Tang's dining table

Chapter 654 Sanzang and Sansi

The closer they got to Chang'an, the more severe the military law that Yun Chu implemented in the caravan. Of course, the main targets of punishment were the old thieves in Guanzhong.

Seeing the old thief Peng Tianzhu from Heifeng Ridge in Shaohua Mountain being coldly and tenderly executed in public and thrown into the wilderness, the hearts of the other old thief who were so obsessed with money suddenly became cold.

They couldn't figure it out, but they just killed a fan while fighting for beauty in Huazhou last night. Moreover, Peng Tianzhu didn't pay the money. As a result, it became a case of beheading when he got to the county magistrate.

They watched the magistrate of Chang'an County Wen Wen kill people.

But Yun Chu was looking at them, and every old thief could feel Yun Chu's gaze like that of patrolling a flock of sheep. This gaze was like an awl, and it stung people.

Everyone immediately understood that the fact that Yunchu had become one with them in the Western Regions and shared life and death was actually an illusion and required them to sacrifice their lives. After returning to Guanzhong, there was a difference between officials and bandits after all.

That night, three old Qinling thieves abandoned the money they were about to get, and took only their weapons and horses to leave quietly. Years of thieves' experience told them that if they didn't leave now, they would be dead.

They met Liang Ying not long after they walked out of the caravan circle.

The old thief Huo Du laughed miserably and said, "Young General, aren't you going to give us a way to survive?"

Liang Ying shook his head and said: "When we were in the Western Regions, I asked you whether you wanted to stay in the Western Regions, but you refused..."

"So we can't survive now, right?"

Liang Ying said: "Follow the rules and you can still live."

"Whose rules should you follow, and what kind of rules? Are they the prince's?"

Liang Yingdao: "Thieves in the Tang Dynasty are generally called righteous men in foreign lands, but in China they can only be thieves."

Hearing this, Huo Du looked at the two brothers beside him and silently pulled out the sword. They had followed him to the Western Regions to make a fortune because they believed in Yun Chu. They thought that Yun Chu was a very loyal person. Until this moment, he suddenly I understand one thing: an official is an official, and a thief is a thief.

The sound of a crossbow was heard in the darkness. Huo Du raised his sword, pointed it at Liang Ying and said, "I have been a bandit all my life, and I cannot be an obedient citizen."

Wen Wen came out of the darkness, looked at Huo Du and said, "You think that if you change your wife, children, old and young, and place them in Chang'an County and Wannian County, we stupid officials can't do anything about you, do you?"

Huo Du's face trembled a few times, he stuck the horizontal knife on the ground, and said to Wen Wen while riding on his horse: "I understand, if I die, they can live, right?"

He smiled softly and said: "Huo Du, you know how many innocent people you have killed in your life. You should know that this sky net is so vast that no leaks can be missed. If you die in the Western Regions or stay in the Western Regions, we will pretend that we don't know. As long as you After monitoring them for a few years, if they do not do any bad things, they will be completely let go and let them live a normal life.

Now, you are so determined to run away?

Didn't you voluntarily come to Junhou's army just to protect the safety of your family? There is no need to wrap yourself up as a deceived righteous man. To be honest, you, an old thief with many crimes, don't deserve it. "

Huo Du got off his horse and said with his hands behind his back: "The official word has two meanings, no matter what you say, it is right."

Wen Wen said: "In the past, the government did not take good care of the people. You had no way to survive and became thieves. To be honest, I think it can be forgiven. Now, the counties around Chang'an have undergone earth-shaking changes. They can't be said to be rich, but they have become rich." I have eaten enough, but if you still refuse to repent at this time, even if I kill you, you will not be wronged."

Huo Du said: "If I die, will you let my whole family go?"

She smiled softly and said, 'That's why we waited until you left the caravan before taking action.

Now, you have two choices. One, go to the Wannian County Prison to find the prison leader Yanjiu, honestly state your evil deeds, and according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, see if the money you earn is enough to atone for your sins.

Second, commit suicide now and we will hand over your body to your family and just say that you died while guarding the caravan.

In addition, if you are lucky enough to survive, you will have to be careful in the rest of your life. It is very likely that you will be punished for several crimes for spitting on the street, and finally be beheaded in public.

Peng Tianzhu died because of this, and what you and I hate the most are people who don’t respect your orders. "

Huo Du thought for a moment and said, "Can you let me go back to the caravan and read out the kindness of the Lord and Marquis to all the old brothers, so that we can go to Wannian County Prison together to report."

She smiled softly and said, "Very good."

Liang Ying watched Huo Du and the others turn around and went back. He hesitated and said to Wen Wen, "Why do I think we are robbing them?"

Wen Wen said: "It doesn't mean that the sins they once committed will no longer exist.

The main responsibility of the government is to punish the evil and protect the good. These people are special and are transforming from evil to good. In this process, they naturally have to pay a certain price.

Otherwise, as Junhou said, killing people and setting fires with gold belts, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses is disrespectful to heaven and earth. "

Liang Ying followed Wen Wen back to the camp, muttering as he walked: "I still think this was a premeditated robbery."

