Tang's dining table

Chapter 640 The cultural invasion of cannibals

Yunchu had to admit that the female slaves carried by the cannibals and Persians were really beautiful.

Especially Persian girls who like to cover their faces but completely expose their waists do have a captivating charm when they dance.

Most of their dances use exaggerated waist and hip movements, combined with their soft and boneless waists and wavy arms like water snakes, which can arouse men's most primitive desires to the greatest extent.

Dance during the Tang Dynasty, no matter which country or place it was in, had only two functions, one was to offer sacrifices, and the other was to please men.

There are not many times when merchants need to offer sacrifices, so the biggest role of their female slaves in dancing is to communicate the relationship between the two parties.

The biting cold wind made the campfire roar. It was obvious that the fire was warming the chest and the wind was blowing the cold behind. Several female slaves took off their fur clothes, revealing their plump chests and strong waists, and played to the tambourine. When dancing, people will forget the harsh environment they are in.

With such a wonderful beauty by your side, even death will become glory and luck.

In the perception of the cannibals and Persians, beauty is often connected with the word nobility, because the owner of beauty must be noble.

The five tones and six colors available to confuse people in this era are too simple and too monotonous, so that people regard extreme sex as the highest reward for their success.

The arrival of various barbarians is constantly eroding the original customs and habits of the Tang people.

Especially in terms of dress and behavior, the behavioral habits of people in the Tang Dynasty have become more and more open over the years.

The neckline is getting wider and lower, and the breasts that should have been treasured and hidden are now beginning to be exposed.

Some bold orchids in Chang'an City, in order to sell more wine and attract more customers, have begun to wear their bellybands as outerwear. The more sophisticated ones will wear a gauze dress outside their bellybands. Or wrap a very brightly colored ribbon around your arm.

In prosperous and prosperous times, women were willing to accept some foreign things that they thought were beautiful. In a city where they could eat and drink well, women wanted to get more favors from men by dressing up in various gorgeous ways. and respect.

In addition, the Tang Dynasty itself did not attach much importance to things like chastity, at least it did not associate chastity with women's lives.

Women in the Tang Dynasty were rarely widowed. A remarried woman would not be criticized by others in the Tang Dynasty. As long as she was still the eldest wife of the family, her power would not be less than that of a woman who married for the first time.

The daughters of the Li Tang royal family fully enjoyed the love between men and women and bravely pursued their own unique love. For this reason, some princesses were hanged, some were deposed, some were thrown into the water and drowned, and some were drowned. Some were beheaded. These threats of death did not stop them from pursuing love.

Fortunately, the men of the Tang Dynasty did not change much, because in the end, they were the ones who benefited from the changes that took place in women.

However, many men in the Tang Dynasty also used methods such as hairpins, rouge, biting matchsticks, incense, and eyebrow painting. Therefore, the number of handsome men in Chang'an City is increasing year by year.

Arrogance, extravagance and lewdness are bad habits.

This is what many old-fashioned people say.

Yun Chu doesn't think so. A unified country, a country that is extremely powerful, should have the tolerance to embrace all rivers. Only in this way can it benefit all countries and strengthen a country.

Yun Chu was a person who had different opinions. When he saw the cannibalistic female slaves and the Persian female slaves wearing cool clothes performing dances, he was very immersed in watching them and would even praise them loudly.

And if Naha's clothes are inappropriate in the slightest, his face will be longer than a donkey's face and darker than a briquette.

A unified country should have a unified attitude. Yunchu liked to see all the countries fawning over the Tang Dynasty. Although he said modest words, he took all the flattery from the food merchants and Persian merchants. receive.

Whether it was money, beauties, or fine horses, he accepted all the rare treasures, and he didn't even let go of the stories told by the big eater.

Because he heard the original version of One Thousand and One Nights.

Because the storyteller is a Dashi, and the people listening to the story are people from the Tang Dynasty. Then, on the island between Dashi and the Tang Dynasty, there is a country called Sasang.

King Shanruyar discovered that the queen and concubine were "unchaste" and after killing them, the king married a new girl every night and killed her the next morning.

The people were so frightened by this threat that they all fled with their daughters. However, as usual, the king ordered the prime minister to find women for him to torture and kill. The women at that time either died under the king's sword or fled.

Scheherazade, the daughter of the prime minister, voluntarily married the king in order to save innocent women from being massacred. She used the method of telling stories to arouse the king's interest without killing her, so night after night until she told the story for one thousand and one nights, most of them were stories about admonishing good and punishing evil. In the end, the king was influenced and grew old with her.

