Tang's dining table

Chapter 597 The human heart is like a ghost land

Ever since the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, which is as tall as the sky and the earth, was erected, the population of the small town below the Buddha Kingdom has been increasing every day.

The reason why this town can change rapidly from a small town to a city is not the huge Buddha statue or Naha's promise to save the people.

It's money!

It’s supplies!

It’s cattle and sheep!

When Naha poured all Old Monkey's life savings into this small town, the people here immediately had food, cattle and sheep, cloth, salt, iron pots, tents, houses...

All these things are distributed to the people free of charge by the Buddhist Kingdom. They do not require money, lives, or children of the people.

Within the territory of the Buddhist Kingdom, there are large tracts of grassland, large tracts of cold pine forests, dense river systems, and a beautiful lake.

After inspecting the entire area of ​​the Buddhist Kingdom, Yun Chu and Wen Wen were very sure that at least 200,000 people could live here and could carry millions of livestock.

If these people start living a life of half farming and half herding, the number of people they can carry will further increase, reaching a terrifying 300,000 people.

There is basically no city in the Western Region with a permanent population of more than 100,000. If Naha's Buddhist Kingdom achieves this goal, then it is natural that the Buddhist Kingdom will become the economic, cultural, and political center of this land in the Western Region.

The reason why Old Monkey established the Buddhist Kingdom here was not only the advantages of the geographical environment here, but also the important matter of the Buddhist Kingdom's external communication.

The big and small Bolu, the nine surnames of Zhaowu, Hezhong, the big cannibals, and the Persians who are very good at doing business are all within its radiation range.

The most important thing is that the establishment of the Buddhist Kingdom extended the safe route of the Silk Road five thousand miles westward.

This will greatly stimulate the trade environment between the Western Regions and Chang'an, and the safe road will also encourage more adventurous merchants to embark on this ancient silk road.

By that time, spices from the sea, glass from Rome, a large number of rare treasures from the West, various grains, and vegetable seeds will continue to arrive in Chang'an through this road.

Then through Yunchu, a person who knows the goods, he will select the most important and most terrible good things and publicize them widely, completely changing the relatively poor seed bank and dining table structure of Datang.

The most powerful group of horse thieves on the Silk Road was Lao Monkey's men. It was because of these twelve groups of horse thieves that Naha was able to receive a huge amount of protection money in Chang'an.

Only by presenting a certain amount of treasure to the Buddha Girl Naha can we obtain the Buddha Girl's permission to use a flag. The caravan with this flag will not be attacked by the numerous thieves on the Silk Road.

Now that Naha is doing business in person, it's time for the horse thieves to die.

Whenever a group of horse thieves drove large groups of Westerners back from the wilderness, the leader of the group would enter the cave where the old monkey lived to pay homage to the old leader.

As long as the leaders entered the cave where the old monkey lived, they never came out again.

So much so that Lian Yunchu had some psychological barriers to entering the old monkey's cave. He always felt that this damn old monkey was just an injured tiger, waiting for its prey to fall into its trap.

After all the leaders have gone in, it will be the turn of leader number two to go in. After all the leaders of number two have gone in, it will be the turn of leader number three and the horse thieves who are expected to succeed these leaders.

Now, there are still people walking into the old monkey’s cave with great excitement.

Yun Chu and Wen Wen stood at the window holding a tea cup and watched another tough horse thief enter the old monkey's room.

"You think these people should know that their leader is dead, right?"

Yun Chu scratched his head and asked Wen Wen. Wen Wen knew more about people's thoughts in the officialdom than he did.

"The big leader died, and the second leader secretly rejoiced. The second leader died, and the third leader secretly rejoiced, thinking that it was finally his turn to be the leader of the horse thieves.

By analogy, if the third leader dies, the strongest horse thief will rejoice and feel that his opportunity has finally arrived.

Therefore, their death was self-inflicted and driven by greed under the pressure of the old monkey. Death is not a pity. "

"Aren't you afraid that Master Monkey will make all these horse thieves rebel by doing this?"

He smiled softly and said: "There is a sequence here. This is very important. The first one he killed was the most unruly leader of the horse thief group. After killing this horse thief leader who was most likely to betray, the following horse thief leaders I always feel that I am loyal to Lord Monkey and will not be purged.

What they don't know is that Master Monkey wants to completely eliminate the horse thieves from the Buddhist kingdom this time.

He is the mastermind of the horse thieves, so he naturally knows that these people are wild and untamed, so killing them by any means is the safest option. "

Yun Chu said: "I originally promised Mr. Monkey that I would deal with these horse thieves, but now it seems that he has taken matters into his own hands."

