Tang's dining table

Chapter 534 Li Zhi’s Great Reform

Political support is always temporary.

They are just a small, comfortable environment created under a certain general environment. Once the general environment changes, the small environment will disappear.

The reason why Li Zhi supports Yun Chu is because what Yun Chu is doing now is consistent with what he will do.

The reason why Changsun Wuji supported Yunchu was because of an exchange of interests.

Therefore, Yunchu had to settle what he wanted to do as soon as possible while the small environment was still good.

The environment in the countryside of Wannian County is just like the cotton planted by Yunchu. Not to mention sparse, it is also full of miserable conditions after being bitten by insects and rats.

The reproduction rate of insects was far beyond Yunchu's expectation. Even though he had burned down more than 20% of the cotton fields in Wannian County, the result was still not good.

At this point, Yunchu had to admit defeat, gritted his teeth, pulled out all the cotton, and began to plant autumn crops. At the same time, he also tried to expand the planting area of ​​cabbage, cabbage, and onions as much as possible.

Although cotton does not belong to the people of Wannian County, these simple farmers are still heartbroken, so these simple people vented all their grievances on Du Chongming, Cao Hui, Zhao Ting, Qu Tianming, Feng Just these five people.

When these five families came to report the crime, County Captain Zhang Jia was taking a nap. He said he knew it and continued to take a nap. After waking up from his nap, he lit the small stove again and drank two cans of tea. The man wandered away from Chang'an City.

When he arrived at Du Chongming's home, even the well-informed Zhang Jia was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Du Chongming's family members hugged each other tremblingly, while the men fell to the ground with bruises and blood, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

This is nothing, Zhang Jia had expected it a long time ago. The problem is that the imposing brick-to-top blue brick house that Du Chongming built the year before last does not look like an inhabited place at all.

The original tall blue brick courtyard wall has had its bricks removed, leaving only a pile of rubbish. The originally beautiful large blue brick house with green tiles, ridge tiles and cornices on the roof has disappeared, and even the roof has disappeared. The rafters on the roof were also dismantled...

The houses were all in this state, and everything in the house had naturally been swept away. From the large carriages, horses, livestock, to the wooden horses for children to play, to the dung buckets, everything was gone.

In order to prevent Du Chongming's family from being harmed again, Zhang Jia had to send people to escort Du Chongming's family to Chang'an City for protection.

Then he went to Cao Hui's house non-stop. After arriving in the light where Cao Hui's house was, Cao Hui's family was no different from Du Chongming's family. The women were wailing and the men were silent.

The same scene appeared again in the homes of Zhao Ting, Qu Tianming, and Feng Zheng. The neighborhood chiefs and village chiefs where these five people were located unanimously issued a joint statement to Zhang Jia to expel the five people. It was filled with red It can be seen that everyone hates these five families deeply.

After Zhang Jia saw it, he couldn't help but laugh. Everyone who pressed their fingerprints had taken a lot of things from those five families. How could he not hate these five families?

From this moment on, these five families will have to leave the village where they have lived for generations and never come back.

Robbery in broad daylight is naturally not allowed in Wannian County. Zhang Jia mobilized more than a hundred bad guys from the city and started going from village to village to capture those who were robbing and robbing, and robbed these people. The things were slowly gathered together, ready to be returned to the five affected families.

Yun Chu has a lot of experience in how to deal with collective incidents. He has dealt with two such mass incidents a long time ago. One was when residents objected to building a garbage collection station outside the community wall.

However, this garbage collection station was something that had been decided by the district long ago and could not be changed. He stood up to reason with the residents, but was beaten to pieces by a group of 70 or 80-year-olds who were found by the residents and claimed to be willing to go to jail.

Later, this garbage station was built. It was very beautiful, but there was not a piece of garbage in it. It eventually became a chess and card room for the elderly residents.

Another thing is to build two signal towers in the area to strengthen the wireless signal near the street. This time he faced a group of pregnant women...

In the end, he had no choice but to spend a huge amount of money to plant a tall concrete tree in the park, and then used huge evergreen leaves to block the signal transmitter... In short, the two mass incidents were not successful.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was very simple to deal with this kind of mass incident. Zhang Jia used a stick to kick open the door of a farmer's house without asking any questions. After beating the farmer with a stick, he fell to the ground and couldn't move, and then he started to ask him what he had done. Something was taken from someone's home.

Therefore, this mass incident was the most successful one that Yunchu handled.

Not only did they get back some of the things that the five families had lost, but they also taught a lesson to all the guys in the country who had been doing nothing but good things.

The items returned from the farmers were basically junk, less than 1% of the original assets of these five families.

The rest of the things lost by the deprived families were doubled and converted into money, recovered, and returned to the victims.

