Tang's dining table

Chapter 390 Gunpowder is not the only tool to break the city

In the battle across the river, the Tang army beheaded more than 30,000 people.

When the whole army started cheering, Yunchu started to check his troops while cheering.

The news from Wen Rou was not optimistic at all. In this battle alone, Yunchu's troops were reduced by 321 people.

The losses this time were almost the sum of the losses in all the major and minor wars Yunchu had experienced since entering Liaodong.

In other words, the 3,200 soldiers who followed Yun Chu to Liaodong were reduced by 10%.

The battle losses of the bad guys in Wannian County are not included in the calculation, because these people are actually Yunchu's soldiers, and the number of casualties is Yunchu's personal matter and has nothing to do with the country.

Only the three brothers of the Wang family were in a good mood, because their slave soldiers built a bridge for Yun Chu's soldiers this time. More than 800 people died, but they completed the task perfectly, which gave them more confidence in front of Yun Chu. more say.

They know that the general they are following now cares deeply about the life and death of his soldiers, so in the future, the status of slave soldiers will become more and more important.

This can be clearly seen from Yunchu's attitude towards slave soldiers.

In Yunchu's army, whether they are government soldiers, slave soldiers, or generals, they all have the same food.

Yunchu's army also gave each slave a blanket and allowed the slaves to have their own property. The most important thing is that in Yunchu's army, injured slaves can receive the same treatment as the soldiers. They were not thrown out just because they were injured.

Therefore, there are rumors among the slave soldiers that after the war, the general will take all these slave soldiers to Chang'an to serve as domestic slaves.

These words were almost universally known among the slave soldiers. Only the three Wang brothers and their subordinates did not know.

In Yunchu Army, any rumors that appear are related to Brother Rumor, so this is a gentle strategy.

It is a pity that Yang Jing was taken away by Jin Yanzhen, otherwise, there would be a bigger fish in the gentle fishing net.

However, it doesn't matter. The three Wang brothers are entangled in Yang Jing's business, and this Yang Jing will definitely come back.

As usual, those who were missing arms and legs would be recorded in the register of dead soldiers, and then change their names to become the brothers of the deceased, appearing in Yunchu's army in the name of civilian husbands.

Now, Yunchu has gone from being opposed to this practice, not accepting it, to acquiescing to it, and now he is very proficient in operating it himself.

"You used to be called Yang Cheng, but from now on you will be called Yang Shoucheng. This is the name of a person I used to know. I heard that this guy slept with a lot of Jiaofang No. 1 and was very sexy, so that's it."

"Congratulations. You don't have to go to the military anymore. You just have to live with a donkey from now on. Decide first whether you want a male donkey or a female donkey?"

"What? You fucking want a big green mule? See clearly, you broke one of your hands. When that thing in your crotch is gone, I will replace it with a big green mule. Otherwise, you can do it yourself. OK, do you want to change it?"

Yun Chu teased him all the way out of the tent of the wounded soldiers. He smiled reluctantly, mainly because there were a few seriously injured soldiers, and he hoped that he, the general, could personally send them away.

Yun Chu had someone bring the strongest anti-toxic drug, and he and Wen Wen poured it into their mouths. After some of it was poured in, it flowed out from other places... In the end, they were all drunk to death.

The smell of alcohol enveloped the entire tent of wounded soldiers. Many wounded soldiers barely raised their upper bodies to watch the general and Chang Shi pour wine into the mouths of their companions. No one spoke, and many young wounded soldiers began to cry.

A few veterans muttered on the side: "Why cry, this is the fate of the soldiers. It's not bad to have a bowl of the best liquor before leaving."

Yun Chu threw a piece of licorice into his mouth and chewed it slowly. Wen Wenwen also took out a piece of licorice from his sleeve and chewed it. Neither of them was interested in talking.

With so many people dead, the whole army was cheering, and Yun Chu's army was no exception. The soldiers, who were so enthusiastic because of the victory, stood in front of Jili City, constantly waving their weapons towards the people at the top of the city. The Goguryeo people expressed their joy at victory.

The battle across the river was over, with a great victory that exceeded Gao Kan's expectations. However, Jili Mountain City still stood in front of him, and its height and danger did not change because of the last great victory.

Jili City is a mountain city. The only drawback is that the open space in the middle of the valley is so vast that the Biliu River cannot become their moat.

In fact, no general would use a river that often floods as a moat when building a city.

An unpredictable flood would take away the city wall.

Jili City, built on the mountain, is steep and dangerous. It stands on the bank of the Biliu River that rolls eastward, controls the north bank of the vast Yellow River, and echoes the stone city that was just burned down in Yunchu to the south.

Like a giant pincer, it connects Chishan City, Wobao Mountain City, Gaoli City, etc. on both sides of the upper reaches of the Biliu River, which are less than a hundred miles away. The northeast is connected with the Empress City and Phoenix City to form a complete defense system, forming an offensive and defensive system. A castle that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Jili City can also block the Tang Dynasty navy's attack route from the sea along the Biliu River Valley.

Therefore, its strategic position is very important.