Yunchu enjoyed listening to such stories, while Naha was agitated.

"Why not kill the king?"

Zhong Kui, who was also listening to the story, said: "Because in all the stories, people are very tolerant of kings and hope to make kings and emperors kind through wise ways."

"If I were Scheherazade, I would kill the damn king on the first night."

She smiled softly and said: "The king is a powerful representative in the story of the great cannibal, and is the incarnation of invincibility.

Another problem is that people don't like war and are willing to change their unchangeable fate through tolerance or other methods.

On this point, there is no difference between the cannibals and the Tang people. "

"I don't care, I just want to kill that king!"

Compared with bureaucrats like Yun Chu and Wen Wen, Naha is undoubtedly a more courageous person. She understands the obvious truth that fate cannot be controlled by others.

Even though Naha was very angry, she still wanted to listen to stories, especially that little eating girl who could speak Huihe as beautifully as the chirping of an oriole. She could tell these magnificent stories with ups and downs, making people fascinated. .

"This little girl is mine!"

After the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom spoke, the owner of the little girl was so surprised that she dedicated the little girl to Her Majesty the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom piously, and also presented many good things to Her Majesty the Queen.

The Dashi merchants are the most cunning businessmen in the world. The process of them walking with Yun Chu to Chang'an is actually a process of continuous corruption and wooing Yun Chu.

During this process, Yun Chu showed no sign of resistance. As long as you dared to give, he would dare to accept.

People who are bribed too easily are unreliable.

This principle is readily available in the consciousness of the Great Cannibals or the people of the Tang Dynasty, but they are expressed in different ways.

Therefore, the more gifts Yunchu received, the more promises he made, and finally when he took the initiative to provide them with some inappropriate conveniences, even the big cannibals and the Persians looked at Yunchu with contempt. meaning.

From then on, these businessmen never gave Yunchu any benefits, not even a single gold.

After having a rich little girl who can tell stories, Naha has opened up a new continent.

"Brother, brother, I'm listening to Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. It sounds great. Do you want to listen to it together?"

"Brother, brother, can you get me a flying carpet? I want to fly to Chang'an in a whoosh."

"Brother, brother, when you rest tonight, bring me all the oil lamps. Maybe there is a big monster in one of the oil lamps."

Of course Yunchu knew the story of Alibaba, and of course Yunchu also knew the story of Aladdin's magic lamp and flying carpet.

However, he didn't think he could get Naha a flying carpet or find an oil lamp containing a hobgoblin.

The little girl is a human-shaped version of "One Thousand and One Nights". The life of this big-eating girl is inseparable from these beautiful stories. The meaning of her life is to keep many stories in her heart and then tell them to her. Listen to those who need it.

After all, the parchment scrolls used by the Cannibals to record text were relatively expensive, and the papyrus produced by the Egyptians was not of good quality and could not be used to record such lengthy stories.

There are not only one thousand and one stories in "One Thousand and One Nights", but when the Big Eater talks about the concept of "many", he usually adds one after a hundred, or one after a thousand.

Naha is a generous person. When she gets a good thing, she likes to let more people enjoy it.

Therefore, after the little cannibal girl told her, she would automatically translate it into Tang dialect and then tell it to others.

Naha's story is not good at all, and the child's literary talent is not good either. When she dances and tells stories to others, she often laughs so hard that she can't stand up straight, but those who listen to the story look at each other in confusion. Naha doesn't know What's the point of laughter?

Whenever she encounters something she can't handle, Naha will habitually turn to her omnipotent brother.

So, when Naha told stories in the evening, she would dance and talk nonsense first, and then Yun Chu would organize Naha's confused nonsense into beautiful stories and tell them to everyone.

Only then did people know why Naha had so many strange looks and actions.

I have to say that "One Thousand and One Nights" is really a good collection of stories. People of the Tang Dynasty who originally knew nothing about cannibals can learn about the living customs of cannibals by listening to these stories. Depending on the social conditions, the cannibals in their eyes will become concrete instead of illusory and untouchable.

Yun Chu didn't know whether this was a cultural exchange or a cultural invasion, because he believed that as long as "One Thousand and One Nights" enters Chang'an, many people will like it.

As long as more Tang Dynasty people like this story, the opportunists in Pingkangfang will definitely evolve these stories into other artistic methods and eventually make a lot of money.

Chapter One

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