Tang's dining table

Chapter 656 I didn’t see you at first sight

In exchanges between countries, strength is the first priority.

The territory of the Tang Dynasty spans thousands of miles, and the territory of the Great Cannibal is also thousands of miles away. The Tang Dynasty has millions of powerful soldiers, and the Great Cannibal also has millions of string control people.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty could lay down millions of corpses and bleed thousands of miles with just one order. As long as the cannibal Caliph got angry, countless small countries would tremble in fear.

So, treat Abdul Hashim with justice. On the cannibal mission headed by deputy envoy Aziz Said, Datang gave the highest standards.

Especially after learning that both of them had the most noble surnames in the Dashi Kingdom, Li Zhi received them in the Taiji Hall with royal courtesy.

As for Naha, she was carried by a group of monks to the Great Ci'en Temple, where all the eminent monks who could be named in the Tang Dynasty were there.

You may not use Naha when talking about things, but when you need to show up, it must be Naha.

Da Ci'en Temple is heavily guarded today. Just look at those warrior monks holding sticks. Even the most devout believers would not dare to enter Da Ci'en Temple.

Today, in Da Ci'en Temple, a real king, the king of Buddhism, will be born.

The emperor's banquet to welcome the envoys was lengthy, and the demeanor displayed by the two envoys arriving from the Great Food Country was indeed in line with the strength of the Great Food Country.

The emperor and the empress were already fascinated by the witty messenger.

A world completely different from that of the Tang Dynasty, as the knowledgeable envoys recounted, whether it was the mysterious starry sky in the desert, the camels walking in the night, or the various events that occurred on the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers , whether it is a tragic, heroic, or sad story, it can easily arouse the sympathy of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. After all, these things have also happened in the land of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Hong listened very carefully and asked questions to the envoy from time to time. There were some questions that even the learned envoy could not answer.

"I once heard about the Battle of Thermopylae that took place in the far west. Did three hundred warriors really resist a hundred thousand troops?"

Abdul Hashim smiled and said: "Dear Your Highness, Your Highness, I am surprised by Your Highness's erudition. I did not expect that you still know about the tragic war a thousand years ago.

That war is so far away from us that it has almost become a legend. However, according to the parchment records handed down, it should be the Spartan King Leonidas I of Greece who led 300 Spartan elites. The soldiers and some of the Greek city-state coalition resisted the Persian Empire at Thermopylae, successfully delaying the Persian army's attack and gaining valuable time for Athens and other city-states to prepare for the battle.

However, due to being outnumbered, all 300 Spartan warriors and the volunteers at the rear were killed, and Leonidas was beheaded.

I think if the records in the parchments are true, then that battle must have been a glorious battle..."

Li Zhi was also surprised by Hashim's erudition. If the envoys of Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje, and even Japan and Tubo could make Li Zhi feel some light of human civilization, then these two people in front of him Envoy, Li Zhi's gaze expanded thousands of miles away in an instant.

Even though the banquet had progressed from daytime to late at night, the emperor still refused to give up and frequently toasted to the envoy, hoping to learn more about things far away.

After the monks carried Naha to the Daci'en Temple, and were highly praised by a large group of monks including Master Xuanzang, the old monks went to a meditation hall to discuss matters.

As for the Buddhist Queen Naha, no one paid any attention to her.

Dolma and Aisha were two maids who had no idea. Therefore, when Naha took out a ladder from a dark room, the three of them carried the ladder and put it on the wall. After climbing over the wall, they originally Unhappy Naha took a deep breath of the air in Jinchangfang, stretched, and said to the two maids: "Let's go home with me."

At this time, the sky had just darkened and the gate of Jinchangfang had not yet closed. It was the time when the Jinchangfang cafeteria was busy.

The street was brightly lit and people were coming and going, which immediately brought Naha back to a familiar environment.

The first person to know that King Naha was back was the candied haws peddler. The words "stop" made the old man selling candied haws squid suddenly remember the royalties for Yun's candied haws peas that he had never paid off in his lifetime.

Obediently, she punched the straw with candied haws on her shoulders on the ground, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Naha, feel free to choose. I made kiwi fruit today, and it tastes the most refreshing."

Naha didn't like this at all. The old man who sold candied haws on a stick was the most cunning. The kiwi fruits that can be eaten in spring are not good fruits at all. They are all brought back from the Qinling Icehouse and kept in the icehouse all autumn and winter. Although the kiwi fruit looks good, it is the least delicious.

To eat candied haws, you must eat hawthorn. Except for the hawthorn-flavored candied haws, the rest are just fake.

So, under the nervous gaze of the old man selling candied haws, Naha took three of them.

