Tang's dining table

Chapter 437 Incompetent Jin Fengshan

The news of the great victory from Liu Rengui did not make Yunchu stationed in Baekje feel very happy.

It's not that he doesn't hate the Japanese anymore, but that in his opinion, this is a war that must be won.

In addition, as a Tang Dynasty native, he was almost numb to the news of victory.

His generals Li Ji and Su Dingfang were invincible, his young commanders Gao Kan and Qibi Heli were invincible, the mighty general Xue Rengui of the Tang Dynasty was invincible, the mighty general Pei Xingjian of the Tang Dynasty was invincible, and the local mighty Cheng Mingzhen of the Tang Dynasty was invincible. Invincible, Guo Daifeng, the famous fool in the Tang army, was invincible...

Now, when even Yunchu himself is invincible, is it any wonder that Liu Rengui defeated the short, dog-like savage-like Japanese at the mouth of Baijiang River?

In the past, when reading history books, Yunchu would be stimulated by this magnificent battle to destroy the country, and his hormones would soar. He wished he could transform into a soldier of the Tang Dynasty and experience this war that had made the people proud for thousands of years.

Now, he is here. He is not only a soldier, but also a county magistrate. He is also a general and the highest peace officer of Baekje!

After fully experiencing this war, he suddenly discovered that war is really a very boring thing.

Of course, only the winner can express such emotion. The loser will be trampled to pulp by the war horse before he can express such emotion. His wife, children and children have long become the slaves of the victor, making money for the victor under the whip.

Yun Chu now knows very well how much harm a war can do to a small country.

More than half of Baekje's population disappeared.

More than 80% of the towns in Baekje were reduced to ruins.

The fields of Baekje have long been uncultivated. The land that used to be full of crops is now taller than the wheat seedlings.

When Yun Chu led the army to march in the wilderness, he couldn't help but recite Cao Cao's "Hao Li Xing"

"The armor is infested with lice, and thousands of people die. White bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. A hundred people are left alive, and the thought of them will break people's hearts."

Zhong Kui sneered at the side: "You said that the bones are exposed in the wild and there are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. Didn't you do it yourself?"

Yun Chu rolled his eyes at Zhong Kui and said, "The reason why I am reciting this Yuefu poem at this time is to let you remember that this scene must never appear in our land of the Tang Dynasty or fall on the people of our Tang Dynasty. superior.

As long as there are such thieves who are disrupting the country, we will work together to kill them. Kill them all. "

When the generals saw that the young steward was in such a heroic mood, they cheered in unison and showed concern for their steward's mood.

Of course, the reason why these soldiers from Hebei Province complimented General Manager Yun so much was mainly because of the capture of Zhouliu City. The General Manager did not ask for a single cent, nor did the General Manager ask for a single cent of the 4,000 Guanzhong Zhechong Mansion troops he brought with him. All these Hebei soldiers were given an advantage.

For this reason, the group of government soldiers who followed Yun Chu would definitely make Yun Chu feel comfortable.

What they didn't know was that all the disabled soldiers in Wannian County, as well as those selected to die by Yun Chu, had been abandoned by Wen Wen in Daxing City.

Wen Wen even took advantage of Liu Chunlai's groggy state to put his own people in all walks of life in Daxing City.

Among them, the five hundred unscrupulous people had the most significant interests in these businesses. It was not that they were not assigned to the soldiers, but that they were unable to do so. Neither Yun Chu nor Wen Wen could bear the crime of inviting people to buy the hearts of the soldiers.

Li Zhi was very serious about this aspect and would not tolerate anyone touching this area of ​​power.

However, this did not prevent Yunchu from turning Dahang City, a city extremely rich in resources, into a raw material supplier for Chang'an.

The same goes for Baekje.

Yunchu's sensitivity to war has declined recently, but he has become more sensitive to how to use the resources here to help Chang'an become richer.

Since everyone is despising it, there are disadvantages in the Tang Dynasty using the whole country to provide for Chang'an. Then, as long as the Tang Dynasty bypasses the mainland and uses the controlled areas and occupied areas to support Chang'an, there should be no problem, right?

There is nothing in Baekje now, and no one can take it seriously. However, human beings have a strong ability to recover. Yun Chu believes that within ten years, Baekje will still return to its previous appearance.

Because people can run.

Although many people were killed by the army, there were even more people who fled into the mountains and forests and wilderness. Once the war is over, those people will come back.

In such wild thoughts, Yunchu led the army into Silla territory.

At this moment, all the 400,000 powerful soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had entered Silla, and there was no longer any suspense about Silla's fall.

Yunchu marched from the southernmost part of Silla. According to Li Ji's military orders, Yunchu's army marched from the south as a partial division and captured the important town of Gaya City in Silla.

Gaya Castle is the most unstable city in Silla Kingdom, simply because this city was originally composed of twelve small kingdoms and was acquired by Silla a hundred years ago.

Legend has it that a long time ago, six big eggs containing the emperor fell from the sky, and then six boys broke out of the eggs and grew up twelve days later.

One of them, named Suro, became the king of Jingguan Gaya. The other five people established Da Gaya, Xingshan Gaya, Aluo Gaya, Guning Gaya and Xiao Gaya respectively.

