Tang's dining table

Chapter 421 Li Hong’s Daily Life

After completing the important tasks of flattering his father and being intimate with his mother, Li Hong went to the East Palace.

Although he is already six years old, because he is already the official prince, he now lives in the East Palace, which is separated from the imperial palace every day.

The East Palace of the Tang Dynasty was not good. Legend has it that thirteen years ago, that is, in the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, many people died here, and the ground was covered with blood. The fishy smell gradually dissipated after three years.

So much so that in the East Palace, the most prosperous flowers are peonies, willows, and locust trees.

Every spring, the peonies in the East Palace are the most beautiful in Chang'an.

Li Hong doesn't like this thing, mainly because he likes to wear floral clothes. Naha who makes herself smell fragrant will be stung by bees attracted by peonies.

It's not because he likes Naha, but because when Naha is stung by a bee, she will grab a bee and sting him before stopping.

It would be spectacular to plant onions in the East Palace.

The cabbage growing in the East Palace is also very spectacular.

The cabbage planting in the East Palace is also very spectacular.

Li Hong has decided that once the cabbage grows to more than five kilograms, he will go to his father to report the good news and name the cabbage Xianqingcai.

If the cabbage bulbs are big enough, Li Hong is going to offer them to his mother and name them Queen's Vegetable.

As for the onions, Li Hong decided to keep them for himself.

When Li Hong came out of the palace and returned to the East Palace, he saw Changsun Wuji looking at the blue sky with his hands behind his back.

Li Hong did not hesitate and walked over immediately, but this time he did not salute, because he knew that he was the prince and the king now, and no matter how powerful his uncle was, he could only be a minister.

Changsun Wuji seemed to wake up from his confusion, looked down at Li Hong, and saluted: "I have met the prince."

Li Hong returned the courtesy and said, "No need to be too polite."

After performing the courtesy of a monarch and a minister, Li Hong immediately let go and said to Changsun Wuji with a smile: "Ancestor, are you here to bask in the sun?"

Changsun Wuji squeezed out a smile and said: "The sun here is not warm." "

Li Hong said: "Where is the sun warmer?"

Changsun Wuji said: "The sun was very warm when your emperor was still alive. No matter how cold your heart is, it will warm up after being exposed to it for a while."

Li Hong looked at the sun in the sky strangely. There was no wind in Chang'an today, but the sun was still very warm.

When he wanted to talk to Changsun Wuji again, he found that the man had already gone far away.

Li Hong didn't understand why this happened. Changsun Wuji used to like him very much, and even held him on his lap and chatted with his father.

Standing on the eaves of the palace, casually looking down, you can see the tall and weird Big Wild Goose Pagoda of Daci'en Temple.

Seeing the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Li Hong wanted to go to the ordinary little courtyard under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Li Yifu's hemorrhoids broke out today, so the afternoon banquet was stopped. What's strange is that Shangguan Yi also complained of illness at the same time. I don't know if he has the same problem as Li Yifu.

Without his master, the prince Li Hong could be at ease all day long.

Never devote your limited life to unlimited learning, this is what Yun Chu said to Li Hong when they parted.

Therefore, Li Hong did not put all his thoughts on his studies. His father was very poor in studies, not as good as Li Chengqian, not as good as Li Tai, not as good as Li Ke. Therefore, Li Hong felt that it would be too good to study. If so, it would be bad for his father to find the shadows of the above uncles in him.

"After leaving the palace, let's go to Jinchangfang."

Li Hong gave an order, and when he reached the palace gate, the carriage and guards were ready.

The leader of Li Hong's guard was General Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi was originally supposed to be General Ningyuan, but Li Hong didn't like it, so he called him General Onion.

Under his command, there is also a cabbage general, a cabbage general.

Although they are all bad generals, their military force is not good at all.

General Yuan Cong led 800 cavalrymen through the Western Regions for thousands of miles, and finally got him Yuan Cong, who was a first-class talent in both martial arts and brains.

Li Hong treated him best.

Li Hong woke up too early in the morning, causing Li Hong to fall asleep after being shaken by the carriage. He didn't wake up with a yawn until the carriage entered the noisy Jinchangfang.

Li Hong stuck his head out of the car window and sniffed the strong smell of cooking meat in the alley like a puppy.

Then he jumped out of the carriage, stepped on a crooked locust tree on the side of the road, climbed up the wall, and then jumped off the wall.

This is the place where Jinchangfang canteen is specially used for cooking meat. Every day, five to six thousand kilograms of beef, pork, chicken, donkey meat, and dog meat are cooked here and finally sold to people in Chang'an.

The group of greasy and fat women did not feel any surprise when facing His Highness the Crown Prince descending from the sky.

Even if he is holding a huge steamer, he just bends towards His Highness the Crown Prince as a courtesy.

This is a world for fat people. Both men and women are very fat. Li Hong used to think it was because they ate meat secretly.

