Tang's dining table

Chapter 449 Li Zhi’s ambition

After the absolute victory in the Eastern Expedition, Li Zhi's prestige in the hearts of the people of Tang Dynasty had risen to almost the same level as the gods.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty failed in his expedition against Goguryeo.

Emperor Sui Yang's expedition to Goguryeo failed.

Emperor Taizong's expedition to Goguryeo failed halfway.

When Li Zhi became emperor, he not only completely pacified Goguryeo, but also Baekje and Silla.

This was another pinnacle victory achieved by the Tang Dynasty in its foreign wars.

Under the threat of this great victory, Lu Dongzan, who had lost all his envoys in the Tang Dynasty, including his eldest son, once again sent an envoy to the Tang Dynasty, and also brought Princess Wencheng's greetings to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and The request to return to Datang to visit relatives.

This time, among the married daughters who returned to Datang to visit their relatives, there were not only Princess Wencheng, but also Princess Honghua who married to Tuyuhun and other 11 other married princesses.

In order to visit this huge prisoner sacrifice ceremony, Li Zhi ordered half a year ago that all the kings and leaders of the Jisu Kingdom and the Jisu tribe must be stationed in Chang'an before October 1st.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said: "I am deep within the Nine Layers, and I plan decisions thousands of miles away.

The Xiongnu species in the north were wiped out and destroyed.

Tuyuhun and Gaochang are destroyed in the west, and it is easy to pick up mustard.

A garden is formed across the desert, and a pool is formed across the quicksand.

Those who were disobedient to the Yellow Emperor, and those who were disobedient to the Emperor Yao of the Tang Dynasty, were entrusted with pledges and offerings, returned to the wind and followed the path, and respected the way of enlightenment. This is also known to the world."

In December of the seventh year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong held a banquet to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Li Yuan. During this period, "Turkish Jieli Khan danced, and Nanman chief Feng Zhidai chanted poems." It was a grand occasion.

There is a huge monument outside the Kaiyuan Gate of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty. It was written by Yu Shinan, a famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, which reads: "Go West to Anxi Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Miles."

Starting from the Anbian period of Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty not only established a unified dynasty.

It also successively conquered neighboring countries and regions such as Turks, Uighurs, Gaochang, Yanqi, Qiuci, and Tuyuhun, destroyed Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, severely damaged the Japanese state, and settled four towns in Anxi and six towns in Andong, so that the territory of the north and south of the Tang Dynasty stretched across the country. Twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles from east to west.

While the sun was shining brightly in the Andu Protectorate Palace, the Anxi Protectorate Palace was still a starry night.

Nowadays, the romance belongs to Li Zhi alone...

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty gave an order, and the captured king of Anton braved the cold wind and rain all the way to Chang'an under the escort of the Tang Dynasty army.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty gave the order, and the kings, chiefs, and clan leaders of Anxi were also anxious to rush all the way to Chang'an, hoping not to delay the date and cause the emperor's dissatisfaction.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty gave an order, and the barbarian elders in the southern jungles, seas, and islands called for poisonous diseases. They braved the mountainous waves and fought against the ferocious poisonous insects and beasts. Although they narrowly escaped death, they bravely headed north.

So much so that Honglu Temple specially ordered all the state capitals to do their best to help these people reach Chang'an as soon as possible.

It was only September, and the Honglu Temple in Chang'an was already filled with guests from all over the world, numbering more than 6,000.

These people were full of curiosity about every plant and tree in Chang'an, and many guests were not afraid of the cold. They squatted on the edge of Zhuque Street to watch the flow of people coming and going, as well as the endless queue of carriages.

They like to see the lives of the people in the city, and like to go to the East Market and the West Market to see the mountains of goods with a dazzling array of goods.

Jinchangfang is the number one check-in place in Chang'an City, and there are many inexplicable noble people there every day.

They were all noble people accompanied by officials from Honglu Temple.

After they got the bamboo chips, they didn't pick and choose. They ate all the way from the first dish until they could no longer walk. The most outrageous thing was that they ate too much and drank a lot of water after returning. , and finally burst his stomach pouch and died.

