Tang's dining table

Chapter 727 Dragon Slaying Technique

The original purpose of the cotton spinning mill was to produce a large amount of cotton textiles and to solve the food problem of the poor women in Chang'an City.

That's right, when a woman even sells herself but still can't have enough food to feed her children, there is no doubt that this is the responsibility of the government.

When Yun Chu entered the workshop, he saw a large group of women wearing work clothes surrounding them and chirping softly.

When those women saw Yun Chu, they all closed their mouths, straightened their appearance one by one, and respectfully bowed to Yun Chu.

They performed a very formal women's ceremony, that is, pressing the right hand to the left (the opposite is true for men), hiding the hands in the sleeves, raising the hands to the forehead, bowing ninety degrees, then standing up, and at the same time raising the hands to the eyebrows again, Then lower your hands and repeat three times.

After Yun Chu waved, these women stood consciously on both sides, half-bent, waiting for Yun Chu to speak.

Looking at this scene with a gentle smile, he kept shaking his head. When he came in, these women bowed normally. After the salute, a large group of people who thought they had outstanding appearance surrounded him, hoping to be treated by such a noble person as him. From a cotton weaving woman, she rose to the sky and became a maid of a wealthy family.

Accompanied by the female foreman, Yun Chu inspected the workshop and even took off his fur coat to feel the temperature in the workshop for himself.

Although it was still cold, when Yunchu asked these women to stretch out their hands to check for frostbite, they found that the problem was not serious. The temperature in the workshop was not high, but it was tolerable. As soon as they started working, they would not feel it. cold.

"Your Majesty, there is a lot of cotton and cotton yarn here, so the regulations on the use of fire are very strict. We rely on the fire walls on both sides of the workshop for heating, so it doesn't get cold here."

Yun Chu rubbed his cold hands and sighed, "Is it really not cold?"

The female foreman smiled, and she smiled brightly.

"I, these people have experienced much colder...so, it's not cold now."

Yun Chu didn't want to mention the past of the first batch of women who entered the workshop, so he smiled and said, "How can you get the same amount of money in a month now?"

The female foreman smiled and said: "The county magistrate underestimates me. If shopkeeper Liu only gives me the usual wages, you should be able to see me in Baiqisi's workshop. At least you can get three pieces of money.”

Yun Chu, the female foreman, knew that she was from Meiling. She followed her husband from Lingnan to Chang'an to serve as an official. Unfortunately, after only one year of being an official, her husband died, leaving her alone. The two children lived a hard life in Chang'an.

Just before she was about to step into the gate of Pingkangfang, she suddenly saw the recruitment notice of the cotton spinning factory, and decisively came to work in the cotton spinning factory.

"Are you still missing Mei Ling?"

The woman smiled with tears in her eyes and said, "I am happy here and don't miss my hometown."

"Isn't the man from Chang'an bad?"

The woman's eyes were red and she pressed her heart and said, "My husband is still here."

Yunchu looked at the female foreman with tears streaming down her face, and then at the weaving woman who was equally sad, and couldn't help but sing: "I always envy the jade man in the world. God should beg for the Diansu Niang. I will tell you all the clear songs about my white teeth." .The wind blows. The snow flies and the sea becomes cool.

After returning from thousands of miles away, my appearance becomes less beautiful. Smile. When you laugh, you still smell the fragrance of plum blossoms. I wonder if Lingnan should be good. But said. This place of peace of mind is my hometown. "

Yun Chu actually sings very well, especially because he often has to come up with some lyrics and learns ancient rhymes well.

Therefore, when his deep singing voice sounded in the workshop, there were many more listeners.

Wen Wen looked at the group of women who wanted to take off their clothes immediately but did not dare to approach Yun Chu. She pulled Liu Rui beside her and said, "I knew it was like this. It's pity that I have been famous for a year and lost it all in one day."

Liu Rui was reciting the lyrics that Yun Chu had just sung. Hearing Wen Wen's words, he blinked his eyes and said: "The Lord has not written poetry for a long time. Now, it is extremely rare for this long and short sentence to appear in the workshop. Finally The sentence "This is my hometown where my heart is at peace" should have explained Su Niang's thoughts.

With this long and short sentence, Su Niang's name, Su Niang's story will surely spread throughout Chang'an City, and the more than 6,000 women in this textile factory will also be grateful. "

After comforting those strong women who had been working hard in the past and were now skilled craftsmen, Yunchu came to the accounting room of the textile factory and began to check the accounts. He did not want to see the profit and loss of the textile factory. He had known this for a long time. What he wanted to see today was textiles. Women's pay.

"So, the new Weaver Girl's monthly salary is six hundred?"

"If we go back to the county, twenty dollars a day will be enough to feed two people. If life is more difficult, we can feed three people."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Very good, Wannian. The reason why Chang'an and the two counties want to build these textile factories is that although making money is very important, the more important thing is to bring in more women. Sometimes it is said that only When the woman has money in her purse, the people are truly rich.

Since the profits of the textile factory are high, we can appropriately increase the bottom line..." At this point, he looked at Wen Wen and said, "The government should also allocate some special funds to support this matter. "

She smiled softly and said, "No more, I have more places to spend money."

Yun Chu had lunch at the textile factory. In fact, neither he nor Wen Wen liked eating here because there was nothing delicious.

