Tang's dining table

Chapter 600 The Trilogy of Realm

This sentence was taught to Naha by Li Hong.

The reason why Li Hong knew it was because his father taught him.

Although they are not firewood and cow dung, they both have the same meaning and there is no difference.

Li Hong doesn't expect Naha to be a good queen of the Buddhist kingdom, just like he never expects his sister Li Si to grow into a graceful beauty.

These two people happened to be the two people he cared about the most, so he felt that if he couldn't become stronger, the fate of Naha and Li Si would be very tragic.

Although I don’t know why he thought so, Naha chose to acquiesce because she couldn’t beat Li Hong.

People who are stronger than you must do the right thing!

This is Naha's simple world view.

My brother has always been strong, so he must be doing the right thing.

Li Hong was not very good at first, but then he became very good, so what he said must be right.

Mr. Monkey's words were originally correct, but later he became a liar...

Thinking of this, Naha was about to step into the door of Monkey King, but she stopped abruptly.

The footsteps stopped, but a skinny hand grabbed his hand and dragged her into the house with a whoosh.

Dolma hurriedly ran in.

After entering, I discovered that Mr. Monkey had placed Naha on a table, and the old and the young were staring at each other eye to eye.


Naha said these two words very hard, and she said them one by one.

"Idiot! You have followed me for so many years and you haven't gotten smarter yet."

Naha moved her butt and got down from the table, took out a small bag from her sleeve and handed it to the old monkey and said, "Don't lie to me again."

The old monkey opened the small bag and saw a few dried figs inside. He threw one into his mouth and said, "Be smarter in the future."

Naha leaned against the old monkey and said, "I want to go back to Chang'an."

The old monkey chewed dried figs and whispered softly: "After you finish this place, you can go back."

Naha said: "It can't be done well. Many people froze to death, the sheep became starved and thin, and the cattle became so thin that only their bones were left. I have no food to feed them."

The old monkey smiled and said: "People will always survive."

"But many people died."

"Then they deserve to die."


The old monkey stuffed the last dried fig into his mouth and sucked the honey-like stamens and said to Naha: "Do you know what happens after the white disaster every year?"

Naha shook her head.

The old monkey said gloomily: "Now that the snow has melted half, those who have no food in the Buddhist country should go to places that are not affected by the white disaster to look for food."

"Robbing? No, we are a Buddhist country and we must be compassionate."

The old monkey chuckled and said, "The wolf is hungry and wants to eat the sheep. Do you think that's right?"

Naha shook her head and said: "No."

The old monkey said again: "The wolf is born to eat sheep. If you don't let it eat sheep, it will starve to death."

Naha said: "It can eat other things, such as marmots!"

The old monkey said: "There are too few marmots, so it's not easy to catch them."

Naha gritted her teeth and said, "I don't want people from the Buddhist country to become wolves."

The old monkey smiled, patted Naha's head and said: "If you don't want them to be wolves, then they have to be sheep. Then not only wolves will eat them, but people will eat them too, tigers, leopards, bears, etc." Come and eat the sheep.”

Naha looked worriedly at the door. Just outside her Buddha, there were nearly 60,000 subjects. If these 60,000 subjects all turned into sheep, based on her understanding of the Western Regions, it would not take long. Eaten by all kinds of sheep-eaters, not a single hair is left.

The old monkey gave Naha a parchment roll, patted Naha's head again and said: "Eat sheep, or be eaten, you have to think clearly."

Naha said unwillingly: "But Lord Monkey wants to kill all the horse thieves."

The old monkey chuckled and said: "The things the horse thieves stole belong to the horse thieves, and the things the army snatched belong to the Buddhist kingdom. The monkey master helped you clean up the wild and untamed ones, and the rest are obedient and well-behaved. In this way, Come, Naha can form your own army that listens to your words.

If those people are not killed, when you leave the Buddhist country, your brother and others leave the Buddhist country, those horse thieves will bully the people here again. Don't you want them to be slaves?

Unless the horse thieves are killed, they will always be slaves. "

"I don't know how to rob..." Naha whispered...

"Your brother's desire to rob others is already too thirsty. Your gentle brother's desire to rob other countries has almost become known to everyone."

"My brother is not a horse thief, let alone a robber."

"When your brother becomes a horse thief and a robber, all the horse thieves and robbers in the world will cover their eyes in shame and feel ashamed to see others."

"Okay then, let my brother and Brother Wenwen help me grab a little bit of food, just enough food for the people here to survive until the grass grows."

The old monkey opened his mouth and laughed loudly, patted Naha on the head and said: "Yes, yes, go quickly, don't waste time, lest more people starve to death."

Naha swallowed hard. She had tasted the taste of hunger. Once when she encountered Xiaobai disaster, her brother went outside to look for food. It took three days to look for it. She and her mother stayed in the tent to guard it. A small campfire…

When Naha saw Yun Chu and Wen Rou again, they had already put on armor and were organizing their troops.

