Tang's dining table

Chapter 738 A joke from heaven and man, a disaster on earth

Before they gain absolutely overwhelming power, and before they gain the strength to protect themselves firmly enough, those who stand up for collective interests will generally be called victims by future generations.

Having been an official for many years, Yun Chu has a deep understanding of the fact that the masses are blind, whether in his previous life or in this life.

Therefore, before doing many things, Yun Chu is willing to take three steps back and then look at the situation to gauge what he should do next.

The sacrificer gets nothing but a great reputation. People remember the sacrificer and praise the sacrificer, but they never follow the sacrificer.

Just because of the rarity of having no hesitation, the victims are particularly precious.

Yunchu never felt that he was a victim. On the contrary, he was an excellent bureaucrat and a good politician.

Bureaucrats and politicians manipulate people's hearts. They have always been the most advanced hunters and devourers in the world, and they are also the distributors of benefits.

If you want to get something from Yun Chu, you must give something. Only in this way can his contribution appear to be of some value.

——"The Weakness of Human Nature"

Politics is never static, it just changes with the changing times. If a person can consistently implement his own ideas, he is basically not a good politician.

People like Cui thought they had the power to fight against the emperor. However, after the confrontation, they discovered that after the emperor had become supreme, they basically had nothing to use to fight against the emperor.

The aristocratic families are actually a huge contradiction. Some hope to fight against Li Zhi, some are ready to join forces with Li Zhi, and some hope to wait for the opportunity and extend the timeline to see whether the Li family can continue to be strong. .

In fact, every choice is neither right nor wrong, it is just a choice made after considering the situation.

In Yun Chu's view, those who choose to resist are not resolute enough, those who choose to surrender are still ambitious, and those who choose to lurk are full of ambition.

Being so impure and unresolute, they are destined to fail.

When Yun Chu saw Zhang Jia, Zhang Jia naturally saw Yun Chu. One was filled with anger and the other burst into tears.

At first, the soldier came to stop Yun Chu from approaching, but Yun Chu slapped him on the armor with a horse spear, causing the soldier to vomit blood.

Even the captain who was extremely arrogant in front of Zhang Jia lost his bad attitude in front of Yun Chu. He clasped his hands, exposed his thumbs and saluted: "Your Majesty..."

Before he could finish his words, Yun Chu's Ma Chao struck him in the face. Fortunately, he used the broad side of the Ma Chao instead of a sharp blade. Therefore, the blow broke the captain's neck and left him dead. His face twitched to the back of his head.

The captain fell softly to the ground, like a beautiful dancer performing a soft dance, jumping to the most exciting point, spinning to the ground, looking back and smiling, and the curtain slowly fell.

The surrounding soldiers surrounded Yunchu, pointed their spears at him, and blew their horns loudly, but no one dared to step forward.

Yun Chu was on guard for a while, thinking that there would be a fight, but in the end, nothing happened. The government soldiers, under the command of the brigade commanders, only surrounded Yun Chu and did not fight.

Although Yun Chu was a civilian official, most of his reputation came from the army. He is the only famous general of the Tang Dynasty who can rival Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian in the army today.

The most indispensable thing in the Tang Dynasty was famous generals. Only the famous general Yun Chu provided the most secure arrangements for the soldiers of Chang'an.

The people who worked in the grain stores, inns, workshops, wineries, and even gunpowder workshops all over the city were all soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. They did not get Yongye fields or Koufen fields, but they got houses in Chang'an City. Earn wages that are not affected by the quality of business.

The life of these government soldiers is generally better than that of farmers, because their wages are based on the harvest of acres of land.

Except that they don't have to plow or farm, the rest of their treatment and obligations are the same as those of the former soldiers. The soldiers are still the soldiers, but they have become purer and more ferocious.

This is the most enviable thing for the soldiers of the Sixteenth Guards. The soldiers of the two counties of Chang'an and Wannian who have been "senshang" are now counting their remaining days of "senshang" on their fingers.

As long as the day comes, you can go to the county captain's office to see where you have been assigned to work.

