Tang's dining table

Chapter 725 I eat my millet

Chang'an in Longshuo's second year doesn't look much different from Chang'an in Longshuo's first year. If there is a difference, it's just that the snow in Longshuo's second year was heavier.

Chang'an City is a very knowledgeable city. Even if it encounters this unprecedented blizzard, it has not disrupted Chang'an City from moving forward at its own pace.

The white snow falls on the twenty-four bronze bulls on Zhuque Street, like covering the bronze bulls with a thick quilt.

The snow is still falling in the sky, and a lot of white snow has accumulated on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, making the tower a little bloated.

The criminal Zhang Xiaoyi stepped on the snow that was up to his knees to the nearest copper bull, and carefully swept away the snow on the bull with a bamboo pole tied to a broom head.

Zhang Xiaoyi cherished the job that came back to him. Recalling his last job digging toilets, even though it was freezing cold, he still felt that it was better to be a bad guy on Zhuque Street.

His work today is very heavy. He has to lead the civilian workers to clear all the snow on Suzaku Street to both sides of the road.

Of course, he is only responsible for one section, which is the position of the four copper bulls.

Today's work is still very troublesome, mainly because there is no place to pile up the shoveled snow.

Two snow mountains have been piled up on the two frozen artificial lakes on Zhuque Street. This is the result of snow shoveling in the past two days.

Zhang Xiaoyi has never understood why the snow in Chang'an City should be shoveled away. As long as the sun comes out, the white snow will naturally melt.

Anyway, no one wants to go out on a snowy day, so shoveling the snow is of little use.

He could only murmur in his heart, but he never dared to say it out loud. Not far away was the bad handsome man Chen Tou. If he heard it, he might have to dig a hole for a while.

The snow just fell last night. It is fluffy and soft, so it is not difficult to clean up.

From his position, he could directly see the Suzaku Gate, but there was nothing to see. The city was completely white, and the outside of the city was also completely white.

Just as he was urging the farmer to shovel the snow, a black spot appeared in the corner of his eye, and he stood up straight immediately vigilantly.

Seeing the bare fur coats these people were wearing and the overly majestic horses under their crotches, Zhang Xiaoyi immediately blew the whistle.

The whistle sounded loudly. The other civilians looked at the visitor and continued working with their heads down. The bad handsome man supervising them from a distance only looked up and continued to sit in a roadside teahouse drinking tea.

The leader of the scarred-faced strong man spread his arms on the horse and shouted at Zhang Xiaoyi: "Official, we have removed our armor, crossbows, bows, long and heavy ones are all placed outside the city. As for firearms, we don't have such things."

Zhang Xiaoyi threw away the large snow shovel in his hand, stepped forward step by step, holding the horizontal knife on his waist, and said as he walked: "Get off the horse, the most annoying thing is you guys who are eating people's heads, over there in the Western Regions He made himself look like a savage, why didn't he die in the Western Regions, and why did he come to Chang'an to embarrass himself?

What about the dung pocket behind the horse’s butt? I count, twenty-five horses, five hundred copper fines. "

The scarred-faced man in the lead seemed to have long been used to being blackmailed by bad people. Without thinking, he took out a leather bag from his waist, grabbed a handful of gold sand from it, put it in Zhang Xiaoyi's hand and said: "Our brothers will stay in Chang'an for ten years." God, this is our horse manure money for ten days."

Zhang Xiaoyi carefully put the gold sand into his pocket and shouted in a high voice: "What bullshit horse manure money is, it's sanitation fees!"

After all, Zhang Xiaoyi took out a palm-sized notebook from his arms, wrote some words on it with charcoal, pulled off a piece of paper and handed it to the strong man who led him, saying: "Don't lose it. If you encounter a bad person, you will check it." Just show it to others, if you lose it, you have to pay again.”

The scarred-faced man, who looked like he was not a kind person at first glance, took the piece of paper and pretended to salute. Then he crossed Suzaku Street and entered the Fangshi Alley next to it. The direction should be the direction of Jinchangfang.

"These swordsmen are rich, and they can get gold sand when they sell it. They don't even need copper coins. Now the big canteen can make a fortune." A farmer dumped a cart of snow into the pine and cypress pit on the roadside, and trampled the snow tightly. It is better to digest a little bit on the spot than to pour it into the moat.

