Tang's dining table

Chapter 417 The relationship between ability and responsibility

There is nothing wrong with saying that phase comes from the heart.

The first time Yun Chu met Lao He was in the Western Region. At that time, Lao He was a somewhat philistine and reasonably reasonable person.

By the time Yunchu met Lao He again in Chang'an, this guy had become an official fanatic and would do anything to climb up in order to become an official.

After Lao He went to Liuzhou to find the old immortal to avoid trouble, and was taught by the old immortal's words and deeds for a year, this guy turned back into a doctor. Although this guy still seemed to like to climb up, the demeanor of a famous doctor had completely grown. It's on this guy.

Now, Yun Chu didn't dare to look at this guy. Perhaps it was because the climate in Liaodong made him uncomfortable, and he had lost at least twenty pounds.

Now he has turned into a monster with gray hair, fleshless cheeks, a stooped back, sunken eye sockets, and more white eyes than black eyes.

Even his originally mellow voice became slightly hoarse, with fewer words but more dignity belonging to a true expert.

Yun Chu was now convinced that this guy's medical skills had soared, and he could finally take the medicine given by this guy with confidence, or receive treatment from this guy himself.

The wounded barracks was very clean, and there was no hell scene in it that Yun Chu and Wen Wen had imagined.

For some reason, Lao He got a pair of beautiful deerskin gloves and put them on his hands. Whether he was eating or doing other things, he never took off his gloves.

"All the skills of a certain family are in these two hands." Seeing Yun Chu constantly looking at his hands, Lao He answered slowly.

Yun Chu clasped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Brother He for your great medical skills."

Lao He looked down at his hands and sighed: "A certain family has wasted a lot of time on some boring things... What a pity, I wish I could turn around the sun and the moon and let me live again."

Yun Chu's face became extremely strange, but he still comforted Lao He and said: "It's not too late now, I even think it's better. Your master and your family all hope to benefit from you.

You used to be repaying your master, family, parents, wife and children. Now, you have repaid the favor in every possible way. You just want to dive into the things you like and explore the peak of medical skills. "

Lao He pointed to his heart and said: "Medical skills are based on virtue and benevolence. Now I have abandoned my heart of benevolence and only seek to increase my medical skills by any means. It can be said that I have gone crazy. I will never be able to see myself old again in this life." The neck of the gods."

Yun Chu said: "Don't necessarily associate skills with benevolence. These are two different things and realms."

Lao He looked at Yunchu and said quietly: "I am becoming more and more like you."

Yun Chu said angrily: "That's nonsense. A certain family has always done things with conscience. Look, in Chang'an City, who is working hard to benefit the people? Who is working hard to improve the lives of the people, and who is worried about it?" I am dedicated to the welfare of the people. Apart from me, how many other people can you see who do as well as I do?"

Lao He sighed and said: "This is your "skill". Your goal is to affix gold foil to Chang'an City and make the people of Chang'an City rich. This is just to achieve your "skill" to affix gold foil to Chang'an City."

Yun Chu looked at Lao He blankly. He was somewhat puzzled. After a person's medical skills improve, his brain also improves along with it. This is really strange and weird.

"What are you going to do in the future?"

"What else can I do? Protect my hands until I can no longer hold the meat cleaver."

Looking at Lao He's plain face, Yun Chu also recalled a sentence he had learned in movies before - the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

I also understand why many capable people, who can obviously live a good life, often make themselves homeless in the end for some frivolous things. After their families are ruined, they always say before they die - not regret.

With this understanding, Yunchu planned to stay away from people with such great power and responsibility in the future...

To avoid being deceived by them and infected by them into the same type of people, Yu Xiurong would end up without a man and the two children would have no place to call daddy.

The seductive power of this kind of person is too powerful. Just saying a few words to Lao He, Yun Chu already felt seriously guilty.

I also started to doubt whether everything I did was meaningful.

"Stay away from me from now on." Yun Chu said to Lao He fiercely.

Lao He laughed loudly and said: "You are a good person, why do you always have to wear the skin of an evil ghost?

The story you told about the painted skin was about peeling off human skin to see evil spirits, but here you are peeling off the evil ghost's skin to see human hearts... Hahahaha... You finally solved my inner demons. "

Yunchu ran away amidst Lao He's wild laughter...

Unlike Yunchu who fled, Pei Xingjian almost broke his teeth when facing the three large ships floating on the sea.

The servants he sent were sent back by Yunchu. Black Teeth Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru didn't come back, so he knew something was wrong and was about to use their families to threaten these two bastards. People secretly told him that these three ships were carrying supplies urgently needed by the military.

Pei Xingjian's heart felt cold when he looked at the list of supplies presented by Captain Guo Yi, a member of Yunchu's army.

