Tang's dining table

Chapter 478 There is no way to survive this year

In the Tang Dynasty, the only people who could be called the most powerful in the army by Yun Chu were the soldiers in various Zichong mansions.

As for the generals and the soldiers under the generals, they are not Paoze. They will only be loyal to their masters.

Just like the bad guys under Yun Chu, they only recognize Yun Chu.

Today, we are as close to these commanders as one family, and the guards are naturally brothers in the same trench.

If they have a falling out with their master tomorrow, they will fight you with swords every minute, and there will be no sign of friendship when they kill you.

These people often only value their own interests. As long as the Lord raises his arms and prepares to rebel, they will immediately become the absolute main manpower.

Therefore, a thousand of Qibi Heli's personal guards died, but no one except Qibi Heli's clan members cared.

Whether Qibi Heli can survive depends on the final game between the emperor and Changsun Wuji.

Although not many people have seen this, there are still some.

Of course, these people do not include him, Guo Daifeng.

With his ability, he cannot be a marquis. He has no ability to be a marquis, but he still occupies a high position. He is still an ambitious person who wants to climb up. This kind of person generally ends badly.

Wannian County and Chang'an County jointly closed the city and did not find any suspicious Silla people. However, the foreign maids and servants in Yuchi Gong's family were interrogated by Yuchi Gong's son, Yuchi Baolin, and all were killed.

The members of Li Ji's family, Su Dingfang, and Cheng Yaojin's family were not killed, but all were disposed of at a low price.

The Yun family had no foreign maids or servants, so there was no need for this. When the emperor was conferring titles, he also had population rewards. Yun Chu refused the slaves assigned to him and only accepted some of the feudal households in the Bashang fiefdom. .

Because of Li Ji's assassination, the slave trade in Chang'an City once again suffered a heavy blow.

Many slaves in the hands of the three Wang brothers are in danger of falling into their hands.

After Yun Chu told Wen Wen and Di Renjie the story of He Lanmin's bloody battle that he heard from the Imperial Hospital, even Wen Wen and Di Renjie, two guys who had left their composure, were speechless after hearing this.

It’s scary to think about it. At that time, Helan Minzhi had a broken leg, and the nails on eight of his ten fingers had just peeled off. With one leg in a plaster, he was still able to subdue the Tibetan woman who looked like a leopard. The three people present had nothing to say except to express their admiration.

Compared with He Lan Minzhi, Xu Jiye can only be regarded as a playboy.

The New Year's Eve was coming soon, and Yun Chu estimated that the fighting in Chang'an City should also stop.

After discussing with Wen Wen and Master Wan, they once again distributed some New Year supplies. After the monetary reward, Wannian County locked the office three days in advance and stopped working.

The county government is no longer busy, but the officials inside the county government are busy with the two large canteens and the Lantern Festival celebrations.

This is about making money and has nothing to do with whether they are officials or not. Of course, I don’t know if others believe this, at least Yun Chu believes it.

The world's gourmet food comes from Chang'an, and all the Chang'an gourmet food can be found in the big dining hall.

Before the New Year, the large canteens in Jinchangfang and Guangfufang had already put out advertisements, so the water gate of Chang'an City began to transport cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, fish, and Countless game.

In the first few days, Jinchangfang was filled with a strong smell of blood. As long as those living creatures entered Jinchangfang, there was no possibility of survival.

After the bloody smell dissipated, Jinchangfang was surrounded by the rich aroma of cooking meat. The content of this aroma is very complex. No matter what kind of meat you like, you can find your favorite in this aroma.

A man in Tsing Yi with an overweight giant bear was standing in the back of the big kitchen, looking at the mountains of fried fish in front of him with a smile on his face.

Even if he knew that what these fat cooks were throwing into the frying pan was carp, he would pretend not to see it. As long as he saw the fat cooks fish out strips of fried and fragrant fish from the huge frying pan. Carp, he is happy.

In the place that covers more than an acre of land in front of me, all kinds of meat are piled up like mountains. It is really piled up, not an adjective.

"Your Majesty, these people have to process up to 120,000 catties of fresh fish before sending it to the Kitchen Lord. What you see now is only one of the six workshops."

Yunchu didn't know why Li Zhi suddenly came to Jinchangfang, but since he was here, he had to let him see clearly and carefully.

"Twenty thousand catties? Is that much?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know. People in Guanzhong were not so keen on eating fish before. They disliked the smell of fish and the many thorns in fish. Since the big canteen introduced braised fish and sweet and sour fish, people in Chang'an have slowly begun to accept eating fish. .

However, the canteen must prepare the fish and prepare the ingredients. They take it back and throw it into the pot, add water and slurp it, and it's a delicious meal. "

Li Zhi looked at the cooked beef piled there and said, "It can't be cattle, right?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "How many of our ministers dare to touch the cattle? These cattle come from Tuyuhun and Longyou Plateau."

Li Zhi stroked the giant bear's head and said, "Did Xu Jingye sell it to you?"