Zhang Xiaoyi snorted coldly and said: "You can exchange your life for money. I heard that they do all kinds of evil in the Western Regions, and they can't live long."

The farmer clucked his lips and said: "These idiots are finally caught. During the cold weather, I will have a bowl of mutton in a basin, add more chili peppers, tear up the biscuits and throw them in. There will be a bowl of sizzling mutton." After eating, I was sweating all over...

Zhang Tou, I heard that the mutton in the water basin in the cafeteria costs thirty yuan, right? "

Zhang Xiaoyi nodded and said: "Thirty dollars, don't think it's expensive, Hu biscuits are free, you can continue to add mutton soup, you can still be full no matter how big your belly is.

Old man Liu, you can get 20 yuan for clearing the snow today. If you add 10 yuan, you can go to Jinchangfang and have a meal of mutton in a basin. Don't make yourself pitiful. It seems that the whole of Chang'an just cares about his mother. of the poorest. "

Old Man Liu sighed and said: "There is really no family in Chang'an city who can't afford the mutton in the water basin. However, it is one thing to be able to afford it, and another thing to eat it or not.

The old man's family has a large population, and they are all women. He doesn't dare to compare with other families. He still eats my millet steamed buns with salt and vegetables. When the girls get married, the old man and his wife will spend the remaining money to eat from the water basin every day. He ate all the mutton and then went home to die. "

When Zhang Xiaoyi saw Old Man Liu, he was doing the same old thing again. This old guy always talked about death. He had been dead for several years and was still alive. It looked like he could still be dead for several more years.

At noon, Zhuque Street had been cleared, but after a gust of wind, the snow started to fall again.

There was another inch of snow on the ground, but Zhang Xiaoyi didn't care. After all, this was tomorrow's work and had nothing to do with today.

With the wind and snow all over his body, Zhang Xiaoyi walked into the teahouse where the bad handsome man Chen Tou was resting. He sat opposite Chen Tou, rubbed his hands that were red from the cold, put the money bag in front of Chen Tou and said: "I thought I had no money today. After harvesting it, I ended up getting rich instead.”

Chen Tou went to the teahouse owner to weigh the gold sand, then looked at the receipt stub issued by Zhang Xiaoyi, withdrew a certain amount of money from the counter of the teahouse, and said to Zhang Xiaoyi: "Eight hundred is in the account, two hundred is yours."

Zhang Xiaoyi happily put the money into his bag, said goodbye to Chen Tou, and hurried into the wind and snow. Today, he also wanted to eat mutton in the water basin.

After the snow on Zhuque Street was cleared, some carriages appeared on the street. Zhang Xiaoyi stood in the wind and snow for a while. He didn't find the target of the money, so he excitedly went to Jinchangfang Cafeteria.

Although Anqingfang also opened a large canteen and it was right in front of him, Zhang Xiaoyi would rather walk several miles to go to Jinchangfang canteen to eat.

If not for anything else, just because Jinchangfang can continuously refill the mutton soup, and the mutton in Anqingfang Canteen is too lean, unlike the water basin mutton in Jinchangfang Canteen that has a thick layer of oil.

After working all morning in the wind and snow, Zhang Xiaoyi was already hungry, but he was not impatient at all. He only looked forward to getting hungrier so he could eat more free biscuits.

Jinchangfang is right in front of you, with the arrogant gilded phoenix above the door. Even heavy snow cannot hide its colorful color.

Everyone in Chang'an City knows that the seven gems on this phoenix's feather crown were selected by His Majesty from the royal treasury. Each gem is priceless.

There was some snow on the phoenix's tail feathers. As the bad guy from Jinchangfang shook the mechanism under the phoenix, the tail feathers began to move, and the snow on the tail feathers was quickly shaken off.

Jinchangfang is truly spotless. There is gurgling water in the canals on both sides of the street. It is relatively easy for them to clean up the snow. As long as the snow is pushed into the canal, it will be melted and taken away by the running water.

Today is not a day for lectures at Da Ci'en Temple, so without those annoying pilgrims and laymen, Zhang Xiaoyi took a familiar left turn and arrived at the large dining hall.