We haven't seen each other for two years. Everyone misses Naha, but the candied haws seller hopes to never see Naha again. Not only does she not get any money from her, but she also fails to get any money for introducing His Highness to the Crown Prince. Later, the three youngest members of the Yun family also learned how to do it for free, and today they brought two strangers to do it for free... If this continues, this business will no longer be viable.

"Looking at how stingy you are, no wonder you haven't gotten rich after several years." Naha took a bite of the candied haws and muttered. She took out a gold coin from her purse with one hand and flicked it out like her brother, then turned around and Walk.

The poor old man was busy grabbing the gold coins, but he forgot the straw handle in his hand. After catching the gold coins, the straw handle fell to the ground, and more than a dozen bunches of candied haws were covered in dust and could not be sold.

Naturally, Naha would not pay attention to such a small chaos. In the past, whenever she appeared in the market, she would cause much more chaos than this.

Because it was turned out from the side of Da Ci'en Temple, she now needs to pass through a long stretch of street market to get back to the main entrance of Yun's family.

Tongban's bookstore is still open, and there are a large group of Tai students who are boarding in Jinchangfang. There are also a large group of little kids peeking at the pictures of beauties produced by Jinchangfang, so the Tai students can go directly to browse those pictures of beauties. It's disgraceful, so those pictures of beauties that children look at are actually for the students.

Naha doesn't know much about these things, so she goes into the store and kicks the butts of those little brats. Although this can make money, it is a bit despicable.

Hearing the screams of children from the front, Tongban came out holding the teapot. When he found out it was Naha, he retracted his head without being noticed by Naha.

The Tai students left the bookstore in embarrassment, and the children also left the bookstore crying. Naha's beating was really painful.

When Copper saw that everyone had been driven away, Naha had not yet left, so he came out with a smile, pretending to be surprised and said: "Ah, little lady Naha, are you back?"

Naha ate the last candied haws, poked Copper's fat belly with a bamboo skewer and said, "I haven't seen you in the past two years. How much money have you earned to make yourself so fat?"

Tongban shrunk his belly and said with a smile: "I used to be fat."

"I want to publish a book called "One Thousand and One Nights". It is a story book. I want to write the good stories I heard into a book and tell it to others."

Copper said: "Who is this other person? Isn't it the other person I know?"

Naha said: "You prepare the paper, characters, and labor for me. When I finish writing, I will need it right away."

Copper nodded repeatedly. Now this little lady is getting more and more annoying. In the past, if you angered this lady, you would get a beating at most. Now, if you anger the young lady, you will probably have one of her legs removed, or the monks will remove it with sticks. leg.

The candied haws seller knew that Miss Naha was back, which meant that everyone in Jinchangfang knew that Naha was back.

We haven’t seen each other for two years. Naha’s former friends were either holding their babies or showing their big bellies. After seeing Naha in the bookstore, they couldn’t help but cry.

Naha was most impatient when others cried, so she gave each of them a gold coin. As expected, giving money always works. These losers who had just become wives from young ladies immediately burst into laughter and even said thank you. There is no difference from two years ago.

For some reason, Naha found it boring, so she pushed away the group of pot-bellied henchmen who gave her random ideas for fun. Instead of continuing to discuss book publishing with Copper, she took Dolma and Ayesha towards the Yun family mansion. go.

A slim girl stood guard under the dark red street lamp. When she saw Naha coming, she timidly called out: "Little lady."

Naha raised her head and glanced at Dafa, then said to Dolma and Ayesha: "She is my maid. She thought she was married, but it turned out not to be."

Da Fei lowered his head and said: "Madam said that I am the young lady's son. Whoever I marry depends on the young lady."

After listening to Big Fat's words, Naha felt even more boring, so she said with a temper: "Is my brother back?"

Seeing Naha's impatient look, Da Fei's big eyes filled with tears, he whispered: "Master Hou went to the county government office and has not come back yet."

Naha said angrily: "If you haven't come back, you haven't come back. Why are you crying? If you cry again, I will marry you to Ma Pi Fei Jiu."

Seeing that Naha finally lost her temper, Da Fei was no longer afraid. He wiped away his tears and said, "Fai Jiu has a wife."

Fei Jiu was standing at the gate of Yun's family waiting for Naha. He heard Naha's words clearly and just ignored them.

When Naha came to him and started to look at his pockmarked face, Fei Jiu said quickly: "The little one is real, no one can pretend to be the little one with such a pockmarked face. Come home quickly, my wife is looking forward to you." My neck is growing long in anticipation of coming back.”

Until Naha stepped into the Yun family's gate, the person who was supposed to show up did not show up. Naha took a deep breath, put on a bright smile, and yelled at the Yun family mansion: "I'm back. Anyone wants a gift?" person?"

The acrostic poems are still being selected. I am so happy. There are hundreds of them. I will form a group tomorrow to discuss them together.

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