Tang's dining table

Chapter 38 Chen Xuanzang’s Chen?

If we go back to the world where Yunchu originally lived, Ding Da has such a demon who kills women. He should at least be quartered by five horses to satisfy his hatred.

For a bastard like He Yuanshan who kills children, the lightest punishment should be Dapi.

As for Liu Xiong and others, even if the judge shows extra mercy, they should be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Now, Yun Chu is among these demons, but his mentality is extremely peaceful. Even if Ding Dayou strips naked and soaks the bird in ice water, Yun Chu finds it acceptable.

The scene where Ding Da slashed four horses to pieces would always flash in his mind, especially the way he stood bathing in the rain of blood, which made Yun Chu even have the illusion that a real man should be like this!

When barbarism is reached to the extreme, it becomes a kind of beauty!

Yunchu admitted that he was a little abnormal now. Since he came to the world, everything about him was not right.

Especially when Selema came to him with a look of fear, he actually felt an indescribable joy.

He kept telling himself that Selema was his mother and must be his mother, nothing else.

However, there was another voice in his heart telling him that it would be nice if he had not turned into a baby when he came here. At that time, the twenty-eight-year-old Yun Chu was the most glorious and powerful person in his life. when.

A twenty-eight-year-old unmarried cadre who is in charge of the county-level administration is qualified to woo any woman in the world.

It's a pity that Selema didn't come to see him, nor did she come to see Naha. She came for Jaskar.

For a moment, Yun Chu wanted to kill Jiesiga, but when he saw Selema's big eyes full of tears, he still squeezed the bones of Jiesika's broken arm and used the best strength. ointment and a splint.

Finally, he used willow water to clean his wound, and told Selema to clean Jiesga's wound with willow water regularly.

Jiesika couldn't stand the fiery look in Selema's eyes after escaping from death, and couldn't stand the scene of Selema holding Jiesika's hand and crying. At one moment, he even wanted to pull out the Tang Dao and cut off both of them. Head, then chop off your own heads and put them side by side...

After thinking about it, Yunchu still hurriedly escaped from that hell on earth.

Naha found a lot of scallions, and they were extremely fresh scallions. Not only did she find scallions, she also found a piece of fat and thin beef, three onions, a handful of spinach, and a handful of spring onions.

These vegetables are still dripping with water.

Yun Chu checked the thirty-seven injured people assigned to his care, and asked the two dead people to be taken away. Seeing that the rest were alive, he handed these people over to Hu Ji to take care of, while he was busy going to Na Na's house. Ha is ready to steam the buns.

The injured all like to come to Yunchu to recuperate. They all think that Yunchu's medical skills are very high. This high medical skill is based on comparison. The injured who come to Yunchu here will die at most 30%, and the injured who go to the doctor will die at least 60%. become.

Of course, the most important thing is that when you come to Yunchu to recuperate, Hu Ji will be the one waiting on you.

After the steamed buns were steamed, Naha filled a large plate and shouted to eat in the tunnel.

Yun Chu did not reject the child's request. She also needed to socialize with Lao Yangpi to ensure her safety.

There were a lot of steamed buns steamed today. Yun Chu thought for a moment and realized that he seemed to have a need to socialize. Ding Dayou seemed to have plans to send him to the battlefield. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, he put all the buns in a wicker basket, covered it with wet linen cloth, and left Lao Sheeppi's yard with the basket.

He Yuanshan gave two, Liu Xiong gave two, and the remaining two Zhanggu each had a narrow escape. They all deserved to eat something good.

The remaining steamed buns were naturally given to the captain of Zhe Chong Prefecture in Shangzhou of the Tang Dynasty who liked to soak birds in ice water to quell his cravings.

When reading Unofficial History, Yun Chu learned that those fierce generals who were very murderous usually had extremely high sexual desires.

It is said that Bai Qi's military tents always have healthy women accompanying the army. Veteran generals such as Lian Po can never leave women. As for the well-known general Chang Yuchun, he is not picky. When there are healthy women, he uses healthy women, and when there are no healthy women, he When using cow...

Yunchu, who was carrying a basket, was allowed to enter the captain's hall.

As soon as people entered, they immediately opened the basket, and the smell of still hot beef buns enveloped the entire lobby.

After lifting the veil, Yun Chu felt a little regretful, because there was not only one person from Ding University in the lobby, but also two injured people who had been wrapped up like rice dumplings by the doctor, and seven or eight people standing with injured people from Guo Yi School. The other generals, chief historians, and soldiers who join the army under the command of the lieutenant, the school captain, the brigade commander, etc.

Once the bun is exposed, there is no way to cover it again.

Ding Dayou walked over from behind the desk, sniffed and said, "Eat?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Baozi, beef buns!"

"how to eat?"

"Just pick it up and bite it."

As soon as Yun Chu finished speaking, Ding Dayou picked up a bun and took a bite. Then, his eyes lit up, he took the bun and placed it on the table. It seemed that he had no intention of sharing it with everyone.

Ding Dayou had a big mouth. He took two bites of fist-sized buns and ate seven or eight of them in one go. Then he covered the buns with linen cloth, pointed at Yun Chu and said to the subordinates around him: "The origin of this boy is unknown. It looks like he is We Tang people should be treated as Tang people.

That idiot Fang Zheng gave him a messy identity. He was not satisfied, so he went to great lengths to prepare some unique food and presented it to me, hoping to ask me for a formal birth certificate.