The business in Pingkangfang has been surprisingly good recently, and everyone is crazy about the beauties there. Some even exchange the tributes they prepared to offer to the emperor in order to go to Pingkangfang to have a good time.

Liu Yi, the housekeeper of Yun Mansion, had already known all the officials of Honglu Temple. It was not that he deliberately tried to get involved, but that these people came almost every day, and every day they wanted to use Liu Yi to give something to the guests he accompanied. Special treatment annoyed Liu Yi.

It’s just that when a distinguished guest like Princess Wencheng comes, she invites her wife to accompany her in person, treats the princess to eat all the delicacies of Jinchangfang, tells the story of Jinchangfang, and after seeing the advanced livelihood facilities of Jinchangfang, she can accompany her for a walk We will pay homage to Queen Wende at Daci'en Temple, and then ask the eminent monk of Daci'en Temple to teach Princess Wencheng the authentic Faxiang Sect Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty, and that's it.

Although Princess Wencheng, who was married to the wilderness from Chang'an, was in tears and wanted to live in a guest house outside Daci'en Temple to continue exchanging Buddhist teachings with Master Guiji, she had no choice but to be taken back to live in her home by her brother Li Jingheng. In the fourth year of the Hui Dynasty, his father died in the process of being reprimanded because he was involved in Fang Yiai's rebellion. The family tried to weaken their existence as much as possible.

Liu Yi no longer thinks highly of the officials of Honglu Temple. The main reason is that whenever these people come to him, they hope that he can entertain these distinguished guests for free.

Once, twice, even ten times, I don't care if the Yun family has a big business, but if you want to get it for nothing hundreds of times, it is too much.

Therefore, Liu Yi has been hiding at home recently, drinking and chatting with Fei Jiu and others, and refusing to go out to entertain the so-called VIPs while basking in the sun.

"Those who are as thin and dark as monkeys don't look like good people after putting on silk clothes. It makes me really sad to see them eating our food with their hands. Don't they use chopsticks to eat on weekdays? "

Fei Jiu curled his lips and said: "People in Tuguhun don't use chopsticks. They usually just hold a wooden bowl, tsampa, and mutton fat, mix it together, and grab it with your hands. Finally, it becomes a long lump, which you can grab with your hands." eat.

Old Liu, you still have too little experience. Let me tell you, there are only a few people who eat with chopsticks. Except for us, everyone eats with their hands. "

Liu Yi looked at Fei Jiu incomprehensibly and said, "Even if you grab it with your hands, you should wash it with water before eating."

Fei Jiu sneered and said: "You, Liu Yi, knew how to wipe with straw paper after you came out. Poor people in the Tang Dynasty used bamboo boards to scrape. I heard that they also used hemp rope to scrape. These guys usually scratch it with their hands..." *(Note)

After listening to Fei Jiu's words, Liu Yi vomited and ran outside. Fei Jiu shouted from behind: "There are also people who don't pick..."

After this conversation, the area where Jinchangfang entered the door, which was originally used for the beggars to wash their hands and faces, was expanded more than ten times.

There are streams of water flowing down the bamboo pipes into the pool.

There are soap locusts and other things for washing hands beside the sink. After Liu Yi learned about the hygiene habits of those people, he gave an order to the guards who guarded the gate. Anyone who entered Jinchangfang must wash their hands here. Go in again.

However, there was not a single mention of hygiene during the whole process, let alone that Jinchangfang disliked people being dirty.

It is only said that Jinchangfang is the residence of Empress Wende. It is etiquette to wash hands and clean the face before entering.

As for the bowls and plates previously used in the cafeteria, Liu Yi ordered them to be sealed and some were set aside specifically to entertain these people. After these people left Chang'an, these bowls and plates would be destroyed.

Since Fei Jiu knows the living habits of these people, and there are many people in Datang who know these things, if this news spreads, things will be serious. Can the two large canteens in Chang'an City still be opened?

The first to arrive in Chang'an was the baggage team from the Eastern Expedition.

