Tang's dining table

Chapter 683 Whose interests should be taken care of?

The main reason why the government is called a government is that it has the power to change the rules at any time.

Zhuque Street is ten miles long, with no less than thirty shops on both sides. Everyone knows that the houses on both sides of this avenue are worth a lot of money. The most important thing is that in ten thousand years, the two counties of Chang'an have spread the word and are preparing to open the city wall. After the move and the opening of the wall that also had a defensive role, the land deed prices of Fangshizi near both sides of Zhuque Street immediately more than doubled.

It's a pity that someone offered a high price, but no one sold it. Even if someone was willing to sell it, they would be beaten back by the Hucao in the two counties.

There is currently no way to trade this thing.

Sooner or later, things have to be traded. There is only one reason why Yunchu is holding on to it, and that is because the price does not meet Yunchu's expectations.

As a result, the land deed prices on both sides of Zhuque Street increased by another 20%, especially the land deed prices on Zhuque Street more than doubled.

Wannian County Government.

The gentle hand left the abacus and said to Yun Chu: "The price of street-facing shops has soared three times. However, the base number is based on last year's price. The total should be between 1.1 million and 1.2 million." between.

This figure is very different from the figure my ancestors told me that they were going to invest five million dollars into the Chang'an market.

We have calculated before that if 800,000 copper coins made out of thin air enter the Chang'an market, prices in Chang'an will increase by 30%. This is no longer a situation where ordinary people can live their lives.

Once all the five million yuan are released, prices will at least triple. As a result, the people in the city have no other choice but to leave Chang'an if they want to have enough to eat.

The Chang'an natives would take their money and leave Chang'an to live in the countryside or elsewhere, and those local wealthy families would take the opportunity to settle in Chang'an.

They will raise the price of food and all the materials necessary for daily life, and then take back the money scattered in the hands of the people.

In the end, through the rise and fall of the value of copper coins, they took away the land deeds of Chang'an from the people for free, completing their plan of vacating the cage for a bird. "

Yun Chu thought for a while and said: "Actually, from the perspective of the government, the richer the wealthy households in Chang'an City are, the better it is for us. At that time, whether it is tax revenue, literacy rate, or the city's The economy will be improved to the next level, those country bumpkins will be driven away, and these wealthy families will be left behind. The overall environment and management of Chang'an will reach a new level.

Overall, it's good for us.

The disadvantage is that the people under the rule of the government are best to be a mob. Only when managing a group of mobs can the authority of the government be exerted to its greatest extent.

Some of these wealthy families have a history of collusion with each other that can even be traced back six hundred years ago. Once they become a majority in Chang'an City, the authority of the government will be greatly challenged.

After the First Emperor pacified the Six Kingdoms, he forcibly moved the wealthy people from all over the world to Xianyang, which caused great rifts in the originally monolithic old Qin people.

Because it was clear that the old Qin people were the victors, but when the wealthy households were moved to Xianyang, the old Qin people found that their lives were still not as good as those of the down-and-out nobles and powerful people.

They had their share to fight and sacrifice their lives, they had their share to pay taxes, they had their share to perform corvee labor, they had their share to build the Great Wall, and the Qin Mausoleum, but when they finally enjoyed the fruits of victory, they were not there.

This is when Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty entered Xianyang, when his counselors Li Qishi and Lu Jia told the old Qin people that as long as they surrendered, the Han army would not burn, kill, and loot, and would abolish the strict Qin laws and only execute murderers. The three laws are death, wounding and theft.

It was because of these three items, as well as all the previous injustices, that no one of the brave and incomparable Lao Qin people who originally sang "Jiujiao Lao Qin, will not turn around" resisted.

If we want to govern Chang'an for a long time, we cannot do without authority and the support of the people, and we need to re-cultivate a group of people who are in line with our values.

Therefore, the heads of Guizhou with mixed surnames are the ones we should actively unite with, and they are definitely not the rich and well-off families. "

Di Renjie, who was sitting by the stove, smiled and said: "White paper is easy to draw on, but rich and aristocratic families cannot draw on smudged paper.

The ideas and style of the three of us brothers should be a temporary choice and a model for all generations. Therefore, I also agree to stand on the side of ordinary people and let them taste what it is like to be rich.

I believe that once they taste the taste of wealth, they will never lose it. For the hard-earned wealth, I believe they are willing to sacrifice their lives for it. "

Wen Wen said: "The prices of the houses on both sides of Zhuque Street did not meet the expected requirements. I think the price is increased to five times. I think it is a suitable price. In this way, the five million yuan flood that they are planning to release can eliminate the two Millions of dollars."

Di Renjie stood up and took out a scroll from Wenhai, spread it out on the table, and pointed at the broad main street: "Is this Zhuque Street considered beautiful?"

Yun Chu glanced at the plan Di Renjie had produced and said disdainfully: "That's it?

