Tang's dining table

Chapter 614 Chang’an, Chang’an, you can have dreams

Li Si likes the oiran who comes to Jinchangfang to parade!

The beautifully dressed oiran was sitting on a walking chariot, and eight people were carrying her. These eight people were swaying as they walked, while the oiran sitting on the walking chariot was swaying like a willow in the wind.

The round fan seemed to cover her face, but in fact most of her eyebrows were exposed. Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, conveying her longing for her to every man on the street in a coy manner.

And every man on the street would cheer for her, and those men with flowers on their hair would even rush towards her crazily, only to be thrown out of the crowd by the violent guards.

The streets were very lively at that time. People stood on both sides of the street and stretched their necks to watch the oiran. Even the guests of the roadside pub ran out. The wine flags were flying. Some of those people were drunk, and some were standing on the tables. Some stood on the window sill, and some unbuttoned their clothes and patted the oiran's chest, showing how strong he was... and howling.

Most of the lanterns in Jinchangfang are red, so the people nearby are dyed red by the lights, and the people far away look very dark. There are also many people jumping out of the darkness suddenly, wearing Nuo dance masks. One of the guys wearing a Kunlun slave mask was beaten up by others because he scared people.

The prince's brother is the most unreasonable person in the world.

Ever since he saw the lively scene of the oiran and Li Si said that he wanted to be an oiran when he grew up, the prince's brother had people smash the oiran's chariot and threw such a beautiful oiran into the gutter, soaked it and then fished it out. , dragged him to Li Si and showed her. Not only that, the prince brother also beat up and screamed a group of libertines who were wearing flowers and crying out for the oiran. Finally, he ordered the oiran not to enter Jinchangfang, and he would be beheaded if he came again!

Thinking of this, Li Si couldn't help but touch his butt. The mark from Auntie's bamboo whip hadn't faded yet...

Li Si's dream of being an oiran had just begun, but he was eliminated by the prince brother and his mother-in-law.

Master Cui said that children should dream... Then she was beaten by her mother-in-law, but Master Cui could not beat her mother-in-law.

Master Cui's eyes were blue because of his mother-in-law. Even so, Cui, who had one blue eye, secretly told Li Si that the oiran represented liveliness, joy, and wealth. It’s already very good. There is no need to become an oiran by yourself, otherwise you will be thrown into the gutter...

Doesn’t Li Si also like to eat delicious pork? Just eat pork, there is no need to be a butcher.

After being beaten, the matter is over. Li Si doesn't want to be a dirty and smelly pig butcher, so naturally he doesn't want to be a courtesan... He will be thrown into the gutter by his brother. The gutter is very smelly. Every morning, there are people. The mother-in-law poured the filth from the toilet into the gutter...

Yun Jin picked a large, red pomegranate flower and did not give it to Yun Jin. Li Si put the flower in her hair. Aniang liked it and kissed Li Si. Li Si decided to wear it more in the future. flower……

Chang'an is very prosperous now, with all kinds of garden activities popping up one after another. Often just after one neighborhood has held land boating and girl tours, another neighborhood has started to hold a clothes drying festival. There are colorful clothes everywhere. The men and women walking around in the most fashionable clothes were each more beautiful than the last.

Jinchangfang went too far. They pulled off colorful ribbons from the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and connected them to the ground. After hundreds of ribbons were pulled off, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda looked like a new woman waiting to be married.

When the wind blows, the ribbon will rustle, and the bells on the ribbon will ring together. The masters of Ci'en Temple said that this is a good relationship with Buddha...

As long as you listen carefully to the sound of the bells in the wind, a spiritually aware person can hear the faint Sanskrit sound, which is the sound left by the Buddha in time.

Yunchu was also listening to the sound of the bells. The sound of the bells he heard was very detrimental to them. The damn big cannibal actually made a huge noise on the battlefield and even asked some people to wear lion skins and pretend to be lions in front of the military formation. , which gave the cavalry's mounts a great influence.

This was not the first time that Yun Chubu encountered such a scene. The soldiers had already had countermeasures, but the sound of these bells made people upset.

This time, it was not so much Yusuf, the Eastern Governor of Persia, who intercepted Yunchu, as it was Yunchu who deliberately waited for him here.

A surprise attack by an army will naturally not be able to intimidate the enemy. Only a face-to-face charge and a decisive battle between two armies can make the losing side truly fearful.

Now, in front of Yun Chu was the 10,000 cavalry led by the great cannibal Eastern Governor Yusuf.

There were only 3,500 people in Yunchu, and because there were one person and two horses, the scene didn't look much worse than the Great Cannibal.

Seeing that the Lord's right hand had been raised, the old thieves among the cavalry were about to shed tears. They swore that they only came to the Western Regions to make a fortune, and they did not expect that they would follow the cavalry and participate in the battle.

"Prepare your crossbow. Once the people in front get out of the way, shoot three times."

