Tang's dining table

Chapter 709 Guaranteed Victory

In the world before Yun Chu, the school he attended had long written these things clearly and clearly in the textbooks.

How to work hard, how to get rid of poverty and become rich, and even how to establish a new political power from scratch, and how to improve this new political power, the various historical lessons and experiences are written clearly and clearly.

Yunchu is not a college student who just came out of school with clear stupid eyes. ’

On the contrary, before coming to the Tang Dynasty, he had already transformed into a scheming basic official in the rapid social changes and social practice.

In many cases, if you can manage a village well, you can manage a township well. If you can manage a street well, you can basically be qualified for the position of district chief. If an official can manage a county well, he can basically be qualified for most jobs in the country. Position.

Therefore, managing the city of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was nothing to Yun Chu, a man who was about to become Bailihou.

What is the nature of the state?

It's management.

What are the elements that make up a country?

It's prisons, police and military.

What is the biggest contradiction between the country and the people?

It is the contradiction between the people who want to live a reckless life but also want an orderly life.

Therefore, when the Cui family and others want to live a reckless life, but also hope to maintain basic order, it would be strange if Yunchu did not use his own management methods.

Just when Chief Liu and the Cui family were in full swing over food, the lending interest rate in Chang'an City dropped sharply.

When borrowing money in the past, the interest rate of double a year was basically the money that could only be released by benevolent places.

Now, even the most greedy Daxingshan Temple's lending interest rate has dropped to 50% annual interest.

This is obviously because they have more money in their hands.

The first person to feel the impact was naturally Yu Xiurong, the head of the Yun family, because the Zhike monks of Da Ci'en Temple no longer received the Yun family's huge cash income from the cafeteria.

This also shows that Daci'en Temple has no way to make profits from Yun's massive copper coins.

In other words, these bank monks have sensed the danger of an imminent financial crisis.

Monk Tingqiuji said that the Great Ci'en Temple has been doing well in recent years because it has invested a huge amount of money in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions. The copper coins in his hands entered the market earlier and were exchanged for various materials and entered the Western Regions. Therefore, After a huge amount of copper coins suddenly appeared in Chang'an, the losses suffered were not great.

As for the Xiangji Kitchen in other temples, they are out of luck.

To be honest, Yun Chu had not expected this phenomenon. He had always classified monks and wealthy families together in the past, thinking that they would join forces to manipulate copper coins to suck the blood of the common people.

Now it seems that the wealthy people have no intention of letting the monks go this time.

After discussing with Wen Rou, Di Renjie and the others, there were many people in Chang'an who wanted to borrow money from the temple. However, their interest rates were very low, and finally the annual interest rate was reduced to 30%.

After these merchants got the money, the first thing they did was to spend it, not in Chang'an, but to buy a large amount of grain and various materials at high prices from the big landowners in Guanzhong.

No matter how high the price they paid now, they would still make money in the future. Anyway, the copper coins were borrowed from the monk temple.

When Yunchu ate steamed buns at Hu's Steamed Bun Restaurant in the morning and paid the bill, he found that Hu's steamed buns were more expensive, with two dollars more than usual.

Moreover, the buns are smaller than those sold before, and the oily meat filling inside, which was originally mouth-watering, has also become much smaller.

In the past, it took three bites to finish a steamed bun, but now, no more, one bite is too much and two bites are not enough.

Seeing the evil-minded Lao Hu, the owner of Lao Hu's bun shop, being beaten by a group of diners, Yunchu left the bun shop with satisfaction.

After the price of food increased, the prices of all commodities in Chang'an City also increased.

The only thing that has not increased is the cheap grain stores in various markets. Everyone wants to buy cheap grain. Unfortunately, the grain here is distributed by the head of the shop himself. How many people in a family eat in a day can't hide it from the head of the shop. , if you want to buy more, there is no possibility.

So, Yunchu once again saw millet, a coarse grain, on his dining table.

Looking at the huge millet steamed buns, Yun Chu tapped the table with his chopsticks and said, "Our family shouldn't be that good, right?"

Yu Xiurong held up a millet steamed bun that was bigger than her face and said, "This is to remind my husband that this stuff is the staple food on the tables of the people of Chang'an.

Now that food prices are so expensive, many people have resumed the habit of eating twice a day, eating dry food when they are busy and drinking porridge when they are free. "

Yun Chu nodded to show that he understood. Seeing that Li Si refused to eat the millet buns, he broke off half of the millet buns into her rice plate and said, "Eat well."

Li Si cried and lost his temper and said: "It hurts my throat."

Naha, who was holding a large piece of millet steamed bun to chew, raised her hand and slapped Li Si on the back of the head. Then, Li Si picked up the steamed bun and ate it honestly. "

As for Yun Jin and Yun Jin, the two brothers have always been eye-catching. Before Naha could cast her eyes on their dinner plates, the two little ones picked up the millet buns and ate them with great enthusiasm.

