Tang's dining table

Chapter 8 The Funeral of the Uighurs

The Uighur people are still in the ignorant stage of understanding medicine. Whenever a Uighur person gets sick, the first person to come to the scene is definitely a witch who is said to have the power to fly sand and stones.

They would cut their faces with knives and pray to Tengger to save the poor person in front of them. The more important the person's status was, the bigger and longer the wounds they cut on their faces would be, and the more blood they would bleed.

As for the unimportant ordinary shepherds, the witches can at most provide hospice care and tell them that they will arrive directly in Tengger's arms without cutting their faces. After all, they only have one face, and no one can get sick. To make yourself bleed.

Yunchu believed that all the above-mentioned symptoms of Caowu poisoning should have appeared in Gesalu's body, but they were ignored by this strong Uighur.

A powerful and mighty Uighur warrior will die unless his head falls off. Otherwise, everything else is a trivial matter. If possible, drinking a little scalding hot wine will solve all problems.

A place like the Western Region is really amazing. In such a vast area, there are not many highly venomous snakes. The venomous snakes here are generally no more than one meter long. They are slender and timid. There are only a few unlucky ones. Poisonous snakes have been infested, which has led to people in the Western Regions having a very poor understanding of poisons.

Senior Uighurs like Porun Khan may have some knowledge of poisons because they have many friends. In addition, some tribal Khans were lucky enough to marry Tang princesses, so they may have tried or seen the power of poisons.

After all, whenever a Princess of the Tang Dynasty arrived in the tribe, a large number of the khans' relatives such as Ketun, princes, and special agents would die, and all of them died inexplicably.

Even if other Uighurs were poisoned, they would directly and crudely attribute his death to illness or divine punishment.

Gesalu's body may be really strong. He should have had a toxic reaction after taking poison, but he didn't.

However, poison also exists. This thing is a precise knowledge. As long as you eat it, you will definitely have a poisoning reaction.

Now, we have to see whether Gesalu's strong body defeated the poison, or the poison defeated Gesalu.

Yun Chu is more optimistic about the latter.

After grilling another batch of mutton skewers, Naha sobbed while eating her own mutton, while looking at Da Abo in the distance who was eating her food with hatred.

Selema ate three skewers of roasted mutton in one go and said to Yun Chu happily: "If you can avoid conflict with Da Abo, then don't have any conflict."

Yunchu also glanced at Gesalu and whispered: "Don't worry, there won't be any conflicts in the future."

Killing Gesalu is almost not difficult for people like Yunchu. Whether it is an ambush or an assassination, there is a high possibility of success. The difficulty is that killing Gesalu cannot bring Selema and Selema Any troubles Naha had could not even affect the process of the two of them entering Jiesga's tent.

His existence has caused Selema a lot of trouble. For Yunchu, Selema postponed entering Jiesga's tent for six years.

It's time to politely leave.

The weather in Tianshan in May is like a child's face. It changes at any time. The sun was shining just now, but as a dark cloud came over, snowflakes fell from the sky.

At the beginning, it was just some small snowflakes, and then it turned into heavy snow flakes. Finally, the heavy snow flakes turned into about one centimeter of crystal clear ice flakes. These things fell vertically from a high altitude and were evenly inserted into the mud. He was instantly melted by the warm earth.

Jiesika didn't talk to Yunchu about letting Selema and Naha enter his tent until he left.

He didn't say it, but Yun Chu had to say that it was a sin for two people who love each other not to be together because of him.

Of course, this is a noble statement, but a despicable statement is that Yun Chu wants to return to the Tang Dynasty, and these two people are his burden.

Yunchu really didn't want to waste his precious second life on the grassland, in endless battles and searching for food.

There are many, many things on the human table.

Food is definitely not the star of the show.

How big a person's heart is, how big his dining table will be.

The more capable a person is, the richer the variety of things on his table will be.

Yunchu's dining table should not only have Selema, Naha, cattle, sheep, and pasture, but there should also be more and more things.

After being reborn, Yunchu found that his ambition had become so big that even the vast area of ​​the Western Region could not bear it.

The Tianshan Mountains, which had already entered the green grass period, snowed for another day because of a dark cloud. At night, the snow turned into rain again, and the rainwater quickly condensed into ice when it fell on the ground.

The newly grown goose-yellow grass is wrapped in ice, so crystal clear that it makes people feel distressed.

The next day, what fell from the Tianshan Mountains was not snow, nor rain, nor hail, but a mixture of ice and water, which immediately turned into water when it fell on the warm palms.

The water is so cold!

Yun Chu put all the warm things at home on Selema's body, and little Naha hid in Selema's robe.

The fire pit in the tent was blazing. Even so, Selema and Naha were still shivering from the cold. The thin cowhide tent could not withstand the cold air outside.

