Tang's dining table

Chapter 794 The never-ending struggle

In the past, Yun Chu believed that all kindness and dedication would eventually disappear with the death of the individual.

He believes that in the condolences of some great figures, there is always a wordless expression in the sky, and the expression "the sky is in tears" is a kind of word modification, and it is also a deliberate expression to maintain the atmosphere.

Now, he doesn't think so.

Any great narrative, in the end, will become eternal like the green mountains and the sky. No matter whether anyone remembers him or not, there will always be his mark on this world.

Use a long knife to cut through the white clouds and blue sky, and write a big Chinese character there. Although it is fleeting, the moment the long knife breaks through the sky, this world belongs to you, and it can be called great.

As for whether others can remember you, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just know it yourself.

This is the instinct to want a grand narrative that naturally arises after people transcend basic desires such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation. It is another narrative of Confucianism's self-cultivation, family governance, country governance, and world peace.

The better people start to be altruistic, and the bad people start to pursue the ultimate self-interest. Whether it is altruism or self-interest, they are two manifestations of night and day. Therefore, for the treacherous villains who appear in the history books one after another When you show up, don't make a fuss.

Because, whether good or bad, it is a concrete manifestation of human nature.

Yun Chu has now vaguely touched the threshold of breaking the sky, and Chang'an is the cornerstone of his breaking the sky.

Every time he thought like this, Yun Chu felt that his figure would become taller, but his height was limited, and Li Zhi's figure was still above the clouds.

Today's society in the Tang Dynasty is stable and boringly peaceful.

Don't be surprised, this is the unanimous understanding of almost all high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the Tang Dynasty.

Because they were invincible outside the imperial court, the emperor's eyes were fixed on them. At this time, they greatly missed the talented overlords of the past.

When Jieli Khan forced Emperor Taizong to kill the White Horse to swear an oath on the edge of the Wei River, there was peace in the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong's tolerance for officials was also at its highest.

When Li Jing led his soldiers and horses out of Dingxiang Road, and Emperor Taizong led his soldiers and horses out of Yunzhong Road to raid the Eastern Turks, even if an official in the rear was caught for corruption, the emperor would deal with it generously, only scolding, not beheading.

The most recent good days were when Li Ji's army was marching eastward. The emperor had not dealt with an official above the fifth rank for three whole years.

At that time, it was the most comfortable days for officials. The soldiers in the front were fighting bloody battles to gain military glory, and the officials in the rear were singing and dancing to achieve political achievements. Everyone lived a good life.

Now it's over. Every morning court is almost a test for the officials. They don't know what they have done. They are still discussing state affairs in the court in the morning, and in the afternoon they have to pack their bags and go to the border eight thousand miles away.

The Tang Dynasty now has no foreign enemies, and there really is no one in the world. The Eastern Turks are gone, and the Western Turks are basically gone now. I am studying dance and music diligently, and there are countless princes and others who have devoted themselves to Buddhism. I heard that they are very Buddhist.

The only one we can count on is Tubo. However, Tubo would rather fight with Tubo Zampu's grandmother's Niboluo Kingdom in an inextricable manner than go down to the plateau to find trouble with the Tang Dynasty.

It was because of the strange thing called air plague that the Tang soldiers and horses became weaker on the plateau, which allowed the Tubo ethnic group to be preserved.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty no longer had any enthusiasm for expanding its territory. The main reason was that it took half a year for horses to run from the east to the west of the Tang Dynasty. It also took a year to travel from south to north by horseback and boat. , there is the same look as no.

However, even if they did not support it, Datang's pace of expanding its territory still did not stop.

Today a man came with an unkempt beard and fierce eyes. At first glance, he looked like he was either a bandit or a giant bandit. He said that he had opened up territory for 500 miles in the north. The officials opened the map, but they didn't know about this 500-mile plot. Where is the place in.

The furious officials checked this guy's household registration and found out that he was a criminal with a criminal record. He took this man who had pioneered the world and beat him to the sword, only to find out that this bastard actually led a group of rangers and swordsmen to eliminate them in the north. He invaded several small Khitan tribes and killed all the savages. He also wanted to ask for some more benefits from the court.

Tomorrow there will be another character. His whole body is dark and shiny. He stands on the ground with bare feet, his toes are spread wide apart, and his mouth speaks with a strong Minnan accent. Such a guy is definitely a pirate.

After recruiting an interpreter who could speak Southern Fujian, we found out that this guy had built a large island more than a thousand miles away from the coastline of the Tang Dynasty. He also erected a monument and laid a stone saying that it was a certain county in the Tang Dynasty. He thought When you become a county magistrate, you risk being beheaded by the court and seek titles for your descendants.

The prime ministers were annoyed by this kind of thing, so Shangguan Yi submitted a memorial, hoping that the court would never pay attention to such people in the future. The officials in the court were extremely noble and could not be wasted on these people at will.

Originally, Shangguan Yi's memorial made it very clear, and demonstrated both the advantages and disadvantages. In the end, his conclusions tended to be abandoned instead of encouraging these people to continue their efforts.

The most worrying thing in his memorial was not that ordinary people would go to the frontiers at their own expense to expand territory, but that the warriors would take advantage of this convenience. Among them, he also used Xu Jingye as an example, and said that the imperial court had almost no control over Xu Jingye. It was a hidden danger. In the end, they impeached the British Duke Li Ji for neglecting discipline, intentionally or unintentionally, and Xue Rengui, who was also the military commander of Qinghai Road, for raising the bandits to be self-respecting.

