Tang's dining table

Chapter 747 I once had the opportunity to be invincible

"So, Yun Chu and Pei Xingjian finally got into a fight?"

"The fight started, and it was so fierce that the old slave felt his scalp numb from watching from a distance. He never thought that the two ferocious beasts would be so terrifying fighting each other. Once they started fighting, it would be a fight to the death.

Marquis Yun kicked out. If Pei Xingjian hadn't dodged in time, this kick would have definitely exploded his head.

Pei Xingjian's horse-cutting sword was also very dangerous. Several times it almost hit Yun Hou's body, and if it went slightly wrong, his hands and feet would be separated from his body..."

After hearing the report from the eunuch Baiqisi, Li Zhi said to Wu Mei beside him: "These two are doing it for us."

Wu Mei said: "Your Majesty didn't ask them to fight to the death, right? Since Your Majesty just talked casually, and the ministers below also followed suit, what else is dissatisfied with Your Majesty?"

It's just that His Majesty's casual remarks cannot be repeated in the future. If you speak too much, His Majesty's future decrees will inevitably end up like those of the feudal lords. "

"Are you saying that I am King You of Zhou? It's not strange for you to say so, because you are my concubine."

The eunuchs and palace people in the main hall listened to the quarrel between the emperor and the empress, and they all quietly lay on the ground pretending to be quails, wishing they could disappear in this main hall immediately.

Only the giant bear straightened up, then squatted on the ground and scratched its head with its fat hind limbs, quietly came behind Li Zhi, crawled on the ground again, and spread it out into a pie for the boss.

"Your Majesty doesn't believe in anyone, not Yun Chu who you single-handedly promoted, Xue Rengui who has always been loyal to Your Majesty, Pei Xingjian who comes from a noble family, your Majesty is full of doubts even about this concubine.

Yun Chu is considered to be His Majesty's confidant, Xue Rengui is considered to be a young man who started out in the military, Pei Xingjian is considered to be a nobleman, and his concubine is considered to be from the royal family.

Your Majesty does not believe in any of these four people: cronies, Bai Ding, nobles, or royal family. I dare to ask Your Majesty, without these four kinds of people, who can Your Majesty rely on to govern the Tang Dynasty?

Your Majesty should relax your mind. Not everyone is coveting the existence of the Tang Dynasty. Some people just want to use the power given by Your Majesty to realize their dreams, some just want to gain glory and wealth, and some just want to make themselves The family has been a prince for generations.

Since Your Majesty can't live without these people, you might as well allow them to take what they should take.

If a person has no desire for His Majesty or the Tang Dynasty, I think he is the one who should be cut off. "

Wu Mei wore a queen's clothes and a crown and spoke to Li Zhi in a meticulous and correct way, which made Li Zhi feel uncomfortable all over.

So, he stood up and rolled his sleeves and said, "Just because I care about these people, I worry that they will betray me.

Speaking of which, there are many people who have betrayed me. As long as they have not been treated well by me, I don't care. I will just send an army to destroy them.

What I am worried about is that those people whom I have truly treated with my heart, once they betray me, will not only be hurt by my country, but also my heart.

Also, I think about them all the time and can’t sleep at night, so why can they sit back and relax?

No, when I am uncomfortable, no one can feel comfortable. They have to move and become nervous for me. "

Wu Mei looked up at Li Zhi with compassionate eyes and said, "Your Majesty, this power has never allowed you to be happy for a day."

Li Zhi was extremely angry and walked away, and the giant bear quickly followed.

At this moment, perhaps only this giant bear is willing to follow Li Zhi without reservation.

During the battle between Yun Chu and Pei Xingjian, he accidentally injured a deer. Then, the deer turned into a barbecue next to a spring.

Pei Xingjian slashed his horse sword on an ancient tree, and Yun Chu also slashed his horizontal sword on an ancient tree. Then they threw their clothes on the sword and began to gather around the spring, drinking wine and eating meat.

Yun Chu took a sip of the cold wine and took a bite of venison and said to Pei Xingjian, who was also eating and drinking, "I'm not afraid of being poisoned."

Pei Xingjian lowered his head and only focused on eating and drinking. He would not refuse the roasted venison and wine prepared by Yunchu's men, expressing his trust in Yunchu with practical actions.

It wasn't until he finished chewing a deer leg that Pei Xingjian said, "Naha should have taken what she should have taken from Li Hong, right?

If you take it away, return Li Hong to Pei. "

Yun Chu frowned and said, "Don't talk about the beautiful relationship between a young couple in such a bad way."

Pei Xingjian took a sip of the wine, burped, and then smiled and said: "If you aspire to Chang'an, then you should make a break with the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions, otherwise, His Majesty's worries for you will be endless.

The last time you went to the Western Regions, you laid down a crude framework for the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions. Perhaps you thought that it would take decades for the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions to develop before it could reach a certain scale, which would arouse His Majesty's concern.

Then you are wrong. In three years, the Western Region has become different from the past.

Do you know that the Buddhist countries in the Western Regions are now accepting offerings from the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions?