Fifteen hundred old Guanzhong thieves, more than 2,000 armed caravan workers from Wannian County and Chang'an County, plus 3,000 Cypriot cavalry, and a large number of Buddhist people armed with various weapons. , the number is not less than 20,000.

Naha saw her brother riding a horse and passing quickly in front of the crowd, shouting loudly, and the hungry people responded to her brother equally loudly.

It looks very powerful.

Then, under the eager eyes of countless Buddhist people who came to see them off, these people walked all the way west.

Naha looked at a skinny, big-headed doll, rummaged in her sleeves for a long time, then found a half-eaten piece of maltose, and handed it to the child.

This child is actually very beautiful, with big eyes, long and curved eyelashes, and white teeth, but he is a little thinner.

When the other children saw Naha giving the candy, they quickly gathered around and stretched out their skinny little hands to beg Naha for food.

Naha almost tore her sleeves and couldn't find anything to eat. Finally, she had to spread her hands and regretfully told the children that she had nothing.

Master Lotus stood at the gate of the Buddhist Kingdom and watched Naha being surrounded by hungry people without any emotion.

Master Jueming recited the Buddha's name twice and said to Master Lotus: "I can live without grain for ten days."

Master Lotus said coldly: "The Buddhist country still has two thousand tons of food."

Master Jueming asked doubtfully: "In that case, why do senior brothers watch these people without food and clothing?"

Master Fahua said: "The people who are dying of cold and hunger now are just the old and the weak. It is not the time to distribute these grains."

Master Jueming said in confusion: "I am a compassionate Buddha. The old, the weak, and the young and the strong are all human beings. Why should we save the young and the strong but abandon the old and the weak?

In the past, Buddha had a story about sacrificing his life to feed a tiger. Why can't we do the same? "

Master Fahua said: "There was a herd of wild deer, which were hunted by hunters and forced to the edge of a cliff. They were five feet away from the cliff on the other side. The wild deer could not reach the other side in one leap, and the hunters were pressing behind them step by step.

So, an old deer jumped up. It didn't use all its strength, but only jumped halfway. At the same time, a young and strong wild deer jumped over at the same time. Just when the old deer was exhausted and was about to fall off the cliff, the young and strong wild deer jumped. He stepped on the old deer's back and rose into the air again to reach the other shore. The old deer fell off the cliff and was shattered to pieces...

After that, the old deer and the weak and sick deer leaped one after another, while the young and strong deer leaped high, trampling on the backs of the old and sick deer to reach the other side...

When the hunter arrived at the cliff, deer carcasses piled up like a mountain under the cliff. However, although the deer herd on the other side was half less than before, the hunter could only watch them gallop away.

The next year, a large number of fawns were born in this herd, and three years later, the herd returned to its original state..."

Master Jueming put his hands together and recited a Buddha's name: "All living beings suffer."

Lotus Master smiled and said, "I wish all living beings to be happy."

Naha hurried over and put her hand into the sleeves of Master Fahua's loose robe. She found nothing, so she stared at Master Fahua with her big eyes and said, "Nothing to eat?"

Master Fahua pointed at the back of the retreating army and said, "There will be something to eat, there will be a lot of it."

When Naha heard this, she put her hands to her mouth and shouted loudly to the retreating army: "Brother, come back with a lot of food..."

The old monkey stood in the sun, and the golden sunlight illuminated his thick hairs. Yunchu, who was surrounded by the army, could not hear Naha's shouts, but the old monkey could hear them clearly.

He clasped his hands in the direction of Naha and said, "The sin is mine, I will sink into hell forever and never be able to escape."

If the army exceeds ten thousand, it is boundless.

The 20,000 troops under Yun Chu's command were marching in a meandering way. The cavalry in the front was ten miles away, and the infantry in the rear had just left the Buddhist country.

Liang Yingshou stood beside Yun Chu and looked at this majestic army, and said happily: "The world will let me run wild!"

Xiao Yuhua, who was also wearing armor, said: "I hope we can find something to rob before we starve to death."

Liang Ying opened the sheepskin scroll in his hand, pointed to the densely packed place names on the sheepskin scroll and said: "We have supply points along the way."

Xiao Yuhua pouted and said, "No one is easy to deal with."

Liang Ying rolled up the sheepskin, pointed to the west with his finger and said: "Only those who are hungry have real fighting power."

Xiao Yuhua said in confusion: "Who said that?"

Liang Ying pointed at Yun Chu who was walking slowly in the middle of the army and said: "The Lord said, the Lord also said that we will go all the way west until we have so much loot that we can no longer take it."

Xiao Yuhua said in surprise: "After passing through the Nine Surnames of Zhaowu and Talas, there is Sassanid over there! Are we going to get the treasures of Sasanian Kingdom?"

Liang Ying laughed and said: "There is no Sassan, there is only Dashi. This time we are going to test the strength of Dashi."

Chapter 1: The meeting ended in the afternoon.

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