Tang's dining table

Chapter 755: Rebellious Officials and Traitors

Naha is right, it is best for people to remain young until they die.

Yun Chu still remembered the thirteen-year-old himself and Naha standing in front of this majestic city, looking very confident and ambitious.

I also remember how happy I was after returning to Chang'an from the Western Regions.

That is the joy of a wanderer returning home.

Everything is less fun when you grow up.

The main thing is that doing things is no longer so simple and pleasant.

In the past, when everyone had a good goal, they would take action directly. Working together to accomplish things was the greatest victory.

It’s different now. Before doing anything, you must let everyone understand what your purpose is. After you do this, those people will be harmed and those people will benefit. Is I among the people who benefit? I am Not the biggest beneficiary...

At that time, Yun Chu, Pei Xingjian and Xue Rengui were fighting in the street. This was called a young man's chivalrous spirit. Even if the emperor saw it, he would stop and watch for a while, then laugh and curse to disperse.

Now, as long as Yun Chu fights with any of them, it will be regarded as an act of power struggle. No one cares about the outcome, only the distribution of benefits after the fight.

Yunchu was prepared for this in advance. He had already received education and study in this area before he took charge of the political party.

When he was the director of the sub-district office, even if he did the most stupid things, no matter how outrageous things he did, even if he went into battle naked, as long as the original intention of the matter was good, then he could be forgiven and ignored.

Shangguan will be very tolerant of you, because what they do is specific work, grassroots work, and they deal with the most grassroots people. There is no way to use a unified model to deal with all kinds of grassroots work.

It will be different after taking charge. The sky is big, the earth is big, and the rules are the biggest. Even if you want to be a gangster and do gangster things, you must wear a good shirt, tie, gold-rimmed glasses, and follow the documents and regulations...

The difficulty suddenly increased a lot, which was a great test for officials. Therefore, there was the art of leadership.

Yun Chu was still a bureaucrat who followed the rules. Now, he suddenly realized that by following the rules, he was actually putting chains on his hands and feet.

The assimilation within the official group is astonishing, with only minor changes.

Yunchu wanted to be willful, so he came to the two eunuchs and said, "You guys, let's go."

Without any courtesy or explanation, Yunchu bluntly told them to leave.

A eunuch whispered: "I didn't hear it."

Yunchu said again: "Let's go!"

The eunuch looked around, hesitated for a moment and said: "The prince wants to kill us?"

Yun Chu took a step forward again and said, "Let's go."

The eunuch cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I will retire."

After watching the two eunuchs leave, Yunchu came to Naha again and said: "Get ready, my brother will take you away from Chang'an."

Naha stroked her belly and said, "Will my child become the king of the Western Regions?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Do you want your child to become the king of the Western Regions?"

Naha lowered her head and said: "My mother once hoped that you, brother, could become the king of the Western Regions, but you didn't. She was very disappointed."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I am not born to be the king of the Western Regions, and I don't like to be the king of the Western Regions."

"Brother drove away those two eunuchs, which made it more difficult for my child to become the king of the Western Regions."

Yun Chu said with a smile: "When I was little, I loved staying by the grasshopper lake the most, watching the vultures flying between the snowy mountains. Sometimes they soar into the sky, and sometimes they swoop down. The one who controls them, but It's just airflow. Many times I wish I could fly in the air like a vulture.

Now, I leave this hope to your child, my nephew.

However, I highly doubt he will succeed. "

Naha said: "Why?"

Yunchu sighed and said, "Because half of the blood of the Tang Dynasty flows in this child's body... and I have educated you not to be like a Cypriot..."

"Because we are from the Tang Dynasty, can't we become the free king of the Western Regions?"

"No, it's because as long as he has the blood of the Tang Dynasty, he will always think about unifying the Central Plains. At present, this is too difficult."

Naha nodded firmly and said, "I will teach him well."

Yun Chu touched Naha's head and said, "Go to bed early. In less than three days, you will leave Chang'an and return to the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions.

I have prepared a thousand camels for you. "

Naha stood up and hugged Yun Chu, then went back to her room with the support of Dolma and Ayesha.

When Yunchu returned to his bedroom, Yu Xiurong was still awake. Seeing that her husband looked a little tired, he brought a bowl of soup.

"Naha is leaving, right?"

"Yes, she will leave in three days. Old Monkey should have built a solid Buddhist team for her."

Yu Xiurong sighed and said: "A good marriage has turned into a joke that we don't understand. I was originally waiting for Naha and the groom to offer tea to me, my sister-in-law."

Yun Chu drank up the soup and said, "They are all people with great ambitions, so naturally they will not take ordinary paths."

"Where are you, husband?"

"I am a person with no ambitions. I just want to live as I please."

Yu Xiurong leaned into her husband's arms and sighed: "Doing whatever you want is the greatest luxury, unless your husband can take the whole family to the deep mountains and forests to live the life Tao Yuanming lived."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I like farming, but I like to watch others help me farm. I want to be free, and I hope others can take care of the world peacefully so that I can live a good life.

If we are farming, it is inevitable that there will be a situation where the grass is overgrown and the bean sprouts are sparse. It is not my intention to let you, a commoner and a Jingchai, wash your hands and make soup.

Let's stay in Chang'an. After all, there is no place in the world more suitable for us to stay than Chang'an. "

Yun Chu did not tell Yu Xiurong about Zhong Kui taking a hundred people to Luoyang. To be honest, Zhong Kui had never been considered a core force in Yun Chu's sphere of influence.

At dawn, Wenrou came to Yunchu's house early. He had not slept all night last night and didn't even eat breakfast, so he came in a hurry.

Before eating, he said softly: "He Lan Minzhi left Chang'an this morning as soon as the city gate opened. The destination is Luoyang."