The soldiers of the Sixteenth Guards did not care about Yun Chu's current official position, but they were very worried about one day fighting under Yun Chu's command.

Yun Chu looked at the captain who was lying face down on his back, and said calmly to the soldiers around him: "Give him a good burial."

After saying that, he picked up the captain's sword with his horse and swung it. The sword cut off the rope holding Zhang Jia. Zhang Jia's body quickly fell to the ground and was caught by several soldiers, who did not untie the rope. However, someone started to pull out arrows for Zhang Jia to heal his wounds.

A veteran who looked like a brigade marshal stepped in from a distance and clasped his fists: "Your Majesty, this matter is beyond our control. The horn sounded. General Xue will be here soon. Please wait for a moment, Your Majesty."

Yun Chu nodded and jumped off his horse, came to Zhang Jia, looked at his subordinates up and down, and then said: "Don't worry, go back and recuperate. I will be with you in everything. A certain family will definitely seek justice for you."

Zhang Jia looked at the captain whose neck was so twisted that he could no longer die, licked his dry lips and said: "A humble job is a small matter, and the king has no say in how he handles his subordinates."

Yunchu smiled and then said to the brigade commander: "Send someone to take him to the hospital at the Imperial Medical Office. Your skills are too rough."

The brigade commander pondered for a moment, and when he saw that Yun Chu looked like he was smiling, but his eyes were actually cold, he sighed, knowing that he had no room to refuse. The company captain would kill him if he said so, and he would not care if he was the brigade commander again. Handsome to death.

Immediately, two soldiers were sent to carry Zhang Jia away.

At this time, the sun had already risen very high, and the heat and the thick bloody smell made people breathless. However, neither Yun Chu nor the bored horse gnawing on the trunk of the elm tree showed any signs of discomfort. feel.

Yun Chu used his fingers to push away the spear in front of him, looked at the young soldier in front of him and said, "From that Zhechong mansion?"

Xiao Bing didn't know for a moment whether he should continue pointing his spear at Yun Chu or answer his words. Just when he hesitated, Yun Chu smiled and said, "You are from Huizhou Zhechong Mansion, right?"

The brigade commander came over and clasped his fists and said, "Reporting to the lord, it is Zhechong Mansion in Huizhou, and he is currently following orders from Youwuwei."

Yun Chu kicked the dead captain and said, "This person's accent is not Huizhou."

The brigade commander said: "He came from Qinzhou."

Yun Chu smiled hoarsely and said: "Let me just say, if it were a local captain in Huizhou, you wouldn't be so peaceful. It seems that this captain likes to drink the blood of soldiers? He who usually suppresses bandits can eliminate evil. Did you receive the reward for capture?”

The brigade commander said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Yun Chu laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, everyone says so, only God knows whether it's good or not.

The land of Huizhou is criss-crossed with ravines, wilderness, woods, and wild animals. It is only a matter of luck for people to have a full stomach, which is not a good word.

However, there are many brave soldiers in difficult places. You can tell by looking at their armor that they have fought a lot. Thank you for your hard work. "

The brigade commander said quickly: "It's not hard, it's not hard."

Yun Chu raised his hand and tapped the brigade commander's armor and said, "This armor doesn't fit well with your majestic body. Is it inherited from your ancestors?"

The brigade commander puffed out his chest and said, "It's the fourth generation."

"Hey, your family was a soldier during the Sui Dynasty?"

The brigade commander said: "It can be extended to before the Sui Dynasty."

Yun Chu looked at the brigade commander's old face that had experienced many vicissitudes of life and said: "Soldier from generation to generation, you can still live to this age. It seems that you have a family background. It is not easy. I will fight with your general later, so don't move forward." , don’t die on the battlefield, but end up dying in a fight, it’s not worth it.

Have a son? "

The brigade commander turned a deaf ear to Yun Chu's words and still replied respectfully: "I already have three sons and two daughters."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "The eldest son will guard the family business, the second son will be a soldier of the government, and the third son will be a blind soldier. This is the fate of the soldiers."

