Tang's dining table

Chapter 624 The Li family needs a sword of wisdom

Of course Yunchu knew how to make glass, but there was no need for it at the moment.

In the face of a grand narrative, the profits from making glass are nothing at all.

What Yun Chu wants is to connect things!

If you want to achieve the goal of connecting things, then you need to have enough and high enough profits to support it. If the profits are not large enough or big enough, no one will be willing to travel thousands of miles to do business.

The old thieves who were city lords in the Persian Protectorate have all come back, and they are very satisfied with this harvest.

While registering, Wen Wen was surprised more than once. The Persian Protectorate was so wealthy. These old thieves had acquired more than 2,000 exquisite Persian carpets.

Pure Persian black lambskin hats could only be used by Persian knights in the past. Now, they are all taken back by old thieves.

However, Yunchu didn't value these things, and he didn't even look at the gold, silver and gems that the old thieves had collected.

What he saw was a knife.

A scimitar with a stepped pattern commonly used by giant cannibals.

If Yun Chu remembered correctly, this stepped pattern was called Mohammed's Ladder to Heaven.

So this kind of knife is also called Damascus scimitar.

With the Damascus scimitar, Yunchu wanted to know where the Persian craftsmen who could smelt wootz steel were.

However, he didn't ask in a hurry. He only needed to take a look at the old thief in front of him who seemed to have symptoms of dry stool and understood that they were waiting for him to ask questions.

Yun Chu picked up the knife and played with it casually. The scimitar rotated left and right in his hand. In an instant, a black hole appeared in his hand that seemed to be able to suck human life into it.

When the black scimitar stopped steadily, the black sword light quickly disappeared, as if it had penetrated into the scimitar.

Wen Wen took the knife, casually chopped off a horizontal knife, checked the edge of the scimitar and said to Yun Chu, "It's a good thing, but the quantity is small, so it doesn't have a higher value.

At that time, Cao Zhi said in "Ode to the Treasure Sword": Land cuts off rhinoceros leather, water cuts off dragon boats. The blade is not sharp when struck lightly. It should be this thing that surpasses the giant tower of South Vietnam and surpasses Tai'a of Western Chu. "

Yun Chu took the scimitar and circled it around his wrist before accurately getting into the scabbard. Then he raised his head and looked at Huo Du and said, "Where are the craftsmen?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it from Yun Chu, Huo Du bowed and left. In a moment, six big cannibals with their heads wrapped in white cloth came in.

"Abdul is willing to serve your lordship."

The old cannibal at the head bent down and saluted. His voice was very flattering. He should be a cannibal who was used to serving noble people.

People from the Tang Dynasty are not the only ones who can follow the trend of others. In any tribe, there are people who can master this skill without any teacher.

"Can you smelt steel enough to make a Damascus scimitar?"

Yunchu's cannibal's words weren't very good, but he could still make his meaning clear.

"Yes, but only for us, noble sir. No one can take this skill away from Abdul."

When Abdul said this, he deliberately untied the cloth on his head. Yunchu discovered that he had no ears.

Judging from what he just said, a pair of ears left him in order to keep the secret of Wuzi Steel.

Yun Chu turned to look at Huo Du and said, "How much local iron ore did he bring when he came?"

Huo Du said: "He brought a lot of iron blocks in the shape of women's breasts."

"How many?"

"Six hundred dollars."

"It's not enough, keep going."

Huo Du pointed at Abdul and said to Yun Chu in embarrassment: "Junhou, as long as they are here, how many iron pieces do we want?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said that the iron ore here was particularly good. The iron ore in another place might not be able to make such a good knife. "

Seeing that Yunchu didn't seem to care much about him, Abdul took a step forward and said, "Sir, if you are willing to give me a suitable status and position, Abdul is willing to serve you."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Don't worry, our Tang Dynasty is a tolerant dynasty. As long as you have real ability, you can get anything you want in the Tang Dynasty. If you are willing, I want to take you to our country." Our capital is Chang'an, and the nobles in Chang'an will decide your fate. Are you willing to follow us?"

Abdul stroked his chest and said, "Your Majesty's wishes are the direction I want to move forward."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "In that case, then go and get more iron ore with Huo Du. I want you to understand that the more iron that can be used to forge Damascus scimitars, the better your status will be." important.

However, you have to understand that you don't have much time. One month later, when the caravan from Kufa arrives in the Buddhist Kingdom, it will be time for us to set off back to Chang'an. "

Abdul quickly saluted and said: "I understand, let's go now."

Wen Wen, who was looking through the documents, saw Huo Du leaving with Abdul and his party, so he closed the document and said to Yun Chu: "This Abdul was forced by Yusuf and had no choice but to find him." He took a chance and escaped to our side.

A pair of his ears were cut off by Yusuf. Originally, Yusuf was not ready to let them go. As a result, because we entered the Persian Protectorate, Yusuf was forced to leave early. Otherwise, Abdul would not survive. Until now.