She smiled softly and said: "This should be part of the agreement reached by Lord Monkey and the court. You see, it won't be long before Wang Xiaojie from the Shule Governor's Mansion will come to the Buddha Kingdom and take over the defense here.

Evacuate the cage and change the bird, this is what His Majesty wants. Before this happened, I thought His Majesty was really sincere to Buddhism. "

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Twelve horse thieves groups, no less than ten thousand people, it seems that Lord Monkey plans to leave no one behind.

Just wait, the internal strife of the horse thieves is coming soon..."

Wen Wen shook her head and drank all the water in the tea cup, sighing: "It's really a thunderous method... Ordinary people can't do this kind of thing.

Perhaps, this is another explanation of Mr. Hou’s own interpretation of “putting down the butcher’s knife and becoming a Buddha immediately”. "

Unconsciously, the ice in the river began to melt, and the ice gradually turned from green to white.

When the yellow flowers of dandelions emerged from the cracks in the ice, a blizzard arrived as expected.

One moment, the sky was filled with sunshine, shining warmly on people. The next moment, the wind roared, and the wind rolled up snowflakes and hit from a distance like a wall.

The blue sky had no time to change its color, and the sky turned dark. In the gaps between the gloomy dark clouds, there were still a few rays of light falling on the ground, and they were soon swallowed up by the sudden blizzard.

Yun Chu, who was eating mutton hot pot with Wen Wen, Zhong Kui and Naha, glanced at the blizzard outside and sighed: "The white disaster is coming."

Wen Wen took a bite of the mutton and said comfortably, "White disaster?"

Naha said on the side: "The snow is too heavy and the hay is buried. The sheep cannot eat the grass under the snow and will starve to death.

For the herdsmen, it is the most terrible disaster.

My brother and I also encountered a terrible white disaster at the foot of Tianshan Mountain. My brother immediately killed all the sheep in the family. My mother and I hid in the house wearing sheepskins. My brother had to clean up after a while. Remove the snow from the tent and build a snow wall outside the tent to prevent the cold wind from blowing onto the tent.

That time, we hid in the tent for twenty-three days. When my mother and I came out of the tent with my brother's permission, the snow outside turned into water, and the whole tribe was robbing others of their food with red eyes. .

My brother and Uncle Jiesga protected my mother and me outside for twelve days. We came out only after most of the people died and there was enough food left to eat.

That time, my brother was stabbed twice, and one of Uncle Jiesga's legs was almost cut off. Fortunately, he survived in the end. "

After listening to Naha's story, Rourou looked at Yunchu and said, "Did you live so hard at that time?"

Yun Chu used a knife to cut the mutton into the hot pot and said: "As for the White Disaster, you can compare it with the drought that is rare in the Central Plains for a hundred years. There are people dying of hunger everywhere, and people are changing their children to eat. Exactly the same, even more miserable.”

Zhong Kui nodded and said, "Now I begin to understand why those who rely on grazing become robbing.

Herding is a more unreliable way of life than growing crops. After I came to the Western Regions, I discovered that herdsmen do not eat much beef and mutton, but rely on the by-product milk produced by herding sheep, cattle, and horses, plus the use of cattle. The sheep and livestock were exchanged for food.

All the meat was eaten by people like us. "

Naha pursed her lips and said, "Fortunately, my brother can catch marmots and fish. He can also catch rabbits."

The big fat marmot was squatting at Yunchu's feet and eating soybeans. Suddenly he heard Naha's words, which seemed to be about marmots. He raised his head and looked at Naha in confusion. Suddenly he saw the tumbling soup pot and decisively It gave up the soybeans on its lips and crawled away from this terrifying room. Even if it was braving the heavy snow, it still wanted to go to Selema...

The crisis that Marmot felt did not come from Naha, but from the cold air emanating from Yunchu and Wenwen.

A year of great disaster and epidemic is a good time to change people’s original life trajectory.

Every major change in humankind follows the pace of major disasters, epidemics and even wars.

Now, a white disaster has occurred here in the Buddhist Kingdom.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a disaster, but in the eyes of those in high positions, fun represents change!

Some bad things in the past that should be abandoned but couldn't because of human nature can now be abandoned.

Things that people were unwilling to change in the past can now be changed through great disasters.

When people's lives are seriously threatened, many persistences will be abandoned, and people just want to survive.

At this time, whoever has the power to save people will naturally have power.

As for Yun Chu, it is impossible for a person like Wen Wen to give up such an opportunity to manipulate power.

Zhong Kui lowered his head and ate fiercely. He was also a learned man, how could he not know what Yun Chu and Wen Wen were thinking.

He just didn't want to say it or think about it, but in his heart, he had decided to carve out the two most ferocious ghosts based on Yun Chu and Wen Wen.

I'm going to see someone off tonight, so that's it.

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