Tang's dining table

Chapter 487 Return to the World

The New Year's Eve banquet in the palace was quite peaceful. It could be called peaceful and joyful if Gao Xingxing's mother was not accidentally injured by the Sword Princess.

Because there were officials from the Imperial Medical Office on duty in the imperial city, Gao Jingcheng's mother Wen Shi did not die, but the sword cut off the bridge of her nose, blinded one eye, and left a terrifying scar from her forehead to her chin. .

The appearance just after being sutured is not ugly. After the scars heal, because the sword destroyed the facial muscles, the facial features will shift and grow freely...

At the banquet, Yun Chu ignored Li Shen and didn't even have the intention of walking towards him. He knew that Li Shen was already very scared at this time. As long as Yun Chu looked at him one more time, he would feel that his life was about to be threatened. It's over.

As a good friend, Yun Chu ignored him at this time and stayed away from him, which was the greatest kindness to his friend Li Shen.

Li Shen, who had entrusted Yun Chu to kill him personally, could also tell whether he was about to die from Yun Chu's behavior.

The Li Dynasty has always been based on benevolence and filial piety as the foundation of the country, so it is inevitable for brothers, friends and brothers to be respectful.

Li Zhi drank a lot of wine tonight. This was not because he was willing to drink so much wine, but because everyone here wanted to have a drink with the emperor and express their loyalty.

In the past, this kind of scene would make Yun Chu feel uncomfortable, but it was different today. Under strong pressure, in order to save their lives, or to keep their family's glory and wealth, they could do any shameless or humble behavior.

Yun Chu agreed that kissing the insteps of others was something only Hu people could do. Tonight, kissing the insteps was regarded as a basic operation by these people.

Seeing those people's beards scraping against the ground and their lips like pig's mouths wiping the emperor's shoes, Yun Chu turned Li Hong's head to his side.

"After I ascend the throne, will they also wipe the floor with their beards and lick my shoes with their mouths?" It was obvious that Li Hong looked a little excited.

"You should use a rag to wipe the floor, and use a brush to clean your shoes. A beard cannot wipe the floor clean, and the saliva from your mouth will only stain your shoes."

"But, my father seems to be enjoying it very much."

"Yes, that's because your father is the most powerful person. If one day he is no longer the most powerful, those people who are humble today will be so rampant in the future."

"That's the truth. How about I go to my father's place and see if they will lick my shoes... Don't worry, I will throw away the shoes when I leave here."

"Wrong, you should wait until those people kiss your father's shoes and then raise a glass to thank him for his loyalty to your father."

"No, I want to drink with those who just finished licking my father's shoes. Doesn't this mean that I also licked my father's shoes?"

"I remember that someone once fell into the arms of Emperor Gaozu and sucked milk even after he became an adult. Do you remember who this person was?"

Li Hong looked at Yun Chu and said: "That's called 'kneeling and sucking breasts'. You'd better forget about it in the future. If my father hears this, he will definitely chop off your head, and I want to chop you off now." head.

What a shame. "

"I'm asking you if the effect of this is good. I have no intention of uncovering your Li family's scars. Your father is supreme now. Should you go over and calm down the resentment of those people?

I don't know what it feels like after someone licks their shoes, and I don't want to live anymore. "

Li Hong nodded and said, "I don't plan to live either."

"Then at least comfort them and turn the shameful private matter of licking shoes into a state matter."

"Okay, I'll take the wine pot instead of the wine glass. If the wine in their wine glasses spills into my wine glass, I won't be able to drink it."

After Li Hong passed by, he held up a jug and drank mash with the royal family members who had just expressed their loyalty.

Seeing that his son was so sensible, Li Zhi simply held his son's hand and let him accept the admiration of the royal family, while his son calmed those emotions.

In the huge Tai Chi Hall, except for Yun Chu, the eleven people who were sitting as still as a mountain, there was only one person left who was as still as a mountain.

This person is Sun Chong, the commander-in-chief of the Prince Consort.

He seemed very lonely at this moment, but he seemed very comfortable as he poured and drank by himself. It could be seen that he had made a good isolation between himself and this Tai Chi Hall. Sitting there in white clothes like snow, it really looked like Is a fairy.

Changsun Chong was originally the best among the noble sons of the Tang Dynasty for his talents, demeanor, and temperament. It was because of these conditions that Emperor Taizong married his favorite eldest daughter, Princess Changle Princess Li Lizhi, to Changsun Chong.

Yun Chu was looking forward to not seeing the confrontation between Li Zhi and Chang Sun Chong, but unfortunately, the emperor did not go to Chang Sun Chong's side, and Chang Sun Chong did not rush to lick Li Zhi's shoes.

The music at the banquet became more exciting, and Jin Yanxuan's dance movements also became more intense. Whether it was sleeve flicking, kicking, or spinning, everything looked strong and powerful. It seemed that the ghost woman just now showed His frail appearance was just an act.

Zuo Chun, the boss of Baiqisi, walked into the hall and whispered something in Li Zhi's ear. Li Zhi returned to his seat, knocked the golden bell gently, and then left, very simply. , it seemed that the lively banquet just now was just an empty dream.