"Your Majesty is no wiser. It is true that some of them come from Tuyuhun Dafeichuan, and the other part comes from Hezhou."

Li Zhi chuckled and said: "It is difficult to be a wenggu without being deaf or mute. I am just a silent wenggu now. You can just do whatever you want. Sooner or later, the censor will notice your behavior."

If you want to make money, just make money honestly. Don’t wait until the impeachment memorial from the Imperial Censor comes out. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. "

Yun Chu said quickly: "What are you doing? There used to be a lot of cattle and sheep in the place where there was no one. And if these cattle and sheep are sent to Chang'an, they can reduce a lot of food consumption. This is very important to the country and the people." Things that are beneficial.

Nowadays, Wannian County can no longer find a piece of vacant land as big as a palm, and the people are eager to plant cotton on their own kangs.

They are all a group of hungry and scared people. Now, thanks to His Majesty's great blessing, not only are they well fed and warmly clothed, but they can occasionally have a bite or two of meat in their stomachs and a sip of wine. For the common people, this is a rare and prosperous age. Your Majesty’s merits. "

As he spoke, he picked up a large piece of cooked beef and said to Li Zhi: "Such a piece of beef is enough for an adult man to eat energetically for three days, and can save a lot of food."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "False, everyone knows that meat tastes better and resists hunger. Unfortunately, until now, only the ordinary people in Wannian County can eat a few mouthfuls of meat all year round. It is considered rare."

As Li Zhi spoke, he patted the giant bear on the head again. However, the giant bear remained unmoved by the mountains of meat in front of him, and even kept urging Li Zhi to leave quickly. It had such a deep memory of Yun Chu, so The pain caused by the beating has been burned into its memory.

Seeing that the giant bear is so sensible, Li Zhi likes this giant bear that knows how to advance and retreat even more.

"So, just for the festival, Chang'an City will consume 500,000 kilograms of various meats?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Actually, it's still less. If we go by Wei Chen's calculations, Chang'an, a city with a population of one million, should consume at least one million kilograms of various meats during the holiday month.

Nowadays, only 500,000 kilograms are consumed, which is really too little. "

Li Zhi also nodded with enlightenment. Although the meat he saw in Jinchangfang today was a lot, it was really not a lot when averaged to the population of the entire Chang'an City.

“We cannot expect all the counties in the world to be like Wannian County. We only hope that all the counties in the world can be like Wannian County.

If the remaining counties can have 30% of the wealth of Wannian County, the national power of our Datang Dynasty will surely reach a new level, and we will be able to do more great things. "

Although he has become a marquis, Yun Chu is still not sure what the big event Li Zhi is talking about. However, even the emperor said it is a big event, so it should be a big, big thing.

The emperor came to Da Ci'en Temple today to fulfill his vow. He swore an oath in front of the statue of his mother. He didn't know what the oath was. Now, it has been fulfilled. I don't know how it was fulfilled. I heard from Naha that the offerings were very good. Abundant, giving can be considered luxurious.

This time the emperor came to Jinchangfang alone. Wu Mei did not come, and even the prince Li Hong did not follow.

He seemed to just come to see the meat, and then left without revealing much useful information in his words.

A very casual inspection... However, creatures like the emperor never do things without purpose. His words and deeds can be interpreted in many versions anytime and anywhere.

After all, everyone in the Tang Dynasty wanted to look at him.

On this day, the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, the Prince Zhan Shi, the Inspector Taichang Qing, the Duke of Shen, and the Prince Consort Gao Xiuxian were assassinated in the imperial city. Their heads were missing from Dian Shufang at the end of Anshangmen Street. .

According to Di Renjie, who came back after surveying the scene, after the Prince Consort was beheaded, he was still sitting cross-legged on the futon, with blood splattered on the beams. The body did not fall down, and in his hand was a copy of "Five Classics of Justice" compiled by Kong Yingda. Not stained with blood.

"Who did it?" Yun Chu couldn't help but ask Di Renjie in surprise.

Di Renjie, who was eating biscuits, said, "Wouldn't I have solved the case if I knew about it? However, one thing is very clear. The murderer was an acquaintance of the prime minister, and he died unexpectedly."

Wen Wen frowned and said, "Why did you kill Gao Xiuxi? What is he doing recently?"

When Di Renjie saw Yun Chu and Wen Wen began to question him, he spread his hands and said, "If you want to know, go check it out. I don't know anything." "

Wen Wen said disdainfully: "Are you claiming that there is no case in this world that you can't solve?"

Yun Chu suddenly said to Wen Wen: "If there are only two of us in the room and you are reading a book, and I suddenly chop off your head with a knife, can you keep the body from falling?"

Wen Wen shook his head and said: "I don't know, I was already dead at that time, but I can guarantee that when you suddenly kill me, I will be defenseless.

Huh? What you mean is that the person who kills Gao Fuling must have a relationship with Gao Fuling to the level of our brothers, right? "

third chapter

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