Tang's dining table

Chapter 482 Evolved by the ancients

When Yun Chu came home, he was very happy to see Yu Xiurong.

After asking, I found out she was pregnant.

And it has been widely publicized.

This is the benefit of the legitimate son of a wealthy family. It has been known to everyone since he was still in his mother's belly.

Therefore, such a child will be born with blessings and then start his own life. This is part of the etiquette in the Confucian world.

All legitimate children will have a very complete record.

Hu Cao in Wannian County actually has such a record, but this record is only for the eldest son of a family. Under normal circumstances, after the elder dies, the eldest son will basically take away nearly 80% of the family's money. wealth above.

And 80% is a basic number, that is to say, when the family is divided, the eldest son will take at least 80%. This is what the law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates, and it is called the eldest son inheritance system.

The second and third emperors of the Tang Dynasty were not the eldest son, but this did not prevent them from strongly agreeing with the eldest son inheritance system.

In the Tang Dynasty court, when people discussed the law, the most talked about was human relationships. Therefore, human relationships were the supplement to the laws.

Since Han Feizi established the Legalist theory, after thousands of years of development, when the Legalist theory reached the Tang Dynasty, people had realized that it was not advisable to only use articles to restrict everyone's behavior.

Therefore, when Yu Xiurong began to establish Yun Jin's status as the eldest son, Yun Chu was not very willing.

However, Yu Xiurong, who is a native of the Tang Dynasty, believes that this is the most important thing in the inner house. He must let the children know from the beginning what is his and what is not his.

"Yun Jin's name has been registered by the historians as Yuan Gui, and it has been marked as Yuan Sun, the eldest son of the Lantian Marquis lineage. If the rules cannot be set at the beginning, there will be no rules in the future."

"Only the most useless children need special care from their parents. Children who are ambitious will regard this care as a burden."

"After all, there are very few people who can conquer the world with bare hands like you. If you use your ability to measure the future descendants of the Yun family, it will definitely cause disaster. It is better to set the rules early."

Yun Chu looked back at his son, who was lying on a table chewing some fruit, and sighed: "I'm going to use those things that are of little use in exchange for you being imprisoned for the rest of your life. Son, daddy can't forgive you."

Yu Xiurong said dissatisfied: "Why do you say that to Mei Yu'er, husband?"

Yun Chu pinched Yu Xiurong's chin and said: "The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan. When the Dapeng shakes off the water, everything you care about will be turned into powder under the Dapeng's wings. Everything that is considered important will be swallowed up by the huge waves when the whale rises and falls.

What the swan cares about is the blue sky, what the roc hates is that the sky is too low, and the giant whale only feels happy when it floats and sinks in the ocean.

The reason why man is a human being and the spiritual leader of all beasts is because he can transform into a swan or a roc.

The birdcage you say you care about cannot keep these things. "

Yu Xiurong smiled and said: "I am just a woman in the inner house, so naturally I am not as ambitious as my husband.

I heard from my body that men are the sky and women are the earth. This is the place between heaven and earth where people seek to live. The husband is high and the concubine is low. There will be more children in our family in the future. Not all children can follow the husband. Soaring in the sky, there will always be some grass chickens that can only jump on short trees to look for food.

Therefore, even if the husband takes them to fly high, those who cannot fly can just follow the concubine to guard this little family property, and they can live a happy life.

In addition, this child Naha does not want to be the queen of the Buddhist kingdom. Compared with the queen of the Buddhist kingdom, she is more concerned about what she will eat tomorrow morning. "

After hearing what Yu Xiurong said, Yun Chu was stunned for a moment. He had always thought that Naha was a well-behaved and obedient child, so he only thought about arranging the best future for her, and never thought about whether this was the future she liked.

Today, he was reminded by Yu Xiurong's words that he felt it was necessary to have a good talk with Naha, the child, and decided that no matter what Naha said today, he was not going to get angry.

In fact, Yun Chu has discovered that wealthy families seem to be more able to accept the fact that their children are mediocre.

On the contrary, people from small families pursue climbing upwards as their destiny.

Yunchu entered Naha's boudoir.

To be honest, this was the first time he stepped into a girl's room since Naha grew up.

Naha's room was decorated with so many fluffy things that it looked more like a candy box.

The ground is a thick soft carpet that can sink the soles of your feet. Thick blankets are hung on the walls. Even if you accidentally bump into them, you will not feel pain. The bed is covered with snow-white blankets. Yun Chu presses them with his hands. Suddenly, I found that my palms would sink into the bed.

The only things in this room related to Yun Chu were a stick and a leather whip. The rest were piles of various dolls, among which the flower bear dolls were the most numerous.

Yun Chu patted the stool wrapped in thick cotton next to him and motioned for Naha to sit over. For some reason, Naha moved her body and sat down next to Yun Chu very carefully.

