Tang's dining table

Chapter 694 Ten Years

Yunchu and Xu Jingzong were at the top of the city and the other at the bottom, watching and helping each other, just like a pair of beautiful people.

This is the highest state of wisdom where the body does not have the wings of a colorful phoenix, but the mind has a clear understanding.

After guarding Hanjiacang City for half a month, Yunchu and Xu Jingzong were the first two ministers to be received by the emperor.

They were also the first pair of courtiers who could get within three feet of Li Zhi.

Yun Chu was the youngest and had the lowest official position. Therefore, after pouring tea and water for the emperor and Xu Jingzong, he said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, please return to Chang'an."

Xu Jingzong held the tea cup and said quietly: "Your Majesty, you know that there are tigers in the mountains, so you go to the tiger mountains. This is a model for all emperors."

Yun Chu said disdainfully: "Then you might as well kill him with a painful hand."

Xu Jingzong said: "Okay, Marquis Yun is so powerful that he will kill Luoyang today, Hebei tomorrow, and Shandong the day after tomorrow. When there is smoke and war everywhere, how much more can be killed with Marquis Yun's courage?"

Yun Chu said angrily: "They will always be killed cleanly."

Xu Jingzong continued to taunt: "You are not even willing to kill five thousand soldiers who are related to the rebellion. At this time, it would be extremely ridiculous to say that you want to kill everyone in the world."

Li Zhi glanced at Yun Chu and continued drinking tea. After a while, he said to Xu Jingzong: "Ai Qing, please go and deal with it."

Yun Chu couldn't help but said: "Di Renjie and the others spent a lot of effort to find out who was behind the scenes. Why should Your Majesty treat these people leniently?"

Xu Jingzong sneered and said: "Stupid, you really live up to the name of two hundred and five."

Li Zhi glanced at Yun Chu again and said, "Go back to Chang'an, do what you should do, and take away the five thousand soldiers.

The prince's governor Shi Cui Yuanda will select 3,000 soldiers from Chang'an and Wannian counties and merge them into the prince's sixth command. "

Yun Chu looked at Xu Jingzong with great reluctance, and slowly saluted the emperor and said, "I obey my orders."

Li Zhi looked around at the two people around him and continued: "You are all people I trust and cannot fight each other."

Xu Jingzong saluted and said: "I don't have the same level of knowledge as others."

Yun Chu said sadly: "I will definitely respect Xu Gong as my senior."

Li Zhi immediately waved his hand, and Yunchu and Xu Jingzong were led away from Hanyuan Hall by the eunuchs.

Li Zhi put down the tea cup in his hand, but he didn't drink any of the water in it. When Wu Mei came in, Li Zhi was still deep in thought, but Wu Mei didn't bother him and just sat quietly aside.

After a long time, Li Zhi asked Wu Mei: "Am I too suspicious?"

Wu Mei said softly: "Suspiciousness is not a shortcoming for the emperor, it will only make the emperor act more carefully.

However, until now, His Majesty Xu Jingzong and Yun Chu can still be trusted. "

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "Ten years ago, I would not doubt Yun Chu, but would only guard against Xu Jingzong. Ten years later, I began to guard against Yun Chu, but began to trust Xu Jingzong. You tell me, I have changed after all. Or have they both changed?

What's the point? "

Wu Mei chuckled lightly and said: "Ten years ago, Yun Chu made little progress, but thought poorly. Ten years ago, although Xu Jingzong was old, he was as calm as a mountain. At this time, His Majesty was naturally afraid of Xu Jingzong and trusted Yun Chu.

Ten years later, Yun Chu has experienced and practiced, and he is not only strong in martial arts, but also calm and mature. Ten years later, Xu Jingzong is already old and is no longer the Yuan Ting Yue Zhi of the past. He is just a greedy and lustful old man.

Under such circumstances, His Majesty would naturally be wary of Yun Chu and begin to trust Xu Jingzong.

So, in the past ten years, what has changed is Yun Chu and Xu Jingzong, and the only thing that has not changed is His Majesty. "

Li Zhi grabbed Wu Mei's hand, patted her hand and said, "This time, if you give birth to a Qilin child, regardless of gender, you can name it - Taiping."

Wu Mei looked at Li Zhi and said, "Taiping? Taiping'er?"

Li Zhi sighed and said, "Peace is rare."

Wu Mei gritted her teeth and said: "What Yun Chu said actually makes sense. If you kill three people and it's not fair, then kill thirty. If you kill thirty and it's not fair, kill three hundred. If you kill three hundred and it's not fair, then kill three thousand." The world is at peace."

Li Zhi let go of Wu Mei's hand and said, "This is my world. Even if you kill a dog, I still have to say something."

Wu Mei let out a long sigh and said, "You just humiliated my son!"

Li Zhi sneered and said, "I would rather betroth a daughter from an aristocratic family to Li Xian, are you willing?"

Wu Mei laughed and said, "Why not?"

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "You are thinking of killing people again. Don't turn my clean Luoyang Palace into a place where you can only grow peonies."

Wu Mei bowed in submission and said sincerely: "I accept my order."

Yunchu didn't like Luoyang Hanyuan Palace. It wasn't that the palace was not beautiful, but that it was too beautiful. There were colorful paintings everywhere, and the light green algae roof made it feel like it was standing on a grassland.

I originally thought that Li Zhi would take advantage of the chaos in Luoyang to rectify the wealthy families. However, after the attack of the epidemic, Li Zhi seemed to have lost all his former ambitions. He chose the appeasement plan proposed by Xu Jingzong and ordered the wealthy families to The daughter of an aristocratic family entered the palace as a means of suppression to end the tragedy in Luoyang.