It's not that he didn't expect that Yunchu would keep these two outstanding Baekje people. After all, these two people's character and ability are the best choices. No matter who is won over, they will be the best in the future. candidate for his right-hand man.

Pei Xingjian was very sure about Yun Chu's vision of people. This time he sent Hei Te Changzhi and Sha Zha Xiangru to Dahang City, maybe without the intention of showing off.

It just led to a situation where a meat bun beat a dog. This was something Pei Xingjian didn't expect. He wanted to get angry and refuse Yun Chu's humiliation.

However, after deputy general Wang Fangyi and others saw the list, they immediately cheered. With these supplies, they would have a great advantage in the upcoming battle for Pyongyang.

"General, it's just two generals. If Yun Chu wants it, give it to him. General Mo will promise to bring back some more powerful generals for the general."

"General, these days, brothers have been fighting endlessly, and the winter clothes on their bodies have long been in tatters. The further north we go, the colder the climate there is. If we get these winter clothes, our brothers' combat power will be improved. …”

"General, change it. Not to mention anything else, even sixty sliding crossbows and six hundred crossbow guns are worth thousands of dollars."

Lieutenant Guo Yi of the Yunchu Department looked at the messy Chinese army tent with an expressionless face, and tried hard to recall Chang Shi's gentle instructions in his heart - never laugh in someone else's Chinese army tent, otherwise it will happen. This made Pei Xingjian angry.

Thinking of the military affairs he came here for this time, Captain Guo Yi stretched his long face to be as long as a donkey's face, trying hard to make his expression look like he was extremely reluctant.

Dahang City has now become a transportation point for the army's logistics. The ships of the Tang Dynasty Navy are transporting supplies to Dahang City day and night. It can be said that the materials in Dahang City are now piled up like a mountain, which is not enough to describe it. Much.

When materials are transferred, there is a sequence and priority.

The first thing that must be met is the material needs of Ying Gong Li Ji. We dare not delay this. Once delayed, there is the danger of being beheaded by Li Ji.

The next step is to meet the needs of Qibi Heli, Gao Kan, and Pang Tongshan.

After meeting the needs of the above four people, it was the turn of the generals to meet their needs. Li Ji once told Yun Chu bluntly that among the generals, Xue Rengui's needs should come first before discussing others.

Pei Xingjian's boss was not Li Ji, but Su Dingfang, and the one who supported their logistics was the Laizhou transfer envoy.

For the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Youzhou Transit Ambassador in the Tang Dynasty, meeting the needs of Yinggong Li Ji was the first priority.

Therefore, Su Dingfang's needs were put second.

Regardless of the difference between the first and second place, in terms of transportation of materials and food, the first one can take away at least 80%, leaving only a barely enough 20% for the second place.

Therefore, due to the time difference, there are always a lot of supplies in Dahang City that have not been sent out in time.

This is how the batch of supplies that Yunchu gave to Pei Xingjian came from.

For giving such a batch of supplies to Pei Xingjian, Yunchu would naturally be impeached by the censors who were responsible for supervising the whereabouts of the supplies. Even if it was given to his own army, the censors would label this kind of thing as corruption.

Of course, this must be a matter of settling accounts after the war. It is absolutely impossible to grab a local marching director and question the matter now.

Nowadays, as long as the censors, officials and supervisors are victorious on the front line, they will not hesitate to praise them with the most beautiful words in the world. As for corruption, they basically pretend not to see it.

However, when the war was over and the army returned to the court, the soldiers all took off their armor and went home to farm.

At this time, whether they are censors, officials, or supervisors, they will immediately turn into vicious dogs of hell and pounce on them, biting into pieces the generals who have stains on their bodies.

Yun Chu didn't care. He had a million dollars as a backing. As long as his corruption did not exceed one million dollars, the emperor would not admit that Yun Chu was corrupt.

Pei Xingjian didn't know that Yun Chu had a million dollars. He just thought that Yun Chu paid too much for the two surrendered generals.

His generals naturally thought so too.

Pei Xingjian finally got a ship to send Colonel Guo Yi and Hei Chi Changzhi and their families back to Dahang City.

When three ships of supplies were piled in the military camp, the whole army cheered and everyone praised the general for his wisdom.

Only Pei Xingjian seemed to have accidentally swallowed a piece of bird droppings when he opened his mouth and looked up at the sky. The disgust in his chest was so full that he wanted to spit it out. When he saw his subordinates wearing new clothes with joy, After that, he could only sigh deeply and go back to the military tent to rest.

Yun Chu gave him too much, not allowing him to hesitate at all, let alone refuse.

He could only be secretly cruel in his heart and determined to perform extremely well in the battle in Pyongyang.

Chapter 2, one more chapter

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