Tang's dining table

Chapter 702 The wind passes without trace

Di Renjie is a person who hates crime very much.

Over the years, countless criminals have been captured and beheaded by him, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple.

Therefore, Di Renjie is a person who can distinguish between what is a crime and what is justice for heaven.

Because what he studied was the law, and when he was admitted to the Jinshi examination, he also took the law. Therefore, he knew that the laws of the Tang Dynasty were imperfect and there was no way to weave a smooth and seamless sky net.

Whenever he encounters something that cannot be solved by the law, he imagines himself as a fisherman, holding a net-weaving shuttle and constantly weaving the French net.

Throwing gunpowder in a crowded crowd caused a riot, so that people trampled countless people to death in panic. Don't such criminals need to be punished? Just because the emperor didn't say anything about it, were the people who were trampled to death left to die in peace?

This is obviously not possible.

This is also an omission in the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Di Renjie believes that a crime is a crime and cannot be written off just because of one person's words.

Since the emperor did not act, Di Renjie believed that as the most loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty, he must make up for the emperor's behavior.

After all, Di Renjie always believed that his allegiance was to the Tang Dynasty, not to the man named Li Zhi.

The appearance of the Tang Dynasty is these thousands of miles of beautiful rivers and mountains, but inside it is the people living on this land. Therefore, the emperor actually does not represent much.

Those who caused riots and killed people were hidden in the tomb of Tuoba Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, the food, wine and meat purchased by these people came from Jinchangfang Trading Company.

So Di Renjie hid a thousand kilograms of gunpowder in the grain and sent it together, prepared a delay fuse, and the person who delivered the grain left.

Di Renjie watched with his own eyes the dilapidated mausoleum of Tuoba Hong sink into the ground, and watched with his own eyes the thick smoke rising into the sky.

He personally led people to inspect the explosion site, killed a few thieves who were lucky enough to survive, and then left quickly.

According to his knowledge, under an explosion of this scale, it is almost impossible for those evil thieves to survive.

These evil thieves are just knives in other people's hands. Now that the knife has been destroyed, the next step is to kill the person holding the knife.

When he entered Luoyang City just before the city gate was about to close, twelve soldiers attacked the Luozhou Governor's Mansion and escaped without a trace after succeeding.

There is no better time to launch a raid than now. When those who caused the riots learn that the governor's mansion has been attacked, they will inevitably get together to discuss countermeasures.

This also gave Di Renjie the opportunity to gather together and annihilate them.

However, these people were so cautious that Di Renjie had to explode eight times before the matter was settled.

Luoyang City was the city where Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie were the first to deploy their forces. They used almost 40% of the active forces at their disposal in Luoyang City.

Therefore, the resources here are very powerful.

Cui Min died in the lobby of his home, taking the lobby and his family members with him.

At that time, Cui's disciple Gu Jiu sent a whole basket of crispy melons. Each crispy melon weighed a kilogram, and one basket weighed hundreds of kilograms. The melons were rich in fragrance, and the whole family was very happy...and then these melons It exploded.

Pei Xiong is the head of the family house in Wenxi County of the Pei family in Hedong, and he is also the legitimate son of the Pei family in Hedong.

Like Cui Min, he received the specialty white lotus root from his hometown of Wenxi County, which is also called "Guicai".

When the expensive vegetables from his hometown were delivered, Pei Xiong was discussing with the wise men of his clan how to face the coming storm, when the last basket of expensive vegetables that could be eaten this season was delivered.

Then, while everyone was watching the sentiments from the old family, two hundred kilograms of expensive vegetables exploded...

Liu Yuan, who was also born in the middle family house of the Liu family in Hedong, died more tragically because the carriage he was riding in exploded.

After the explosion, when his wife Wang wanted to piece together a larger piece of skeleton for burial, the largest piece of corpse found was half of Liu Yuan's vertebrae. Even this half of the vertebrae was pieced together by using silk threads in series. of. After all, when Liuyuan's carriage exploded, half of Liu's entire front hall was destroyed by the explosion.

One of Wang's Chunfeng Towers collapsed, and a corpse was even thrown into a willow tree a hundred steps away by the blast. It was a strange sight.

Dou's two-story thatched cottage near Luoshui, which was said to have the most beautiful scenery, was blown into ruins by gunpowder. The fire caused by the explosion also burned down the Mingcui nunnery next to it.

The Zhao family's building in Luoyang exploded. The entire building was blown to pieces in an instant, and a half-foot-high water wave was set off in the lake. After the explosion, only broken pieces of wood were left on the water. As for the human corpses, they are still there to this day. Searching.

Feng Yi, the owner of the Feng family, encountered a frightened horse on the road. The cargo carried on the frightened horse exploded and no bones were left. The high walls on both sides of the city were blown down by more than ten feet.

Only the body of the owner of the Zhang family, Zhang Zhi, was the most complete, because just before he got on the carriage, he suddenly changed his mind and prepared to walk to the Cui family. As a result, less than fifty steps away, the carriage exploded, and although Zhang Zhi was injured Zhang Zhi was slightly injured, and when he was congratulating himself for escaping, a butcher rushed out from the roadside, swung his meat cleaver, and cut off Zhang Zhi's head. Then he sang and ran all the way, and finally jumped into Luoshui. Without a trace.

