Tang's dining table

Chapter 6 Yun Chu was transformed from a stone baby

Selema took a sip of wild vegetable soup from a wooden bowl, looked into Yunchu's eyes and said, "I saw a huge doll, a huge doll as big as a mountain. At that time, the doll was lying on the ground sleeping, so He was so pitiful and lonely. I wanted to take him home, but I couldn't move it... That doll was huge, not soft at all, as hard as a rock."

Yun Chu's body stiffened for a moment, and he took a spoonful of wild vegetable soup from the pottery pot and gave it to her. He said with a smile: "As a result, the baby shrunk in size, got into your belly, and gave birth in nine months." Got me off?

Okay, you've told this story countless times. "

Selema's eyes began to flicker when she looked at Yun Chu, as if she had something very important to say. It could be seen from her expression that it was very, very difficult to say those words.

Of course Yunchu knew what she wanted to say!

No one would believe that he suddenly turned into a baby and appeared at the foot of the Son of the Earth sculpture, let alone when Selema picked him up and put him in his arms like a thief, the huge Son of the Earth The statue disappeared without any reason.

Rather than saying that, it would be better to say that he is the product of Selema's nine-month pregnancy.

The reason why Selema found it difficult to talk about this matter was because she was worried that once Yun Chu knew that he was not her biological child, he would leave her to find her biological parents.

She couldn't bear to give up such a good son... Which parent would be willing to give up such a good son?

At dawn, Naha was still sleeping blowing snot from her nose, while Selema got up early and took the flock of breeding sheep to drink water.

Yun Chu went to a hill not far away to chop wood.

Although the conversation last night was short, a consensus had been reached.

The Huihe people who are accustomed to grassland life actually don't like to use firewood very much.

They are the only family in the tribe that actually uses firewood for heating all year round. Others prefer to use cow dung and camel dung.

Yun Chu could still understand if he was on the grassland where firewood could not be found, but this was at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, so it was not impossible to find firewood.

They prefer to smash the collected dry, crushed, and wet cow dung, mix it with water, make it into a cake shape, and then carefully paste it one by one on the wall or rock wall to wait for drying.

When pasting them on the wall, they should be of the same size and neat and nice to look at.

They don't treat cow dung like ordinary people treat fuel, but they have a different kind of emotion towards cow dung and cow dung fire. When making butter tea or cooking, you can easily ignite the dried cow dung, smell the fragrance of the grass when the dried cow dung is burning, and watch the orange-red flames licking the earthenware pot or iron pot. At this time, the dancing flames And the sound of the pot clucking inside will bring them joy, auspiciousness, safety and warm emotions.

Yun Chu's family no longer uses cow dung since he was six years old when he could get his own firewood and make charcoal.

It's not that I dislike the so-called fragrance of grass, but I dislike the parasites in this thing. Sun exposure is not enough to kill the parasites in cow dung. As long as the parasites see a little water, they will hatch out immediately and then crawl all over the tent. Yes, with charcoal and dry firewood, there is no such concern.

For this reason, Selema felt aggrieved for a long time because her family did not have dried cow dung to decorate their tents, and they were joked that their family was very poor!

Not only this, but the difference between the Yunchu family and other shepherd families is that the people in their family love bathing fanatically!

The average herdsman family only takes three baths in a lifetime, but the Yunchu family basically bathes once every three days, and they also have to wash their feet every day!

If Selema doesn't want to, Yunchu will pour the precious hot water into the big wooden barrel that cost two breeding sheep, and use stubborn eyes to force Selema to go in and take a bath. As for Naha, who doesn't like bathing, Yunchu usually used the most brutal methods to strip her naked and throw her into a barrel, and then use plant ash to clean her hair and body while she cried.

Shepherds and lice are almost lifelong good partners. Even Khan and Ketun have a lot of these things on their bodies. Maybe because their bodies are not lacking in nutrients, the lice on their bodies will grow bigger!

However, Yun Chu’s family is the only one who doesn’t have this good friend. Neither Selema, Naha, nor Yun Chu has such a fat good friend like Lice!

The leather robes of their family will always be the original color of the leather robes, and there will definitely be no grease deliberately wiped on when eating meat. The most important thing is that the boots worn by their family of three will always be the kind of boots with the shape of feet, absolutely He won't be like other shepherds who casually wrap cowhide around their feet and make footprints, which are almost the same as the hooves of a big cow.

And what sets the Yunchu family apart from other shepherd families the most is food!

All herdsmen's families eat wild vegetables, but only Yunchu's family will cook the wild vegetables, chop them into pieces, add wild onions, wild leeks, salt, squeeze a little sour plum juice, and then splash them with burnt marmot oil before eating.

