Tang's dining table

Chapter 413 Pei Xingjian’s ambition

Except for wars to resist foreign enemies, any war of aggression is a war aimed at plundering wealth.

However, when it comes to the justice of the war, Yun Chu disagrees. Since he is from the Tang Dynasty, the aggressive war launched by the Tang Dynasty is just for him. As for the excuses for justice, he can find them no matter what.

——For example, if my pig runs away from your house, you will not pay compensation.

If you still don’t understand, let’s narrow down the scope. If my wife wants to initiate a war with her neighbors over the right to build a backyard wall, I will definitely help my wife and spare no effort.

Great talents will stand above the sky, look at the true face of human war with compassionate eyes, strip away the boring emotions of human beings, and then look directly at the war itself with rational and straightforward eyes.

In Yunchu's philosophy, the prosperity of one's own family is more important than that of neighbors. The prosperity of one's own hometown, county, province, and country is more important than the prosperity of everyone.

This is Yun Chu’s humanity.

In the cross talk story, Mr. Wang hates the poor and wants to send them forty miles away. This is not a joke at all, but human nature.

People like Li Ji, Su Dingfang, Gao Kan, and Qibi Heli only expressed this human nature a little more nakedly.

Yun Chu, Wen Wen and these people just put a fig leaf over this fucking human nature.

Therefore, as long as I don't let others see my evil deeds, it means that I don't have any evil deeds.

Feel free to join this group, everyone does this, this is the true universal value.

After Zhang Donghai followed Yun Chu, Wen Wen and carefully visited and measured this huge warehouse, he realized how much evil he had done by following these two people in Goguryeo.

He keenly discovered that many gold and silver jewelry were still stained with blood.

"There are almost 700,000 guan here. When you arrive in Chang'an, it is estimated that the money here will exceed 800,000 guan.

Wen Wen estimates that when spring comes in Liaodong and everything recovers, there should be more money here. You can explain this to His Majesty.

During this Eastern Expedition, the treasury, the national treasury, and even His Majesty's private treasury may be all empty.

However, in my opinion, it is a good thing that the imperial court has consumed so much money and food. Money will never die. It will only be spent from one place and replenished from another place.

Therefore, I have made it very clear in my memorial. Please don’t worry about the protracted Eastern Expedition, or that the Eastern Expedition will cause the Tang Dynasty to become impoverished.

The money your Majesty spent was actually deposited in the hands of the people, and the consumption caused by this Eastern Expedition will be paid for by Goguryeo's seven hundred years of savings.

If Your Majesty will calculate the financial gains and losses before launching a war in the future, then going to war may become a new way of developing financial resources for the Tang Dynasty.

The ancients said not to fight pointless wars. Yun Chu believed that Datang should avoid fighting unjust wars. "

Yunchu took advantage of the fact that he was rich and the emperor was short of money, and tried to instill his unreasonable and humane thoughts into the emperor's heart.

Zhang Donghai was appointed as a special envoy by Yun Chu this time. He returned to Chang'an with Yun Chu's secret message and told the emperor that he still had a lot of money and was sleeping in a warehouse in Dahang City.

Zhang Donghai suspected that Yun Chu already knew that he was a spy, but since Yun Chu didn't say it clearly, he couldn't reveal his identity.

However, he knew very well the significance of Yunchu's sending him as a special envoy back to Chang'an this time, so he agreed to the matter without thinking.

It was only at this moment that Zhang Donghai understood why Yun Chu had worked so hard to classify himself into the civil service system.

Because this money cannot fall into Li Ji's hands.

Money is actually fertilizer that can make all crops grow taller. If the generals group gets this money, the generals' forest will grow into a sky-blocking existence.

The education Yun Chu received told him that generals are just swords, and only people can control the weapons, not the people who control the weapons.

Yunchu didn't want to see the Tang Dynasty being dismembered by the Jiedushi, so he had to be prepared before the Jiedushi began to appear.

Zhang Donghai took twenty of his men and left by boat. As he was leaving, he saw more ships on the outer sea waiting to enter Dahang City.

These people are not necessarily all Goguryeo, there are also Silla people and Baekje people.

Therefore, Zhang Donghai was inclined to believe Chang Shi Wenwen's words that Daxing City would definitely be able to get one million strings at the beginning of spring.

He decided to tell the emperor just that.

"What are Yunchu doing?" Pei Xingjian took off his armor and sat tiredly on the ground covered with a thick wool blanket and asked his lieutenant Wang Fangyi.

From the beginning of the conquest of Baekje, Pei Xingjian felt as if he was fighting every day, fighting against the Baekje army, fighting against the rebellious people of Baekje, later fighting against the organized rebels, and now, fighting against the Goguryeo people.

He is very tired now.

Wang Fangyi poured a cup of the freshly brewed tea for Pei Xingjian and said, "I heard that he was appointed by the Ying Gong as the military commander of the Wuxing Road march. There is no Yalu water in Liaodong. It seems that he is in charge of the Ying Gong's food road."

Pei Xingjian took a sip of hot sweet tea and said with a smile: "If I were the heroic father-in-law, I would also put this person in the back."

Wang Fangyi said puzzledly: "I heard that Yunchu had the ability to bravely defeat the three armies. When he was in Liaodong, he conquered the famous city, passed the dangerous pass, and was invincible in the battle across the river. Placing such a fierce general in the rear, I thought it was a waste."

