Tang's dining table

Chapter 661 Be Prepared

It was only on the fifth day after Yunchu came back that he officially came to Wannian County to sit in court.

A sound was raised to the hall, and a series of mighty voices came from the Wannian County Government Office. The dandies who usually ran rampant in Dongshi all lowered their voices.

All the officials in Wannian County stood respectfully in the lobby, even the county magistrate, the bookkeeper, and the tax ambassador who were thrown into prison a few days ago were also there.

There was silence in the lobby. Yun Chu sat in the courtroom and processed a thick pile of documents on the spot.

These documents have been accumulated over the past two years and require his signature to be understood. The documents filed are also the final decisions on all matters in Wannian County.

Hu Cao Liu Yuanshou helped Yun Chu read the documents while waiting for Yun Chu to ask questions. As a result, Yun Chu didn't ask any questions about the documents and just quickly used the county magistrate's seal.

When the bright red seal fell on the last document, there was an obvious gasp in the lobby. For the officials of Wannian County, their hard work in the past two years has finally been recognized by the county.

When Xie Xian Cheng saw Yun Chu put down his seal and picked up the teapot to drink water, he stepped forward to speak.

Then he saw Yun Chu waving his sleeves and saying, "I'm not interested in knowing about you. I'm not interested in knowing how you came to Wannian County. Whether you were wrongly accused or not is not a big deal.

Just now, I used the evaluation of "not worthy of appointment" on the evaluation of the three of you, so the three of you can now go directly to the Ministry of Personnel to report with your evaluation. "

After finishing speaking, he pushed out three evaluation documents from the desk, and then said to Liu Yuanshou: "I have suggested that you become the Wannian County Registrar, and nominate someone to take up your original position as soon as possible."

Liu Yuanshou was an official who grew up under Yun Chu's nose. He immediately said: "Zhang Shuping is a calm and hard-working person. Although his integrity is still under investigation, I think he can be used."

Just as Liu Yuanshou finished speaking, a middle-aged man walked out of the official's sight and stood two meters away from Yun Chu with his fists clasped. Yun Chu put down the teapot and looked at Zhang Shuping, nodded and said: "Get busy immediately."

Zhang Shuping promised loudly and returned to the crowd.

Yun Chu looked at Zhang Jia who was standing in front of the Yamen servant again, with a hint of anger on his face. Zhang Jia immediately knelt in front of Yun Chu and put his head on the ground without saying a word.

"This is the last time I will promote you."

Zhang Jia said with shame on his face: "This subordinate is incompetent."

Yun Chu said: "If you know you are incompetent, do your job well and continue to be the county magistrate. I have agreed in advance that you should not touch anything that is not your responsibility. If you can't control it, don't blame me for chopping my hands and stomping my feet."

Zhang Jia clasped his fists in shame and retreated. Yun Chu pushed a dozen more documents under the desk, pointed at the flying papers and said to everyone: "There are nineteen people who have retired from the county government. Zhang Jia, each of them has a cane." Responsible for thirty, drive him out."

Zhang Jia and his fellow yamen officials immediately picked up the documents from the ground and began to capture the officials present according to the diagram.

Even so, the officials who were captured did not dare to shout for help, and they did not even dare to utter the words "unjust" from their mouths.

In a short time, the number of officials in the lobby was reduced by a large amount. Yun Chu said to the chief clerk Liu Yuanshou: "We will pay out all the bonuses that have not been paid out in the past two years in one go today. There are so many in the county government coffers." What to do with the money?”

Liu Yuanshou said quickly: "People from the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Household Affairs, Taichang Temple, and the Shaofu Supervisor are all waiting for the county magistrate. How about the county magistrate deal with them first?"

Yun Chu said: "No one from Taifu Temple came?"

Liu Yuanshou said: "The people from Taifu Temple went to Qujiang."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "That's right, I've gone to the right place. What do these people want to do with me?"

Liu Yuanshou smiled and said: "It's all for the money brought by the county magistrate. Without this money, they wouldn't come."

Yun Chu looked at Liu Yuanshou and said, "Our money must go through the clear path, which means we must pay taxes."

Liu Yuanshou said in a low voice: "The county magistrate went to the Western Regions under the royal banner and was approved by His Majesty, so all the money belongs to Your Majesty. Does His Majesty's money also need to go through the open road?"

Yun Chu smiled and said nothing, but Liu Yuanshou felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet. He instantly understood that from now on, the county magistrate hopes that all money entering and leaving Chang'an City must pass through the open road, that is to say, No matter whose money it is, commercial taxes must be paid when entering or exiting Chang'an City.

There are huge amounts of money going in and out of Chang'an in the official department, the household department, generals, young mansions... countless yamen and mansions. However, all of this money has nothing to do with the country, but only with individuals.

Liu Yuanshou looked pale when he came out of the Yamen. However, he adjusted his mentality as quickly as possible and paced around to check on the payment of bonuses for two years in Wannian County.

The county leader is ambitious, but he is also a person who knows how to do things. He usually does not force things to happen head-on, and can always get big things done in an environment of spring breeze and rain.

So, who is the spring breeze that turns into rain? There is no doubt that it is the current Majesty and Queen.

