Tang's dining table

Chapter 69 Poor Datang Fangzheng

After dawn the next day, Yun Chu's house welcomed more people who wanted to come over to work and make money.

This time, Yun Chu did not hide out, but stood at the door and thanked everyone who entered.

Ms. Cui stood half a meter behind Yun Chu. Anyone who had met Yun Chu would take a bamboo chip from her hand. This kind of bamboo chip has a black end and a red end. , with the words Wuwen written in the middle.

These people work at Yun's house for a day, and in the evening, they can receive five cents from Cui.

This wage is a good wage.

During Taizong's reign, the average price of rice per dou of rice was five cents. Even in Taizong's later years, when the country was in constant war, the highest price of rice was no more than eight cents per dou of rice.

After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, the court did not launch a major war, so the price of rice returned to five cents.

In other words, as long as these people work at the Yun family for a whole day, they can get a bucket of rice.

In fact, it was impossible to get it, because the officially calculated rice price was the selling price in Changpingcang, not the price in the grain store in the market. Even so, there was no problem in exchanging two buckets of corn for five cents.

The Yun family has a lot of work to do. All the green bricks on the ground need to be pulled out, and the soil must be re-padded and raised before being laid. The two wells must be cleaned in turn, the original water must be pulled out, and the mess at the bottom of the well must be cleaned up. According to the The owner's request was to lay a thick layer of carbon and then lay washed sand.

The tiles on the roof had to be replaced and new tiles put down, and the rafters had to be replaced wherever they were infested by insects or rats.

The layer of yellow mud on the wall needs to be shoveled away, and then the wall should be repainted with lime mud.

The most important thing is that the back garden needs to be completely demolished and renovated according to the owner's needs. The owner is also planning to open two wells in the back garden to water the garden.

Liu Yi, the mayor of Jinchangfang, was very happy. He made a casual calculation and found that the Yun family could not afford to spend two or three hundred dollars to repair the house this time.

Therefore, his two wives, two sons, and one daughter all joined the ranks of working for the Yun family.

If it weren't for the fact that he really couldn't lose face, he would have wanted to get involved. Oh my God, the head of the Yun family is a prodigal. He pays five yuan a day, which is a living prodigal.

After all the workers had entered the house, Yun Chu and Fangzheng Liu Yi went to the Wannian County Yamen to exchange the land and house deeds.

"Is Fangzheng from Chang'an?"

Liu Yi shook his head and said: "A certain family is from Luoyang and moved to Chang'an ten years ago."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "In just ten years, Fang Zheng has become the parent officer of our Jinchangfang. This is really rare."

Liu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "This job was forced on me. Liu is just a merchant who owns a small wood shop in the West Market. For some reason, he was sent here by Sunhu Cao. This is a real errand, Mr. Yun Lang. Speaking of which, this errand really makes a certain family miserable."

People in the Tang Dynasty have always complained, so Yunchu naturally regarded Liu Yi's complaints as self-effacement.

However, Yunchu still knew one thing from his words. Sun Hucao was the one who could really decide who would be the leader of the square.

Therefore, when the two entered the Wannian County government office and Yun Chu handed over the admission notices of Gaoshen and the four schools, Sun Hucao immediately stood up, clasped his fists and called "Yun Siyi".

Faced with Sun Hucao's unusual enthusiasm, Yunchu immediately became wary and asked Liu Yi to explain his purpose clearly.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hucao had a gloomy face and scolded Liu Yi to get out quickly.

Liu Yi drooped his head and said with a mournful face: "Sunhu Cao, you also know that Jinchangfang is a gathering place for craftsmen. For example, places such as Jiangzuo and Shaofujian are all in remote places, and many of the work of the Ministry of Industry Even outside the city.

When the sun was long, they could still return to Jinchangfang on time. Now that the days are short, the door closes early, but the time on the construction site is still the same as in summer. The construction sites such as Jiang Zuo, Shaofu Supervisor, and the Ministry of Works are not How could they dare to go home early?

This results in residents often violating curfew orders.

To be honest, if they violate the curfew, they will be punished, and you will also be implicated. The most pitiful one is me, the little old man. I was almost fined copper coins twice. Poor little old man, I have extra copper coins to be punished. "

Sun Hucao's words seemed to be filled with ice.

"Liu Yi, please listen clearly to me. You are not the only one in Jinchangfang who is full of craftsmen. You are the one who violates the curfew the most.

I also heard that you often open the door privately and let in irrelevant people. I said, do you still want this head?

Just listen to me. If another night traveler is caught by a bad person or the left and right Jin Wuwei, I will have someone catch you and count you. "

Liu Yi sat down on the ground and clapped his hands on the ground and said: "Sunhu Cao, you might as well kill me. There are indeed craftsmen in other cities, but there are no such craftsmen in other cities like Jinchangfang." The unlucky one is the Daci'en Temple. These monks are not active in other things and ring the evening drums and morning bells diligently every day. As a result, the bells of my Jinchang Square are consistent with the bells of the four city gates in the southeast, northwest, and other squares. The market closed more than a moment earlier..."

