Tang's dining table

Chapter 555 I want to defeat you

When Naha got up and left, Xiao Yuhua had already finished his boss' piece of bacon. He licked the oil stains on his fingers, and finally looked at himself dirty in the pool. He felt that he should be like the girl named Naha said. , take a good bath.

In fact, men always become more handsome after taking a shower, and Xiao Yuhua is no exception after taking a shower.

However, he felt that compared with that beautiful girl, he was still not handsome enough, so he rubbed his whole body with sand, and finally jumped into the pool to wash it again...

In fact, he took a shower all night, and even though the water pool at night was freezing cold, his chest was still warm.

Fat corpses can be ignited. Xiao Yuhua still knows this common sense about heating. He only needs to cut a cross on the belly of the two corpses, then put a piece of red-hot charcoal on it, and wait until the grease soaks the charcoal. Then put the charcoal into the fire, light it, and put it back on the cross, and you will get two stable and continuous light sources.

At dawn, the chirping of birds in the red willow forest was extremely noisy. Xiao Yuhua looked at his wrinkled hands that were soaked in water and the two candles that had burned out and not much was left, and decided to go to the edge of the red willow forest. Go to the camp to find the beautiful girl.

Although there was a possibility of being beaten up by the group of bald heads, at this time, Xiao Yuhua still felt that seeing the girl was more important.

He finally put on the boots left by the two candles. Although the boots were big, they were still boots after all, and they looked much better than wrapping his feet with a piece of cowhide.

The red willow forest stretches for twenty or thirty miles. After passing through this forest, you can see a large camp.

There are a lot of goods in that camp, a lot of cattle and sheep, a lot of camels and horses. Whoever can grab these things can become the richest person within a thousand miles.

The red willow forest is the last refuge in the Gobi Desert that can protect those no one wants.

Rich people will live in forts, richer people will live in cities, and people with fields will live in large yards surrounded by fences. Only those who have no money, no land, and no livestock can Will live in the red willow forest.

And Xiao Yuhua is the king of this red willow forest.

The reason why he is called king by the other beggars is simply because he is the best at fighting. As long as everyone calls him king, when they are bullied by the field mice, they can justifiably call them king to help them.

Xiao Yuhua took a bath all night and walked in the red willow forest for a while. Because of his youth, his skin, which had been blistered by blisters, slowly regained its firmness and shone brightly in the Gobi sun.

There was a small sheepskin tent under an old red willow tree that had grown for who knows how many years. A disheveled head poked out of the tent, looking at Xiao Yuhua who was striding forward, and said: "Don't mess with them, you'll die. my king"

Xiao Yuhua pushed the head into the tent with a kick, ignoring his warning. At this time, he just wanted to see the beautiful girl again and smell her good smell.

"If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences - my king." The old beggar's voice came from behind him.

Xiao Yuhua stopped when he heard this, walked backwards to the old beggar's shack and said, "Hey, old guy, did you see that beautiful little lady yesterday?"

The old beggar retracted his head back to the shack and said, "That's not Hu Ji. She should be a princess with a high status, a princess of the desert."

Xiao Yuhua nodded happily and said, "That's the truth, that's the truth, she should be a noble princess.

What do you think of me marrying her back? "

The old beggar stuck his head out of the shack and said with a smile: "My king is impossible. The princess will not marry a poor king like you."

Xiao Yuhua was a little angry, so he took the old beggar out of the shack and was about to beat him up before stuffing him back. Then he heard the old beggar continue: "You are very skilled in martial arts. You can sneak into that beautiful princess and work as a guard. Then, you Then use all your means to seduce her, and finally take her to escape from the team. In this case, she will have to marry you and have children for you in this mangrove forest.

What do you think of the advice your humble minister gave you? "

"You said, I have to sneak in with her?"

"Yes, yes, those monks are very powerful, and they also wear golden armor. They must be the most powerful monks. My king, you can't beat them."

Xiao Yuhua scratched his head vigorously. Although he had just taken a shower all night, his dandruff still fell like snow flakes.

It’s really a headache. Afanti was right. He really couldn’t beat those monks.

However, Xiao Yuhua was a person with very simple ideas, and he immediately decided to do as Afanti said, sneak in with the princess first.

Maybe that princess really likes me, otherwise why would she be bathing in her own pool?

Looking at Afanti's triangular face, Xiao Yuhua decided to take him with him so that he could help him come up with ideas. This guy was almost the smartest guy in the Gobi Desert.

Although Afanti was pulled by his neck and hurried forward, this guy's gray eyes were filled with the pride of succeeding in his plan.

Seeing that the weather is about to get colder, if you continue to follow this stupid king in the red willow forest, you might freeze to death.

The further you go out, the more people there are in the red willow forest. These people still have some sheep in their hands, but they don't have many sheep. Each one is more precious to them than their lives.

