Tang's dining table

Chapter 719 The unknown hero

Changes and injuries always appear quietly, because the injuries and battles are real, so the scars are also real.

There are three scratches on Lao He's neck, extending from his ears to his collar. These are easily reminiscent of the claws of a giant bear. If we must tell the difference, we can only focus on the depth of the scars.

A senior medical officer of the Tang Dynasty sat alone at a simple wonton stall eating wontons, which was not normal in itself.

However, with the addition of Yun Chu and Wen Wen, this scene looks very reasonable.

While Yun Chu was peeling garlic, Lao He asked, "Have you whipped all the singers and dancers in Pingkangfang?"

Yun Chu put the peeled garlic on the handkerchief, nodded and said: "Yes, who let them climb on Cui Mian's car without any discernment, and they didn't take me, the county official, seriously at all."

"You regard the women from Pingkangfang as your own? Also, why do you peel the garlic when you eat wontons?"

Yun Chu said: "There is garlic on the table, which means they still sell noodles. The two of us have not been able to eat seriously all day today, so we still eat bowls of noodles to fill our stomachs.

What's the matter with you? You can still get scratched when you go to a brothel? "

Dr. He took a sip of wonton soup and said, "Madam caught me. The women in Pingkangfang are gentle and can't do such a thing."

Nodding tenderly and sympathetically, he said: "If you feel angry at Madam, come to Pingkangfang to calm down. It's a manly thing to do."

Lao He looked at Pingkangfang, which was dotted with candlelight, shook his head and said: "When we came to the gate of the square, we patrolled for a long time, but finally we didn't go in."

He took a gentle look at Lao He who was under the candlelight and nodded: "That's right. You are ugly and don't wear official uniforms, and you don't look like a rich man. Those old bustards and teapot heads should just ignore you."

Lao He looked at the two people wearing official uniforms and boots and nodded: "You two are more experienced.

Why, you didn’t go in either? "

While they were talking, Yun Chu and Wen Wen had already prepared the fried noodles they ordered from the wonton stall.

The noodles look very good. There are two full bowls with a lot of sesame oil. The spicy noodles have been fried in hot oil. The minced garlic and soy vinegar have also been made by the hot oil to release the aroma. Stir it with chopsticks and place it on the bottom. Fried eggs with noodles and green rapeseed were turned over.

Doctor He pushed the wontons aside as soon as he saw the two bowls of noodles and asked the old couple selling wontons to get him a bowl of noodles as well.

"If you're not a regular customer, you can't eat this bowl of noodles. Many customers think that the garlic on the noodles will prevent them from having sex with those prostitutes, so they won't eat the noodles. God knows what this old man is best at is noodles, not wontons."

The old man proudly pulled the noodles and put them into the pot, while showing off the skills he had secretly learned from the cafeteria in a loud voice.

Wen Rou took a bite of raw garlic, scratched his ears because of the spicy taste, and then said to Yun Chu: "Has this old guy worked in a big cafeteria before? Otherwise, this bowl of noodles wouldn't be so authentic."

Yun Chu glanced at the neatly dressed old woman and said, "That woman must have worked in the cafeteria. When you didn't see us coming here, that old woman wanted to hide her face."

Lao He said: "This is obviously stealing. Should we arrest them?"

Perhaps the old woman heard what Lao He said, her body shook violently, her face-stretching movements were also deformed, and several of them were broken in a row.

Yun shouted at the old woman: "Make noodles well, no one will catch you, and no one will hold you accountable for secretly learning the craft."

The old woman turned around and thanked her. The tall old man quit and shouted at Yun Chu: "This is a craft inherited from my family and has been around for a hundred years."

Facing the menacing old man, Yun Chu shrank his neck decisively, raised his thumb at the old man and said, "Okay, your ancestors taught you this."

The old man said matter-of-factly: "It belongs to my ancestors' religion."

Gentle looked at Yunchu, who was used to being an ancestor, stuffing noodles into his mouth with big mouthfuls. He had seen this kind of thing all too often.

This guy becomes strong when he is strong, and weak when he is weak...

"Chang'an City is not as prosperous as before." Lao He finally ate the noodles and sighed while peeling the garlic.

Yunchu said with a smile: "When the prostitutes in Pingkangfang have recovered from their whip wounds, when the people have confidence in copper coins again, and when the people feel that they have enough to eat and drink, and there is still money left, Chang'an should start again." It’s become prosperous.”

Lao He stopped eating noodles, looked at Yun Chu and said, "I suffered a big loss this time. That's why I have scratches on my neck."

Wen Wenwen snorted coldly: "It seems that you exchanged money for supplies when prices were high?"

While eating noodles, Lao He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and remained silent.

Yunchu asked: "At what price did you hoard the food?"

Lao He looked at Yun Chu carefully and whispered: "At first, I thought you couldn't bear it anymore. You collected a lot of things when the wheat cost eighty yuan a bushel.