"Prepare your shield, protect your chest, and move forward bravely."

"Prepare thunder and fire bombs to disrupt the enemy's position."

Yun Chu took off his cloak and it fell to the ground, revealing a pure black armor. The horse was on the bird's wing ring on the right hand side. The armor on his left arm was covered with an arm shield with a diameter of one foot. This arm The function of the shield is not to block arrows, but to resist being hacked by machetes.

The tinder in front of the saddle has been lit, and six thunder bombs are hung on the armor silk tape. As long as it is pulled off, the fireproof cap will be pulled away, revealing the dry fuse inside.

In view of the fact that Datang's thunder and fire bombs are not yet safe, and sometimes violent shocks can cause explosions, these bombs are only distributed before a battle. As for self-destruction after going to the battlefield, then There is nothing we can do, whoever explodes will be unlucky.

The man-eating lions were still slowly advancing, and there were many people behind them shaking huge bells.

Behind these people are the large food cavalry advancing with graceful steps.

Yunchu didn't understand their current performance very much. Cavalry, shouldn't this thing be considered a cavalry if it can run?

Yun Chu glanced at Liang Ying, and Liang Ying left the group on horseback and led a small group of cavalry to kill the big eater.

After running into the range of the crossbow, he pulled the trigger. The more than 300 crossbow arrows fired by the team quickly killed some of the people pretending to be lions. After all, they were pretending to be lions, not real lions.

Liang Ying continued to approach, picked up his horse, and looked like he was ready to charge into the battle. The big cannibals didn't even fire arrows to stop them, and everyone looked at the team led by Liang Ying with gloating eyes.

Just as they were about to rush into the cannibal's army, those pretending to be lions immediately ran back in a swarm. In the space between them and the cannibal cavalry, rows of trip ropes appeared, as well as gleaming cold lights. of caltrops.

Liang Ying roared loudly, turned the horse's head, circled in a large arc in front of the cannibal cavalry, and came back again.

When Yun Chu saw this, he waved his arms, and the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty divided into two teams, left and right, and surrounded the big eater.

This was the first time Yunchu had seen this kind of scene. It was clear that there were many people in the cannibals, but they were actually in a defensive state. It seemed that the reputation of the Tang Dynasty cavalry for their bravery and good fighting skills had spread to the cannibals.

Moreover, they also arranged snagging ropes and iron caltrops right in front of their military formation. It is not known whether they were guarding against the Tang army or trapping themselves.

After the cavalry on the left and right wings were killed, there was still no change in the huge phalanx of the cannibal, which surprised Yunchu. The infantry could only use the phalanx. Shouldn't the cavalry attack in a linear manner to achieve maximum effect?

Soon, Yunchu's test came to fruition. The cavalry on the left and right wings came back after trying to charge for a while. They also found stumbling ropes and iron caltrops on the left and right sides, especially on the right, and there were also one-foot-tall cavalrymen. A deep, fist-sized pit, this kind of pit is specially used to break horse hooves.

When the Tang army surrounded this huge battle formation and began to use crossbows and feather arrows to greet them, those cavalrymen actually raised their huge round shields, covering the sky tightly. The crossbow arrows and feather arrows fell on the round shields. , some stuck on it, and some fell to the ground after jumping twice.

Liang Ying was trembling with excitement and looked at Yun Chu impatiently. Yun Chu smiled and said: "Then let's get started."

Liang Ying immediately took off a specially made kerosene bomb from the armor silk ribbon and set off again with his cavalry squad.

At the same time, the trumpeter behind Yunchu immediately blew the horn. The Tang army, which was originally looking for loopholes to attack the giant eater, put away their bows, arrows and crossbows. They took off the thunder bombs and lit them. , and approached around the cannibal’s turtle-shell-like military formation.

Another part of the cavalry threw out the hook lock, hooked the stumbling rope and dragged it backwards, hoping to create an opportunity for the cavalry who followed to get closer to the cannibal army's formation.

Liang Ying's kerosene bomb was thrown out instantly. With great force, the kerosene bomb flew over the tripping horse rope area, landed on the big cannibal's buckler and exploded. In an instant, a dark red flame appeared on the edge of the cavalry team. It exploded and enveloped four or five cavalrymen in flames.

The war horses that were touched by the flames screamed and jumped around. Before these horses could mess up the team, they were beheaded by the giant cannibals around them.

Immediately, more thunder and fire bombs were thrown into the cannibal's team.

The giant eaters were not alarmed when flames appeared on the battlefield. However, when the thunder and fire bombs burst out with a loud noise, and this unprecedented loud noise suddenly appeared around them, these seemingly well-disciplined eaters The cavalry finally had some commotion.

Some smart commanders saw that the black iron balls that made huge noises were still flying over, so they shouted loudly to their subordinates to leave the originally created defensive circle, rather than risk being injured by tripping ropes and iron caltrops. Leave this dangerous position.

New Year is here. Blessings to all.

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