Wen Wen turned back to look at Liang Ying and said: "Part of the money they contributed must be distributed to the victims..."

“What if the victim doesn’t forgive them and refuses to take the money?”

"They're going to lose lots and lots of money."

"If people don't want money, then they won't forgive these old thieves?"

Wen Wen spread her hands and said, "Then there is nothing we can do. It only means that what these old thieves did back then was too cruel. As a government official, we naturally want to uphold justice for the good and behead the old thieves."

"No matter what we do, we won't lose, right?"

Wen Wen reined in the horse, looked at Liang Ying and said in surprise: "We are the government. How could we lose money?"

This world belongs to the emperor and to us, so we are the judges. How can we lose money when facing the judged? "

Liang Ying begged: "You learned all this in the Imperial College? County Lord, can you please help me beg the prince and don't send me to the Imperial College to supervise the imperial examination."

Wen Wen raised her hand and slapped Liang Ying on the helmet and said, "This is for your own good. Don't be ungrateful."

The two returned to the camp with their soldiers and horses. Yun Chu had not gone to bed yet. He was lighting a candle and reading a thick document. The water on the small stove had already boiled and was bubbling. Liang Ying saw that the water temperature was just right. So he made a cup of green tea for Yun Chu. As for him and Wen Wen, they just needed a cup of sweet tea to moisten their bitter mouths.

Yun Chu looked away from the document, turned around and looked at Wen Wen and said, "Have things been settled?"

Wen Wen said: "Those who committed the most heinous crimes have basically died in the Western Region. Those who are still alive today are old thieves who committed basic crimes."

Yun Chu waved his hand and said: "Not all thieves can be forgiven. There must be a standard. Those above the standard can be considered to spare their lives, and those below the standard should not be kept."

Liang Ying originally did not dare to speak in front of Yun Chu, but what happened today was not in line with his usual rules of life, so he boldly said: "These people have followed us through life and death in the Western Regions. Isn't it fair to treat them like this?"

"Put down the tea cup!" Yun Chu glanced at Liang Ying and said.

Liang Ying put down the tea cup respectfully, thinking that the Lord had some instructions. As a result, Yun Chu raised his leg and kicked his breastplate. His body flew up involuntarily, and flew out of the tent very quickly. It stopped after a foot away.

Holding a box of dried fruits, Naha looked at Liang Ying who was still sliding on the ground in surprise. When Liang Ying stopped moving, she lifted up her skirt, kicked Liang Ying's thighs and said, "If you don't obey me well, you'll be messed with." My brother is angry."

Liang Ying's mind went blank. He could feel that Junhou was really angry this time, so the kick was so heavy that the goggles on his chest were broken. Fortunately, Junhou closed it at the last moment. With a strong effort, the breast shield was broken but it did not hurt him.

"Could it be that I was really wrong?" Liang Ying muttered in a low voice, then got up from the ground and walked into the tent again, preparing to wait for a suitable time to discuss with Junhou what exactly was wrong with her.

"Don't eat dates as food in the future. One bite of them is like a bite of sugar. It's not good to eat too much sugar."

Liang Ying craned her neck to take a look and found Naha throwing dates into the teacups of the three of them.

Seeing that Junhou seemed to have lost his temper, Liang Ying carefully took his tea cup and sipped the tea in small sips.

When Naha came, the king stopped talking about official business and started talking about dates. He also told Naha that if you eat this food without restraint, it is easy to get diabetes, and this disease is specially treated. For lazy people, if you don't move enough in a day, your life will be in danger.

"I miss home, and I also miss my sister-in-law, Li Si, Yun Jin and the others. Now I just want to squeeze Yun Jin's fat face, and I also want to see if San'er looks like me."

Wen Wen said with malice: "I also hope that the third child in your family will look like you."

Yunchu ignored the vicious tenderness, pulled Naha to sit down and said, "Master Guiji has sent you a letter. They have prepared a grand Buddhist ritual for you. The team to welcome you is at Xianyang Bridge. They are blowing and beating you along the way. Enter Da Ci'en Temple, His Majesty is waiting for you there, ready to confer a Buddhist title on you."

Naha said angrily: "I am not a monk. The title given to Master Xuanzang by Emperor Taizong is Tripitaka! This name is extremely unpleasant.

Li Hong also wrote to me, saying that the title his father had prepared for me was - Three Idiots!

I don’t want such an unpleasant dharma title. I just go home and don’t go to Daci’en Temple. I don’t want to be a master of the Three Idiots either. "

After listening to Naha's words, Yun Chu's face began to twitch violently, and Wen Wen was already laughing so hard that he almost couldn't survive.

As for Liang Ying, who had just been beaten, under Naha's intimidating eyes, he wanted to laugh very much, but he didn't dare to laugh. It was just that his body was disobedient, his face was expressionless, and his chest was broken into two pieces of breast protection. But there was a clicking and rubbing sound, which sounded like laughter.

"You dare to laugh at my stupidity?"

The furious Naha lifted up the box containing dates and hit Liang Ying's helmet with great force. The dates flew everywhere, and the box was pierced by the spikes on the helmet and hung smoothly around his neck.

Chapter One

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