How can Zhuque Street, which does not even have precious flowers and trees, bluestone steps, carved beams and painted buildings, hardened driveways, or grassy horse paths, meet the needs of those wealthy families? "

Di Renjie said dissatisfied: "We are building streets, not the palace."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "You have to make people feel at ease with their two million dollars. After all, for those wealthy families, they only want the best and are not afraid of the most expensive."

Wen Wen smacked her tongue and said, "This thing Di Renjie created was originally very good, but after hearing what you said, I also felt it was rubbish.

We must let the five million dollars they brought in be deposited in Chang'an. Brother Huaiying, your design is really unsightly. "

Di Renjie looked at Yun Chu with a half-smile and said, "Only seek the best and are not afraid of the most expensive thing?

Okay, five days later, I will give you one. I only want the best, and I am not afraid of the most expensive one! "

Seeing Di Renjie walk away angrily, Yun Chu couldn't help but shake his head. After all, this guy came from a small family and had never seen much of the world.

I remember back then, in order to spend all the money he had at the end of the year, he erected a hundred billboards on the streets in one go. The material was white steel! Comparable to the billboard at Merlion Plaza in Singapore!

Five days later, at the end of Chang'an Zhuque Street, Wannian County installed a huge real-life sand table. On this sand table, a dreamy two-way eight-lane Zhuque Street appeared in front of people.

This street is no longer the dusty appearance it is today. There are four lanes and four bridleways, for a total of eight lanes.

The lanes are all made according to the regulations of the Jinchangfang Polo Ground. The horse paths must be paved with loess and thin sand, and grass must be planted on the thin sand. Six pairs of lampposts must be placed every ten feet.

If this avenue has made the people of Chang'an so surprised that their jaws will drop, the rows of palace-like houses with carved beams and painted decorations on both sides of Zhuque Street are so luxurious that people dare not look directly at them.

Ever since this thing was placed in front of the Imperial City, there has been an endless stream of people watching this real-life sand table...

After Liu Rengui, the left-behind man in Chang'an, saw it, he quickly summoned Wannian County Magistrate Yun Chu and Chang'an County Magistrate Wen Wen to come to the left-behind government office to listen.

"Yun Chu, this is your plan. You won't build Zhuque Street like this, will you?"

As soon as Yun Chu arrived, Liu Rengui asked Yun Chu expectantly.

Yun Chu said: "The real sand table has been laid out, so naturally it should be built like this."

"Do you have so much money and materials to build it?"

Yun Chu said: "I don't have so much money, but those wealthy people who are chasing you all over the world and want you to order me to open the sale of land titles have so much money."

Liu Rengui gritted his teeth and said: "Nowadays, money is needed everywhere in Chang'an. You also promised His Majesty to build two palace complexes in Ming and Xingqing. Why do you spend so much money on decorating one street?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said: "If I had five million yuan, I would give priority to spending it on medical clinics, pharmacies, schools, water conservancy, and road repairs, and the rest would be used to communicate with the eight rivers surrounding Chang'an and raise the water. The Weishui River embankment and the dilapidated houses in Chang'an City were rebuilt.

It's a pity that this money is not mine. It doesn't matter what I said. They are going to use the money to buy the houses on both sides of Zhuque Street. What can I do? If the houses on both sides of Zhuque Street are not sold expensive enough, they will buy Chang'an City. What to do with other houses in the house?

When the city is filled with wealthy households, where will you let those who have no money live?

From now on, there will only be two types of people living in Chang'an City, one is nobles and the other is slaves. Do you think this is good for Chang'an City? "

In the same way, Yun Chu told Liu Rengui that even though he knew that what Yun Chu was doing was right, he still gritted his teeth and said: "This is too extravagant. Are you not afraid of building Chang'an so well that His Majesty will rise?" Are you thinking about returning to Chang'an?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Your Majesty will not live in a city without city walls and city positions. After all, for Your Majesty, safety comes first."

"Does Your Majesty know what you are doing?" Liu Rengui was still a little anxious even after hearing Yun Chu's explanation.

Yun Chu sighed and said, "How could I not know? Zhang Donghai is by my side all day now, and my every move cannot be hidden from His Majesty."

Liu Rengui looked at the silent man and said softly: "If a wealthy family thinks it's too expensive and doesn't want it anymore, what will you do?"

Wen Wen sneered and said: "Don't buy it? If they can't even afford the best house, do you think we will allow them to compete with the people for profit?

A wealthy family should have the courage of a wealthy family. If they don't even have this kind of courage, such a large family is not qualified to settle in Chang'an. "

Liu Rengui looked at Yun Chu again and said, "It's true that wealthy families have money, but they are not fools either. What if they don't buy it?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "If they don't buy it, I won't build it this way. My brother Liu, they have the final say whether to buy it or not, and we have the final say whether to build it or not.

Don't worry, if they don't buy it, I will continue to build the planned markets according to my original steps. After the construction is completed, people from Chang'an will pay one price, and people from outside will naturally pay another price.

After all, if any outsider, without participating in the construction of Chang'an or paying taxes to Chang'an, wants to directly enjoy everything that the people of Chang'an have earned through hard work, let him just dream! "

Continue tomorrow.

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