Who would have thought that a bushel of wheat now costs eight cents, and we can still buy it casually. "

At this point, Lao He completely lost his mind about eating. Two lines of tears flowed down from his eyes like a fountain. He choked with sobs and said to Yun Chu: "I have worked hard to make money over the years, and in just two days, it turned into I was a pauper... Not only was the food worthless, but I also lost a lot of linen I bought... I also stocked up more than a thousand kilograms of salt, three large vats of vinegar, and even 200 huks of lamp oil at home. … They were all bought when prices were at their highest.

When I bought it, I used the favor of the boss... I still owe Lao Huang a lot of copper coins. Recently, Lao Huang has been chasing me for money... I know he is just ashamed of me... but I just want to cry for no reason... "

Seeing Lao He's tears falling into his job bowl, Yun Chu's eyes were filled with tears. He had also experienced this kind of experience... The eight hundred thousand money he spent to marry his wife was thrown into the stock market to buy the largest real estate company's stocks... and then , he would have no money to marry a wife.

The money he earned from writing speeches and materials for his leaders day and night, racking his brains... was all gone at once. At that time, he also cried.

It’s the ones who cry when they’re hiding under the covers. During the day, they still smile and tell others that money is just for bastards. It’s bullshit that we can make more money without it.

Lao He is a doctor who likes money very much but is unwilling to insult his profession by tampering with medicinal materials.

The way he has made money over the years is very simple, relying on the thank-you gifts given by the patients' families. In order to get more and better thank you gifts, Lao He's attitude towards the patients is simply impeccable.

It is obviously difficult for this guy to make money, but he likes to make a big show. He and his wife brought all the people from his hometown to Chang'an.

As a result, after these people had lived a good life for a few days, they couldn't lower themselves to work in their old trade. It was easy to find jobs in Chang'an City, so a large group of people gathered around Lao He to eat from him.

As for the salary he received from his official position as a medical judge, it is difficult to describe in words, and it seems that Yun Chu has not received a salary from the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty for a long, long time.

Seeing Yunchu's silence, Wen Wenwen threw the empty bowl on the table with a clang and said to Lao He: "Tomorrow, take the things your family has hoarded and give them away at the price of one hundred and fifty yuan." If you go to Lu’s, they will definitely take it.”

Lao He wiped away his tears and said, "I can't afford to offend Lu Ting."

Yunchu said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. I will send the scribe from Wannian County to go with you tomorrow."

Lao He grabbed Yun Chu's hand and said, "Otherwise..."

Yun Chu patted Lao He's hand and said, "You have unparalleled medical skills and have cured countless patients. Do you know how valuable a subordinate official is?"

Lao He nodded repeatedly and said: "The Lu family doesn't dare to offend you now, so why not go to the Cui family to sell it? They must not dare to refuse."

She smiled softly and said: "The Cui family has surrendered to the end. It is not good to continue to torture, but the Lu family... Hehehe, their family still needs to continue the torture."

Lao He nodded heavily and said: "No one in the family is good."

After rejecting Lao He's strong invitation for the two of them to go to Pingkangfang together, they returned to Zhuque Street and went their separate ways to go home.

When Yunchu returned home, it was already very late. Although Chang'an City no longer enforces strict curfews, the bad guys on the streets and the patrolling Jinwu guards still urge idle night walkers to go home early. .

Yu Xiurong didn't sleep. When her husband came back, she was ready to ask the kitchen to heat up the food again.

"No need, I had a big bowl of good noodles on the street."

Yu Xiurong whispered: "My husband doesn't seem happy about this great victory?"

Yun Chu said: "People who do big things don't stick to small details, but they don't know that all the truth is actually in the small details."

Yu Xiurong handed over a hot towel and said, "Husband, do you want to start from a small start in the future?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "If I don't do big things, no one will do big things. Actually, what I'm best at is doing small things."

"Like what my husband did in Jinchangfang before?"

"Yes, just like what I used to do in Jinchangfang, I started from brick by brick, stitch by stitch, one person and one thing. Only in that way can I look like I am doing something."

"Don't forget that the water in Jinchang Pool is shallow, and watching fish is better than Taohua River. Although these two lines of poems are simple, they clearly describe the high-spirited appearance of my husband.

Husband, if you are too tired, you might as well take a good rest. "

Yun Chu wiped his face with a hot towel, pondered for a moment and said, "Who am I in this Tang Dynasty?"

Before Yu Xiurong could answer, Naha, wearing a red dress, suddenly appeared in front of the window and said, "My brother is a hero."

Yunchu looked at Naha and said with a smile: "Whose hero is he?"

Naha drew a circle in the air with her hand and said: "He is a hero to the people of Chang'an City. Although they don't know it, I know it, my sister-in-law knows it, and Master Xuanzang also said that my brother has immeasurable merits."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Fortunately, I still have a good wife and a nice girl, otherwise I would be tortured to death in this Tang Dynasty."

"Aye, there are still us."

Yun Chu lowered his head and looked at his son and daughter. He couldn't help but laugh. He picked up both of them at once, kissed their faces from left to right and laughed, "Indeed, there are still you."

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