Strangely enough, the people here do not seem to be close to the Silla people. On the contrary, they identify more with the Japanese people.

So when the Silla people captured Gaya a hundred years ago, except for the Gaya nobles who surrendered to Silla and became minor nobles of Silla, most of the other common people crossed the sea to Japan.

Yunchu's purpose this time was to clear out Gaya City and leave Jinseong, the capital of Silla, less than two hundred miles away from Gaya City, isolated and helpless.

Compared with Goguryeo and Baekje, the people of Silla are obviously wealthier. At least, the houses here have broken away from the concept of thatched houses, and there are already adobe houses and wooden houses.

After clearing out Goguryeo and Baekje, the Tang army took off all disguises and directly launched the most brutal attack on this small country.

The road was rugged and difficult to travel, but fortunately, Yunchu's army did not encounter any resistance along the way. Even when passing through some dangerous passes, the military stronghold was intact, but there was no one inside.

This is a state of strong walls and clear fields.

Because of the state of clearing the country, no Silla people could be seen along the way, and no village with people could be found. This made Yun Chu worried. More than a dozen scouts were constantly walking in the wilderness and on both sides of the road, checking a section of the road. Yunchu's army had only advanced a while.

Yunchu's army walked for six days on a two-hundred-mile road before they saw the city wall of Gaya City.

When Yunchu arrived at Gaya City, flags and banners were fluttering on the city, horns were sounding continuously, and there were silhouettes of people on top of the city, but there was silence inside the city.

Seeing Gaya Castle in this state, Yunchu felt that a war was inevitable, so he ordered the entire army to set up camp, build giant trebuchets, and began to dig trenches toward Gaya Castle under the cover of cavalry.

When Yunchu's army spent six days building the catapult, erecting it high, and digging trenches to the bottom of the city, just waiting for the catapult to smash the city wall and the army swarmed in, the city gate opened. .

A group of Silla officials came out of the city to surrender with their fields and household records in hand.

The leader of the city, the Lord of Gaya City, held his seal high and bowed down in front of Yunchuma and said: "The guilty minister Jinfengshan please surrender."

Looking at Jinfengshan kneeling at his feet, Yunchu suddenly felt as sick as if he had swallowed a handful of flies.

Because, he felt that he had been deceived by the guy in front of him.

Gaya City was probably an empty city. He led an army of 10,000 people and came all the way to attack Jincheng. But now, he wasted at least six days in the empty Gaya City.

Jin Fengshan's face was filled with a smile of victory, and he cupped his hands towards Yunchu and said: "Knowing that the general's anger is difficult to quell, the guilty minister brought his whole family. If the general needs to massacre the city to shock people, he can just massacre the guilty minister's whole family. It will serve as a deterrent, and I also ask the general to spare the people of Gaya City."

Wen Wen naturally refused to believe such nonsense, because he found among the family members of the city lord Jin Fengshan that these men and women looked more like poor people than rich people.

Especially when I opened the hand of the old woman who claimed to be Jinfengshan's mother and saw countless cracks and calluses, everything became clear. Jinfengshan's family members had run away long ago, and this guy also brought a group of poor people with him to dress them in nice-looking clothes. clothes to pretend to be his family.

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Jin Fengshan not only showed no fear, but pointed at Yun Chu and laughed loudly: "Ten days, ten days is the last thing that I, the royal family of Silla, can do for Silla.

Sons, I'm here waiting for you to come back! "

After saying that, he took out a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Yun Chu clumsily. Before he could reach him, the furious Yun Chu had already chopped off his head with a machete.

Yunchu, who hated others for deceiving him the most, issued a kill order on the spot after Zhong Kui, Wang Defa, and Zhang Donghai, who had just returned, took control of Gaya City. They did not kill Jin Fengshan's so-called family members, but ordered them to be killed. These Silla officials surrendered out of the city.

Immediately, the impoverished soldiers from Hebei Province once again shouted and marched into Gaya City.

There was no need to do this in the first place, just because dozens of large ships carrying Silla nobles left Silla from the east coast every day from Jincheng, the capital of Silla.

Although we don't know where these people will go, one thing that can be confirmed is that they are preparing to leave Silla temporarily to avoid the powerful Tang army.

Once the Tang army returned to the court, these Silla nobles who fled to the sea could sneak back quietly and regain their country.

On the east coast of Silla, there is currently no Tang Dynasty navy ship that can reach here. Although Li Ji was furious, he had no choice.

Jin Bongshan is a useless person. Even this kind of person who has obviously been abandoned by the Silla royal family still wants to hold back the Yunchu army at the last moment and gain more escape for the Silla nobles who have gathered in Jincheng. time until his head was chopped off by Tang Jun.

Not only Li Ji was furious, but Yun Chu was also furious. Before he arrived at Gaya City, Jin Bongshan ordered the river channel to be dug, allowing the flood to flood a large area from Gaya City to Jincheng.

According to the officials who surrendered in Gaya City, if Yunchu's army wanted to bypass this flooded area, they would have to walk up at least two hundred miles and then cross the mountains before they could get back on the road to Jincheng.

third chapter,

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