There's no way around it. The cheap grains distributed in the market never include fine grains. They only have millet, sorghum, and various beans, not even millet, because those things can boil rice oil and are considered fine grains.

That is to say, things like millet, sorghum, and beans are cheap, so Yun Chu has the confidence to fight tit for tat in this struggle.

Maybe Cui Mian is too arrogant. He always thinks that as long as he controls wheat, rice, and millet, he can strangle Yunchu by the throat.

What he didn't know was that a few years ago, the main food on the table for the people of Chang'an City was these coarse grains.

Even before the food war broke out, coarse grains had always been the main player on people's tables.

People who want to eat good food can also buy wheat, rice, and millet, but they are more expensive. If you can afford it, you can eat good food and there is nothing wrong with it.

Even if Cui Mian knew this, it didn't matter. The wheat, rice, and millet stored in Chang'an and Wannian counties alone would be enough to keep him busy for a while.

Sometimes, Yunchu simply couldn't understand Cui Mian's behavior. With food prices rising so rapidly, he still had the nerve to ask Master Liu about buying the No. 2 yard on Zhuque Street for 30,000 guan.

Of course, Master Liu sternly refused.

So Cui Mian once again invested all the money he spent to buy the yard in the purchase of grain.

He did it very smartly. The grain was purchased separately, and the purpose of buying grain was also very clear. The main reason was that Shandong and Hebei were hit by disasters, and they needed a lot of grain to save the people in those two places.

The government has investigated and found that those two places were indeed hit by disasters, and the people were indeed hungry... Therefore, the crime of hoarding could not be pinned on them.

The more grain Cui Mian received in Chang'an, the disaster situation in Hebei and Shandong was gradually getting better.

This is a long-term war, and Yunchu has no intention of deciding the winner in a short period of time. He cares more about the construction of Chang'an City than food.

Along with other things, the price of labor for ordinary people has been rising. After hearing that laborers in Chang'an City can earn a hundred dollars a day, the people near Chang'an took advantage of the slack time and poured into the city to prepare for food. It will be hard for a while, but you will make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, their wish will be in vain, because one hundred dollars can buy the same amount of food as thirty dollars a day.

Therefore, the money they earned in Chang'an was destined to be spent in Chang'an. After all, rice in Chang'an was expensive and hard to come by.

Although the construction of Chang'an City is still in full swing, the smiles on the people's faces are gradually decreasing.

An economic disaster took away all the smiles on the faces of Chang'an people.

Chang'an City without smiling faces is like a ghost land.

News of the food shortage in Chang'an reached Li Hong's ears in Luoyang, and he wrote a long letter to Yun Chu.

He told Yunchu that his official Lou Shide was cultivating in Longyou. Although he had not grown a large amount of grain due to the short time, Lou Shide seemed to have anticipated the food shortage in Chang'an and took advantage of the prince's help in Longyou. The relationship brought in a lot of food.

If Yunchu needed it, he would order Lou Shide to transport food into Chang'an City to meet the urgent need.

In the early morning, Yunchu made a special trip to the large canteen. Only a few diners would eat here out of the bustling crowd in the past.

Taking a look at the various food prices on the sign, Yun Chu immediately understood why there were so few customers.

A bowl of copper coins for a bowl of rice. At this price, to be honest, he was not willing to come.

"Brother, I have a lot of money." Nahara held Yunchu's hand, feeling that her brother had been very haggard recently.

"Almost all your copper coins have been spent by Li Hong."

"I also have a lot of jade, a lot of gold coins, gold sand, and gold nuggets."

"Those are good things, don't move them, keep them."

"I heard that the price of the yaks Xu Jingye sold to his brother has increased?"

"Well, yes, it's more than doubled."

"Why does everyone bully my brother? Including the emperor, the queen, the prince... everyone is bullying my brother, even Master Xuanzang refuses to help you.

Otherwise, let's leave Chang'an and go back to the Western Regions. "

Yun Chu looked at Naha and said with a smile: "Why are you going back to the Western Region?"

"My brother is the king of the Buddhist Kingdom. Let's just rebel against them. As long as my brother is here, I don't believe they dare to send people to die."

Yun Chu said with a smile: "You don't even want Li Hong?"

"No!" Naha said firmly.

Yun Chu raised his hand and touched Naha's head. He felt really comfortable. This silly girl was willing to fall out with everyone in the world for him.

"Letting you live in pain is not what I, as an elder brother, want to see. Letting you gain the happiness you deserve in your life is the whole meaning of my existence as an elder brother.

Don't worry, it's a trivial matter and the difficulty will pass sooner or later. "

Chapter One

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