Hearing what Liu Yi said, Yunchu knew that he was going to suffer. Da Ci'en Temple was a royal temple, a temple built by the emperor for his mother. Liu Yi was speaking unabashedly at this time...

Sure enough, Sun Hucao came to Liu Yi angrily, stopped talking, grabbed Liu Yi's chest, and began to slap Liu Yi's big mouth left and right with his right hand with all his strength.

Liu Yi was so slapped that he could only endure it except for shouting.

When Yunchu saw Liu Yi bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he suddenly realized that if he recklessly took the position of head of Jinchangfang, would he be slapped in the mouth by this housekeeper in some extreme circumstances? Woolen cloth?

At the same time, Yunchu also realized that the environment in which he became a street director was very different from the environment in which he became Fangzheng now.

So, he took a step back to prevent the blood from Liu Yi's mouth from splattering on himself.

The plan needs to be changed. I used to think of taking action directly, but now it seems that I need to at least find someone who can take a beating for me in extreme situations.

This Liu Yi seems to be used to being slapped in the mouth, so he should be a good candidate.

Sun Hucao was also an eighth-rank official, so after slapping Sun Fangzheng in the mouth, he smiled and said to Yun Chu: "Doctor Yun, don't be offended. This old man has never read a book and is just a rustic." People don’t understand that talking nonsense can lead to disaster, please ask Dr. Yun to spare this person for the sake of you being neighbors.”

Yun Chu said with a smile: "A certain family came here today because of the land deed and the house deed. Sunhu Cao is devoted to the country, and the certain family naturally sees it. As for other things, Yun doesn't know."

Sunhu Cao laughed, kicked Liu Yi out of the office, called a clerk, and helped Yun Chu go through the house settlement procedures.

On the way back, Liu Yi's face became swollen after being slapped so many times. Before he could finish walking on Zhuque Street, his eyes were so swollen that there were only two gaps left.

Looking at Liu Yi with his head lowered in despair, Yun Chu smiled and said: "Who told you that you are not only the chief of the village, but also the square? If you are just the square, if something like this happens, there will be someone else to shirk. Responsible person.

You said that you suffered such a big sin just for the benefit of the mayor's mere thirty cents. How pitiful. "

Liu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at Yun Chu with a pig-headed face. He seemed to want to say something, but for some reason he swallowed it back.

The reason why he personally took Yun Chu to the Wannian County Yamen to meet Hu Cao today was because he thought that with Yun Chu, an eighth-grade doctor, Sun Hu Cao might be there for the sake of his colleagues. Get rid of him.

Unexpectedly, he was dealt with in an even more miserable manner.

People walking on Zhuque Street couldn't help but point their fingers when they saw Liu Yi's appearance, which doubled Liu Yi's sense of humiliation.

Just now, after listening to Yun Chu's words, he also thought it was a good idea, and he immediately thought that Yun Chu, a young man who was going to study at Four Schools, was the best person for him to shirk his responsibility.

But after Yun Chu saw his fate just now, he felt that Yun Chu was not a fool and would not agree.

After being the head of the village for many years, Liu Yi is still a bit cautious. He thinks that this matter should be taken slowly, and he should talk to Sunhu Cao first and finalize the matter directly. When the time comes, this young prodigal son of the Yun family will , even if you don’t want to be your own scapegoat.

When Yun Chu saw Liu Yi, who was originally dejected, suddenly speeding up his pace and looking a little more majestic, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

When I passed by a traveling businessman who was polishing bronze mirrors, I borrowed his bronze mirror to check my face to see if I had a face that was willing to take the blame for others.

The young man in the bronze mirror has very regular facial features, but he is a bit dark and looks silly.

So, he deliberately put a smile on his face to make this seemingly harmless young man become more kind and nurturing.

Back in Jinchangfang, the Yun family was still so lively. The door was covered with thick wooden boards, and wheelbarrows transporting various materials came in and out from time to time.

Mrs. Cui set up four or five earthen stoves in the yard, and the large pots on the earthen stoves were boiling with snow-white sheep bone soup.

Naha was sitting on a thick wooden post with her feet up, holding a thick sheep stick bone and gnawing there.

When he finished chewing the bones, he was about to throw them away, but Mrs. Cui snatched them away and threw them into the mutton soup pot to continue cooking.

Yunchu was originally planning to pick up a bone and chew it, but after seeing Mrs. Cui's smooth style, he immediately decided to eat some fried noodles to appease his stomach.

"Everyone comes to drink mutton soup. This is because everyone works hard, and the host is not stingy. It's cold, so everyone comes to drink a bowl of mutton soup to warm themselves up.

Mother-in-law and children can be brought here to fool around, but you need to bring your own onions and garlic, Hu pancake steamed buns, yellow steamed buns, etc. The host's house doesn't have a kitchen now, so this is the only way. "

"Thank you, Mr. Lang."

"Xiao Langjun is indeed a scholar.

"Young Master looks like he is going to be a high official at first glance. Since Young Master is so generous, we..."

As soon as Mrs. Cui finished her words, she attracted compliments from a group of people.

Yun Chu smiled and walked through the crowd while holding the sleeve of his green shirt with his left hand. Finally, I enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

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