Tang's dining table

Chapter 494: Filial Sons and Grandsons

The most noble titles held by Wu Mei's family are various wives, including Lady Dai, Lady Korea, and Lady Wei, which can be said to be honored and favored for a while.

On the 20th day of the first lunar month, when Jinchangfang stopped the lantern festival performances, stopped all commercial transactions, and began to clean up the mess left by the lantern festival and the Chamber of Commerce performances, Mrs. Dai's eightieth birthday arrived.

It is also very miraculous to say that Mrs. Yang of Dai Kingdom married the warrior Xun at the age of forty-four. After the marriage, she gave birth to three sisters of the Wu family.

Not to mention that such a thing was rare in the Tang Dynasty, it was also very rare in the world before Yunchu.

Now that she is eighty years old, she is considered auspicious. In addition, she is the mother of the queen, so there are a huge number of people coming to pay her birthday.

Helan Minzhi also came with the Tubo girl Dunzhu. The gift they brought was a pair of very beautiful light yellow agates, which looked like they were from Tubo.

Mrs. Yang also heard that Helan Minzhi was getting better now, so she specially called Helan Minzhi and Miss Dunzhu over to talk.

Helan Minzhi's legs hadn't grown yet, and the plaster on his legs hadn't been removed, so he was pushed in in a wheelchair by Miss Dunzhu.

Yang looked at Helan Minzhi sitting in the wheelchair, and for some reason, she started to cry. She also said that last night she dreamed of Helan Minzhi's father, Helan Yueshi, and said that today Helan Minzhi and his father Helan Yueshi really looks more and more like it.

Helan Minzhi couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard his grandmother talking about his father. The look of his grandfather and grandson holding each other's arms and crying made those who were guarding the old lady couldn't help but burst into tears.

After crying, Mrs. Yang repeatedly told Helan Minzhi that he must change his mind and be a good person, so that he could be worthy of his second aunt's painstaking cultivation.

Helan Minzhi also held Yang's hand with red eyes and swore that he would not disappoint the expectations of his elders and that once his leg injury healed, he would take on the important task of reviving the Wu family.

This true revelation made even his mother, Mrs. Korea, cry so hard that she could hardly stand still.

Yang's eightieth birthday was extremely warm and lively. Wu Mei, who couldn't come, also sent her mother palace flowers and a lot of silks and satins.

When everyone thought that Duke Zhou would truly take on the important task of reviving the family, Yang passed away quietly before dawn.

Duke Zhou, who had his leg broken, cried so much that he fainted twice, wishing he could take his own life instead.

Miss Dunzhu cried miserably, but in her big black eyes, there was a hint of excitement, madness, and even satisfaction.

Because Yang was already eighty years old, no one felt inappropriate about her death.

After seven days of resting, he was buried in Hongduyuan, Xianyang. The original Mrs. Daiguo, Mrs. Jinrongguo, allowed the queen to go there in person to offer sacrifices.

When Wu Mei came to Hongduyuan to worship her mother, she saw the lame Helan Minzhi living in a thatched hut to keep vigil for her grandmother.

Because he was not allowed to shave his face during the wake, a thick beard grew out of Helan Minzhi's originally barren face, which seemed to have grown a lot overnight.

It was because of this that Wu Mei was willing to really sit down and have a good talk with her nephew.

"Have you really fallen in love with that Tibetan woman in Dunzhu?" Wu Mei never believed that He Lan Minzhi would truly become a decent and good person.

He Lanminzhi shook his head and said: "I am interested in Xiangxiongbu. If I regard Miss Dunzhu as Xiangxiongbu, I have really fallen in love with Miss Dunzhu."

Wu Mei sighed and said, "Do all your changes come from your ambition for power?"

He Lan Minzhi nodded and said: "At a certain moment, I suddenly discovered the benefit of power, that is, I can do whatever I want."

Wu Mei looked at Helan Minzhi in surprise, because Li Zhi had just said the same thing not long ago.

"Why don't you seek power in the Tang Dynasty?"

"I have tried, but my second aunt took away every bit of my power with just a wave of your hand. I am still in constant fear of my life."

"What will you do when you get to Xiangxiong's tribe?"

"We will do our best to help the Xiangxiong Department grow stronger."

"Then what?"

"As long as the Xiangxiong tribe grows stronger, the Xiangxiong tribe will definitely not tolerate a young boy becoming their king."

"Then what?"

"In the war between the Xiangxiong tribe and the Prime Minister of Tubo, try to strengthen your own power. Then, with the help of the power of the Tang Dynasty, you can pacify Tubo and become the true King of Tubo, a king who can truly dominate one side."

Wu Mei laughed and said: "What next? Come down from the plateau and compete with me, the Tang Dynasty?"

He Lan Minzhi shook his head and said: "The Tang Dynasty at this time is indestructible and cannot be shaken by me. Whether it is Xue Rengui, Pei Xingjian, or Yun Chu, I have no chance of winning against them.

Therefore, my goal is Niboluo! I heard that the climate there is humid and conducive to farming, and to the west of Nibala, there are countless countries that I can conquer.