Before Yunchu could ask questions, Naha immediately hugged Yunchu and said, "Brother, I will recite sutras with Master Ciyun carefully from now on and stop being lazy."

Yunchu couldn't even remember the last time he hugged Naha. He always felt that as girls got older, they should keep distance from their father and brother.

This is not a habit acquired after coming to the Tang Dynasty, but it is something that is believed in the bones. In other words, if Naha and Yun Chu lived in that world together, Yun Chu would do the same.

Yun Chu was like holding Naha when she was a child, patting her on the back gently and saying, "If she doesn't like chanting sutras, we won't recite sutras. After Master Ciyun returns from his travels, my brother will not let her in."

"Really?" Naha raised her little face and looked at Yunchu in surprise. After a long time, she said carefully: "Brother, I don't want to leave Chang'an, and I don't want to leave my brother. Grandpa Monkey always told me that I will definitely become The most noble king in the Gobi... But I don't want to leave you, my sister-in-law, my big-headed baby, Mei Yu'er and Cai Yun'er... Brother, can we be together forever?"

Yun Chu sighed and said: "If you don't leave Chang'an, you won't leave Chang'an. But, girls have to get married when they grow up, and they can't live with their brothers for the rest of their lives.

When you have a sweetheart, you just want to leave your brother as soon as possible and live your own little life..."

On this day, Yunchu talked to Naha for a long time. Naha, who usually talked a lot, chattered a lot of useful and useless nonsense to Yunchu. Yunchu listened carefully. From time to time, I would give her some improvements and suggestions for some of her naive ideas.

When he and Naha were called out for dinner by Yu Xiurong, Yunchu had already made a decision and was ready to have a good talk with Master Xuanzang.

As for the old monkey, there is no way to talk about it. The only reason for this old guy to live is to send Naha to the position of god.

The whole family had a delicious dinner today, especially Naha who seemed to have loosened her knot and became more lively. At the same time, her appetite also improved.

The old monkey is a sensitive person, and he is a little worried about Naha becoming innocent again.

However, Yun Chu doesn't care about him. Whatever dreams he has are his business. Naha needs to accept them conditionally and will never accept them in full.

Although there has always been some bad news coming from Chang'an recently, the New Year still arrived as promised.

The first happy news that exploded in Chang'an City was that Jinchangfang seemed to have endless meat available to the people at low prices.

When Jinchangfang's stalls selling cooked meat appeared in various cities in Chang'an and Wannian counties, all the 500,000 kilograms of meat obtained by Jinchangfang were sold within two days.

Even so, many people are still looking forward to it, hoping that Jinchangfang will launch more meat products.

While the meat trade was booming, the East and West markets in Chang'an City, as well as the two new retail markets, Jinchangfang and Guangfufang, were also overcrowded.

The Caoshizi outside the city was set up in Qujiang by Yunchu, and the livestock market was set up in Guangmingli, Chang'an County.

With these things, Wannian County finally has some decent businesses. These commercial activities basically cover the four categories of food, clothing, housing and transportation for Changan people.

That is, by integrating these business activities, Yunchu suddenly discovered that these four businesses are the most profitable businesses in the world.

It’s not that their profits are high, but their number is simply too huge.

However, the most profitable and bulky goods were in the cotton textile workshops established in Chang'an and Wannian counties.

The cotton cloth here, with the operation of merchants from the east, west, south and north, has occupied the market in the pass and begun to radiate outwards.

At present, the biggest rival of cotton cloth is the linen cloth woven by the common people. Because a large amount of cotton is planted in Guan Nei, the space for growing hemp is squeezed out, resulting in the complete collapse of the linen industry in Guan Nei.

Yunchu believed that as long as the price of cotton cloth in Chang'an's cotton textile workshops dropped by another 30%, the linen cloth industry would probably disappear from Guanzhong.

The inability to weave linen was a serious blow to the employment of women in Guanzhong. After all, men in Guanzhong farmed fields to support their families, and women weaved to make money. Nowadays, there is no field to grow hemp in Guanzhong. As a result, the Yushi Yanguan is now They are violently attacking cotton textile workshops, and they firmly believe that they cannot compete with the people for profit.

Everyone admits that the collective weaving business of cotton textile workshops is very profitable. However, many knowledgeable people believe that even if cotton textile workshops make more money, the linen business cannot be wiped out.

They also pointed out that because they could not weave linen, many women were in a miserable situation, and many women committed suicide because of this.

What they said was true. Because they lost the benefits brought by linen weaving and then had no way of living, many women committed suicide.

New and better industries have replaced old ones. Originally, Yunchu believed that this was an understandable behavior of survival of the fittest.

Now, human lives have been lost. No matter how good the cotton textile business is and how high the profit is, in the eyes of the wise Li Zhi, it is not as important as those human lives, because Li Zhi believes that no matter how much money he has, it cannot compare with the wealth of his Li Dynasty. The foundation is important.

Chapter One

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