Tang's dining table

Chapter 530 The beginning of a new era

Yun Chu didn't know why the old monkey would consider having a duel with a savage in a cage full of spikes. This seemed to Yun Chu to be an unbelievable thing.

The old monkey has obviously reached the top of society, why would he behave in such an incomprehensible way?

Yunchu knew that if someone invited Tang Emperor Li Zhi to a duel, that person would be killed by the overwhelming Tang people in the fastest and most brutal way, and then announce to the world that the winner of the duel was Their Majesty Li Zhi!

His Majesty Li Zhi will definitely agree with this result and will proudly spread the word.

The people of the Stone Kingdom are beasts, they are cruel and arrogant, and they are very strong.

According to the information brought back by the spies of the Tang Dynasty, one Shiguo warrior can deal with two Tang soldiers head-on without losing. However, ten Tang soldiers can be inextricably killed by ten Shishi warriors. A hundred A Tang army could chase down three hundred Shi Kingdom warriors and kill them. If there were ten thousand well-equipped Tang soldiers, the Tang generals would start thinking about how to overthrow the Shi Kingdom or destroy it.

The people of Shiguo admire people with strong personal strength. These people are often unruly and unruly. They believe that only those who move forward and fight like chopping melons and vegetables are worthy of their heroic and epic lives.

But the Tang Army was not like this. Once on the battlefield, the collective was the most important. The generals of the Tang Army liked to kill those who did not like to obey orders and were unruly.

If you kill a lot of people like this, everyone will become accustomed to obeying orders.

Therefore, people in the Western Regions attach great importance to personal achievements, while people in the Tang Dynasty default to being a member of the collective once a war begins.

Therefore, things like dueling were just a game in the eyes of the Tang Dynasty. Only the heroes in Xiliu Camp and Xinfeng City would do such a mindless thing.

For nobles like Yun Chu, a duel would never happen to them in their lifetime.

After getting all the information about the man named Bagman from the old monkey, Yun Chu left the matter to Yin Erhu to handle.

Compared with this matter, he wanted to know the story between Fei Jiu and Cui Yao.

Fei Jiu ran out and didn't come back all night.

Cui Yao seemed very happy after tasting the welcome meal specially prepared by Yu Xiurong for them and listening to Yu Xiurong's arrangements and requirements for them.

Cui Yao then put forward the request to establish the Yun's Girls' School in the Yun's.

Among them, the most important thing is-education without distinction.

In other words, in the girls' school built by the Yun family, not only the girls of the Yun family can enter the school, but also the daughters of slaves can enter the school as long as Cui Yao is willing. The Yun family is also responsible for the education of these girls from poor families during their studies. rations.

After hearing this, Yu Xiurong was very dissatisfied. She felt that her husband had become the biggest grievance in Chang'an City, so she asked Cui Yao to take the Yun family's money to complete her grand narrative of education without discrimination.

She even suspected that this was the reason why Cui Yao caused this turmoil, rather than to come to the Yun family and help the Yun family complete the class upgrade. For this reason, she was very troubled and told this matter before going to bed. She told her husband to listen, hoping that her husband, who was smarter than when she was pregnant, would come up with a good idea to dispel Cui Yao's idea of ​​​​teaching others without distinction, and concentrate on teaching Nah, Li Si and Yun Jin.

After Yun Chu heard what Yu Xiurong said, he raised his hand and slapped Yu Xiurong's bare butt several times without saying a word.

When he invited Cui Yao to have breakfast the next morning, he told her that Yun had saved three thousand taels of gold in the Xiangji Kitchen of Daci'en Temple for the operating expenses of Yun's girls' school. He also told Cui Yao that if necessary, he could Arrange for housekeeper Liu Yi to help her run some chores.

Cui Yao looked at Yu Xiurong who looked aggrieved and said: "Madam, she only thinks about the Yun family. This is right. However, she doesn't know that the only things that the Yun family can take advantage of now are the military achievements of the Marquis and the governance achievements of Wannian County, and these achievements It's too ordinary, enough to be included in the history books, but not enough to make the Yun family at this time the pioneer of the family."

Yun Chu said: "For my wife, the Yun family is everything to her, and to a certain family, Chang'an is everything to a certain family.

Whether it is to leave a name in history or to have a long family, it is only a small probability. Yun does not ask for these, he only wants the people around him to live like a human being. "

Cui Yao listened to Yun Chu's words and said with great interest: "Junhou is also a person with a big heart."

Yunchu said again: "Mr. Cui is wrong again. I am actually a person who likes luxury and lust. I like luxury houses, fancy clothes, delicious food, and all the beautiful things in the world. I just don't have the heart to exploit the poor. I am unwilling to take away the last piece of clothing from their bodies and the last morsel of food from their mouths to satisfy my desires, so by making them rich, I can be as extravagant as I want."

Yu Xiurong saw Cui Yao looking at her. As if he was asking for advice, he nodded and said: "My husband's words are not wrong at all. He is a person who even eats pickles, but must also taste the taste of knife skills and hard work."

During breakfast, Yun Chu did not mention Fei Jiu, and Cui Yao seemed to have forgotten Fei Jiu's existence. The three of them discussed the scale of Yun's Girls' School and how to invite more female gentlemen to participate in the grand event.

