Tang's dining table

Chapter 733 No need to win over people’s hearts

Xiu Niang, who has experienced hardships, doesn't like her daughter. She always feels that the child will be born to endure hardships like her.

It would be great if there was another boy in the family. He could be as strong and tough as Erhu and could handle anything.

However, Erhu likes his daughter and feels that as long as his daughter's family finds a reliable man to marry, they will have a good life.

If it was a son, he would have suffered a lot...

"Shopkeeper Erhu, Shopkeeper Erhu..." Liu Yi shouted three times in a row before pulling Yin Erhu back from his random thoughts.

"Ah, steward, tell me, Erhu is listening."

Yin Erhu gave a random answer.

Liu Yi looked at Yin Erhu and said, "The Lord wants you to visit Luoyang."

When Yin Erhu heard what Liu Yi said, his heart tightened and he felt something was wrong. When could Liu Yi, the housekeeper, assign dead soldiers to do things?

Seeing that there was no other expression on Liu Yi's face, he stood up and cupped his hands and said, "I wonder why the housekeeper wants a certain family to go to Luoyang?"

Liu Yidao: "Miss Naha has gone to Luoyang, as you know. She only has a group of monks under her command, and things are not very smooth. The Lord wants you to go to Luoyang immediately and be the housekeeper for the lady for a while. "

Yin Erhu looked around and found that all the other shopkeepers had left at some point, and he, Cui, and Liu Yi were the only three people left in the room.

"Why not let the young lady follow Naha when she leaves Chang'an?"

Liu Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, this is a job arranged by the king. No matter what, you must protect the safety of the little lady."

Yin Erhu agreed, and seeing that Liu Yi had no other arrangements with Cui, he left the school. He planned to look for the prince again and ask for an accurate idea.

Things in Luoyang city are not that simple. Mrs. Qian's group of people are also unruly. When he parachuted to Luoyang, was he controlled by Mrs. Qian, or was he, the general manager of Chang'an, controlling Mrs. Qian, the general manager of Luoyang?

After going out and looking at the sky, Yin Erhu went straight to the dining hall. If his predictions were correct, the prince should be drinking mutton soup in the private room of the dining hall at this time.

After arriving at the big dining hall and buying mutton soup with bamboo chips, Yin Erhu came to the private room. Sure enough, Junhou was tearing up the pancakes and throwing them into the soup bowl alone.

Yun Chu looked up and saw Yin Erhu coming, and pointed to the opposite side with his finger. Yin Erhu sat opposite Yun Chu holding his food.

While tearing the pancake, Yun Chu looked at Yin Erhu for a while, then pressed the pancake into the mutton soup with chopsticks and said with a smile: "Why are you still looking like that ghost? After several years, you still can't learn to be a human being?"

Yin Erhu said: "I'm waiting for your order at any time."

Yun Chu took a bite of the soaked pancake and said, "I picked you up from the graveyard when I saw how pitiful you were. Now that I have picked you up, I hope you can live a good life. You only have one life. It's not right if you don't live a good life." Live to yourself."

Yin Erhu took a sip of the mutton soup and took a bite of the crispy pancake. After swallowing it, he said, "I don't dare to die easily before I can repay your kindness."

Yun Chu looked at Yin Erhu with a smile and said: "It cost me a full seven or eight dollars to pick you up and nurse you back to health. Thinking about the things you did for me, I would have gotten my money back with interest a long time ago." .

You just have to live for yourself now. Well, I'm not a weirdo, I really think so. Even if I want you to do something for me, I have to make it so that you like it and think it should be done.

Don't rigidly fix yourself and wait for the day when someone beheads you to repay me, then there is no need. "

Yin Erhu said: "My subordinates like to work under the monarch."

Yun Chu thought for a moment and said, "Then let's find a way to mess up the prince's wedding. Don't kill anyone. It won't look good on Naha if you kill someone."

Yin Erhu sniffed and said, "How about bringing maggot-infested fish and fresh food from the latrine to the table?"

Hearing what Yin Erhu said, Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Can it be done? I mean the end of the hand must be clean and cannot be found."

Yin Erhu shook his head and said: "There is no way to do this without keeping the tail. You must have the tail. Just look, if the king doesn't like whoever, we will put the tail on their head."

Yunchu laughed and said: "In Chang'an, I believe you have such a method, but I'm afraid it won't work in Luoyang, right?"

Yin Erhu sneered and said: "Our manpower in Luoyang is more than ten times that of Chang'an.

Especially for the Pei family, it would not be difficult for the prince to do so even if he asked his subordinates to soak the princess in a bucket of excrement. "

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment and said, "That's the Crown Princess."

Yin Erhu said: "Thirty percent of the people employed by the Prince's East Palace are our people."

Yun Chu frowned and said, "I remember I said at the beginning that we would not crowd people into the East Palace."

Yin Erhu said: "We didn't stuff them in, they were taken away by the Crown Prince when he went to Luoyang. Many of them were talents recommended to the Crown Prince by Miss Naha, and some were people who helped His Royal Highness sell vegetables and were served by His Highness. Went to Luoyang East Palace."

Yun Chu asked doubtfully: "Are those people not the prince's own people? Why are they still related to us?"