Jili City is divided into front city and back city. The back city is surrounded by valleys, making it suitable for garrisoning troops in various valleys.

The front city spans the ridge, which is convenient for observation and command operations. The back city and the front city echo each other, complement each other and bring out the best in each other.

The city wall in front of Jili City is constructed according to the mountain topography. Except for the south and southeast walls, the other three walls on the west, north and northwest sides are built using steep cliffs and are integrated with the cliffs.

Different from Shicheng, there are very few trees on the mountains here, most of them are low shrubs. In addition, there is a wall like the Great Wall winding on the top of the mountain. The fire attack that can be used in Stone City has no room to use here.

Li Ji's three-pronged army was led by Qibi Heli and Xue Rengui in the north. He led the middle army in the middle, and the rear army led by Gao Kan was at the bottom. He wanted to create a scene of advancing hand in hand, and wanted Yuan Gaisuwen to not be able to take care of everything. , as long as one army breaks through the Goguryeo defense line, then the Goguryeo people in front of the other two armies will have to retreat and continue to give up room for maneuver.

Now, Yunchu had a clear view of Li Ji's strategic goal. His purpose was to suppress the Goguryeo people on the narrow Korean peninsula, so that these people would lose their room for maneuver.

The decisive battle will definitely take place on the Korean Peninsula, so the gunpowder needs to be unexpected and maximize its effectiveness to wipe out the Goguryeo people in one blow.

After retreating with the joy of victory, there were cries from the barracks next door, and the cries in Master Zhang's barracks were the most miserable.

Because Master Zhang died in the battle, this martial arts county man, Master Zhang, the younger brother of the famous Tang general Zhang Jian, died in the battle.

When the soldiers snatched Master Zhang's body back, he had been trampled by war horses and turned into a piece of human skin wrapped in armor.

There was a lot of crying in Guo Daifeng's military camp. Guo Daifeng was not killed in the battle, nor was he seriously injured. Even though his own soldiers suffered heavy casualties, more than 30% of his subordinates were damaged in the battle.

Gao Kan issued a military order, requiring the entire army to be silent and summon the soul of the dead Master Zhang, which also made the Goguryeo people in the city think that the Tang army commander was finished in this battle.

Yunchu understood this very well. Not to mention wearing Xiao for a general, he was willing to wear Xiao for a soldier of the Tang Dynasty who died in battle.

However, the filial piety of the Tang Dynasty was a waste of linen. He planned to save this batch of linen to make leather boot linings for the soldiers. Otherwise, when winter really comes, the soldiers wearing single leather boots will freeze. feet.

The army only had one pair of cotton shoes prepared for the soldiers, which was not enough. Yunchu also thought of using the northeastern specialty urala grass to keep warm.

On the third day after the battle across the river, the Tang army began a formal siege. This time, Yunchu's army was not among the siege troops.

The Chinese army, led by Gao Kan personally, attacked the city.

The siege vehicles, tower carts, and arrow towers that were hastily built in the past two days were dispatched one after another, and were slowly pushed towards the city head by the army.

The result was not good. Just when these siege equipment were about to reach the city wall under the cover of crossbows and bows, countless boulders suddenly flew out from the top of the city. The siege vehicles and building vehicles that the generals and soldiers had finally built, The archery tower was smashed to pieces. This was the first time Yun Chu saw the actual use of catapults on the battlefield.

However, the stones thrown by these catapults are not very big, and the largest one only weighs twenty or thirty kilograms.

The stone was not thrown far enough, no more than a hundred steps at most, so it was still thrown down from the top of the city.

This kind of catapult is really not very good, far inferior to the orc catapult that Yunchu saw in the movie. That thing can throw a stone tower onto a human city wall, and can knock down a city wall dozens of feet high. Once smashed, a big hole will appear.

The question is, how is that kind of trebuchet made?

Yun Chu felt that he needed to brainstorm ideas.

Just when Yunchu was planning to build a huge catapult that could throw five hundred kilograms of stones onto the city, Gao Kan was also ordering the construction of a catapult.

However, the catapult he made was very small, and the stones he threw weighed more than ten kilograms, and they had to be smooth pebbles.

For a young man like Yunchu, who has always been a top student in any era, it is almost not difficult for him to build a gravity catapult in a short time. Therefore, he automatically raised the requirements for himself and needed to get it. A catapult was built that could throw a stone weighing five hundred kilograms onto the tower.

Yunchu's understanding of this thing is to build a huge wooden shelf, put a piece of wood that is strong enough on the shelf, with one end short and one long, add a counterweight to the short side, and then use the long arm to throw stones , because the force exerted by the short arm on the long arm will be amplified.

Therefore, if you want to throw the stone far enough and the stone is heavy enough, you need to consider the length ratio between the short arm and the long arm, as well as the counterweight ratio.

When Gao Kan was throwing pebbles weighing more than ten kilograms at the top of the city, he inadvertently saw a huge wooden shelf and a giant tree more than ten feet long directly in front of Jili Mountain City.

The first chapter was delivered, I was freezing to death——

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