Tang's dining table

Chapter 607 Is there a tropical rain forest in the Gobi?

The Western Regions in the Tang Dynasty were far richer than the Xinjiang that Yunchu knew.

It is mainly a desert. The scope of the Gobi is far less than that of Xinjiang, and the climate is naturally not as harsh as Xinjiang.

The snow-capped mountains in summer are always covered by clouds and fog. Sometimes the fog will fall and form a spectacular ring on the mountainside. The friction of the fog will cause thunder. After the thunder, it will shake down into the clouds and mist. water droplets, and then fall at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. A burst of rain, or a burst of snow, or sometimes a burst of hail.

Finger-sized hail struck Yunchu's armor with a crackling sound. War horses hated hail. It wasn't that hail was cold, but that it hit the horses' ears and made them very uncomfortable.

The hail in the snow-capped mountains does not fall all the time. After a while, it turns into freezing rain. If the clouds clear and the fog clears, it turns into snowflakes.

That's right, on a bright sunny day, snowflakes are falling endlessly, and in just one cup of tea, the snow on the ground can be an inch thick.

However, the snow will not last long. The ground temperature was high in the past, and in a blink of an eye, the snow will turn into water, making the original dirt road muddy.

It's fun to attack a city and defeat the enemy, but it's very troublesome to travel, especially traveling in the Western Region. It's even more of a headache. Going from one place to another is too damn far away.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains is a large man-eating city called Heraz. The reason why this city was built here was to guard against horse thieves from the Western Regions.

Now, Yunchu is a horse thief!

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains is a canyon with lush vegetation. When Yunchu led his giant group of horse thieves down to the canyon, waves of moist and hot air hit his face.

The most exaggerated thing was that Yun Chu actually saw a banana tree on the edge of a forest.

People in the Tang Dynasty did not eat bananas, mainly because the bananas at this time were full of seeds and were not delicious. If you wanted to eat them, you could only learn from the black people in Africa and pick the bananas and eat them roasted or boiled.

Yunchu cut off a bunch of bananas with a machete and saw several yellow bananas on them. They must have been ripe.

He peeled a banana and took a bite. It was exactly what he thought. This kind of wild banana that has not been artificially cultivated basically has no sweetness. It is not only sour but also very astringent.

Although they were not delicious, Yunchu still ate two of them. After all, they were bananas, and they were bananas from the Western Regions. It would be a shame not to eat them.

After eating two bananas, Xiao Yuhua swung from one tree to another like an ape. Like an ape, he landed in front of Yun Chuma and reported: "Heraz City does not have a checkpoint here."

Yunchu looked up at the terrain and frowned: "This is the last barrier for Heraz City. I don't believe they will give up here."

Xiao Yuhua picked a leech from his cloak, held it in his hand and showed it to Yun Chu: "This is not suitable for garrisoning troops."

Yun Chu asked doubtfully: "Why didn't we see this thing when we came in?"

Xiao Yuhua lowered his head and did not answer. He just glanced vaguely at the grass on both sides of the road.

Yun Chu used the horse's straw to push away the grass, and immediately withdrew the horse's straw. A shaved sheep fell there motionless. Its body was covered with leeches, some of which were as long as fingers. Thick and thin, the whole body is red.

No need to ask, this was the method of Hassan and Compis. Yun Chu also saw a lot of human corpses next to the sheep.

It seems that this is the method used by Hassan, Compis and the others when they pass by this place to trade with the big cannibal.

"They have already entered the city, right?" Yun Chu continued to ask.

"Yes, half an hour ago, Hassan and Compis entered Heraz.

Now, after we appear outside the city and attract the cannibal army out, they will launch their attack inside the city. "

Yunchu was disgusted by those leeches and did not want to stay in this strange canyon any longer, so he led the army on horseback and left this blood-sucking canyon.

The small stone castle under the snow-capped mountains, with the snow-capped mountains and woods as a backdrop, the scenery is always very good.

Especially here, it is located on the sunny slope of the snow-capped mountains. The warm water vapor blows from the opposite side and is blocked by the snow-capped mountains, creating a beautiful appearance of green grass here.

The highland barley is also planted here, and a bunch of it has grown, and the grassy beaches are full of cattle and sheep, which looks very rich.

There are farmers weeding in the highland barley fields, there are shepherds on the grassland, and occasionally you can hear the shepherd flirting and singing with the peasant girl.

The big man-eating moon flag on the top of the city of Heraz was hanging weakly. People were coming in and out of the city gate, making it a busy scene. As for the houses inside and outside the city, smoke was floating on them.

However, when Yunchu led his black-armored cavalry over the hill and appeared on the road, the original quiet and peaceful appearance of Heraz City immediately disappeared.

The shepherds began to drive their cattle and sheep in a noisy manner, and the farmers quickly ran out of the farmland and ran towards the city like flying.

Soon, shrill horns sounded from the top of the city, and the cannibal army kept rushing to the top of the city. After a meal, there was a cannibal general in shining armor leading a group of people. The cavalry left the city and stood in front of Yunchu.

Yun Chu looked back at his skull and bone stick flag, feeling that he was already a robber and had no reason to say anything to the big cannibal general. He waved his hand, and the black-armored cavalry behind him rushed down the hillside like a tide. , sweeping towards the big cannibal opposite.