The steam in the large dining hall is steaming, especially when the steamed bun cage over a foot high is opened, a large stream of white air rises into the sky with the rich aroma of meat buns, and the smell is so domineering that people don't want to leave.

"Freshly out of the cage meat buns, new wife..." Zhang Xiaoyi stopped and began to hesitate.

"Is it buns or mutton in a basin?" He felt that he needed to think about it carefully.

"Where are the bamboo chips? It's cold today. Let's eat steamed buns and get egg soup."

Zhang Xiaoyi took a look at the egg soup that was delivered, and found that it was actually a thick egg soup made from a beaten egg. It looked yellow and white, with a handful of green coriander sprinkled on top.

Before he could take out the bamboo chips distributed by the bad guys, he was pushed aside by the impatient diners behind him.

The bun seller quit his job. He looked at the man who pushed Zhang Xiaoyi away with an unkind look and said, "Go to the back and wait in line."

Zhang Xiaoyi chuckled, took out a handful of small bamboo chips that he had saved for a month and handed them to the bun seller: "Excuse me, brother, I'll buy them into buns."

The bun seller was busy counting the bamboo chips. The diner who had just pushed Zhang Xiaoyi asked him in a low voice: "Do they really know how to beat people?"

Zhang Xiaoyi pointed to the red paper on the wall and said: "It says that guests are not allowed to be beaten without reason. Generally, they will not be beaten."

"That means you can still fight, right?"

"Nonsense, the bun sellers are all government soldiers, and they are all officially registered government soldiers. If you do something mean again, they won't beat you, but I, the bad guy, will be beaten, so wait in line, the food here is delicious, just don't act wild. "

"Twenty steamed buns, can you finish them?" The soldier selling steamed buns murmured and handed over a boss's basket, picked up a few buns, pushed the basket forward and said, "Remember to return the basket after you finish. "

Zhang Xiaoyi put a large bowl of beautiful egg soup on the cage, and eagerly hugged the cage and found a place with leeward under the shed.

A steamed bun was about the size of a fist. Zhang Xiaoyi happily bit open a gap, then used a wooden spoon to scoop out some spicy garlic vinegar water and poured it into the steamed bun, which could lower the temperature of the hot steamed bun.

Then he opened his mouth as wide as possible and bit down fiercely. A bunch of grease splashed out from the corner of his mouth. Zhang Xiaoyi caught it. This was the essence of the buns and he couldn't afford to lose it.

The boss bit into his mouth a piece of bun, and Zhang Xiaoyi quickly closed his mouth, not wanting any aroma to escape. At this time, the various mixed flavors that burst out of the bun in his mouth were really unbelievable to outsiders.

After chewing twice to put the bun into his stomach, he couldn't wait to suck the soup on his hands into his mouth.

Then he focused on the remaining half of the bun. He did not rush to put it into his mouth. Instead, he continued to scoop a spoonful of spicy garlic vinegar water and pour it into the bun. Eating the bun in this way was extremely important to him. It was a good time. a belief.

Zhang Xiaoyi seemed to be eating steadily, but in fact, his speed was not slow at all. The twenty buns were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body, which had been eroded by the wind and snow all morning, was warming up.

Pulling off a small piece of bun skin stuck to the fingernails from the basket, Zhang Xiaoyi looked at the empty egg soup bowl with regret. He felt that he had eaten a little fast just now, and drank the soup a little faster. So much so that I couldn't really taste the steamed buns and egg soup.

Lifting up his sleeves and wiping his lips stained with spicy oil, Zhang Xiaoyi used his tongue to clean the remaining meat residue in his mouth, and handed the huge basket to the bun salesman.

Just as I was walking out, the sound of reading came from the school on the other side of the high wall.

“The great rat, the great rat, has no food for me!

I am not willing to take care of a three-year-old girl. The daughter who is about to die is suitable for that paradise. Happy land, happy land, love is what I want.

Big rat, big rat, no food for me!

A three-year-old girl, Mo Ikende. The daughter who is about to die is suitable for that happy country. Happy country, happy country, love makes me straight..."

Zhang Xiaoyi let out a long burp, stroked his bulging belly with satisfaction, and said to himself: "I eat my own millet. This is the same principle even when the King of Heaven comes."

A new world has opened.

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