Tang's dining table

Chapter 472 Unforgettable Friendship

Xue Changfeng was the first man invited by Helan into the back house of Duke Zhou's mansion.

"Because this is the Duke of Zhou's residence, I am He Lan Minzhi, who is famous throughout Chang'an."

Xue Changfeng held the lost golden lock in his hand and said with a smile: "You come out of this empty Duke Zhou's mansion every day. Of course we know that you are the Helan Minzhi who was once famous in Chang'an."

He Lan Minzhi smiled and said: "Others see me as if they are seeing an evil ghost. Why aren't you afraid and don't hide away?"

Xue Changfeng smiled and said: "Have you done anything to make me afraid? Why should I be afraid of you?

Is it because of your unsavory rumors?

Once upon a time, Zengzi's mother heard from her neighbors that Zengzi had killed someone, but she didn't believe it. After doing this three times, Zengzi's mother walked away over the wall. Then Zengzi returned, and there was no one in the house.

Although I am not a gentleman, I am willing to use my own eyes and ears to see a person's behavior and listen to a person's heart before I decide whether to be friends with him or not. "

He Lan Minzhi smiled and said: "Although I am grounded, the title of Duke of Zhou is still there. If you want to enter the Imperial Academy, I can still do it."

Xue Changfeng saluted He Lan Minzhi seriously and said: "Thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate it. Three years ago, when my mother was still alive, if there was such a good opportunity, Xue Changfeng would not miss it.

As a son of man, filial piety is the first priority.

After my mother passed away, I stayed in a house as a mourner for three years. On weekdays, I lived in the wild, keeping company with birds and wild beasts. I watched the flowers bloom and fall in front of the garden, and watched the clouds rise and fall in the blue sky.

Lying stiffly in the thatched hut listening to the rain, watching the snow, swallowing the mist, letting the wind blow into my thatched hut and embracing my whole body, at those moments I always feel that I have turned into rain, into snow, into wind, I can even feel the feeling of raindrops falling to pieces on the ground, and I can also imagine that I am a snowflake, falling gently on the ground, and then being melted by the sun.

Helan, I wonder if you have ever really felt the wind? "

He Lan Minzhi shook his head and said: "Never."

Xue Changfeng smiled and said: "Put a layer of gauze on your face, close your eyes slightly, plug your ears with cotton, and then open your arms. At that time, there will be a breeze in your arms.

The gentle spring wind is like hugging a soft lover. No need to say anything at this time, just hug each other to your heart's content. Until the wind stops, your lover has left. She is so gentle, so sweet. Unforgettable.

The summer wind is cool and like water. When they pass by you, the hairs on your body will bend and then stretch, just like being hugged by your mother when you were a child. The wind is like the breath coming out of your mother's mouth. Generally, so reassuring.

The autumn wind is not as gentle and pleasant as the first two winds, but it can bring the smell of ripe crops. Standing in the autumn wind and smelling the fragrance of grain in the wind will make you feel infinite satisfaction.

Only the wind in winter can give me and other readers the deepest inspiration. Although in this biting cold wind, the grass and trees are withered and the earth is decaying, occasionally fallen leaves will blow up and stick to my face.

However, just because of the cold wind, I can understand - Confucius said: When the year is cold, then I know the true meaning of the pines and cypresses withering.

Helan, since the cold wind has come, will the spring breeze be late? "

Helan Minzhi asked in confusion: "Have you been chasing the wind all your life?"

Xue Changfeng smiled and said: "You don't know, it is a great enjoyment. When I make enough money in Chang'an, I will buy a boat and go south to the beach, listen to the sound of the waves and feel the sea breeze. I I asked people, and they found that the wind at the seaside is salty, and if you swallow it, it will be enough to satisfy your hunger."

Helan Minzhi sighed and said: "When I was sent to Leizhou, I lived by the sea. The sea is boundless. There are often dark clouds at the junction of sea and sky, and then huge waves crash on the coast.

The seabirds on the sea are panicked and flying in confusion. Some will be carried to high places by the strong wind, and some will be pushed to the surface of the sea by the strong wind. They struggle to survive among the waves, constantly making whining sounds...

Every time at this time, I would scream at the mountainous waves and the howling wind. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, those roars could not escape my throat, and were finally pressed into my belly by the strong wind. Inside, even the sound of mourning cannot be heard. "

"Helan, have you been to Leizhou?" Xue Changfeng asked with some surprise.

Helan Minzhi nodded sadly and said: "I have been to Leizhou and almost died from the bite of poisonous insects."

Xue Changfeng smiled and said: "Helan, do you know that the more poisonous insects are, after removing their poison glands, they are rare delicacies?

I once caught a centipede that was one foot long, threaded it on a bamboo branch, and roasted it on the fire. Did you know that the centipede meat is as white as snow? You only need to sprinkle a little salt on it, and it will turn slightly yellow when roasted. When you eat it in one bite, the taste will be unforgettable. ’

I once caught a venomous snake, which was as thick as an arm and six feet long. After I took off the snake skin, I cooked snake porridge over a high fire, adding only a small amount of millet. When the flesh was rotten and the millet bloomed, The white snake meat will spread out in the millet porridge, thread by thread, and merge with the golden millet porridge... Helan, you weren't here at the time. If you were, that pot of porridge would be enough for the two of us.

In front of that pot of porridge, the beef buns you blackmailed me for mean nothing.