Yun Chu took a sip of porridge and said, "Is it because we killed five of his people that he thinks we are unreliable, or does he think we have better help in Luoyang?"

Wen Wen said: "I suspect that he once again hooked up with the Queen. Moreover, after checking the documents last night, I found that Zhong Kui and the others went to Luoyang to have a boss relationship with the Queen.

I also discovered that Dongping County, where Mount Tai is located, has recently opened up sixteen roads, and the Ministry of Industry also started repairing the official road from Luoyang to Dongping County a year ago.

Judging from these points, I think His Majesty may have been interested in conferring the title of Zen to Mount Tai, but that is what it should be. When it comes to merit, Your Majesty is qualified to do so.

I'm just curious that His Majesty's conferment of Zen Taishan has nothing to do with the Queen. Why did the Queen mobilize so many people?

Moreover, the queen has always disliked Taoist sects. This time, she summoned all the Taoists from all over the world to gather in Luoyang. Why? "

Yun Chu said: "You mean that Zhong Kui and a large group of Taoist priests gathered in Luoyang for the purpose of consecrating Mount Tai to His Majesty?"

Nodding softly, she said: "80% of it is like this. Di Renjie should have more detailed information, and we should know it today."

Yun Chu said puzzledly: "The most important thing of the country is to worship the Rong. If your Majesty wants to enshrine Mount Tai, he should tell the world early. It is not the attitude of the sacrifice to be so sneaky.

Also, for such a big matter, the imperial court just kept it secret to the outside world. Why didn’t it tell the courtiers? What’s the point? "

"What's the reason? It's the Queen's reason. Now, the Queen is competing with the prime ministers for Yaxian."

When Yunchu saw Di Renjie coming, he asked the cook to get him breakfast.

Di Renjie took a sip of porridge and sighed: "Your Majesty is of course the first to offer sacrifices to Mount Tai. Since ancient times, prime ministers have made sacrifices. This time is different. The queen believes that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the earth is shared by the Queen Mother, which shows the empress's earthly status. Her virtue. So she wants to act as a sacrifice herself so that she can honor her mother-in-law, Queen Wende."

Yun Chu said: "Is it because of this that the imperial court kept the matter of Feng Chan Taishan secret?"

Di Renjie said: "I found out from the news sent from Luoyang last night that the Shaofu Superintendent has increased the purchase of sacrificial objects, which is more than ten times that of previous years, and according to the specifications of the sacrificial objects, it exceeds the annual According to the specifications of sacrifices in the eastern suburbs, there is only one sacrifice to choose from, and that is Taishan Fengchan.

Since it is the Zen ceremony at Mount Tai, there is nothing much to say. Generally, it takes three years to prepare for such a large-scale sacrifice.

If the imperial court wants to enshrine Mount Tai, it naturally needs to tell the world about His Majesty's political achievements and let the world know that His Majesty's ennobling Mount Tai is an act of heaven.

If you don't say it now and don't allow others to say it, there must be something weird in it.

So, I visited Guo Zhengyi, the Minister of Dali Temple, overnight. After several visits, I learned from Guo Zhengyi that the Queen had a conflict with the Minister of West Taiwan, the Third Rank of East and West Taiwan, Dr. Yinqing Guanglu, and the Prime Minister Shangguan Yi.

When every emperor consecrates Mount Tai, the emperor is the first presenter and the prime minister is Yaxian. There is nothing to do without the queen. This time it was different. The queen just found an excuse to ask her to come to Yaxian.

Now, the quarrel in the court was about to break out. His Majesty was hesitant and then issued a silence order. "

Wen Wen punched the table, looked at Di Renjie and said, "I have told you to crawl quickly, but you always stayed in Chang'an instead of going to Luoyang. Your official position cannot be promoted, and there are many things that we cannot know at the first time." .

If we could have known about it half a month earlier, there are many things we could have done, such as letting the prince participate in Ya Xian. "

Yun Chu and Di Renjie were all stunned for a moment, looked at Wen Wen and said, "Why should the prince be involved?"

Wen Wen sneered and said: "Houtu, Houtu, Houtu does not necessarily represent the queen, she represents the swamp of the earth, and is the god of grains. Whose achievements are in the way of grains in the current imperial court? With Prince Beyond?

I think this matter can be planned. The queen can compete with the prime minister for power. If that is the case, why can't the prince compete with the prime minister for power?

Nowadays, His Majesty is undecided, and Shangguan Yi and the Queen are competing for each other. In this case, if we push the Prince into the game, wouldn't it just be in line with the old saying that the snipe and the clam compete with each other to benefit the fisherman? "

Di Renjie said: "In the situation of the emperor, the queen, and the prince, the emperor's family should be the only one. Only the queen and the prince can compete with the emperor. If the prince and the queen are in conflict, doesn't it mean that the weak will be weaker and the strong will be stronger?" powerful?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The three members of the royal family cannot be considered purely in terms of the Three Kingdoms. You must not forget that they are still a family, not enemies of life and death."

Di Renjie sneered: "In the face of power, how is it any different from an enemy of life and death?"

Yun Chu raised his right hand, and Wen Wen immediately raised his right hand as well. Di Renjie looked at the two people who raised their hands and said angrily: "The disintegration of royal friendship starts with you two!"

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and chuckled, "I've seen too many scenes of fathers being kind and sons being filial, so it's time to show the scene of father and son killing each other, right?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "We can't let them torment us and we don't do anything, right?"

Di Renjie gritted his teeth and said, "You two traitors and traitors."

Yun Chu looked at Di Renjie and said, "So, do you want to do it or not?"

Di Renjie said with a gloomy face: "Why not do it?"

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