The brigade commander suddenly said: "Nothing can compare to the soldiers of Chang'an Prefecture."

Yun Chu glanced at the brigade commander in front of him and said: "There are very few idle people in Chang'an City. Everyone has something to do. Now that you have killed so many people in one go, there is a lot of work to do." vacancy.

However, the work in Chang'an is only for Chang'an people. "

Just as Yunchu was talking to the soldiers, a group of bloody people came out of the Lu family's house. These people were not very well-behaved, and they were carrying a lot of property in their hands. They were all smiling, and they had not killed him in the slightest. A bad mood after a person.

Yun Chu remounted his horse and said to the brigade commander: "This is a group of thieves."

The brigade commander grabbed the reins of Yun Chu's war horse and said, "Your Majesty, think twice, this is inappropriate."

Yun Chu said with a smile: "Xue Rengui's extraordinary achievements do not allow him to massacre people in Chang'an City at will."

The bay-red horse knocked away the brigade commander, carried Yunchu on its back, and rushed towards the place where the smell of blood was strongest.

Yun Chu's horse sword was made by master craftsmen from the Western Regions and was extremely sharp. When the horse horse's head was swayed by the very elastic pole, the horse sword turned into a long-handled sword.

Those government soldiers who had just finished raping and plundering came out of the Lu family's house and bumped into the fangs and claws of Yun Chu, a ferocious beast.

The maroon horses picked up speed very quickly, one man and one horse passing through the crowd. After Yun Chu swung the horse with his backhand and cut off the neck of a government soldier, broken corpses fell on the ground at the gate of the Lu family.

This time Yun Chu was very ruthless, giving these guys who had turned into man-eating vultures no hope of survival.

The sizzling sound of the horse cutting the leather armor is difficult to distinguish from the sizzling sound of the flesh and skin. Sometimes it is mixed with the sound of the armor being pierced. It is like a tanner's shop has opened here and the tanner is working. Use a sharp leather knife.

After Yun Chu finished killing the people, he dismounted and allowed the brigade commander and his men to continue to surround him. He squatted by the ditch on the street, scooping up the water in it with his hands, washing his hands, face, and scrubbing the horse's trunk. , the blood on the horizontal knife.

The killing just now was more cruel, so the water was just entering the horse and the Hengdao. The originally clear water in the canal was stained red with blood. However, after flowing for a while, it returned to its original state.

Although there is no outsider here, anything that happens here spreads throughout Chang'an City in the shortest possible time.

Lu Zhaolin hugged his grandfather's legs and was unwilling to leave, but Lao Lu ordered his slaves to forcefully tear Lu Zhaolin off his body and take him to the Wannian County Government.

Lao Lu firmly believes that the Lu family will not be purged by Xue Rengui, but this kind of thing can never be guaranteed to be foolproof.

Xue Rengui massacred Xiangzhou City in Hebei. This is something that others cannot believe at all, but it actually happened.

So far, not many people know what happened and why Xiangzhou was massacred. Lao Lu only knew that after Xiangzhou was massacred, a fire broke out, which burned for six days before being extinguished by heavy snow.

It was because of Xiangzhou's experience that Lao Lu believed that the safest place in Chang'an City today was the Wannian County Government Office.

Lu Ting himself was the strongest surrenderer among the wealthy families. After Lu Zhaolin was sent away, he took off his hat, scattered his hair, and took his whole family to sit quietly at the door of his house, waiting for his resignation.

After Lu Ting did this, the rest of the family followed suit and sat quietly at the door. Even the children did not dare to cry.

All of them seemed calm on the surface, but in fact they were panicking in their hearts. Only when they kept hearing the news about Yun Chu's murder could they feel a little calmer. In any case, there were still people working hard to protect them.

The city of Chang'an at this time was extremely strange. Small families were still working, selling things, preparing meals, and living their lives as usual.

The wealthy families all over the city were silent. Even though it was already noon, there were still no fireworks in the two paifang markets near the imperial city.