Jin Yanzhen's body slumped to the ground as the golden bell rang, and the music of the musicians also stopped abruptly.

Changsun Chong picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, and staggered out of the Tai Chi Hall. Today, he actually drank himself too high.

However, even if he was drunk, Changsun Chong still showed extremely high quality. At this time, he could not see the slightest bit of depression. His white clothes and big sleeves were fluttering like a drunken white butterfly.

Li Hong pulled the half-eaten chicken leg out of his mouth and threw it on the low table. He watched Yun Chu tiptoe to the dazed Li Shen and put his hands on Li Shen's shoulders.

Li Hong immediately covered his ears, and then Li Shen's shrill and high-pitched screams echoed in the Tai Chi Hall.

When teasing Li Shen, Yun Chu didn't do it right, and all the wine in the guy's hand spilled onto Yun Chu's face.

Li Hong stood at the door of Tai Chi Hall and said to Yun Chu, "Let's go to Jinchangfang."

Yun Chu looked at Li Shen and said, "Are you going or not?"

Li Shen said angrily: "I won't go."

Yun Chu said: "Sun Shenxian went to Zhongnan Mountain."

Li Shen immediately said: "Let's go to Jinchangfang."

Jin Yanzhen was supported by two palace maids and left the Tai Chi Palace. When he passed by Yun Chu, his big eyes were full of resentment.

Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian were wearing heavy armor, and every step they took was like a mountain moving.

Yun Chu had seen that among the generals who came tonight, only Yun Chu was wearing light armor, while the rest were wearing light armor on the inside and heavy armor on the outside.

The unexpected killings made them extremely disappointed.

"Hey, don't you go and see Gongsun Xinchuang's sword dance tonight?"

Yun Chu shouted to Pei Xingjian.

Pei Xingjian said angrily: "Just humiliate me."

Xue Rengui stopped and said to Yun Chu: "Zhuo Jing took the child to Jinchangfang. Let me take off my armor and go with him."

Yunchu nodded and said to Pei Xingjian: "Gongsun's children are also in Jinchangfang. Are you going?"

Pei Xingjian nodded and said, "That's right. Let me take off my armor."

They were all people with offices in the imperial city. Soon, a group of people gathered at the entrance of the imperial city. Li Hong only left four personal guards behind and drove the rest back to the East Palace.

At this moment, Guo Daifeng is still sleeping soundly...

Although there is light everywhere in Chang'an City, all the light is not as bright as the light from Taiji Palace, where the lights are as bright as day.

Li Zhi and Wu Mei were standing in the brightest place, overlooking the chessboard-like Chang'anfang City. Neither of them seemed to be in the mood to talk, and they looked slightly tired.

"The place where the lights are shining should be Jinchangfang, right?" Li Zhi asked casually.

"The place where several beams of lights soar into the sky should be the giant phoenix on the lintel of Jinchangfang."

Li Zhi nodded and said, "I don't like using spies to kill people. It's disrespectful to the royal family."

"If the imperial censor, Li Chao, is not dead, it will be very detrimental to His Majesty."

"Can't we kill people according to the law of the country?"

"Your Majesty may have forgotten that the laws of the Tang Dynasty were written down by Changsun Wuji."

"That doesn't mean Li Chao's case is characterized as a crony case."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. The situation is under good control and has not affected more people. The officials in Zhaozhou have been replaced."

Li Zhi remained silent, sighed at the end, clapped his hands, and a black and white giant bear ran over. Li Zhi put his right hand with nowhere to rest on the bear's head and said to Wu Mei: "It's night, let's take a rest. .”

After saying this, he took the giant bear to the palace.

Wu Mei watched the emperor leave and whispered: "I just did something you wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and it seemed like it was all my fault."

Because Jingo couldn't help but be happy on New Year's Eve, people were everywhere on Zhuque Street and even in every city.

The most crowded place is undoubtedly Jinchangfang.

During the festival, Jinchangfang does not charge entrance fees, so when we walked near the gate of Jinchangfang, it was already so crowded that it was difficult to walk.

Twelve bright beams of light as thick as a bowl shot out from the openings of the twelve huge angry wind lanterns. It was these beams of light that illuminated the giant phoenix that had been covered with gold foil and precious stones in a brilliant atmosphere.

The crowd slowly walked into Jinchangfang from under the giant phoenix, and the sound of calling father, mother and son could not be heard.

Even though it was a cold night, the white mist breathed out by everyone enveloped the square gate. In a short time, a layer of white frost formed on the stone pillars of the square gate.

The big-headed doll Li Si rode a bamboo horse, waving a wooden knife and letting out a piercing scream. Opposite her, there was also a child riding a bamboo horse and holding a small wooden spear in one hand. , want to fight to the death with Li Si.

The onlookers cheered. Seeing that a battle was about to break out, Naha, who was wearing a donkey costume made of bamboo strips and gauze, ran out of the darkness, snatched away the female general's wooden knife, and took it with her. She took away the male general's spear, and then jumped all the way to the dim light like a donkey. Behind her, there were two female generals and male generals riding bamboo horses and howling loudly.

Chapter One

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