Tang's dining table

Chapter 753 Interest comes first

Yunchu invited He Lanminzhi and his wife to have dinner at the county government office, not because he valued the couple, but because he wanted to know what they were going to do in the future.

No one can predict the future of two madmen. Yun Chu just wants to get a rough idea from their relationship.

Other county officials generally do not build yamen, because building yamen means there is no hope of promotion. Unlike Yunchu, he has no chance of promotion.

Wannian County Government was probably the most lavish county government in the entire Tang Dynasty. Even counting the governor's office, there were few that could compare with Wannian County Government.

If the front hall here is majestic and solemn enough, then the back hall is a good place where birds sing and flowers smell.

Yun Chu has always regarded this place as a good place to entertain businessmen from all over the world. Even the cooks are experts drawn from the two large canteens.

In this luxurious back hall, countless large-scale cargo transactions were concluded, or business routes connecting the north and south were countless.

Not only can Chang'an cuisine be prepared here, but there is even a shortage of some famous delicacies from the Tang Dynasty's frontier fortress.

Not only are there a variety of dishes on land and water, but even the most discerning monks and nuns eat vegetarian food here, especially the non-egg vegetarian duck, which is not duck, but tastes better than duck. The monks and nuns have nothing bad to say about this dish.

The most delicious cannibal dishes in Chang'an City are also ranked first in the cafeteria of Wannian County Yahoutang.

When Yun Chu entertained the food envoy in the back hall, the food envoy recited poems on the spot after eating the meal. After eating the food, he no longer felt homesick.

The food in the canteen of the county government office has never been based on quantity. On the contrary, the dishes here strictly adhere to the imperial official meal system.

When entertaining merchants, the meal usually does not exceed four dishes and one soup. When entertaining officials at the same level, it is only an extra chicken. When a superior official comes, a duck is usually added.

Of course, sometimes it depends on what the other party chooses. If the other party can bring great benefits to Wannian County and Chang'an, there is basically no upper limit to the great benefits.

For example, the last time he entertained merchants from the Big Food Country and the Western Regions, Yunchu ordered a roasted camel dish. The preparation was thorough, the process was complicated, and the scale was huge. It was the same thing at the time, and six strong men used the windlass to pull the whole camel. When the roasted golden camel was lifted from the huge pit stove, Changan was shocked.

Originally, He Lanmin and his wife killed many Chang'an people when they came to Chang'an. Yun Chu was prepared to express his anger. However, looking back, he realized that with He Lanmin's ability, he had brought disaster to his father-in-law and his family. If he died, then where would the savings of the Yangtong tribe for hundreds of years go?

Needless to say, it must have fallen into the hands of these two couples.

In this case, it is necessary to think carefully about this meal. Chang'an is the burial place of worldly wealth. There should not be any unnecessary discrimination just because the accumulation of Yangtong may be different from that of the Central Plains.

Although the Tubo people are not very clean, their wealth can still be used as long as it is washed with water.

It was because of this idea that Yunchu looked at He Lanminzhi Dunzhu and his wife in a new light.

As for those who made mistakes...just leave them to Yousi to deal with them.

Whether it is Chief Liu or Zhang Jia, they are very clear about the trial process of the crime, and they naturally know how to deal with it.

The death incident in Ping'an needs to be settled as soon as possible.

How can we calm down as soon as possible?

It would be nice if the murderer was caught and punished.

Now, the murderer is in the Wannian County Government Office, and the victims have also come to the County Government Office to complain. In this way, things will be easier to handle.

As for what He Lan Minzhi and Dunzhu think, Yun Chu doesn't care, Chief Secretary Liu, and Zhang Jia don't care even more. If the county magistrate doesn't make any arrangements, it's the best arrangement.

One murderer and four accomplices, captured in one fell swoop.

In the Tang Dynasty, the power of the government was very great, and there were very few written sentences in the "Tang Lv Shu Yi". Generally, it was based on whether the circumstances were serious or not, and whether the case was bad or not. In principle, the death penalty was imposed at the county level. It needs to be approved by the superior government, who will then report the list of death row prisoners to the court.

Wannian County is said to be a county, but in fact Wannian County magistrate corresponds to the level of local governor. Therefore, Yunchu felt that what Huang Peng's son did was mindless and made the local government very passive.

As a result, a sentence of execution was decided after a stick of incense was discussed between Master Liu, Zhang Jia and the criminals.

After allowing the host to see clearly the appearance of the murderer, he confirmed that after another cup of tea, five heads were beheaded.

The head was given to the owners of the papermaking workshop, who planned to take it back as a pig's head to commemorate the deceased.

Master Liu also ordered that the elders of Ping'an Village be confiscated and the money from the sale should be compensated to the owner.

On the contrary, Yunchu did not deal with Huang Peng's family wealth. Huang Peng died in a fight, and the chief culprit was the village chief.

As for the steward of the papermaking workshop, because he committed suicide out of fear of crime, he was given a lighter sentence and was fined 500 coppers.

He Lan Minzhi was originally from Luoyang, so the four dishes and one soup that Yunchu arranged for him were naturally of Luoyang flavor. However, the specialty of Luoyang is the soup banquet, and every dish was watery and unpleasant.

However, when the first meatball soup was served, He Lan Minzhi smelled the hot and sour taste of the soup and actually covered his face and shed tears.

After finishing the five soups, He Lan Minzhi held Yun Chu's hand and kept calling him a confidant. He had to have another big bowl of soybean noodles to relieve his homesickness.

This kind of Helan Minzhi is very normal, he is sociable, good at pretending, and has no lack of worldly sophistication. He even looks more cheerful than before, and has more of the heroic spirit unique to plateau people.