Xiao Yuhua had never snatched their sheep, and even fought against the field mice countless times for their sheep. However, when Xiao Yuhua passed by, the sheep's owners still hugged their sheep in fear, fearing that he would snatch it away.

Afanti babbled on the side: "My king, I have told you a long time ago that you should let them hand over the sheep to you for protection, so that they can herd the sheep for you with peace of mind and no longer worry about you. Stealing their sheep."

Xiao Yuhua pinched Afanti's neck and said: "Shut up, don't scare them, I don't want their sheep, I can hunt."

"But you are the king of our Hongliu Kingdom. Which king doesn't have as many cattle and sheep as the clouds? What king doesn't have many beautiful women around him to bear children for him? You are the king for nothing."

"You are the only one in the Red Willow Forest who calls me king every time..."

"Because I am your humble prime minister..."

"Shut your mouth and get around that beautiful princess first."

"You won't abandon me, right...my king."

"If you receive as much reward as a mountain, can you give some to your loyal prime minister?"

"Shut up--"

Xiao Yuhua roared angrily, and the few remaining birds in the red willow forest were frightened and flew into the sky. The owners of the sheep even hugged their sheep tighter.

They knew that the king of the red willow forest never took anything that belonged to the owner.

Yun Chu's fingers kept sliding on the map, and finally he stopped at the location of the red willow forest. He tapped his fingers a few times and said: "This is the only place in the huge Gobi desert that has enough shelter to allow Huo Shaoyun's gang to escape." Hide."

Wen Wen said a little irritably: "Food, food, the key point is food. The scouts said that thirty miles away, there are large tracts of highland barley land that have just been harvested. Judging from the cultivated land area, there are at least no less than 10,000 tons of grain.

Only when we find food can we have enough confidence to leave Yumen Pass and enter the vast desert.

At this time, do you still want to suppress bandits and seize wealth? "

Yun Chu smiled at Wen Wen, pushed the teacup in front of him and said, "Drink some water and be quiet for a while. I suddenly felt that the owners of those highland barley fields are the gangsters like Huo Shaoyun."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "What you said is very reasonable. After leaving Zhangye, although Jiuquan County is also a territory of our Tang Dynasty, most of the Tang people in Jiuquan make a living by doing business, so most of them live in the city. In the fort, and in the inn castle.

The vast land outside the castle still belongs to the refugees. Therefore, I think that such a large piece of fertile land actually belongs to the refugees, or that the refugees are slaves who farm the land.

Although Huo Shaoyun is a well-known gang in this area of ​​Jiuquan County, we sent out so many scouts all the way here, and also used the secret line of the Ying Gong family here.

As a result, no one in Huo Shaoyun has been caught so far.

This is not normal, and I also think their names are weird. It’s not good to call them Yun, why are they called Huo Shaoyun?

Are you going to be burned to death? "

Yun Chu smiled when he heard this, patted Gentle's shoulder and said, "I have a rough temper. If you weren't there to fill in the gaps, I would probably miss a lot of details."

Seeing that Yunchu had understood, Wen Wenwen continued: "The people living in the red willow forest are all refugees. I have sent people to find out the details in the past few days.

Those people kept very little food, which is consistent with my initial judgment.

It was too conspicuous for those of us entering the red willow forest, and we couldn't find out anything unless we used force, so we asked the masters from the Shaolin Temple to accompany Naha in.

Don't tell me, I have produced a lot of useful things. Among them, the most important thing is that everyone here says that all the food is in the hands of the field mice.

So, who is this vole? "

Yun Chu laughed and said, "If Xu Jingye, that bastard, dares to scheme against me, I will make him sleep and eat uneasily for the rest of his life.

Now that you have an idea, let's focus our exploration on this tamarisk forest. Ten thousand tons of grain is huge and will always leave clues. "

Just when Yun Chu and Wen Wen reached an agreement, Xiao Yuhua dragged Afanti outside Yun Chu's camp.

Ignoring the contemptuous looks of those in the camp, the two of them went straight to an extremely ugly strong man who was checking the harness, patted the man on the back and said, "Are you the guard of that beautiful princess?"

Zhong Kui, who had developed a good temper through practicing Taoism in Zhongnan Mountain, turned around and saw a young man in rags, so he nodded and said, "That's right!"

Afanti smiled evilly and walked around Zhong Kui before saying to Xiao Yuhua: "He has a good horse, he should be a guard with a high status. The fact that he is wearing a blue cotton shirt shows that his status is not high.

In addition, he is so ugly, so he must not be liked by the beautiful princess. As long as you defeat him, you can definitely replace him and become a guard here who can ride a BMW. "

Xiao Yuhua looked at Zhong Kui's ugly face and felt that what Afanti, a smart man, said couldn't be more correct, so he pointed his finger at Zhong Kui's chest and said, "I want to defeat you!"

See you tomorrow

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