I thought these five hundred cannibal cavalry would retreat into the city, but I didn't expect these five hundred cavalry to attack the black armored cavalry without fear of death.

It's just that they couldn't wait for the opportunity for the two armies to meet. After abandoning their horse shields, the black armored cavalry modified their crossbows. This was the kind of crossbow that could be controlled with one hand, a weapon that was released before the two armies handed over.

There are only three crossbow bolts inside. According to the rules of the black armored cavalry, after releasing these three crossbow bolts in one breath, it is time to pick up weapons such as horse spears and spears.

The cavalry equipment of the Great Cannibal is not very good. The cavalry are wearing leather armor, or the kind of leather armor that can only cover the chest. Their horses have no vests. In order to facilitate the cavalry in combat, their lower bodies only have a fat stripe. Bloomers.

Because this was his first battle with the famous cavalry of the Dashi Kingdom, Yunchu sent out eight hundred fully armored heavy cavalry.

The heavy cavalry ran down the hillside. After only a hundred steps, the speed had already increased. With a terrifying roar, it crashed into the large food cavalry who were staggered by crossbows.

Most of the horses under the Great Food Cavalry are red, and their overall appearance is very delicate, much more agile than the horses of the Tang Dynasty Cavalry.

This is the famous Arabian war horse.

Just when Yunchu was coveting these beautiful creatures, those Tang cavalrymen who looked like monsters wearing vests collided with these giant cannibals riding Arabian war horses.

In the midst of the crowd, Yunchu saw that Liang Ying was still charging forward. He urged his horse and completely penetrated the cannibal cavalry team.

After finally slowing down and reining in the horse, when he was about to turn around and fight again, he found that it was no longer necessary. The monarch and the remaining cavalry had already run down the high slope. It is estimated that this round of charge is all it takes to end the battle. .

Yun Chu's bay-red horse ran the fastest. He was not here to kill people, but to rescue two of his subordinates who fell off their horses from the battlefield.

The heavy armored cavalry is not good at this. After falling off the horse, it will usually be injured, and it will be very disadvantageous to fight the enemy on the ground.

Yunchu's horse spear pierced the throats of the two big cannibals, and with a strong pull, the two Tang soldiers were pulled aside so that they would not be hit by the cavalry behind them.

After 2,500 cavalrymen sorted through the chaotic battlefield, the fighting on the battlefield had basically calmed down.

The man-eating general was still alive, but his weapons and armor had been stripped off by the Tang army. He shouted angrily at Yun Chu: "Who are you?"

But he paid no attention to his own life and death.

After the battle just now, Yun Chu could see that these giant cannibals were not pure cavalry. Perhaps they should be called infantry on horseback. Their familiarity with horse fighting was far less than theirs. The effect of ground battle.

Yun Chu pretended not to understand the big cannibal's very unseemly reply, and just turned his head towards the city.

At this time, the city of Heraz has begun to smoke. Hassan, who is as fat as a pig, is fighting at the top of the city but is as brave as a lion. Every time he swings the scimitar in his hand, a big man-eating soldier screams and falls. land.

This made Yunchu begin to imagine how well-groomed a Western warrior Hassan must have been when he was slim.

"Who are you? Are you from Tang Dynasty?"

The cannibal general is still roaring heart-rendingly. It can be seen that he really likes this city. Judging from the quiet and peaceful scene he just saw, this cannibal general should be regarded as... A qualified city lord.

Yunchu didn't want to casually turn such a quiet and peaceful town into a hell on earth.

However, there was no way. When Hassan and Compis chose the first city to raid, they unanimously chose this small city called Heraz.

Sometimes, wealth is an original sin, especially when you do not have enough power to protect this wealth, the ending is often the saddest.

"I came here to ask for directions. Why did you start attacking us without asking?"

After Liang Ying hurried back, he pretended to be sorry and said to the big cannibal general.

"You are despicable robbers."

The Great Cannibal General pointed at the smoking Heraz, and Hassan and Compis who were already slaughtering the Great Cannibal at the top of the city. He should have recognized them, or he was already very familiar with these two people.

"We are not, we are innocent passers-by."

Liang Ying ordered his subordinates to sort out the Arabian horses that were not injured or were only slightly injured. After the injured Tang cavalry were put on the horses, Yun Chu raised his whip and continued to walk west.

From beginning to end, Yunchu didn't say a word, nor did he ask anyone to kill the big cannibal general. He even took pity on his situation and thoughtfully prepared an injured war horse and a bag of dry food for him.

Seeing Yunchu leading the team away from Heraz, the big food general was still jumping and cursing.

When Hassan and Compis cleared away the Dashi warriors at the top of the city and turned their attention to him, General Dashi hurriedly jumped on the injured horse and ran away.

He felt that he could not die at this time and needed to inform the governor of the enemy's arrival.

I was inspected in the middle of the night last night. Fortunately, I slept like a pig. I didn't go drinking or running out. I was very honest. Two brothers claimed that they were taking a shower when the Discipline Inspection Commission knocked on the door. But they didn't believe it and they were made very embarrassed. One of them received a demerit. There is no way to escape the punishment. By the way, I was elected as the scrutineer today, and I will be wide-eyed from tomorrow on. Besides, the food provided by the meal ticket is so unpalatable, only beef noodles and starch noodles are barely edible.

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