If Yunchu hadn't kept heating the sand in clay pots and surrounded Selema and Naha, and kept feeding them hot broth, this even colder night would have killed them.

A thin cowhide tent cannot withstand such coldness, especially when the temperature suddenly drops after the weather gets warmer, it will become even more unbearable.

Not only Yun Chu's family of three huddled in the tent and dared not come out, but the rest of the shepherds did the same.

The hungry cattle and sheep were mooing and bleating outside, and they couldn't stop for a moment.

Cattle and sheep are the life of the shepherd, but at this time, even the most diligent shepherds are unwilling to leave their tents to take care of the cows and sheep.

The shepherds are not afraid of snow, because the snow will be isolated by the fur robes and fall off after shaking.

The shepherd will not be afraid of rain. The rain will wet the outer layer of the leather robe at most. As long as he is willing to move more, he will not die.

Only this kind of ice rain is the most terrifying... When this thing falls on people, cattle and sheep, it will immediately turn into ice shells and wrap people, cattle and sheep...

Therefore, patience has become the only choice for the shepherds.

Yunchu didn't like this behavior at all, which later scholars called tenacity.

Fortunately, this kind of weather usually doesn't last long. After all, it's already May and the sun will come back.

On the third day, the sun came out. As soon as this thing came out, it made people's skin hurt. Although it was still cold, it was like being locked in a huge microwave oven. They couldn't feel the heat, but they were irritable and wanted to cut themselves. Open up your chest.

The drastic change in the weather was very unfriendly to people with lung diseases. Da Abogesalu began to cough violently. When it was almost dawn, she could no longer cough and her face turned red. The thick hands kept tearing at the chest.

First the clothes were torn, and then the skin. Looking at the way he scratched his chest until it was bloody and bloody, everyone who witnessed this situation felt that Gesalu wanted to claw out his heart.

Just when her sternum was looming, Gesalu's convulsing body fell heavily into the pile of sheepskins, and she made no sound again.

No one doubted why the great Apo died.

Because, during this freezing rain, many people died, including more cattle and sheep, and everyone was in a bad mood. Naturally, no one paid close attention.

When ordinary shepherds died, they would throw them far away and let wild beasts and birds devour them. Sometimes, in order to make it easier for wild beasts to bite them, they would also strip off the clothes on the dead body.

After the death of Da Apo, there is naturally a set of rituals belonging to the deceased.

The witches cut their cheeks and smeared the blood on Gesalu's face, hoping to gain Tengger's mercy.

After struggling until dawn, Gesalu's body gradually became cold, and then the witches informed everyone that Da Abo had been summoned by Tengger and had returned.

People placed the dead Gesalu in the tent, and everyone rode around the tent seven times. Gesalu's eldest son, Meng Saka, came to the entrance of the tent, cut his face with a knife, and lay on the ground. There was endless wailing on the muddy ground.

After a while, the wailing stopped, and the witch tested his breathing and found that Meng Saka was too sad and followed his dear father to the arms of Tengger.

Everyone is praising Mengsaka's loyalty, willing to give up his own life and follow his father to serve Tengri in heaven.

With two corpses lying in the same tent at the same time, Gesalu's relatives had another trouble. They had to ride horses around the tent seven times and then find someone closest to the two dead people to lift the door curtain. By the way, I made two cuts on my face.

When this process was completed, they burned the bodies of the two dead men together with their clothes and saddles.

The relative who made the cut on his face was worried that he would also be summoned away by Gesalu, so he only scratched a little oily skin and bled a little, so he was very much looking forward to completing this Uighur funeral belonging to two people as soon as possible.

After all the people and belongings turned to ashes, they put two piles of ashes in sheepskin bags and hung them in the tent. After this year's new weeds turned yellow, they found a place to dig a hole and bury them.

When Da Apo died, people in the two hundred tents came out to observe silence. Yun Chu carried Naha on his back and Selema also participated in the final silence ceremony.

Yunchu saw Jiesiga among the crowd of people mourning in silence. Although Jiesika looked very sad at this time, Yunchu could tell from the gesture that he changed from eagle claws to tiger claws from time to time, how this guy was feeling at this time. It must be very enjoyable and exciting.

If the Uighur people died in spring and summer, they could only be buried when the vegetation was withered and yellow. If they died in autumn or winter, they had to wait until the vegetation was lush and green.

During the burial, the face is cut with a knife and the blood bleeds, indicating that the mourning for the deceased is as painful and troublesome as the death.

This set of rituals was actually learned from the Turks, and the Tiele people’s mentality of just using it is quite good.

When a person dies, there is nothing left. Just like when the great Abogesalu died, his influence in the tribe was immediately gone.

Yun Chu has done everything he can. If Jiesiga still can't take advantage of this opportunity to rise to power, Yunchu has no choice but to prove that Jiesika is not suitable for being an official and is a truly bad person.

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