Yin Erhu said: "Ever since the East Palace was assassinated by Hwarang's disciples, His Highness thought that there were too few people around him, and those people were on loan. After Young Master Wenwen agreed, he assigned those people to the prince's sect.

And I made it very clear to His Highness the Crown Prince that from now on, those people will be his subordinates and have nothing to do with us. "

Yun Chu frowned and said, "When you say this, do you believe it yourself?"

Yin Erhu spread his hands and said: "If there is a problem, it is because His Highness the Crown Prince has no way to control it. It has nothing to do with us."

When Yun Chu heard that it was something Wen Wen did in private, he couldn't help but sigh. The biggest feature of Yun's food is that it has many varieties, large portions, filling, and delicious!

Once you get used to eating, you won't be able to eat other people's food. The most important thing is that the Yun family's food can retain people's hearts. Although they have never said a word asking these people to fight to the death, but they are willing to serve the Yun family. There are many people, and many of them are spontaneous.

People in the Tang Dynasty were sincere. After eating the Yun family's food, the whole family would eat the Yun family's food, and what they ate was a mouthful of Ansheng rice. After eating this kind of food for a long time, the people of the Tang Dynasty would naturally think that eating it It's home-cooked food.

Then, it will be derived that the act of destroying the Yun family's job is equivalent to destroying their family's job. However, it is normal for the people of the Tang Dynasty to fight tooth and nail to defend their own jobs.

For example, those people in Jinchangfang...

Yunchu has never given these people free money. The money they earn now is from their own labor.

The large gains obtained are also the benefits generated after the house replacement and the dividends brought by the expansion of the market.

Yun Chu had never given them a good look, and they had not experienced the behavior of wielding a big stick at every turn.

He even went so far as to kill people and silence them along with the prince.

It just so happened that they were willing to follow such a monarch.

The Yun family was always the biggest beneficiary during the renovation of Jinchangfang, but the people didn't see it that way. They felt that their county magistrate was deliberately leaking money from his fingers for them to pick up.

Therefore, Jinchangfang at this time is definitely a tight, new combination of interests formed around the Yun family.

Where did Li Hong's people come from?

Naturally, he came from Jinchangfang, which he liked. He always felt that the people in Jinchangfang were the most reasonable, trustworthy, diligent, and loyal... Therefore, when recruiting people for himself, he naturally gave priority to the people in Jinchangfang.

However, Li Hong was a very poor prince. After those people went to Li Hong's place, they were no longer used to being poor subordinates. If they could work for Li Hong, they could work in Jinchangfang or Yun's workshop. Make more money there.

Working for the prince, for now, is just a good name. As a native of Chang'an, some people have worked for wealthy families for several lifetimes, and the end has not been much better. In the final analysis, they are just the head of Guizhou, and they will never be able to make it to the big stage. , is just a servant of the Prince's East Palace.

Throughout the year, the money and food earned may not be as good as the soldiers selling buns in the canteen.

If they have a choice, they are still willing to return to Jinchangfang and continue their old business.

Now that the East Palace has been established, Chang'an Baiqisi may not be spared.

Yunchu didn't want to form a new force now, and he didn't want to become the leader of a certain force at this time.

Li Zhi is not crazy yet and is cleaning up various forces. Wu Mei has not yet begun to seize power. The conflict with the Li family has not yet become irreconcilable. Li Hong has not yet become the confirmed heir. It is definitely not a good time to show up at this time. .

Yun Chu felt that it was necessary for him to have a good discussion with Wen Wen. He needed to arrange one or several safe escape routes for everyone, instead of arranging so many hidden stakes to plot something.

Yin Erhu left after eating. Tomorrow, he will take people to Luoyang to help Naha disrupt Li Hong's wedding.

It can be regarded as a congratulatory gift from Yunchu, the elder brother, to his sister.

Even if the emperor and the empress guess that he did it, it doesn't matter. This level of destruction should be within the tolerance range of the emperor and empress, and even within their expectations.

As long as you don't get caught red-handed, it's not a big problem.

Yun Chu came out of the private room in the cafeteria with a gloomy face. The shopkeeper who originally wanted to go up and greet Yun Chu turned around and went in another direction.

This is especially true for the guys, who are all busy greeting the guests, leaving only Yunchu, the prince, aside.

When Yun Chu found Wen Wen, this guy was leaning on a huge soft wool pillow and watching a dancer dance. There was a musician playing a pipa next to him. The sound of the pipa was like big and small beads falling on a jade plate. The dancer's The dance also became more and more intense and passionate.

This is the result of the invasion of Hu people's music and dance. Originally, the music and dance of the Central Plains paid attention to a neutral and peaceful way. Every piece of music was as calm as worshiping ancestors. Since the Hu people's dance came into the eyes of the Tang people, it has become the current kind of dance. The music dance makes people look like they are sweating all over.

When Wenrou saw Yunchu coming, she moved her body to one side and motioned for Yunchu to lean on the same wool pillow as him.

Since the last time Wen Wen said that the relationship between them was better than Long Yang's, Yun Chu had tried to stay as far away from Wen Wen as possible when there were few people around.

This man with only half a butt became so perverted that even Yun Chu was frightened.

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