It was the third time that Yunchu washed his hands, face, horse head, and Hengdao by the ditch. However, after the water in the ditch turned red, it could no longer become clear immediately.

The fifty soldiers who entered the Lu family to kill have been killed by Yun Chu, but Xue Rengui has not shown his face until now.

After killing fifty personal guards, even Yun Chu felt tired at this time. He wet his handkerchief and covered his hot face, then lay down directly on the stone slab to rest.

The old brigade marshal also lost interest in pointing his spear at Yun Chu. After sending his men away, he sat next to Yun Chu and helped the sleeping Yun Chu chase away an unusually large number of flies.

Time and time again, Yun Chu was allowed to massacre his colleagues, but they remained indifferent. The old brigade commander could no longer survive.

Therefore, he drove all his subordinates away, leaving only himself to accompany Yunchu, just to give his subordinates a chance to survive and a chance to have a good life in Chang'an in the future.

When Xue Rengui came to the door of the Lu family, Yun Chu had already slept for an hour. The moment Xue Rengui appeared, the old brigade commander plunged the knife into his ribs. He was a very experienced man. This knife It was inserted through the gap between the second and third ribs and pierced the heart accurately without any deviation.

Xue Rengui ignored the dead old brigade commander and said directly to Yun Chu: "The reason why I came a little later is that I hope you can run farther."

Yun Chu stood up, moved his waist and asked in confusion: "Why should I run away?"

Xue Rengui took out a decree from his arms and waved it in front of Yun Chu: "I didn't kill people for no reason, I followed the emperor's order."

Yun Chu asked for a decree, but Xue Rengui refused to give it to him and said sarcastically: "I always thought that since you have been the county magistrate in Chang'an for so many years, you should have disciples who are all over Chang'an. I didn't expect that your popularity is so bad.

The Liushou Mansion, the left and right pavilions, the Sixteenth Guards, Dali Temple, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Personnel all know that I hold the emperor's order and also know the content of the emperor's order. Only you and Wen Wen don't know. "

Yun Chu took a mouthful of cold water in his mouth, gargled it and spit it out, and said to Xue Rengui: "This is because Your Majesty knew that I would not tolerate your indiscriminate killing of innocent people in Chang'an City, so he deliberately did not tell me so that I could kill you remnant people more easily." Kill all the thieves."

Xue Rengui said: "I am a soldier, not a thief who ruins the people."

Yun Chu took another sip of cold water from the kettle, slurped it in his mouth for a few times and then spit it out again: "It doesn't matter. From today on, you are the one. If you don't believe it, just wait. After your death, your name will not be included in the biography. There is a 90% chance that they will be crowded together with cruel officials."

Xue Rengui thought for a while and said: "What you said makes sense. I have killed many aristocratic families. In other words, I have offended many scholars, and my posthumous name may be derogated. This is beyond my control."

Yun Chu poured the remaining water in the kettle onto his head and watched the water droplets falling from the hem of the armor. Yun Chu looked at Xue Rengui and said, "How about a fight?"

Xue Rengui shook his head and said: "Your Majesty's decree has not yet been completed. I will not fight you, especially not you at this time."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "I just killed a bunch of your personal guards."

Xue Rengui said: "These people are the people I recruited from the Western Regions and Liaodong. Their role was to do my dirty work, and I finally silenced them.

If you kill them, I will still be left here.

Why, there is anger in my heart that cannot be released? Do you want me to find some more personal guards for you to kill so that you can vent your fighting spirit? "

Yun Chu waved his hand and said, "Old Xue, you have to be reasonable."

Xue Rengui smiled and said: "Your Majesty's will is my greatest truth. Those people cannot continue to happily enjoy the peace and joy of the Tang Dynasty in Chang'an without taking any responsibility after hurting your Majesty and the Tang Dynasty.

How much fun they enjoyed on the pile of dead people, now, how painful it must be when they come back. Only in this way can it be considered fair, don't you think? "

After hearing Xue Rengui's words, Yun Chu sighed. He knew that this was the result. Over the years, he thought that he had made some progress. In the same way, Xue Rengui also continued to make progress. He had changed from a simple military commander to a A politician with his own ideas.