Di Renjie was a little sad at this time, because Butcher Liu died. Until now, Di Renjie still couldn't figure out why Butcher Liu jumped into the river.

A man as strong as a mountain, who was born to be afraid of water as if he had rabies, jumped into the water like this.

Obviously, Di Renjie had formulated detailed backup plans and escape strategies for every action.

Butcher Liu didn't use it. Instead, he yelled at Zhang Zhi and ran away. When he reached the Luoshui River, he didn't even hesitate and jumped into the river.

"At that time, less than an hour after the assassination at the Luozhou Governor's Office occurred, when Liu Tu massacred Zhang Zhi, the Jinwu Guards had already appeared on the streets of Fangshi. Liu Tu felt that he had been exposed, so he did not leave what we had prepared for him. In order to facilitate the retreat of the other brothers, he held Zhang Zhi's head to divert the Jinwu Guards away from the rest of the brothers.

Liu Tu received great kindness from the county magistrate. This is just a way of repaying the magistrate's great kindness with his life. Sir, there is no need to feel sad. "

Mrs. Fang stood beside Di Renjie with her hands lowered and whispered to persuade him.

Di Renjie shook his head and said: "It's not worth it for a mere Zhang Zhi to harm me, Liu Tu."

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "Liu Tu, a homeless man with a broken family, dares to compare with the Emperor Zuo Shiyi, a man from Yichuan County?"

"Next time, we will make a more rigorous plan. It is not that our people cannot die, including me, but we have to see if it is worth dying.

You must tell them that they are not dead soldiers who can be sacrificed casually. They are the best people we can find in this world.

If you don't receive something that you must sacrifice your life to complete, and if you encounter such an accident again, you must give up immediately. "

Mrs. Fang looked up at the blue sky, forced her tears not to fall, and finally said to Di Renjie: "Liu Tu must have been very happy when he died."

Di Renjie looked at Mrs. Fang with red eyes and said: "I have seen many people before they die, and no one can be happy. There is great terror between life and death, and fear is instinct..."

Like Chang'an City, Luoyang City also has many markets. However, unlike Chang'an City, most of the markets in Luoyang City are open and are not separated by tall walls.

Changqingfang on the canal sky is such a market.

This city straddles both sides of the canal. Six years ago, it was a place full of shacks and cesspools. Most of the people who lived here relied on laborers who carried goods to the ships on the canal.

As Chang'an became more and more prosperous, the freight traffic on the Luoyang Canal became more and more prosperous. Therefore, wealthy businessmen from Hebei spent a lot of money to replace the land from the people here by using the method of transforming Fangshizi in Chang'an Wannian County.

However, they carried out the process very secretly, and organized a large number of manpower to complete the transformation of Changqingfang.

Judging from the records of Hucao in Luozhou, there are more than a hundred largest landlords in this city, and they all have different identities and backgrounds.

Under normal circumstances, the spies' investigation of Changqingfang will stop at this step. If Di Renjie is asked to investigate, he will find that the business scope of more than a hundred local people and people from all over the world is all over the place. Related to Chang'an, Dahangcheng, and trade in the Western Regions.

The twelve soldiers passed through the specially selected alley in Changqingfang. As soon as they entered the alley, they began to remove their armor, give up their weapons, and change their horses. By the time they left the alley, they had changed. Become an ordinary person without any threat.

By the time these people returned to the military camp, their armor, weapons, war horses and other things had left Luoyang and fled far away from Luoyang. After leaving Luoyang, the warriors from Chang'an would wear these weapons, armor, horses and other things back to Luoyang. military camp.

Yun Chu said that as long as the people are willing to protect them, it will be difficult for the government, especially since it is basically impossible for the government to pick them out from the crowd.

After all, if a drop of water returns to the rivers and lakes, who can find it?

The people here are under the command of 127 people in the city, and the 127 people are under the command of 13 of them. Only Mrs. Fang can meet Di Renjie and know who her real superior is. Waiting for three people.

Therefore, when Di Renjie left Changqingfang, all the things he planned in Luoyang City, except for a butcher named Liu Tu who went crazy and died, had been completely wiped out by Changqingfang.

Wen Wenwen found Di Renjie who was drunk and drunk in a place called Twelve Minutes Moon Tower.

He knew that his friend was in a bad mood because the court had let go of the murderers, and he needed to drink to drown his sorrows.

The person who found Di Renjie at the same time was Zhang Donghai from Baiqisi. He had no face to see Di Renjie. After all, he was the one who personally took away the murderers from Di Renjie.

Now, the demand is on Di Renjie again, hoping that he can help Baiqisi find out who is the murderer who committed the shocking murder in Luoyang City.

This made him very embarrassed when facing the drunk Di Renjie.

"Who killed those nobles and nobles? Wasn't it you who did it?"

Di Renjie was drunk and was not gentle at all. When he heard Zhang Donghai's shameless request, he was shocked.

Zhang Donghai said in surprise: "We didn't do it."

Wen Wen said: "Rumors are flying all over Luoyang City now. They say that His Majesty was dissatisfied with these people causing trouble in Luoyang, so he was so angry that he sent Baiqisi to handle the matter. I also heard that the Baiqisi who handled these matters Generals, each has extraordinary abilities such as flying over eaves and walking over walls, and being unpredictable by ghosts and ghosts, especially those who are good at using thunder in the palm of their hands."

Chapter One

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