Instead of taking it off and stuffing it into your mouth like other shepherds do.

Even the beef and mutton that herders have been eating for thousands of years are the most delicious ones made by Yunchu’s family!

Especially the mutton boiled in white water at Yunchu's house, dipped in the chive flowers pickled with their own salt and put into the mouth. As long as anyone has eaten it, no one can say it is not delicious.

In particular, Yunchushao's marmot has long been praised by the shepherds who were lucky enough to taste it as a delicacy that only gods can enjoy.

Therefore, the marmots that Yun Chu's family often eat were not obtained by Yun Chu from Da Fei. Instead, the tribesmen caught two or more marmots and gave one to Yun Chu, hoping that he would burn their own house. When he saw a marmot, he burned his own as well.

When Yun Chu came back from the hills carrying a tall bundle of firewood, Selema had already fed the breeding sheep, and the breeding sheep had also been invited to their flocks by the shepherds who needed to breed them. Well, in the next ten days, Yunchu doesn't have to go out to herd sheep.

Naha has already gotten up and is sitting on the old sheepskin at the entrance of the tent, grabbing stones and playing with them. If you look carefully, you can see that the stones Naha plays with are crystal clear and as white as solidified suet, and the surface seems to be It flows with a warm luster.

Selema was weaving a cowhide whip beside a wooden post at the entrance of the tent.

This whip is very long, fully two meters long. It was specially customized by Bi Sogdiqin at Yunchu's family. As long as this long whip can be made, their family will not have to turn in sheep to the tribe this year.

Yunchu piled up the firewood, washed his hands, took the whip from Selema and continued to weave. Selema's strength was not strong enough, and the strength was not even enough, so the whip was a little loose.

This is how the Cypriots work, not only crude but also ugly.

Yunchu rolled up the leather rope and started knitting again.

This thing is very precious. In the entire tribe, or in other words, among the tribes with such a large radius, the only person who can weave a truly good leather rope is Yun Chu. As long as he weaves a leather whip, the goldsmiths of the tribe’s royal court will The whip is inlaid with various precious gems, gold is used as the mouthpiece, and rubies or sapphires are used as anti-slip points on the handle.

Everyone among the Uighur nobles was proud to own such a riding whip.

This is one of the reasons why the great Apogesalu has not dared to kill Yun Chu, and it is also one of the reasons why Bi Sog De Qin deliberately protects him. As for Bi Sog De Qin saying that he is optimistic about Yun Chu, who will believe it? Just a fool.

It's tragic to say that the Huihe people have been nomadic for many, many years, but they can't even do things like weaving cowhide rope well.

They are still in the primitive era of 1 pressing 2, 3 pressing 2, endless loops of three-strand braiding, but Yunchu has long entered the era of super braiding such as four-strand braiding, five-strand flat braiding, magic braiding, etc. Looking at the hundreds of small tribes around , only he can weave a strong, strong and round cowhide whip.

When Yunchu was busy working, Naha got tired of playing with white stones and kept climbing on Yunchu's back. She liked to blow air into her brother's ears and eyes, and she even liked to bite her brother with her mouth that was missing two teeth. The back of my brother's neck.

According to the custom of the Cypriot people, Yun Chu was already thirteen years old, so he naturally became the owner of the tent where they lived.

Yes, to be precise, everyone living in this tent belongs to Yunchu alone, including Selema and Naha.

If Yunchu becomes a real Tiele man, then Selema will become Yunchu's wife...regardless of whether Yunchu is born to Selema or not!

In fact, a son marrying his mother does not mean that the son can marry his own biological mother. However, some Tiele people didn't seem to care much. Later, it seemed that not many people enforced this prohibition, and then no one cared anymore.

The living customs that Yun Chu had developed long ago did not allow him to do such a thing, and he could not even think about it. Even if there was even the slightest thought of this in his head, Yun Chu would think that he was no longer a human being.

This is why Yunchu wanted Selema to take Naha to Jiesga's tent. Once the tribe suffered a heavy population loss, the Khan would not hesitate to give Selema to other Uighurs. The child, Naha, will naturally be sent to the tent of the great Abogasalu. When the child reaches the age of eight, he will be able to serve men.

Fortunately, Jiesiga always regarded Nah as his daughter. In fact, Yunchu also knew that Jiesga was Nah's biological father!

Yun Chu had seen Selema running out of the hay with a pink face and panting more than once. After a while, Jiesiga would come out of the same hay while wearing a belt.

It's not like he hasn't thought about taking the mother and daughter with him to travel thousands of miles back to the Tang Dynasty... Unfortunately, this is something that is simply impossible to do.

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