Tang's dining table

Chapter 574 What should be the offerings to the Buddha?

Three thousand Tang people armed to the teeth, and one thousand businessmen eager to get rich, their eyes turned blue with eagerness, have traveled ten thousand miles from Chang'an to the Western Regions. If there is not a big enough profit, everyone, including Waiting Those waiting for them to return home in Chang'an will also be very disappointed.

Individual businessmen do not have the strength to do business in distant places. Only armed groups led by Yunchu can reach places they cannot go and earn the most huge profits.

In Yunchu's plan, if Chang'an wants to continue to maintain prosperity, it must have this kind of caravan that can and dares to travel long distances.

When the Western Region was opened and great benefits were obtained, which were visible to everyone, the brave people of Guanzhong dared to look up at the whole world, and eventually left their footprints all over the world.

When dealing with an unfamiliar world, force must be the first priority. Those soldiers in Guanzhong who have experienced hundreds of battles, as well as retired soldiers, are most indispensable for their combat power. Of course, the premise is sufficient benefits.

Yun Chu didn't want these brave people to have nothing to do, so that the blood they had finally cultivated would be lost in the day after day of work, and finally disappear into the land of Guanzhong like the loess.

Therefore, Yunchu did not ask about the supplies that the army needed along the way. However, the supplies in his team were never lacking, and even became more and more abundant.

This is all the credit of the bandits in the team. Although the bandits of the Tang Dynasty are not similar to the bandits of the Western Regions, these old thieves can easily distinguish them from the unfamiliar Western Regions people. The predatory tribes are simple and kind-hearted tribes.

Just because there were so few simple and kind-hearted tribes along the way, Yun Chu's team had no shortage of food and clothing, and also had many extra cattle, sheep, camels, and war horses.

Liang Ying has established his prestige among the old thieves, and he has become effective in commanding the soldiers in battle.

In comparison, Xiao Yuhua is a little worse. He still likes strong personal charges, which makes the master Zhong Kui very disappointed. Xiao Yuhua grew up in the Gobi. He has become accustomed to the lifestyle in the Gobi and likes to be a lone wolf. I like group hunting.

Fang Zheng took over many of Wen Wen's tasks. From arranging the marching route to arranging rest points, he did it very meticulously. Not only that, he could also accurately point out the hiding places of bandits who needed to be eliminated on the marching road.

In view of this, the route traveled by the caravan cannot be a straight line, but winding.

After leaving more than 500 people at the Golden Buddha Temple and sending another 500 people back to Gaochang with a lot of sheepskins, cowhide and other cattle products, Yunchu's caravan number not only did not decrease, but increased to 5,000.

These are all benefits brought by Naha. Because of this child, many people from the Western Regions who have heard of Naha’s miracles and miraculous deeds brought their families, cattle, sheep, and tents to voluntarily become her slaves. I just hope that I can be safe under Naha's blessing.

These people are all wandering herdsmen, which means they are all poor people whose tribes have died out before, or have just died out.

Fangzheng didn't want these rabble, and since they came here on their own initiative, he couldn't sell them to make money. There might be a lot of impure people among them.

Now that they have recognized Naha as their master, Naha will be troubled by eating, drinking, and sleeping in the future. The most important thing is that these people are very poor. A family of four or five only has a dozen skinny sheep.

Overall, it does more harm than good.

Naha likes crowds! Especially she likes to have so many people around her to accompany her. It is like this in Jinchangfang, and it is still like this in the Western Region, there is no change at all.

She has seen a lot of poor people, or in other words, she likes poor people. As long as they give them something to eat, their faces will light up with happiness. Naha likes to see such a face the most.

Especially those children, Naha never gets tired of seeing the extremely layered smiles on their faces after tasting the sugar.

It was exactly the same as when she tasted sugar for the first time, so she knew how important that kind of happiness was.

I am also willing to let more people experience that feeling.

When the camels once again surrounded the camel city, Naha looked at the southwest with a small face and the angriest eyes.

This child has been looking wrong for three days.

Yunchu came to Naha with a bowl of mixed spicy oil noodles and handed the bowl to Naha. This is Naha's favorite meal.

Naha took the rice bowl, looked around, and saw a little girl with big eyes bringing her a matza.

Naha always acted boldly when eating noodles. She quickly finished the boss's bowl of noodles. Then she took a few mouthfuls of noodle soup from the noodle soup bowl in Yun Chu's hand and said to Yun Chu: "Sure enough, you are full." It’s comfortable.”

Yun Chu smiled and said: "When you were born, the first word you learned to say was brother, and the second word was just one word - eat!"