Looking at Dunzhu holding a roasted suckling pig mouth to mouth, Helan Minzhi showed a doting look on his face and even wiped the grease from the corners of Dunzhu's mouth with a handkerchief.

"Brother Yuchu, I came here this time for the sake of Zhuojing's production. In addition, a certain family also wants to complete the trade between Xiaobolu and the Western Regions through Brother Yuchu."

Yun Chu put down the chopsticks in his hand and nodded: "Exchange of goods has always been a certain family's thought. However, I wonder if Brother Helan has any regulations on how to do business."

Helan Minzhi smiled and said: "Xiaobolu is very poor and does not have any special products. For such a country to want to trade with the Tang Dynasty, it is always overestimating its capabilities. However, Xiaobolu is good because of its geographical location. good.

There are many rich countries in the south of Xiaobolu. As long as Brother Yuchu is willing, we can even join hands to go south and visit Tianzhu, the golden country mentioned by Master Xuanzang. "

Yun Chu smiled and shook his head: "The Great Eater also had the same idea, but His Majesty rejected it. Since it is something His Majesty does not agree with, naturally I will not agree with it either."

He Lanmin said: "Actually, there is no need for Brother Yuchu to send people. The manpower under a certain family is enough. However, a certain family currently lacks gold, iron, armor, and weapons. If Brother Yuchu can persuade the court to provide us with these things, In the future, if something is gained, a certain family will naturally double the compensation to the court."

Yunchu smiled but said nothing...

Dunzhu dropped the roasted suckling pig in his hand, wiped his greasy hands on his robe, and said to Yunchu: "I know you Tang people are greedy for money. I have gold and agate in my hands. I will give you the gold and agate, and you will give me the armor." .”

Yunchu ignored Dunzhu, looked at Helan Minzhi and said with a smile, "Brother Helan, what do you think? Do you think that gold, agate and other useless things can be exchanged for the armor and weapons of the Tang Dynasty?"

Helan Minzhi sighed and said: "Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty is rich all over the world, with gold, silver, pearls and jade. It is really presumptuous to be hungry and unable to eat or thirsty."

Yun Chu pointed with his finger in the direction of Zhuque Street outside the county government office and said: "Gold, silver and copper, the Tang Dynasty has no shortage."

Dunzhu looked at Yunchu and said, "Do you really have so much money that it is useless? You actually use copper to cast cattle."

Yunchu smiled and said to Dunzhu: "There are twenty-four now, and there may be one hundred and eight in the future, or even more."

Dunzhu picked up the roasted suckling pig again and took a bite and said, "You are indeed very wealthy, and the food is delicious. Well, the clothes on the women outside also look good."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Since Madam likes Chang'an, haven't you ever thought of settling down in Chang'an?"

Dunzhu turned to look at Helan Minzhi. It was obvious that the prosperity of Chang'an was very attractive to this Tubo woman.

Helan Minzhi shook his head slowly and said: "Back then, a certain family sold their property and left Chang'an. If they came back to live in peace, wouldn't it become the biggest joke in the world?

The ancestral house that used to be sold at a low price has now increased by more than five times in market price. People can't help but lament the impermanence of things in the world. "

Yun Chu looked at He Lan Minzhi and said with a smile: "Aren't you going to Luoyang to see His Majesty? No matter what happens, as the son of the Tang Dynasty, you are a meritorious minister to the Tang Dynasty."

Helan Minzhi smiled and said: "I once visited Princess Wencheng in Luoche, and the princess said that she might never return to Chang'an again in this life.

Please also ask me that if she dies unfortunately, I hope that I can take care of the Tang craftsmen she brought with her.

Before the change in Yangtong, I sent people to recapture some of the craftsmen. Unfortunately, when I crossed the Kunlun Mountain Tunnel again from Yangtong, a large part was lost.

Therefore, after I left, Princess Wencheng's situation was very bad. I heard that she had moved to the Jokhang Temple to worship Buddha and had not been out for a long time. I don't know whether she is dead or alive.

When Princess Wencheng returned to Chang'an, her original intention was to retire in Chang'an, but the emperor did not allow it, so she had no choice but to return to Luochang. In the end, it did not end well.

If I go to Luoyang again, not only will His Majesty not like it, but also my aunt will not like it. They all say that a married woman throws away water. If she cannot do something beneficial to the Tang Dynasty, she will never be able to return home. . "

Yun Chu stood up and said, "I'm very happy that you came to Chang'an to find me, but it's just happy.

Today's Tang Dynasty is invincible in the world. Both His Majesty and the court officials have lost interest in expanding their territory.

Even the people think this way. If you want to use the power of the Tang Dynasty to carve a world for yourself, it will probably be very difficult. "

He Lan Minzhi sighed and said, "Has even a person like Yuchu lost his ambition?"

Yun Chu said with a smile: "The Tang Dynasty today is different from the Tang Dynasty in the past. It will not use troops unless it is beneficial, and it will not go on expeditions unless it is beneficial to Italy.

Therefore, if Helan still has unfulfilled ambitions, he must come up with benefits that can impress His Majesty and the courtiers. "

Helan Minzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Sure enough, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

Yun Chu, who had an ancient heart in the Tang Dynasty, didn't know. He only knew that the Tang Dynasty had entered into a wonderful balance, and the power to maintain this balance was various interests.

In the past, the people of the Tang Dynasty were relatively short-sighted, and all they sought were the benefits that could be seen in front of them. But it is different now. Everyone has become rich without knowing it, and their horizons have also become much higher. It's not just a fool's errand to roll up his sleeves for the benefit of just three cents.

If Helan Minzhi can't bring out any benefits, then he can't take anything away from Datang.

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