At that time, I can truly live according to my desires. "

Wu Mei laughed and said: "So, your ultimate goal is still Datang, right?"

He Lanminzhi smiled and said: "As long as the second aunt is still the queen of the Tang Dynasty, my nephew will never step foot into the land of the Tang Dynasty."

Wu Mei smiled and said: "How do you fulfill your ambition?"

He Lan Minzhi knelt on his knees, put his head on the ground and kowtowed to Wu Mei: "I have a second aunt who can do anything."

"How do you want me to help you?"

"I need a dowry that I can afford, such as gunpowder."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Do you know how to use it?"

He Lanmin said: "My nephew heard that the people in the gunpowder workshop are good at using gunpowder. I asked my second aunt to order the gunpowder workshop to send someone to be my gunpowder master."

Wu Mei frowned and said: "The gunpowder workshop is an important weapon of the Tang Dynasty. How can the gunpowder method be easily leaked to others?"

Helan Minzhi kowtowed again and said: "Please grant your permission, Queen."

Wu Mei said: "Whether it succeeds or not depends on Your Majesty."

After saying that, he went to visit his mother's tomb again, and then returned to Beijing with a large group of people.

After watching the queen go away, Dunzhu came to Helan Minzhi and said: "You said that if you kill your grandmother, your second aunt will meet you. Have you got her support?"

Helan Minzhi frowned and said: "She is not an ordinary woman, she is not that easily fooled, and we have nothing now. If we want her to express her support for us now, we have to do more things."

Dunzhu laughed and said: "Like smothering your grandmother with a pillow? Do you want to continue such an interesting thing?"

He Lan Minzhi said with a smile: "My second aunt killed two of her brothers and a group of Wu clan relatives, but left a lot of Wu clan descendants, whom she planned to cultivate personally and then use.

If we kill a few more Wu relatives that the Queen values, maybe she will value me.

Dundup, we still have a long way to go, you have to be prepared. "

Dunzhu nodded repeatedly and said: "I helped you kill people in Chang'an. When you get to Xiangxiong, you have to help me kill people. Finally, kill them all. The two of us will become the most noble king and queen on the plateau and under the snow-capped mountains!"

Tell me, who are we going to kill next? "

He Lan Minzhi hugged Dunzhu's slender waist and smiled: "Of course she is the person my second aunt hates the most, my mother!"

"Continue to suffocate her to death with a pillow? When your grandmother was suffocated to death, she kicked her hands and feet for a long time before she died, which caused a lot of noise.

Your mother is young and may be stronger. "

Helan Minzhi shook his head and said: "She is a stupid woman, and she must die because of her own stupidity."

Dunzhu asked in confusion: "Can people die from stupidity?"

He Lan Minzhi nodded and said: "Yes!"

After the New Year is over, the breath of spring is slowly creeping in. Although Chang'an City is still feeling cold and windy, the spores on the branches of the weeping willows beside the Ba Bridge have begun to slowly expand.

This kind of coldness can't last long, so the people in the Wannian County Government Office have begun to get busy.

The most important thing is to cultivate cotton seedlings.

After several years of cotton cultivation, agricultural doctors from Sinong Temple discovered that if cotton seedlings are cultivated in advance and then planted in the fields after the weather is warm and the fields heat up, it will not only help increase cotton production, but also advance the maturity of cotton. period, so as to avoid the rainy autumn days.

The climate in Guanzhong at this time was humid and mild. As long as a wooden house was built in a sunny place with peach blossom paper to isolate the cold, cotton seeds could germinate in advance and grow leaves.

The income from growing cotton is almost three times that of growing food. Therefore, the people of Wannian County now have no resistance to growing cotton and have begun to regard cotton planting as the most important thing of the year.

As in previous years, within half a month after the New Year, Wannian County will definitely mobilize a large amount of grain to distribute as rations to the people who grow cotton.

The purpose of this is to prevent the common people from suffering disasters after the cotton disaster.

I have to admit that the advantage of doing this is that the government can take away almost all the profits from growing cotton, and the people can not only get a year's rations in advance, but also get certain labor services in the process of growing cotton. cost.

The common people have maintained a good harvest despite droughts and floods, and while the government is enjoying huge profits, it is also bearing huge risks in the process of growing cotton.

The source of food in Wannian County does not come from the southeast, nor is it high-priced food transported through canals.

Part of it comes from Qishan, Zhouzhi and Shanyang counties, some of the major grain-producing counties in Guanzhong, and the rest comes from Longyou Road.

Half of the food in Wannian County is bought with money, and the other part comes from exchanges. Most of the exchanges are cotton cloth.

As a result, the price of food in Wannian County is far cheaper than that in Chang'an County.

However, these cheap grains are limited to cotton farmers and female textile workers involved in the cotton textile industry. They can use government-issued labels to go to designated grain stores to buy a fixed amount of cheap grains.

With just this one regulation, the cotton growing and cotton weaving industries have become the most enviable businesses in Chang'an City.

This year, Yunchu plans to make great efforts to bring the lives of the people of Wannian County to a new level, and also prepares in advance to win Chang'an County.

Chapter One

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