong from Shandong, and a transfer envoy from Shandong." Gao Kan whispered to Yun Chu as he walked.

Yun Chu was horrified. This was the first time he saw one of his own being killed by the general using military methods.

The most terrifying aspect of this thing is that everyone knows that the coach is killing the chicken to scare the monkey, but when the bloody chicken head is right under the monkey's nose, the monkey is really scared.

At least, Yun Chu's goal was achieved here. Seeing those two heads, Yun Chu had been glad that he had not done anything extraordinary recently.

It was already very hot in May in Hebei. There was a charcoal basin in Li Ji's military tent. Li Ji was sitting shirtless on the edge of the brazier, roasting a leg of lamb.

After roasting one layer, he cut off one layer with a knife and ate it. Seeing Gao Kan and Yun Chu come in, he gave the lamb leg to Yun Chu and said, "Roast it over a slow fire and add less salt."

After that, he invited Gao Kan to sit down and asked what was going on.

Gao Kan presented the parchment drawing in his hand to Li Ji and explained the matter. Li Ji looked at the parchment drawing seriously and remained silent for a long time.

After a while, the two senior generals began to discuss the military situation in low voices, and Yun Chu had no choice but to squat in front of the hot brazier and roast a leg of lamb for them.

Still roasting and slicing one layer at a time, Yun Chu roasted the lamb leg, cut it into thin slices, and served it to the two of them on a wooden plate without much effort.

Li Ji looked up at Yun Chu and said, "Is this thing from the right origin?"

Yun Chu said: "That's right. It was presented by the people of the Tang Dynasty. The purpose was to take their family of more than 200 people to live in Chang'an. Beizhi happened to have this convenience, so I agreed, and they also presented the picture very seriously. After studying it with my colleagues in the army, I thought it was highly reliable, so I reported it to General Gao."

Li Ji nodded and said: "Just abide by the rules and have no selfish motives. You have done a good job in this. We will break camp and enter Liaodong in two days. Since you already know my commander's intentions, tell me, which one do you plan to deal with?" "

Yunchu saluted and said, "Just obey the general's orders."

Li Ji smiled and said to Gao Kan, "This is not his nature. You don't know. This bastard only does things with the word "profit" in mind. He plans and plans for profit everywhere.

As long as there are benefits, he will be bold enough to make trouble. Without benefits, he is just a dead dog.

After entering Liaodong, among these tribes, the most lucrative was the Mohe tribe, which had just left Heishui and established itself on the Bohai Sea.

Qi Qi Zhongxiang was a man of some courage. He had been swinging between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo over the years and earned a lot of benefits.

It's a pity that a loser like him is destined to be exterminated. Now he is planning to establish some kind of Bohai State.

Not to mention the Tang Dynasty, as long as Goguryeo was there, his Bohai Kingdom could not be established, and he belonged to a person who was unlucky. "

Having said this, he looked at Yun Chu and said: "The entire tribe now has a population of fifty thousand, and there are no less than twenty thousand people who can control strings on horseback. I heard that even some women can walk on horseback, ride and shoot. What do you think? Can the three thousand men under my command destroy other people’s tribes?”

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I dare not think so."

Li Ji stood up, put his hands on Yun Chude's shoulders and said seriously: "You should have such an idea."

Yun Chu was unmoved and continued to shake his head: "Three thousand versus thirty thousand. I'm not so arrogant."

Li Ji laughed and said: "A cow weighs a thousand catties, but a man can eat it, just not in one meal."

Go ahead, the Mohe people are yours. "

Yun Chu said anxiously: "Gunpowder..."

Li Ji smiled and said: "Five hundred kilograms, one hundred thunder and fire bombs, if it's not enough, you can find a way yourself.

Anyway, if the supervisor asks, just blame me and say I gave it to you. "

Yun Chu quickly defended: "Where did I get the gunpowder..."

Li Ji hugged Yun Chu's shoulders and walked out, smiling and saying: "Think of a way, you are young, smart, and full of tricks that we old men can't match.

Go, go, I heard that the Mohe people are rich in a kind of beads, which are extremely valuable. After killing the beggar elephant, remember to send me a bucket.

It's a pity that your commander-in-chief has been fighting all these years and has devoted himself to serving the country, but he has not gained any benefits at all. Remember to get the beads and bring them to me, so that he can live a more relaxed life in his old age. "

"I really don't have any gunpowder..."

"I gave it to you, don't you have it?"

"But, it's not enough..."

"That's enough, that's enough, come up with more tricks, hahaha, I have another heartache..."

Unknowingly, Yun Chu was standing under the bright sun, and he heard Li Ji and Gao Kan laughing proudly.

Yunchu looked up at the clear sky, but unexpectedly saw two bloody and ferocious heads.

The head was really fresh, and there were thick black blood stains falling down in strings. I didn’t know whether the blood or brain plasma was there.

Li Ji always sticks to his word in the army, and Gao Kan is the most famous Ma Tsai under Li Ji.

You must know that in a large army, the front army is the key to whether the army can attack the city, and the rear army is undoubtedly the guarantee of whether the front army and the middle army can come back when they lose.

No one who is not a close confidant of the coach can hold this position.

Since Li Ji was able to force Yun Chu to use his gunpowder in front of Gao Kan, this only shows that Li Ji had never doubted whether Yun Chu was the murderer of the Xianyang Bridge explosion.

But from the very beginning, I was very sure!

Chapter 2, I continue

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