Captain Ben has also been reading these days and found that this boy is literate and can write a home letter for his brothers. He also takes good care of the sick and injured. I heard that fewer people died there than at the hands of our Dr. Liu.

That's all, for the sake of your diligence, just stay in my Zhechong Mansion as an errand and serve as a soldier under me. If you don't die on the battlefield, I can always get you some military honors, and then you can go back in glory and find a wife. , give birth to more children and then serve as soldiers, this life will not be in vain.

Lao Chen, please look at the arrangements. I think he would be a good choice as a fire-headed soldier. "

Yun Chu opened his mouth and looked at Ding Dayou blankly. He felt that he did not come here to be a soldier, let alone to go to the battlefield.

However, Yun Chu still looked grateful and thanked the captain for the promotion, and strongly recommended his medical skills to the captain. As for the Huotou Army, he was really beyond his reach.

In order to prove his medical skills, he also pointed to the injuries on the bodies of two Colonel Guo Yi who had fought hard from thousands of Turkic troops, and said that if they were just external injuries, they should be sutured and then dried naturally. , rather than bandaging it up and waiting for maggots to grow.

After saying that, he took the initiative to untie the layers of linen cloth on the bodies of the two Captain Guo Yi.

In front of everyone, he washed what needed to be washed with willow water, rinsed away the dirt in the wound, and immediately started sewing the wounds that needed to be sutured. Half an hour later, even the two Colonel Guo Yi said , after removing the bandage, my whole body felt much more comfortable. The wound that originally hurt when I moved was no longer so painful after being sutured with silk thread, and I could move a little.

Ding Dayou personally stepped forward and poked Captain Guo Yi's large wound that had just been sutured with his finger. He nodded and said, "It looks weird, but it makes sense. Where did you learn it?"

"Sun Shenxian's method." Yun Chu began to lie without hesitation.

"Huh? Have you ever met Sun Shenxian? This is impossible. I heard that Cypriot Da Apo said that you had been a savage in the Aries tribe for three years."

Yun Chu sighed, scattered his hair again, pointed at the terrifying scar on his head and said, "I can't remember some things, but I can't forget some things."

Ding Dayou stepped forward and took a look at the scar on Yunchu's head and said: "The one who fell down seems to have hurt his head. However, I keep everything in mind. What does it have to do with my head? I have smashed a lot of heads." Went there and there was nothing else inside except a bunch of fat."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "If you say this in front of Sun Shenxian, you will be scolded."

Ding Dayou touched his head. He originally wanted to scold people, but after thinking about it, he felt that scolding Sun Shenxian was not good, so he sneered and said: "You are cured. Remember what you want to remember, and forget what you want to forget. Sometimes, Even I want to get sick like you.

Since you want to be a lieutenant, then go and be a lieutenant, serve as a servant under Langzhong Liu, and be a palmer under that fat ball player Fang Zheng. There is no reason for me to make you inferior to others.

Dr. Liu is an eighth-grade doctor. Since you are good at your craft, you should be a doctor of the eighth grade. Anyway, you are all officials of the Imperial Medical Office. I will report it to you. I don’t care whether they are allowed or not. Anyway, you are all officials of the Imperial Medical Office. , recognize it here.

When you get down there, go find Dr. Liu and report! "

Yun Chu quickly agreed and left the lobby in a hurry.

Ding Dayou looked sideways at Yun Chu as he left the hall, and said to everyone present: "Anyone under my command who wants to escape from going to the battlefield is seeking death. If it weren't for his young age and good cooking skills, he would be chopped down today." Got him.

Come and have a try. The stuffed buns made by this little guy are really delicious. I couldn’t help but eat a few more just now. Come on, come and have a taste. After you taste it, you will know why a certain restaurant puts this little bun. The guy got mad. "

Yunchu didn't go to report to Liu Yizheng. He thought this was probably a trap set by Ding Dayou.

This guy's ruthlessness has been seen on the battlefield today. He watched helplessly as He Yuanshan and the others used their last ounce of strength before allowing the crossbows to attack, as if those who died were no longer as good as a few crossbows.

Today's buns were thrown to the dog. The dog ate the buns and bit him back.

Naha's buns were used very well. Not only did Lao Yangpi eat the buns without hurting Naha, but he also gave her a larger, beautiful white stone that wouldn't even heat up under the bright sun.

Not only that, Lao Yangpi also took the initiative to play the tambourine and taught Naha how to master the rhythmic Kucha dance.

"Bring me your piece of jade." Seeing Yun Chu's return, Lao Yangpi asked him for the piece of jade with two verses carved on it.

Yun Chu didn't think too much and handed it to Lao Yangpi. He just glanced at it and gave it back to Yun Chu.

"You carved this, right?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "No, I had it when my mother picked me up."

"Nonsense, I taught you how to write. You don't think I can't even recognize my own calligraphy, do you?

Also, did you make up your surname Yun yourself? "

Yun Chu laughed angrily, sat in front of Lao Yangpi, looked into his eyes and said, "What do you think my last name should be?"

Lao Yangpi was silent for a long time. For a long time, just when Yun Chu was impatient and ready to leave, Lao Yangpi suddenly said: "I think your surname should be Chen!"

"Is that Chen, Erdong Chen, Cheng Yaojin's Cheng, or Cheng Cheng's Cheng?"

"No, it should be Chen Xuanzang's Chen!"

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