As long as they nod, Wannian County is just an executive agency, and others will only be dissatisfied with His Majesty and the Queen. As for Wannian County, it is out of the question.

Yun Chu met with officials from the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Husbandry, Taichang Temple, and the Shaofu Prison in the second entrance hall of the county government office. Their purpose of coming was very simple. They just wanted to get a cup of soup to drink.

Yun Chu is a generous person, and he always deals with various departments of the DPRK and China with the attitude of making money for everyone.

The government is actually a carefully run whole, and every department is a component of this whole, and nothing is complete without any one.

Two ministers came from the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs, and two young ministers came from Taichang Temple and the Shaofu Supervisor. After everyone sat together to drink tea and chat for a while, the four important ministers who came all set their sights on Yun Chu. on the face.

Yun Chu coughed, and an official walked in with his arms folded, tore off a curtain covering the wall, revealing a map, and walked out holding the torn curtain.

The map on the wall is a map of the Western Region, but this map is far more detailed than the one hidden by the Ministry of War.

"The Western Region is a piece of fat meat. If you want to eat the fat here, you can't do it without the master of holding up the sky."

As Yun Chu spoke, he nailed a sharp hand fork to the map.

Li Jingxuan, the Minister of Civil Service, frowned and looked at the map for a while, then pointed at the fork and said, "Could this be the legendary deer-cutting knife?"

Yun Chu said: "We are all officials of the Tang Dynasty, and we hold the deer knife to cut meat for the Tang Dynasty, so you are welcome."

Lu Dun, the Minister of Household Affairs, said: "What we are harvesting is your Majesty's fat. It is inappropriate, inappropriate."

The words were spoken to Yun Chu, but his eyes were looking at Taichang Temple Shaoqing and Shaofu Superintendent Shaoqing, two people who specialized in working for the royal family. The rank and position of these two people could not be compared with his, but after all, they were The emperor's close ministers.

Huang Du, the young minister of Taichang Temple, closed his eyes and said nothing, but Hengcheng, the young minister of the young mansion, pulled out the sword with great interest, put it in his sleeve and said: "We can't make up our minds, but there are always people who can make up our minds. It’s just a matter of walking a few more steps, asking, asking.”

Li Jingxuan, and Lu Dunxin both heaved a sigh of relief, cupped their hands toward Hengcheng and said, "Thank you, thank you."

Yun Chu then said to Li Jingxuan, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs: "Brother Li, today I dismissed the three lawless people whose bodies were lying on them. Please also ask Brother Li to give more consideration to Wannian County when appointing and removing officials from Wannian County." Views."

Li Jingxuan said with a smile: "It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk, after the young master asks your majesty to stand firm with Wannian County's deer-cutting knife, everything will be easy to talk about.

However, after ten thousand years, it seems that the interests of trade between the two counties of Chang'an no longer belong to us, right? "

Yun Chu laughed and said: "It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. This is the principle that Yun Mou has always followed. How can a mere amount of business income be seen by the public? Naturally, he will organize caravans and travel around in the future. There is more to be gained in the Western Region.”

Lu Dunxin chuckled and said: "Marquis Yun is used to living a wealthy life. How could I know what kind of life I am waiting for? I have to seize this big fortune, but I also have to pick up small coins. This is the principle of life, isn't it?"

Hengcheng, the Shaofu Supervisor, shook the deer knife in his hand and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that your majesty will think that this is not a deer knife, but a meat knife used to cut the royal fat."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Fortunately, the sun is getting longer now, and there is still time to go to see His Majesty. Brother Heng might as well go and come back quickly."

Hengcheng looked into Yun Chu's eyes and found that there was no hint of uneasiness in the man's eyes, so he nodded and said: "If your Majesty agrees that this is a deer-cutting knife, the young governor is willing to form a caravan and go away." Western Region, give up the little money in front of you."

Yun Chu didn't say anything, he just smiled and pointed his thumb at Hengcheng, with a happy face, and his boldness surprised everyone present.

It is indeed the two hundred and five that His Majesty promised.

What is a deer knife? Who can take a deer knife? Could it be that you don’t know about this two hundred and five? I heard that he was not an ignorant person, but he was ranked ninth in the Jinshi Department and became an official.

After seeing off these four people, Wen Wenwen hurried over. He found his drinking cup from Yunchu's official house, poured a full cup of warm tea, drank it all in one go, and then said to Yunchu: "Ministry of War, Worker. General, I have dismissed the people from Taipu Temple, how are you doing here?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: 'Of course I sent him to His Majesty, just in time to show His Majesty the virtues of the people in the departments he relies on when it comes to money, so that these people can unscrupulously ask for money from subordinate departments. "

Wen Wen nodded and said: "Our Majesty has been very indecisive in the past two years. If he agrees to the misbehavior of these departments, we can just use them to govern the Western Region.

If His Majesty doesn't allow it this time, it would be just right for us to use His Majesty to cut off these black hands that always reach out to us. "

Yun Chu nodded and said: "In the future, when we formulate strategies, we must take into account the emperor's shortcomings in changing orders day and night, and make two preparations, but both preparations must be based on Chang'an's interests."

See you tomorrow

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