This guy is homeless now, so you don't have to be too easy on him.

Also, any martial artist would be ecstatic when seeing such a peerless weapon. Why are you so indifferent?

Moreover, from the moment I saw this sword, I immediately thought of the iron materials needed to forge this kind of weapon. Are you familiar with this kind of thing? "

Yun Chu continued to say indifferently: "When it comes to learning and memorizing knowledge, you are not even a little bit behind me. Even if I stop studying from today on, you won't be able to catch up."

Wen Rou listened to Yun Chu's words without refuting. Whenever something like this happens, it's best not to refute. If you really care about it, you will definitely be the one who loses.

Yun Chu had too many weird and strange facts in his chest. Just like the last time he casually mentioned where the northern edge was, he thought it was just a boring chat, but in the end Yun Chu told him a seemingly detailed answer.

Although there was no way to verify it, Wen Wen had a vague feeling that what Yun Chu said should be true.

"Let Abdul forge a sword for His Majesty right here."

Wen Wen suddenly had an inspiration. With such a peerless sword placed under the emperor's nose, it might make the emperor pay more attention to the Western Regions.

Judging from the current behavior of the emperor and his wife in the Western Regions, they really don't value the Western Regions very much.

When a country's land area is large, it will be divided into three, six and nine. Those that can be exchanged in times of crisis, those that can be simply given up in bad times, and those that need to be defended. I believe that there is such a ranking in the emperor's mind. of.

Judging from the current situation, the Western Region is a place where benefits can be exchanged and given up.

We need to work hard to improve the presence of the Western Regions.

Back then, Dayu used the method of casting tripods to establish Kyushu. Regardless of whether casting a good sword at this time can improve the status of the Western Regions in the emperor's heart, you will have to try it to know.

"The Zhanlu Sword is the ceremonial sword of Emperor Taizong. That sword is a bronze sword cast in the Spring and Autumn Period. The casting process is too poor, and it is not as good as the Bailian Hengdao of the Tang Dynasty. It is famous, and Emperor Taizong likes black the most. , so the Zhanlu Sword was used as a ceremonial sword.

The sword made of wootz steel is covered with patterns, which does not look solemn at all and gives people an evil feeling. Do you think it is appropriate to present such a sword to His Majesty? "

Yun Chu fully absorbed the full meaning of Wen Wen's words. After thinking about it, he still rejected Wen Wen's suggestion.

Gentleness obviously doesn't give up.

"Today's Western Regions, in the eyes of those in the Tang Dynasty, are tasteless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to abandon. We must use all means to deepen the emperor's impression of the Western Regions. Otherwise, one day, if the scene in the Western Regions changes, they said We might abandon the Western Region, wouldn’t we be busy in vain?”

When Yun Chu saw that there was no one around, he said to Wen Wen: "This is why Master Xuanzang, Lord Monkey, and other Buddhist monks insist on making Naha the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions."

Wenrou was taken aback and said, "How could they do this? Wouldn't this harm Naha?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said: "I also realized it later, and when I found out, Naha and Li Hong were already as close as siblings.

Buddhism and the others don't care whether Naha uses love between a man and a woman to tie Li Hong, or whether she uses family affection to tie Li Hong. Anyway, their goal has been achieved.

Buddhism believes that the Western Region cannot be lost in the hands of His Majesty today, and it is very likely that it will be lost when the Crown Prince ascends the throne and his control becomes weaker.

If Naha's Buddhist country is in the Western Regions, there is no doubt that Li Hong will never give up on the Western Regions. "

Wen Wen sighed and said: "With the seven emotions and six desires as weapons, and there is no trace of their victory, these bald donkeys are really amazing.

I said, why is Naha, a silly girl, such a high status in the Western Region? Not only is she not a puppet, but she is a real person with real power.

Taking a detailed look at Naha's actions in Chang'an, she actually completed all the requirements placed on her by Buddhism silently, and she did it very well.

In Naha's opinion, these things are what she likes and she does them willingly...

No wonder, no wonder. "

Yun Chu sighed and said: "This is what I am most worried about. These monks really have the ability to moisturize things silently."

Wen Wen stood up, punched the table hard and roared: "Then it's even more important to forge a sword.

The Li family, if they want to do bad things, they will definitely do bad things to women. We'd better forge a demon sword, a demon sword that can cut off love, come out with the sword of wisdom! "

People in the Li royal family don't know what happened. Starting from Li Yuan, he liked to listen to the gossip. When Emperor Taizong arrived, he turned into a demon of lust. Whether it was the old empress of the former Sui Dynasty or his brother's wife, Don't let anything go.

Now His Majesty, not even Wu Mei's family can satisfy him.

At such a young age, Li Hong has already revealed the nature of a coward in Naha. It is simply wrong to give Naha something as important as the Crown Prince's teaching to play with.

See you tomorrow

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