They also secretly impeached Yunchu for having an ambiguous relationship with Xu Jingye, and the purchase of a large number of cattle and horses from Tyuhun was suspected of subsidizing the enemy.

As soon as this memorial appeared, everyone knew that it was a map cannon, drawing a circle, and anyone who interacted with this circle would die.

Therefore, Li Zhi made Shangguan Yi's memorial known to the world, hoping that officials of the Tang Dynasty could actively participate in the discussion and come up with a very clear solution that would benefit future generations.

Yun Chu felt that Shangguan Yi was a complete bastard. Everyone in the world knew that he and Xu Jingye were enemies, and he almost killed Xu Jingye with his own hands. For this reason, Yinggong Li Ji looked down upon him extremely. If you don't like it, how can you become an enemy?

Besides, the people of Tuyuhun are now so poor that they have no roof above their heads and no ground to stand on. The herdsmen are struggling to survive on a few lean sheep in the wind and snow. What horses and fat cattle are there?

Horses have long been the mounts of the nobles in Chang'an, or they have been used to earn money for the wealthy businessmen of the Tang Dynasty at the racecourse. As for the fat cattle, the fat cattle from Tuyuhun have long been used by the people of Chang'an to make hot pots, or cooked into large pieces of braised beef. After all, 60% of the fat cattle that people in Chang'an eat now come from Linzhou, and the remaining 40% come from Yinshan Ranch.

Shangguan Yi's map cannon-like attack has no focus, so the attack power is not strong. This is because Shangguan Yi, the prime minister, was in the divine capital of Luoyang. He was tortured to death by the emperor and the queen, and wanted to use Chang An as a back-up. I hope he can Direct the emperor's and empress's eyes from the capital city to Chang'an, and then allow him to take a breath and linger for a while.

"In the past, if the Tang Dynasty wanted to expand its territory, it had to have its soldiers chew grass roots and risk their lives in exchange for it.

Now it's better. The plot of land acquired by others was used to ask for a title from the emperor. The court gave nothing more than a set of official uniforms and a seal, and then gave it to this guy's mother, wife, and a fifth- and sixth-grade county prince. A kind of title, a child giving a reward such as an honest man that even a dog won't hear, can bring such a large piece of land into the territory. Do you need to refuse such a good thing?

What did Shangguan Yi think? Is such a person worthy of becoming prime minister? "

After Wen Wen heard the news, he was so angry that he dropped his wine glass.

He believes that whether the land is useful or not, it is better to hold it in your hands first. Let the people who conquered this place manage it. It is naturally a good thing to receive taxes. It does not matter if you cannot receive taxes. What if one day? What if a golden pimple develops when you urinate?

Once someone starts to govern a place, it will slowly produce output. How will the output be cashed in? Only by coming to Datang, and accumulating bit by bit in this way, the country will always have income, and it will become stronger bit by bit. , even a penny can allow Prime Minister Shangguan Yi to buy a piece of toilet paper... Doesn't this save a penny of the court's national funds?

After Wen Wen said his toilet paper theory, Shangguan Yi's reputation in Chang'an and Luoyang became bad.

Everyone is guessing how big Shangguan Yi's butt is, so they can't see such huge benefits.

Some people also think that Shangguan Yi has a huge head. People with big heads must have big faces. People with big faces...

In the face of the rampant rumors, Shangguan Yi was a good-tempered person. She responded to the rumors and said, "I use bamboo chips for my congratulations. Well, they are the same as those used in the Jinchangfang cafeteria."

This is a malicious attack by naming names, but everyone knows that so far, only people in Chang'an are willing to use toilet paper after going out, and other places still like to use bamboo chips.

Therefore, the toilet paper theory will only come from Chang'an and cannot appear anywhere else. It will only come from Yun Chu, Wen Wen's mouth, and will never come from the mouth of others. Shangguan Yi's disgusting attack is not without purpose.

Li Hong, who had just returned to Luoyang, the capital of the gods, after hearing about this incident, summoned in the East Palace all the heroes who had stayed in Luoyang to open up the territory and expand the territory waiting for the imperial edict. No matter what their identities were or what they did before. , all were invited to the Baihua Building in the East Palace for a banquet.

During the banquet, they sang "The Great Wind Song" by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty - the strong wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, and the fierce warriors are guarding the four sides!

For a time, those heroes who opened up the territory were kowtowing like garlic!

"Song of the Great Wind" is the emperor's song. In the Tang Dynasty, there were only two people who could sing this song in public. One was the current emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi, and the other was the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Hong.

After hearing the news that Li Hong rewarded these people in the East Palace, the courtiers turned a blind eye to the expansion of territory by the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Even if Emperor Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty agreed to Shangguan Yi's suggestion, the policy would still come back when Li Hong ascended the throne.

No one is in the mood to do such a thankless thing.

Li Zhi had no objection to this kind of private expansion of territory, but he agreed with Shangguan Yi's other opinions.

A huge investigation team composed of censors and officials from the East and West Taiwan Pavilions left the capital the next day and rushed to Chang'an in a mighty manner. There were two main targets of investigation. One was Yinggong Li Ji. One is Chang'an's deputy left-behind Yun Chu.

It’s really cold in Baiyin, Gansu. The temperature difference of 30 degrees is so cold that I, a person who has just returned from the south, can’t stand it. It’s snowing in the mountains, raining in the lowlands, and there’s a frost warning in the morning.

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