They also warned the villagers in the most stern tone that they were not allowed to take advantage of those families without sons. Their family assets could be taken over by their daughters or sons-in-law. If not, the closest relatives would be chosen to take over.

If something like this happened again where a whole village of people rushed to someone's house and wiped out their property, it wouldn't be something that could be solved with just a slap in the face.

In fact, the main thing that Zhang Jia went to the countryside to deal with was the extremely bad problem of deprivation of households in the countryside. As for dealing with Du Chongming and the others, it was just incidental.

For a fifth-grade Jingxian magistrate to target a few wealthy locals with little wealth, without considering the wealthy families behind them, it would be no more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

From the beginning to the end of this matter, Yunchu did not show up. The ones who came forward to handle the matter were Wannian County's Director Wan and County Lieutenant Zhang Jia.

And it took less than six days from start to finish.

By the time the morning court came again, no one had impeached Yun Chu, a little shrimp. Every high-ranking official in the court looked so gloomy that they could squeeze out water.

Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan, who were standing in the middle of the court talking eloquently, took the place where Yun Chu usually stood. What they did was not as simple as Yun Chu humiliating Cui.

They want to deprive all nobles of the right to recommend.

In other words, from now on, nobles no longer have the right to recommend each other's nephews to enter the official career, nor do they have the right to send their nephews to the Four Schools, the Imperial College, and the Imperial College.

Do you want your nephew to be an official?

It's as simple as participating in the scientific examination held by the imperial court.

The imperial court would allocate funds to establish county schools in each county. As long as they passed the examination, they could enter state schools, Taoist schools, and finally participate in the palace examination presided over by the emperor himself.

Just after Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan finished describing their opinions, opinions and measures in the court hall, the hall became quiet and could hear the needle drop.

Yun Chu stuffed two balls of cotton into his ears, shook his neck, and leaned against the Panlong Pillar naturally to get some sleep.

Today, this morning meeting cannot end easily, and it will definitely cause great disputes.

Brother Yuwen, who was also leaning on the Panlong Pillar, pulled out the cotton ball from one of Yunchu's ears and said with some resentment: "Since Marquis Yun was the one who took the lead in this matter, he didn't even let the brothers know about it. It’s better to make some preparations early.”

Yun Chu turned his head and said: "The reason why I humiliated Mrs. Cui without any secret, do you think my courage has really grown?

It is said that the officials at the incineration place burned the memorial for my impeachment for a whole day. If not for His Majesty's instructions, what do you think would happen to a person who was impeached by almost everyone in the court?

You don’t really think I’m just a 250 person, do you? "

Brother Yuwen sighed and said, "I'm not living a good life." After saying that, he thoughtfully stuffed the cotton back into Yunchu's ears and fell asleep against the pillar.

After Yunchu slept, he found that the officials in front of him were still arguing with Pei Xingjian and Li Jingxuan with red faces. Yunchu yawned and continued to sleep. When he woke up again, he found that the sun had shined through the door of the hall. Come in.

Yun Chu changed his position to avoid the blazing sunshine and saw people crying, roaring, and beating people with wat boards in the hall.

Yunchu's mouth was a little dry, so he took out a bottle of rice wine and drank a few sips, then leaned against the pillar again and slept for a while.

Brother Yuwen pulled out the cotton from Yunchu's ears again and whispered: "It seems that His Majesty is determined not to give us a good life.

I just don't understand why Xu Jingzong, an old donkey, would agree with His Majesty and argue with the ministers. If he has such spirit, wouldn't it be good to sit at home and watch prostitutes riding naked?

Filial piety and integrity have been abolished. Your Majesty is determined to reform the official system. The nine-level Zhongzheng system that has been implemented for more than 400 years will no longer be possible. "

Yun Chu turned his head and glanced at Brother Yuwen and said, "You don't have confidence in your nephews, right? Compared with those mud-legged people, they have been immersed in knowledge since childhood. If they can't compare with those mud-legged people, What kind of official position would such a person have?"

Brother Yuwen said in a low voice: "His Majesty sent Li Yifu to Hebei Province to depose the ambassador, in fact, just to rebuild the "Chronicles of the Clan". This time, it is truly finished."

Yun Chu said: "Impeach Li Yifu, impeach Xu Jingzong, and impeach them to death. Since he won't give us officials a way to survive, then impeach him to death. It's best to kill them all."

"It's best to be from the Yi Tribe!"

"No, only the Yi Nine Clan can extinguish the anger in our hearts."

Yun Chu looked at two more animals approaching and said, "No one will talk now. The brothers can come in. The younger brother will be waving flags and cheering for the brothers from behind."

Chapter One

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