The last thing to do when attacking politicians is to be unreasonable. They have more reasons than anyone else. Therefore, Yun Chu raised his horse, pointed it at Xue Rengui and said, "Let's have a fight between the two of us."

Xue Rengui laughed sarcastically and said to Yun Chu: "Since you want to fight, why didn't you fight with me last night? I remember that I challenged you at that time."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I didn't wear any armor last night, and I didn't have any weapons at my disposal."

Xue Rengui laughed and said, "You didn't have the courage to kill people last night, right? Today, after you made fun of my people, you used a lot of specious and false arguments to raise your own momentum, and you also took the opportunity to kill innocent people. Bullshit theory to shock my mind.

Yun Chu, I'm not that easy to take advantage of. You didn't fight with me, who was full of momentum, last night, and I won't fight with you today. You see, no one should suffer when there is going on. "

Yun Chu looked at Xue Rengui, who was motionless as a mountain, and smiled bitterly: "Can you give me some thin noodles? At least don't touch the people on both sides of Zhuque Street.

After all, I cast all their money into a bronze bull and presented it to His Majesty. Even if I use the money to redeem them, it is enough. "

Xue Rengui thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Are you going to pick up what Your Majesty abandoned and use it for your own use?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Don't slander me, there are many principles of enriching the country and strengthening the people, which are not something that a dead Qiu Ba like you can understand.

The poor have the value of the poor, and the rich also have the value of the rich. In the eyes of our officials, we should not look down on the poor, let alone despise the rich. We cannot say that people are meat eaters because they live a good life.

This requires a good degree of control. As long as this degree is mastered, it will be a blessing for me in the Tang Dynasty. "

Xue Rengui raised the decree in his hand and said: "There is no way, your Majesty's decree must be carried out to the end."

Yun Chu shook the horse to make the red tassel under the blade rotate, pointed at Xue Rengui and said: "Then there is no other way, I have to kill you."

Xue Rengui said irritably: "If you want to kill me, just come up here and keep standing there, motionless, trying to kill me. No one else will believe it."

Yun Chu said angrily: "Your wife is an illiterate peasant woman, and my wife is a rich lady. If I kill you, I will die. It's not cost-effective."

"His mother's..."

"I am the other's mother..."

So, in full view of a group of soldiers from the Tang Dynasty, two of the most powerful generals from the Tang Dynasty began to curse like shrews.

No matter how harshly the two yelled and cursed, and how much they did not save face for each other, the hooves of the war horses under their crotches remained motionless.

"Okay, let's not hurt each other's mothers. They are really innocent. We have heightened the atmosphere to this point. If the person who can solve the problem doesn't come out, how about we scold him together?"

Yun Chu's mouth was dry from scolding, so he took out a water bottle from his horse bag and drank some water, then came up with a new solution.

Yun Chu firmly believed that no matter whether it was the emperor, the queen, or the group of ministers in Luoyang, anyone with some brains would not deliberately make Chang'an end up like Xiangzhou.

Luoyang is now as terrifying as the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade they made, and then they make Chang'an look like Luoyang. This is a bastard thing that even Jie and Zhou can't do.

Sure enough, as the scolding battle between Yun Chu and Xue Rengui ended, a two-horse carriage covered with a blue curtain slowly walked along the root of the imperial city and arrived in front of the Lu family's gate.

The driver of the carriage drove the carriage to a stop between Yun Chu and Xue Rengui. A beautiful hand as white as white jade opened the carriage curtain, and then revealed a white-haired head.

"After all these years, how have you always been?"

Yun Chu looked at the white-haired Xu Jingzong and said doubtfully: "Weren't you demoted and then appointed by His Majesty?"

Xu Jingzong was helped out of the carriage by the beauty whose face was covered with white gauze. He first looked at the pile of messy corpses that had been cut up by Yun Chu in front of the Lu family's gate, and then sent them out from the Lu family's courtyard after smelling the wind. The fishy smell.

"It seems that His Majesty has won."

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