Later I found out that these men and women who were busy cooking meat all day would rather gnaw bamboo than eat the meat they cooked.

However, they are all really fat.

Li Hong likes freshly cooked chunks of beef the most. Yun Chu said that if children eat more of this, they will not only grow taller but also gain leanness and strength.

A fat cook took an iron hook and rummaged through a huge iron pot, then took out a piece of fat and thin yak rib meat from the big pot, and trimmed the yellowed fat on the piece of meat with a foot-long knife in his hand. In an instant, a piece of beef that was neither fat nor wood and was about the size of a human head was forked by Li Hong with a small iron fork. While biting it fiercely, he signaled a servant girl to bring a ladder.

Everyone has become accustomed to the East Palace guards standing on the wall. These people can see that if they want to eat all kinds of meat from the cauldron like the prince, they are not allowed.

He climbed up the high wall like a staircase, walked down the twisted locust tree, and stepped onto the carriage.

When passing by the polo field, Li Hong was chewing beef and watching the women playing polo with their buttocks sticking out on their horses. After watching for a while, he saw Naha strolling over from the other side.

When she saw Li Hong, Naha came over and pulled off a piece of beef that had never been contaminated by Li Hong's saliva. While eating, she asked: "Are you just like them, are you here to see these women's butts?"

Li Hong held a piece of beef in his mouth in confusion and thought for a moment: "Probably not, what's so good about the butt?"

As he was talking, Hua walked around to take a look behind Naha, shook his head and said, "There's nothing interesting to see."

Naha thought so too, so the two of them entered Yunchu's house eating beef.

Watching the prince enter Yun Chu's house, only Chen Zhi and two older nuns followed him into Yun's house.

The Yun family now doesn't even have a place to set foot. Any place where the sun can be seen is covered with white cotton.

These cottons are not very fluffy and not very white. They must be dried in the sun and then sent to the cotton bombing workshop. At that time, the cotton can be comparable to the white clouds in the sky.

Yu Xiurong was sitting under the eaves, tying the hair of Li Hong's sister Li S. This child had a big head, short hair, and was yellow. However, he still liked to be pretty and spent a lot of time on his hair every day.

Yun Jin and Yun Jin can already stagger around on the thick cotton mat.

Li Hong tore off a piece of beef from the beef block and was about to feed it to Yun Jin, but Yu Xiurong knocked it off.

"She can't eat this yet."

Li Hong looked at the cotton on the ground and said, "Is this considered making money?"

Cui said on the side: "This is not considered profitable, but His Highness the Crown Prince would like to tell the old woman what kind of business is profitable?"

Li Hong looked at the sun in the sky, squinted his eyes and said, "It is not difficult to lead an army of 100,000 people across thousands of mountains and rivers to conquer the barbarians. After one battle, it is not difficult to make hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Yu Xiurong looked at Li Hong and said, "Why, the 500,000 troops sent by Emperor Qin earned millions of dollars back for the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Hong looked around and found that he and the Yun family were alone, so he nodded and said, "Master Yun paid one million silver coins to my father in one go."

Yu Xiurong smiled and said: "That's what he deserves for being loyal to the country and protecting the country. Moreover, he went to fight, not to make money."

Seeing that Naha had taken another big piece of beef from his hand, Li Hong quickly finished the remaining beef, washed his hands and face in the basin brought by the maid, and then said to Yu Xiurong: " In short, my father liked it very much, and so did my mother, and they even drank wine together, and what they drank was anti-toxic medicine."

Yu Xiurong said: "As long as it is a good thing and can make everyone happy, it will be fine, even if he did nothing wrong."

Li Hong did not answer Yu Xiurong's words, and frowned and said to Li Six: "You have a big head and little hair, so don't tie your hair in braids, otherwise it will look like a gourd with two ropes hanging on it.

Yu Xiurong's face suddenly changed color, and she immediately covered her ears with both hands. Immediately, Li Si's high-pitched wails echoed through the entire Yun family.

Li Si started to cry, and Yun Jin and his sister naturally joined in.

Naha looked at the innocent-looking Li Hong fiercely.

Li Hong spread his hands and said, "Can't you even tell the truth these days?"

It took Yu Xiurong a long time to arrange the three crybabies one by one. Each of the two little ones was given a small piece of cake to eat by himself. As for Li Si, Yu Xiurong assured her that it was the prince who was talking nonsense. , Li Si was the prettiest in the world, and then he took control of the situation.

"I don't know when your Master Yun will come back. Without him, it's like half of the family is missing."

Li Hong shook his head and said, "Let's see if we can come back next fall."

When Yu Xiurong heard this, he became anxious and said quickly: "Didn't the newspaper from the palace two days ago say that the British army has pushed to the gates of Pyongyang, the capital of Goguryeo?"

Li Hong shook his head and said: "I heard from my mother that if this battle fails to pacify the homeland of the Three Hans, the Eastern Expedition will be considered a failure."

Chapter 3, one more chapter

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