Tang's dining table

Chapter 394 A different Yun Chu


Yu Xiurong screamed and suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily and looking pale.

The maid Zijuan quickly lit the candle, and then she noticed that Yu Xiurong was dripping with sweat from her head and face.

Yu Xiurong reluctantly calmed her racing heart, got out of bed, and hurried to the inner room without wearing any shoes to check on the condition of the two children.

Fortunately, Yun Jin and Yun Jin, brother and sister, slept peacefully in their respective beds.

Yu Xiurong tucked the children in, drank two cups of warm tea in one breath, and then returned to the bed. She hugged Li Si, who had been awakened by her, patted the child's back, and coaxed her back to sleep.

At this time, Yu Xiurong was no longer sleepy at all.

Even if Zicuckoo asked, she would only say she had a nightmare.

After Zicuckoo left, Yu Xiurong put Li Si into bed, hugging the quilt and looking at the white window with tears streaming down her face.

Just now, she dreamed of her enemy again. His body was obviously full of arrows and he was shot like a porcupine. She turned her head and smiled at him.

Yu Xiurong stretched out her hand to help wipe away the dust on his face, but her hand pierced Yunchu's body. Then, the porcupine-like Yunchu shattered and disappeared like a reflection in the water.

Yu Xiurong was so frightened that he tried to restore it with his hands, but he didn't touch anything.

Just during the day, she carried Yun Jin to the mourning hall of Master Zhang in Wugong County. The county man and woman cried so hard that they fainted several times and could not call her husband back.

According to the eight hundred miles urgent battle report, Master Zhang died in the battle across the river in Jili City, Liaodong.

In that battle, although the Tang Dynasty soldiers beheaded more than 30,000 soldiers, they also lost tens of thousands of soldiers.

The military report also said that the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty built bridges on a river called Biliu River and launched an attack in nineteen routes, and her husband Yun Chu was the general of one of the routes.

The military newspaper also said that her husband Yunchu took the lead in forcibly crossing the Biliu River during the battle across the river, killed three Goguryeo generals in the midst of thousands of troops, and wounded the enemy commander Yuan Nanshan with a flying spear. First in battle.

When she held the eldest son of the Yun family and visited Master Zhang's mourning hall, facing the congratulations of the women, Yu Xiurong had no thoughts of honor. She just wanted her enemy to come back as soon as possible, even if he did not bring any military achievements. As long as he came back, even if When someone criticizes him, she will happily raise the wall and serve him well at home.

Master Zhang was trampled by a war horse and turned into a human skin. Although outsiders did not know this news, his well-informed gentle wife knew it.

This is not the first funeral of a general of the Eastern Expedition that Yu Xiurong has attended.

Liu Pei, a man from Yingchuan County, died in the battle in Liaodong City. He was shot through the brain by a Goguryeo archer.

Pei Zhong, the general of Zuowuwei, died in Hengshan City. It is said that he was killed by stones thrown from the city.

The general Zhao Ji who led the army guard died at the gate of Yanjin City. He was cut into pieces with a heavy crossbow. It is said that the body was rummaged through the pile of corpses by the soldiers for a long time. They finally gathered them together and put them in bags for incineration. I don't know if it's complete or not.

Thinking of going to pay homage to Zhao Ji's house, Zhao Ji's wife Wu was rolling on the ground crying and embarrassed while holding Zhao Ji's spiritual tablet. None of the women present who loved to make fun of others could laugh. , but was triggered by Wu and started crying together.

As long as the war against Goguryeo continues, the men in their family will never have peace of mind. If they laugh at Wu today, it might be their turn tomorrow.

More than 10,000 soldiers died in the battle to cross the river at Jili Mountain City. It was only because Master Zhang was a man with a title that he expedited the battle for 800 miles. Later, more generals should have died in the battle.

Thinking of the new round of Liaodong war reports that would arrive in Chang'an tomorrow, Yu Xiurong couldn't bear it any longer, hugging the quilt and crying softly.

Naha ran in from the outside wearing a pair of dirty clothes and brought a gust of cold wind. After closing the door, she got into Yu Xiurong's quilt with a gust of cold wind.

Seeing her sister-in-law crying, Naha said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you that everyone in the world is dead, and my brother will not die. He is so smart, how could he die?"

Yu Xiurong angrily beat Naha twice on the back and said, "Your brother's love for you is in vain. He doesn't know whether he will live or die now, and you still say these things."

Naha frowned and said: "That's right. Everyone in Kucha City died back then, but my brother was not at all unharmed."

"Didn't you see the arrow wounds on your brother's back, chest, and ribs? There are several wounds. If the wounds were deeper, your brother would be dead."

"My brother was wearing armor, and the feathered arrows could only shoot so deep. My brother knew what he was getting when he was shot, so he was shot like a porcupine. If he didn't want to, no arrow would have hit him.

Okay, go to bed quickly. You can't help my brother by howling here. The boss has a lot of things to do tomorrow. Don't you care about all the cotton piled at home? Don't worry, my brother will be fine. "

Perhaps because of being so disturbed by the heartless Naha, Yu Xiurong's confidence increased greatly. She also felt that her husband should be fine. How could something happen to such a powerful person?

However, when sleeping, Yu Xiurong still hugged Naha and slept. This dead girl's body was warm, like a small stove like her brother.

After the imperial meeting, Jia Chunyan, who had just returned to Beijing, was left by the emperor to play in the study.