Carloads of ritual utensils, carts of gold and silver, carts of copper coins, armor, silk, linen... Groups of war horses, groups of cattle, groups of various ethnic groups, captives from all countries, from Dongling Road enters Chunming Gate, the east gate of Chang'an, and finally follows Chunming Avenue straight into the Imperial City.

The baggage team walked for three days and three nights before it was over.

Li Ji's Chinese army arrived in Chang'an in the evening under the protection of Yunchu's, Pei Xingjian's, and Xue Rengui's troops who were still in good order.

First, Prime Minister Sun Wuji led hundreds of officials to welcome Baili with drinks and delicious food.

Next, Prince Li Hong led the royal family and drum music to welcome him in Baqiao.

After resting for a night outside Chang'an City, the emperor personally greeted Li Ji at the Chunming Gate at sunrise the next day. Next, he had to preside over the ceremony for Li Ji to return the commander's seal, review the generals of the Eastern Expedition Army, and Ten thousand years ago, the two counties of Chang'an and the twelve troops sent out for the expedition.

After the review, there was a grand prisoner presentation ceremony.

After the prisoner presentation ceremony, Li Zhihui ordered that Chang'an women step forward to remove the armor of the generals. Under normal circumstances, it is the generals' wives who remove the armor of the generals. After the armor is removed, the generals in court uniforms need to ride on the side. The so-called "Five Flowers Connected with Money" BMW came to Chang'an City to boast of its merits.

"Dong dong dong" three loud noises came from outside Chunming Gate.

Li Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on a futon and had fasted and bathed for three days, slowly opened his eyes and said to the queen, who had also fasted and bathed, "My heroic army has returned."

Wu Mei said: "From now on, the rise and fall of the world will only depend on your majesty's thoughts."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "Since it is a great victory, there should be some atmosphere of great victory. I am ready to pardon the mistakes committed by the soldiers of the Eastern Expedition. What do you think?"

Wu Mei said: "If it is just a mistake, Your Majesty can naturally forgive it. However, I think that mistakes can be forgiven, but sins cannot go unpunished."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "From the merit list submitted by Yinggong, it seems that everyone from Qibi Heli, Gao Kan, Pang Tongshan to Xue Rengui, Yun Chu, Pei Xingjian and even Zhe Chong Duwei has been carrying many serious crimes.

According to the law, it is estimated that all these generals need to be killed to meet the four words of impartiality and selflessness.

I know that this is the excuse prepared by Duke Ying for me. He just wants the generals to understand that kindness comes from the best.

I have read it, and most of the crimes recorded above are indiscriminate killing, greed for money, lust, corruption, and violation of the law... They were all sent by me to fight, and these problems will naturally arise in war.

If there is something wrong with them, it would be better to say it is my fault as the emperor.

There are basically no crimes that can really make me murderous, such as rebellion, conspiracy, running away from battle, and harboring resentment.

Therefore, I am planning to burn all these sins and responsibilities on the merit book at the seal collection ceremony tomorrow, regardless of faults, only merits. "

Wu Mei chuckled and said: "Three princes, two county princes, six marquises, eleven earls, and thirty-one viscounts.

Your Majesty has given you a generous reward this time. "

Li Zhi laughed loudly and said: "This Eastern Expedition is a major event that I, the Tang Dynasty, have been planning for fifty years. Now that all my worries are gone, I will naturally not be stingy about the titles. However, there are too many titles, which is too much. Not good.

There are more on this side, and on the other side..."

Wu Mei said: "Emperor and courtiers, now it is officially the time for your majesty to let go of the old and accept the new. On one side, you will entrust a large number of your close and important ministers. On the other side, the concubines think that those who should go should be removed. You must not be merciful."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "You have to hurry up. I have many ministers in my pocket, and they all need to be won over and divided into enfeoffments."

Note 1: I don’t mean to be disgusting, it comes from the fact that I went to Gannan Pastoral Area in 1993 and saw two women in leather robes squatting on the roadside, so I walked up to talk to them. The conversation was very pleasant, but I just waited for those two After the woman got up and left, there were two more piles of things on the ground. It was the end of August, and the morning in Gannan was already very cold. The things were still emitting white smoke... It left a lifelong psychological shadow on me who was about to turn 20 years old.

Chapter One

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