Remember, this offering is of their own free will.

Yunchu, you have been in the Western Region for many years. You should know the difference between voluntariness and coercion. Voluntary means dedication without resistance, and coercion means tribute under dissatisfaction.

In the past three years, swordsmen from Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, knights from Heluo, knights from Hebei, powerful men from Shandong, and even soldiers from Danyang traveled thousands of miles to enter the Western Regions.

They entered the Western Regions with only one purpose - to make a fortune!

You understand what I mean by getting rich, right?

In order to make a fortune, they do anything.

In the Western Regions, their status as Tang people allowed them to do almost anything they wanted. In addition, these people were all well-equipped with weapons. They also knew how to abide by the rules in the inns, government offices, and military areas.

Yunchu, you should know that spreading the few government personnel we have in the Western Regions in the Tang Dynasty is like sprinkling a little pepper noodles into a big pot of soup.

The places that pepper noodles cannot take care of - part of it has become an environment where the Buddha's light shines in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions.

The places where the Buddha's light cannot shine are the places where swordsmen, knights, heroes, and soldiers hunt. "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Isn't this just in line with His Majesty's request for the Sinicization of the Western Regions?

Without enough benefits, no Tang people were willing to go to the Western Regions to make a living. "

Pei Xingjian looked at Yunchu and said quietly: "I have never heard of a place becoming peaceful and obedient because of robbery. There has never been such a thing since ancient times."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "That's because you have too little knowledge and experience. When you are in the Western Regions, if you can put aside your bullshit status as a governor and be willing to get to know those Western Regions people, you will find that they are plundering Born in middle age, grew up in plundering and being plundered, and completed his life course in massacre or being massacred.

My mother told me since I was a child that I need to grow up to be a hero as soon as possible, and then quickly possess as many beautiful and intelligent women as possible, and give birth to strong and intelligent children as soon as possible. When the children grow up, we can start from the next door. The tribe began to conquer, and then the next, and the next, until all the pastures at the end of the earth belonged to me, and then I completed the most magnificent life course of a man.

Oh, by the way, let me explain to you, my mother was once the woman of the King of Huihe, and she was considered the most knowledgeable mother in the Cypriot tribe.

What she said is definitely the most valuable, precious and correct thing that a mother in the Western Region can instill in her son. "

Pei Xingjian said suspiciously: "In that case, why didn't you take the path your mother said?"

Yun Chu swallowed a mouthful of venison and said, "Do you still have to ask? Look at my face. I am a pure Tang person, not from the Western Regions."

Pei Xingjian took a bite of the venison, chewed it carefully and swallowed it, and said regretfully: "What a pity."

Yun Chu shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's nothing to regret. I don't want to deal with savages for too long."

Pei Xingjian looked at Yunchu's pure Tang Dynasty face and said regretfully: "Why can't you become a thief chief?

If you are a thief chief in the Western Regions, and Xue Rengui and I happen to encircle you from east to west, and finally force you to have a decisive battle with us in the Tianshan Mountains, I think that decisive battle should be the military commander's favorite. . "

Yun Chu drank the wine without raising his head and said: "Then, that battle in the Tianshan Mountains will be the burial ground of you and Xue Rengui.

After you die in battle, my head will be made into a wine bowl, and the bones will probably be made into a magic weapon by a wizard. This thing should be passed down to the world. In the future, you will become famous. It is indeed the best way to become famous for a general who died in battle. I can't say Will be remembered for thousands of years. "

Pei Xingjian asked: "Are you really so confident?"

Yun Chu thought for a moment, recalled Temujin's famous tactics, nodded and said: "In the Western Region, leading the people of the Western Region to fight, I will be invincible."

Pei Xingjian looked at Yun Chu's confident face, and for a moment he didn't know whether what this person said was true or not.

After Yunchu finished speaking his lofty words, because it was a hypothetical question with no possibility of practice, he threw it behind him, and then said to Pei Xingjian: "Tell your niece that Naha doesn't bother to compete with her for the crown prince. All she wants is Li Hong.

Go back and tell her to prepare well for the wedding. This time, no one will overturn her carriage and take away her groom, and no one will break her mother's other arm again.

The prince will definitely marry her. Once they complete their wedding, she will be the winner. I am here to congratulate her. "

Pei Xingjian sighed and said, "What you said is so shameless."

Yunchu looked at Pei Xingjian and said, "As soon as you came up, you used Naha's Buddhist kingdom to talk about things. Aren't you just talking about politics with me?

Now, I'm just talking to you in a political way.

When you said it, it was not shameless or obscene. How could it be that when I said it, it became despicable and shameless?

To put it bluntly, it's just about everyone getting what they need. You still can't get rid of those very low-level constraints, so it's not very powerful. "

Pei Xingjian said angrily: "Can being shameless make you invincible?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Many times, being shameless means that you can be invincible."

I thought I had escaped H1N1, but I didn't expect to be infected as soon as I arrived in Hainan. Now I'm fine, but my nose is so runny that it seems like my brain is dripping out.

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