Yun Chu firmly believes that since Cui Yao is known as the best female gentleman, then she will definitely know more outstanding female gentlemen. With three thousand taels of gold, Cui Yao can invite all the female gentlemen she values ​​​​at will. come over.

This seems to be a logical thing for Yunchu. After all, this is called the head effect.

Yunchu's humiliation of Cui Zhen only brewed for one night and completely exploded in the early morning.

The literati wrote articles overnight to criticize Yunchu, and the military generals roared one by one to challenge Yunchu to a duel. The reason why they were so excited was entirely because the Tang Dynasty generals would become Jinshi, marry women with five surnames, and be buried in Beimang Mountain after their death. It is regarded as a prerequisite for the perfection of life.

However, the literati also knew that there was a high chance that they would not be able to defeat Yun Chu when writing articles, and the generals also knew that if Yun Chu took their challenge seriously, they would probably not be able to defeat him.

Therefore, after the literati finished writing articles and scolding Yunchu, they went to Lishan Mountain to live in seclusion. After the generals had finished their talk, they went to Zhongnan Mountain to practice cultivation. In short, they did not give Yunchu any chance to fight back.

Of course, what they did most was to impeach Yun Chu, among whom Chang Shulai was the craziest.

This year, Li Zhi still did not go to Jiucheng Palace to escape the summer heat. He chose to enjoy the cool breeze in Qujiang, just to escape the heat.

Wu Mei's belly was already very big and she couldn't walk far, so she also stayed in Qujiang.

Li Zhi picked a leaf from the cotton field. The leaf had been gnawed messily by aphids. Because there were more aphids, there were more spiders. Many cotton branches were covered with spider webs. Such a cotton field did not look like it. It looks like it can have a good harvest.

"So, Yunchu's decision not to plant cotton next year is actually a desperation choice, right?"

Li Zhi threw away the cotton leaves covered with aphids and asked Meng Yuanfu, the young minister of Sinong Temple who was following him.

Meng Yuanfu bowed and said: "In ten thousand years, the cotton production in Chang'an and two counties has been reduced irreversibly. If there is not a heavy snowfall in Chang'an that is enough to kill insect eggs when winter comes, next year, ten thousand years, the two counties of Chang'an will definitely not Plant more cotton.”

Li Zhi stopped at the edge of the cotton field and sighed: "I thought cotton could enrich the people for a long time, but I didn't expect that it would not last long. It shows how difficult people's livelihood is."

Meng Yuanfu said quickly: "Your Majesty, when there are many cotton bugs, you should switch to other crops. After three or two years, you can plant cotton again, and after three or five years, plant crops again, and so on. It avoids pests.”

Li Zhi nodded, seeming a little pleased, and pointed at the rotten cotton field in front of him and said: "Since Yunchu is constantly burning the cotton fields with insects, let's burn this one too, so as not to cause harm to the community."

The cotton in Qujiang Palace does not grow well, but the onions here grow lush and green, and it looks like a good harvest.

Li Zhi pulled off a green onion leaf, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and then went straight to the pavilion. In Chang'an in June, as long as people are exposed to the sun, they will suffer a lot.

The giant bear got into the Qujiang Pond and refused to come up. There were lotuses growing there. The bear flopped in the water and broke many lotus flowers.

Wu Mei is very afraid of heat, and because of her pregnancy, she can't live without someone fanning herself.

Seeing Li Zhi come in, he smiled and said: "It's a hot day, why do you want to go under the sun? Your Majesty is most afraid of the heat, so it's better to be careful."

Li Zhi opened his arms and let the cool breeze blow in from his wide sleeves to cool his whole body. After the sweat on his body was dried by the cool breeze, he said to Wu Mei: "Princess Lelang cannot die yet."

Wu Mei nodded and said: "I have been preventing her from committing suicide, but I didn't expect that this woman is stubborn. She obviously couldn't bear it several times, but she gritted her teeth and didn't say a word.

I have sent her to the Imperial Hospital. After she recovers, I plan to ask her where the seeds of potatoes, corns, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins are. "

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei with a smile and said, "Why didn't the Queen ask Yun Chu why he knew about the existence of these crops? Why did Princess Lelang call Moringa poison, but Yun Chu feasted on it?

From this, we can know that Yunchu's understanding of these crops is far better than Princess Lelang. "

Wu Mei smiled and said: "Didn't His Majesty force him to attack the Cui family? Since Your Majesty has already established regulations here, there is no need for me to be meddlesome."

Li Zhi sighed and said: "The Cui family has no talent, so Yun Chu succeeded so easily, but I didn't detect anything, and allowed Yun Chu to escape without any bloodshed.

Tell me, this person is worthy of being compared with my Longxi Li family. Queen, let Xu Jingzong start the "Clan Chronicle" again. "

Wu Mei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't be anxious. You will be more confident when Li Yifu returns."

Li Zhi smiled and said, "It's not that I'm anxious, but that Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan have recently come up with a new scientific examination method. I'm going to test it and see how it works?"

Wu Mei turned her plump body over on the brocade couch, looked at Li Zhi and said, "What kind of scientific examination method will make Your Majesty feel like he has found a treasure?"

Li Zhi said calmly: "Stop writing the papers, stop recommending them, name the papers, and copy them before sending them to the marking officer.

I really want to know, after suppressing those wealthy families, whether I can find the talents I need from the children of poor families. "

Chapter One

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