Although there was a bucket placed in front of Jia Chunyan during the performance, Li Zhi did not ask anything and directly asked: "Which of the generals in Liaodong is capable and wise?"

Jia Chunyan said with a smile: "Xue Rengui is the bravest of the three armies. He is invincible. He can attack everything and win every battle. In terms of bravery, among the generals of the Tang Dynasty, no one can surpass him."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "This is consistent with the battle report, continue."

Jia Chunyan said with a smile: "Pei Xingjian was in Baekje. He was resourceful and decisive, and he was resolute. His army decided the situation in one battle. After that, many prefectures in Baekje decided. He had the style of a general."

Li Zhi continued to nod and said: "Su Shuai's memorial also contains many good words for Pei Xingjian. It seems that what he did in Baekje has been affirmed.

What about Yunchu? "

Jia Chunyan said with a smile: "It's just ordinary."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He found a document specifically recording Yun Chubu's movements, took a look at it and said: "Ke Gaimou, destroy Mohe, destroy Jian'an, fight Yincheng, seize Beifeng, attack Shicheng with fire, and forcibly cross the Biliu River. He was the first to land ashore, killed three Goguryeo generals in formation, wounded Yuan Gaisuwen's eldest son Yuan boy with a flying spear, faced Jili Xiongcheng, and even built a giant trebuchet to destroy it. Such a fierce general and a wise general are in Aiqing's mouth Why only one mediocre review.

Could it be said that Aiqing doesn't like Yunchu?

However, this two hundred and fifty is really not very likable. "

Jia Chunyan smiled and pushed the silk-covered bucket in front of him toward the emperor, and said with a smile: "This is a bucket of white rice cooked specially for Your Majesty by Dingyuan General Yun Chu when he slaughtered the Mohe tribe."

Li Zhi doubtfully opened the cloth on the bucket and saw the sparkling pearls inside. He asked doubtfully: "Yunchu said this is rice?"

Jia Chunyan chuckled and said, "I'm lucky enough to get a cup, too."

Li Zhi smiled and pointed at Jia Chunyan with his finger: "Since you have taken advantage of others, why does Aiqing still belittle this two hundred and fifty?"

Jia Chunyan put away his smile and said seriously: "Compared with Taizong's former Eastern Expedition generals, Yunchu is indeed just mediocre."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but recall which generals Emperor Taizong recruited. When he found that even Li Ji was just a partial division general, he shook his head and said: "Of course he can't compare with those famous generals. Why is Ai Qing How about taking Yunchu alone to compare with Taizong's subordinates?"

Jia Chunyan said: "Back then, Emperor Taizong led his troops and beheaded more than 40,000 people in the three battles of Xincheng, Jian'an, and Zhuzhi.

As for our Tang soldiers, we had several thousand or two thousand dead, and our horses were between seven and eight thousand dead. In other words, in terms of battle damage ratio, one of our Tang army died, and twenty of the enemy's died. (See Zizhi Tongjian)

Among the many generals who are currently conquering Goguryeo, only the Yunchu First Army can achieve this battle loss ratio.

That's why Wei Chen took him out and listed him separately.

This time Wei Chen was ordered by His Majesty to observe the generals and visited the military camps of the Tang Dynasty's 260,000 troops, as well as the military camps of 120,000 reinforcements.

In order to prevent mistakes, Wei Chen personally led the army. Among all the generals participating in the war, only Yunchu's army was the most organized.

Of the 3,200 men assigned to him by His Majesty, there are still 2,576 on the list. Adding in the hundreds of unscrupulous soldiers from Wannian County, Yunchu's tribe still has nearly 3,000 fighting troops.

Moreover, the soldiers, grain, and horses were all in order, and there was enough special rations in the army to last his whole army for ninety days.

Judging from the morale of the soldiers and horses seen during Wei Chen Dian's army, this army can still fight for another three thousand miles. "

Li Zhi looked at Jia Chunyan speechlessly, grabbed a handful of pearls with his hand and said, "It seems that Yun Chu's cup of rice made Ai Qing eat it so sweet that she felt honey in her mouth."

Jia Chunyan laughed and said: "Your Majesty knows Wei Chen. Although he cannot be said to be as honest as water, but if he wants Wei Chen to help him speak kindly in front of His Majesty, he also needs to have meritorious deeds.

Even if Yun Chu didn't give Wei Chen the cup of white rice, Wei Chen's performance with His Majesty today would not change in any way.

Without adding or subtracting a word, you can get a cup of precious white rice. Why wouldn't you like it? "

Li Zhi nodded, acknowledging Jia Chunyan's collection of pearls, and continued to ask: "If you go by what Ai Qing said, Yunchu is comparable to those founding generals. Even if he is mediocre, he is still commendable."

Jia Chunyan frowned and said: "Yun Chu is not perfect. Although this man has great military achievements, I think that Yun Chu is very unhappy with the military formation."

Li Zhi said in confusion: "You don't like it and you still make such military exploits?"

Jia Chunyan cupped his hands and said, "It's just what I was ordered to do."

Li Zhi said in confusion: "On orders? What do you mean?"

Jia Chun said: "The general has a destiny, so Yunchu tries his best to fulfill it. The general has no destiny, so Yunchu remains unmoved."

Li Zhi was furious and kicked over the pearls in front of him, so a bucket full of pearls bounced and rolled on the floor. Li Zhi roared: "I said, he is an out-and-out two hundred and fifty." "

Chapter 1 delivered

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