Pei Xingjian shook his head and said: "You don't understand Yun Chu. Although this guy is brave enough to win the three armies, he is not from the same group as us.

I don’t know why, but this guy has a deep prejudice against us warriors, especially what we did in Baekje this time. I heard that he and Wen Wen even went to court to impeach us. "

Wang Fangyi asked cautiously: "The army destroyed Baiji, and then allowed the soldiers and horses to plunder. This is what the Tang Dynasty has always done.

If the soldiers are not allowed to loot, the morale of the army will be in chaos. Everyone is working hard to kill Baekje, isn't it just to make a fortune? "

Pei Xingjian laughed and said: "What people are impeaching is not that we committed plunder, but that the work we did was too rough to offset the expenses we spent on crossing the sea.

This guy didn't dare to name Su Gong, so he put all the blame on me, saying that I was just a common man with little resourcefulness and lack of intelligence. "

Wang Fangyi said angrily: "If he has the ability, he will do it!"

Pei Xingjian looked at Wang Fangyi and sighed: "From now on, you can say this to anyone, but don't say it to Yun Chu.

After so many years, I have finally gotten to know this guy. If he says he can do better than us, then he can really do better than us.

I don't admire his military strategy very much, but this guy's ability to govern the place is not comparable to that of ten Pei Xingjian.

With him guarding the back road, we don’t have to worry about the back road and can continue moving forward without any distractions.

I believe that Duke Ying also thinks so. "

Wang Fangyi shook his head and said: "The general still doesn't believe it."

Pei Xingjian sneered and said: "When the master returns to the court and rewards are given based on merit, you will find that Yun Chu's ranking in this battle will be higher than ours."

Wang Fangyi said angrily: "It's true that those who have made military achievements are not as good as those who know how to do things."

Pei Xingjian laughed and said, "I thought so before, it doesn't matter that you will feel calm after being ravaged by Yun Chu a few times.

Not to mention the bastard Yun Chu, let me ask you, are Hei Te Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru willing to surrender? "

Wang Fangyi frowned and said, "This kind of person should be killed."

Pei Xingjian smiled and said: "People like Guishi Fuxin who easily abandon their companions should be killed. People like Sha Zha Xiangru are very useful. We have to persuade him to surrender and be used by me."

Wang Fangyi knew that this was Pei Xingjian's love for talents, but even Wang Fangyi admired Hei Te Changzhi.

However, when Hei Te Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru fought against Pei Xingjian's fierce attack in Huangshan Mountain to cover Guimuro Fuxin's own army, Guimuro Fuxin ran away with his troops and gave up the cover. The responsibilities behind these two people caused them to be captured alive by Pei Xingjian after a fierce battle.

Now, he is in Pei Xingjian's army.

Pei Xingjian took cans of tea and some naan cakes to the tent where Hei Te Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru were placed.

Facing the two big men lying on the bed in the military tent, he said: "Come and try this new thing. It was created by a very interesting person in our Tang Dynasty. It is now popular in Chang'an. I believe that soon, he will become a man of the Tang Dynasty." an indispensable part of our time.”

Hei Te Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru turned over and sat up, looking at Pei Xingjian coldly without saying anything.

Pei Xingjian divided the tea cups, poured the tea, and said to the two people with black teeth and Changzhi: "I am a rough person, and I don't know how to talk or do things in a roundabout way. As long as you become one of our own, the good times are yet to come."

Hei Te Changzhi said angrily: "We have surrendered to Tang Dynasty, can you give the people of Baekje a good life?

Back then, as long as you were kind to the people of Baekje, our brothers would not have a single complaint even if they died fighting for the Tang Dynasty.

Look at what you have done in Baekje. You are more cruel than the Silla people who have a deep hatred for us, and you are more greedy than the Goguryeo people who have always exploited us. In this case, why should we surrender to you Tang? "

Pei Xingjian smiled and distributed the browned naan bread on his hand to the two of them: "It is our tradition of the Tang people to kill generals who overthrow the country. From the time when Emperor Gaozu founded the country, when we faced those different forces that destroyed us, we also If you do this, how can you, Baekje, be an exception?

I will not hide it. The reason why the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to conquer Baekje was to be able to burn, kill and loot. If there were no such benefits, who would be willing to fight with us? "

Hei Te Changzhi said painfully: "Soldiers of tigers and wolves behave like animals. Is this your practice in the Tang Dynasty?"

Pei Xingjian took a bite of naan cake and said, "You think we have gone too far. Do you know that just like this, some people are impeaching me, saying that I am a useless warrior who is too kind to the Baekje people? No. Know how to extract the bones and marrow from the people of Baekje and win more benefits for the Tang Dynasty."

Hei Te Chang said: "Slaughter the city, burn the city, trap and kill, how can you go too far?"

Pei Xingjian sighed and said, "Have you heard of the legend of Dahang City?"

Hei Te Changzhi said: "As far as I know, the same Tang generals, Daxing City was also conquered by the Tang army. Why can the people there live and work in peace and contentment?"

Pei Xingjian looked at the black-toothed Changzhi and Sha Zha with strong, sad and angry faces in front of him with interest. He took a sip of sweet tea and said lightly: "I am a stupid official of the Tang Dynasty who impeached me, the one you think is merciful." Daxing City guard general, Wuxingdao marching general manager Yunchu!"

Chapter One

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