Xu Jingzong was old and could not walk fast, so Yun Chu took the initiative to help the old thief and came to the high steps. Xu Jingzong said: "Don't push me down, it will be extremely harmful to you.

I am already old, and Li Yifu is your opponent.

What's more, you should be grateful to me for being able to return to Chang'an. "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "This junior is only grateful to Mr. Xu and has absolutely no disrespect at all."

After saying that, he carefully helped Xu Jingzong down the steps. When he reached the middle, Xu Jingzong sighed and said, "Well, I'd better go on my own. I can't afford your kindness."

Yun Chu said: "I always hope that the Tang Dynasty can continue to be strong and prosperous for a long time, but now it is going downhill."

Xu Jingzong leaned his old body on the railing and said: "You are a martial arts expert, you should understand that hardness cannot last long and softness cannot be maintained.

It's a pity that we don't know what it means to balance strength and softness, so everyone just fumbles forward.

It's like a person's eyes are darkened, and even if it is a flat road, he can still walk out of the abyss and feel that it is right in front of him.

Your Majesty is now a blind man riding a blind horse. There are no deep pools or obstacles on the road. However, for Your Majesty, a blind man, all the fears, obstacles and deep pools are there, and they are right under his horse's hooves. . "

Yunchu cupped his hands and said, "What if His Majesty is Emperor Taizong at this time?"

Xu Jingzong glanced at Yun Chu and said: "He will ride fast and whip his whip until he encounters a real obstacle, a real deep pool, and then he will get ready to go again."

Yun Chu frowned and said, "That's a little too reckless."

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "Taizong is a man who knows what it means to be strong and soft at the same time."

Yun Chu briefly reviewed Emperor Taizong's life and couldn't help but nod.

Putting aside the fact that Xu Jingzong was a shameless and wretched old thief, he had to admit that this old and immortal thief was a true wise man.

Now, even Yun Chu suspected that all the stains on his body might have been created by himself.

Returning to the barracks again, Li Hong's two thousand cavalrymen had returned to the barracks in Luoyang after receiving the emperor's order.

Only Yun Chu was left with nearly five thousand soldiers who had their backbones removed.

With this incident in Luoyang and Yun Chu's deliberate killing of ambitious people, these people can no longer go into battle to kill the enemy...

Yun Chu felt that the problem was not big. Although these people could not go into battle to kill the enemy, for now, they could join in the vast transformation of Chang'an.

After settling these people, Yunchu returned to his residence next to the White Horse Temple. Naha came back with a crown on her head and six little cubs lying underneath, kneeling down and saluting Naha.

Every time you kowtow, you get a gold coin, so two of the Di Renjie family, one of the Wen Wen family, and three of the Yun Chu family vowed to earn every gold coin from Aunt Naha.

Unfortunately, they underestimated Aunt Naha. Behind her, Dolma and Ayesha were guarding a box belonging to the boss. It was full of gold coins and was reflecting in the sun.

The three women, Yu Xiurong, Di Renjie's wife, and Wen Wenwen's wife, didn't even stop her. They just watched Naha's perverted behavior with cold eyes.

As for Li Si, Yu Xiurong grabbed her by the neck and prevented her from rushing towards him to embarrass him.

Yunchu did not disturb the harmonious life in the back house, and deliberately walked through the side corridor into the atrium.

With a livid complexion, Di Renjie poured one drink after another into his mouth. Wen Wenwen sat next to him. When he saw Di Renjie drinking a glass of wine, he used the brush in his hand to draw a line on a piece of paper. Yun Chu took a look and found that the paper had already been Full of positive characters.

Yun Chu went over to sit down, poured himself a glass of wine and drank, then said to Wen Wen, "Why does he drink so much wine?"

Wen Wen shook the paper in her hand and said: "Every glass of wine he drinks is the medicine for his regret. Now it seems that no matter how much medicine he drinks, there is no way to alleviate his regret.

Five days ago, I told him that when capturing a thief, he should not capture him alive but kill him on the spot. However, he refused to listen and kept saying that he was prepared to keep him alive to get a confession and then catch a big fish.

It's fine now, he didn't catch the big fish, and those harmful bastards were right under his nose, escaping without a trace overnight.

Now, even if he wanted to avenge those innocent people who died tragically, there was nothing he could do. Those thieves were obviously let go. "

Yun Chu poured himself another glass of wine and clinked the glass with the drunken Di Renjie and said, "I don't believe you didn't leave any backup plan?"

Di Renjie stopped his wine glass, looked at Yun Chu with red eyes and said, "I have a way out, do you dare to leave?"

Wen Wen immediately moved her head over, bumped Di Renjie's shoulder with her shoulder and said, "Tell me carefully..."

Di Renjie raised his finger and pointed at Beimang Mountain and said: "The thieves are now at the royal tomb of Tuoba Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, in the Woniu Valley in Beimang Mountain. If you have the skills, go and kill them now."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I've been very depressed recently and always want to kill people to vent my anger. This is a good opportunity."

Di Renjie snorted coldly: "There are more than three hundred people."

She smiled softly and said, "What are they doing around the tomb of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty? That imperial mausoleum has long been dug up by the heroes of Wagang Village led by Li Mi."

Di Renjie said: "Such a good tomb is perfect for hiding soldiers."

See you tomorrow. The missing chapters will be added after the wooden floors are laid in the next two days.

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