Normally, if Yun Chu mentioned this, Naha would laugh, but not today. Instead, she looked at Yun Chu and said, "It must have been very hard for my brother at that time, right?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "It was not easy. The main reason was that I was too small at that time and it was not so convenient to do many things."

Naha nodded, sighed like an adult, and then said to Yun Chu: "Brother, tell me, what is a human being?"

Yun Chu said in confusion: "Why do you think of asking this? This is not a small topic. If you want to expand it, you can talk about days and nights.

Moreover, everyone has a different answer to this question. What I said may be different from what Master Xuanzang said, and may even mean different from what everyone thinks.

So, what you think about it yourself is the most important. "

Naha didn't seem to want to get the answer from Yunchu, so she said to herself: "I gave a little girl from Tubo a candy. After she ate it, she said that when she grew older, I would give her a candy." Give me your skin.

She also said that she had never heard or spoken any obscene words, so the Zamaru made from her skin could definitely drive away ghosts and evil spirits, and could also talk to the dead.

He also said that with the Zamaru made from her skin, I would definitely become a monk with powerful magic that could drive ghosts.

I looked at her skin. Her skin was very beautiful. It was all painted with paint. I knew the Buddha sitting in it. It was Green Tara, also called Prajna Moon. Many people said that I was destined to be associated with Prajna Moon. , if it can achieve great merit, it can be recognized by the monks as the incarnation of Prajna Moon.

The picture of Green Tara on the girl's back is not big enough or similar enough now. When the little girl grows up and has more skin, the picture of Green Tara will become lifelike.

The little girl said that at that time, she can peel off her skin and make it into a Buddha statue. As long as she keeps worshiping it, she can enter the world of Green Tara and receive the blessings of Green Tara. "

Yun Chu glanced at the little girl who brought Naha a mat and said, "Do you like her skin?"

Naha said: "If anyone says that I am destined to Green Tara again, I will hit him with a stick.

In Buddhism in the Western Regions, if anyone does such a thing as skinning someone, I will skin him and use it for ritual purposes. "

When Naha said the first few words, she still seemed a little angry, but when she said the last words, she already had some majesty unique to a superior person.

Yun Chu smiled and said nothing. This was Naha's self-consciousness, which was more important than any teaching. The time when Nibala Buddha entered Tubo was definitely not a few decades ago, but already during the "Four Zanpu" period of Tubo. entered, and there were even at least two movements to exterminate the Buddha.

I heard that two of the four great Zanpu were short-lived, and the cause of death had a lot to do with the Nibala Buddha.

Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty entered Tubo, and the craftsmen she brought built the Jokhang Temple. Then, Luuche was not originally a city. After people started building housing around the Jokhang Temple, Luuche took on the appearance of a city. .

By this time, Tubo Buddhism had been circulating in Tubo for a long time.

This method of preaching is no different from the process of Naha building the Golden Buddha Temple in the Gobi.

It’s just that the elbow-high golden Buddha enshrined in the Jokhang Temple fell from the sky, while the golden Buddha enshrined in the Golden Buddha Temple was carried out of the snow-capped mountains by white camels.

All in all, they are all very magical.

The Tubo people believe that the best thing must be used to worship a certain god and Buddha. Their best thing is a pure girl. Naha believes that placing some fruits and an incense burner in front of the Buddha is enough to express her sincerity.

From this point of view, Naha's Buddhist country can be called the Buddhist Kingdom of Light. As for the use of some means to spread the religion, Yunchu took it for granted.

In this era, there is too little knowledge, and there are too many people who need knowledge, and they cannot learn specialized knowledge. Therefore, Buddhist knowledge is just the right thing to bring out and let people have a general concept of honor and disgrace.

"Ask that Tibetan family how they came all the way from Tubo to the Western Regions." Compared with Naha's worries, Yunchu cared more about the road connecting the Western Regions and Tubo.

Yun Chu touched Naha's head and left as he spoke. When Naha has a firm understanding of her own, don't talk too much nonsense at this time and let people understand it on their own.

In the final analysis, understanding this kind of thing depends on your character. People with a good character will only see the light, while people with a bad character will only see the boundless darkness.

Yunchu firmly believes that Naha is a good girl, and her great enlightenment will only bring good news to the people in the Western Region, not disaster...

The caravan was already very close to Kucha, because Yunchu saw the familiar outline of the snowy mountain on the horizon.

It was the dead of winter, and there were no swans, wild geese, or bar-headed geese in the sky. Only some bored eagles who came out to hunt down marmots were still circling in the sky.

Naha stood on the back of the camel, curled her hands into a trumpet shape and shouted loudly toward the Gobi Desert in the distance: "Big Fatty, we are back."

Chapter One

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