The staple food is millet steamed buns and black noodle pot helmets, as well as multi-grain bean porridge that Chang'an people never seem to have enough of. As for vegetables, cabbage boiled in white water, radish boiled in white water, and a little salted vegetables, maybe today's Yunchu When Wenrou comes, there is an additional dish of salted vegetables and tofu.

"The county magistrate doesn't care about the poor food here. It's already a rare good food in ordinary people's homes. The most important thing is that the food here is enough.

Speaking of which, you don’t know the appetite of these women. When they first came in, their appetite was no worse than that of a strong man. Many of them have been hungry their whole lives. It wasn’t until they entered the textile factory that they knew for the first time what it felt like to be full. . "

Liu Rui seemed to have adapted to the food here. He put a bowl of various dishes and held up a black-faced pot helmet. He ate the vegetables and soup very happily.

Yunchu wanted to spit it out after taking the first bite, but Wen Wenwen had already spit it out. However, the two of them still ate the food Liu Rui brought for him without changing their expressions.

After leaving the textile factory, Wen Wenwen retched a few times and said to Yun Chu: "What's going on with Liu Rui? Since we are left to eat, are you going to let us eat from a big pot?"

Yun Chu picked his teeth and finally got a piece of cabbage tendon out from between his teeth. He looked at the tall factory building and said, "No matter his tutor, his conscience, or his morality, he will not be allowed to do this." Let those female workers eat cabbage while we eat big fish and meat."

Wen Rou thought about the miserable situation the last time Liu Rengui invited them to dinner, and couldn't help but nodded and said: "Tell me, what is Lao Liu doing? He really has no money, and he has to make himself look like a poor man.

Every time I go to his house and see his wife feeding chickens, I feel unbearable. She is a real uncle, and she also has a share of money and food. "

"Old Liu is fighting thunder for us. He doesn't want the turmoil in Luoyang City to spread to Chang'an. He has been impeached by those sycophants these days.

Recently, haven't you noticed that the officials who retired from service either returned to their hometowns or came to live in Chang'an?

Once Lao Liu can't bear it anymore. Being replaced by someone from the position left behind in Chang'an, as you watch, our good days are basically over. "

Wen Wen sighed and said: "I discovered that I am now a real county magistrate, and I am doing the work of a real county magistrate."

"What, you feel bored?"

Nodding softly: "It doesn't match my dream."

Gentle Meng Yunchu knew that he just wanted to do great things, wanted to compete with everyone in the world with his own strength, and then failed, and was cut into pieces or cut into pieces, and finally put into the largest cauldron and died. Eat it.

This crazy person doesn't pray for success. Maybe he doesn't think he can succeed, and his thoughts are extremely perverted.

Of course, the premise is that his wife and children cannot be harmed because of him... Therefore, he can't actually do anything big.

“This year’s heavy snowfall is actually very good. Not only will the moisture content of the land improve, but this heavy snowfall will freeze many pests in the land to death.

The people's desire to grow cotton in Wannian County and Chang'an County will come true even if it is impossible. "

Wen Wen shook the snow on her cloak and said softly: "I really don't want to deal with the people..."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Do you think it's a big deal to knock down the rich people in the world and make them stop being so arrogant?"

Gentle said: "Forget it, what are your ideas? Tell me, what can we do to humble those fat-headed guys into dust?

If you agree with my previous suggestion, I will make a plan and we can have a good fight. "

The gentle way is to rob. Now, Chang'an City controls the bandits and robbers on the thousands of miles road from Chang'an to the Buddha Kingdom.

In fact, we can't say that they are robbers and bandits. According to the Chang'an City government, they are called explorers or swordsmen.

With this hammer in his hand, Wen Wen looked at anything he didn't like as a nail. As long as he had troubles, he wanted to hit it with two hammers.

Yun Chu also shook off the fallen snow on his cloak and said, "Do you know what the wealth of the rich is?"

She smiled softly and said, "Money doesn't count, it should be land and materials."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "The wealth of the rich is actually the poor. All their wealth comes from the poor. As long as there are such things as poor people in the world, their wealth will always exist."

Wen Wen frowned and said: "So, you are wiping out the poor? Although this statement makes sense, it is just bullshit. I know that after the poor become rich, there will be no so-called rich people. However, it is still bullshit. I even I want to give you a piece of shit!

Because if we continue to understand according to your words, a terrible concept will emerge - equalizing wealth and poverty, and equalizing wealth and poverty.

After Chen Sheng and Wu Guang started shouting these words, you know how serious the consequences are. If you can send my wife and children to a place where they are not controlled by the Tang Dynasty, I can go crazy with you.

But, I know you are reluctant to let go of this prosperous age. "

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen in surprise and said, "That's not what I thought."

Wen Wen sneered and said, "You've always done this. The relationship between the two of us is so close that it's almost fucking better than Mr. and Mrs. Long Yang. How can I not know what you are thinking?"

Yunchu looked around and said quickly: "You didn't tell me, did you?"

Gentle said: "No, but I'm also curious. You really don't have much ambition for power. Usually it's just enough. How come the things you do are heading in the direction of slaying the dragon?"

Yun Chu clicked his mouth, swallowed another mouthful of saliva, and whispered: "Because the education I received since childhood is the art of slaying dragons. There were no dragons a long time ago, so I learned the skill of slaying dragons.

Now, when there is a dragon, it is inevitable to feel itchy. "

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