Helan, you and I met too late. If you go to Leizhou, I will definitely go with you. Together, we can turn harmful poisonous insects into delicacies in the world. We can also stand on the beach together and watch those seabirds, huge waves, and strong winds. fight……

Thinking about it, what a beautiful scene it must have been. "

He Lan Minzhi didn't speak for a long time, and he also realized that he actually had a problem. He Lan Minzhi's martial arts was not low, at least his proficiency in bow and horse was far superior to that of the thin Xue Changfeng.

If it weren't for the fact that he became confused after going to Leizhou, he might really be able to live a different Helan Minzhi like Xue Changfeng did.

"I still have a hut in Leizhou. If you go to Leizhou, that hut will be yours.

Now that I think about it, the sunset at the beach is incredibly beautiful, with the red sky, blue water, and seabirds dotting the sky in the middle. It is a moving picture.

You ask, why didn’t I appreciate those peerless views more at that time? Let me tell you, in Leizhou, the most beautiful thing is when the moon rises over the sea. At that time, the sky is not dark yet, and the whole sky turns dark blue. When a dim moon rises from the sea and the wind blows, I can't describe the beautiful scenery in words, but it must be unforgettable.

The famous moon on the sea is very big, like a silver plate... No, it's more like a jade plate... No, it's not that big of a jade plate.

In short, it is very beautiful. When the moon rises, it is also when the last wave of fishing boats enter the harbor. There are still fishermen singing fishing songs on those fishing boats returning late.

The fisherman's family would light a bonfire on the beach to guide them until the fisherman landed.

There were a lot of strange fish on their boats. Many of the fish were very delicious just by roasting them over fire. They also caught many ugly fish and boiled them in sea water before eating them.

However, as you said, the meat of those fish is mostly as white as snow and looks very plump. "

Just as He Lan Minzhi danced and described what he saw and heard in Leizhou, a string of crystal saliva slipped from Xue Changfeng's mouth. When he woke up, He Lan Minzhi had already seen it.


Helan Minzhi laughed so hard that he couldn't remember when he had never laughed so happily again.

Xue Changfeng looked at He Lan Minzhi with disdain, waiting for him to finish laughing.

"Ahem... I'm laughing so hard... You're actually drooling... Hahaha, you still pulled it so long."

"If you didn't say it so vividly, why would I be drooling? No, I have to make more money as soon as possible, and I have to buy a boat and go south.

Your trip to Leizhou was in vain. Those savages from the south were too wasteful of those delicious fish.

God, how can I hold back this..."

He Lan Minzhi looked at Xue Changfeng with a smile and said, "Do you really want to go to Leizhou?"

Xue Changfeng said: "Just for the fish you mentioned, I have to go there. I don't plan to come back unless I taste all the fish there."

Helan Minzhi laughed and said, "I still have three nice thatched huts in Leizhou. You can live there if you go."

Xue Changfeng said: "How long have you been back?"

He Lanmin said: "Seven months and three days."

"Including the time spent on the road, basically a year has passed. Even if I set off now, it will still take half a year to arrive, right?"


"You, a rich man, know nothing about huts. The hut that has not been inhabited for a year and a half has long been destroyed by the sea wind. How can you still wait for me to move in?"

Helan Minzhi gritted his teeth and said: "You know nothing about power. When I left Leizhou, the powerful people ordered the local officials to take good care of that hut. If I don't listen to them when I return to Chang'an, I will He will still be sent to Leizhou and continue to live in that hut until he dies of old age.

When you move in half a year later with the sign I gave you, that hut will be well taken care of. "

Xue Changfeng saw that He Lan Minzhi's mood became a little depressed again, so he patted him on the shoulder and said: "If you make a mistake, make it quickly. I think by the time you arrive in Leizhou, I will already be in Leizhou. My cooking skills are very good, and we can taste all the fish in the sea together."

While he was talking, Xue Changfeng's stomach rumbled, and then Helan Minzhi's belly rumbled as well.

The two of them looked at each other and ran towards the door of the house at the same time. At this moment, they just hoped that the fat woman's stall had not been closed yet.

The two rushed to the door of the house. Helan Minzhi ran faster and opened the side door. Suddenly, a heavy hammer suddenly appeared from the darkness. The hammer hit Helan Minzhi's calf hard, and there was only a click. There was a loud noise, and Helan Minzhi's calf was broken.

The moment he fell to the ground, Helan Minzhi clearly saw the fat, greedy woman lying on the ground, her dark and thin husband's neck tilted to one side, his body hanging on the stove, and several corpses scattered in a mess. Lying on the ground.

Just when He Lan Minzhi saw the heavy hammer hitting his face again, Xue Changfeng grabbed his collar and dragged him into the door.

"Run!" Xue Changfeng shouted at He Lan Minzhi.

He Lan Minzhi hurriedly crawled backwards dragging a broken leg, but Xue Changfeng bravely opened his arms and rushed towards the open door to close it.

Just as Xue Changfeng was about to close the door, He Lan Minzhi clearly saw a bloody blade appearing on Xue Changfeng's back.

Xue Changfeng looked back at the stunned He Lan Minzhi and shouted to him silently. He Lan Minzhi could see clearly that Xue Changfeng's mouth shape was still "Run quickly."

Then, Xue Changfeng's thin body pushed the long knife and rushed out of the door. He placed his hands on both sides of the door and closed the door heavily...

Chapter 3 is here. These two are difficult to write. It took a little longer, but it will get faster tomorrow.

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