Tang's dining table

Chapter 797 Chang’an is rich beyond measure!

When in front of the emperor, everything is centered on the emperor. No matter how disgusting, shameless, and disgusting flattery is said, no one will laugh at this person. This is for everyone who has the ambition to make progress. There are also very normal behaviors of people who ask for things.

When the emperor is not in front of him, everyone talks very casually, and there are many people who are proud of burying and flogging the emperor.

There used to be more people like this, but it has become less and less in the past few years. The main reason is that the emperor who used to not be punished for his words is now starting to deal with some guys who are not very respectful to him verbally.

This is the reason why Li Jingxuan always speaks half of his words and leaves blank spaces for his words.

The way the officials talked was actually very interesting. No matter what method Li Jingxuan used to express his needs, or what Yun Chu's reaction was at the time, in fact, the purpose of exchanging information had been achieved.

Don't think that Yun Chu's refutation of Li Jingxuan's face to face means that Yun Chu will categorically reject their suggestions.

The officials in the Tang Dynasty were definitely the absolute elite in the Tang Dynasty. They were not as stupid as others thought. Whether they agreed to something or not depended on their interests.

It is normal in official circles for people to be incompatible with each other on the surface, but actually act in harmony with each other. That's why there is a famous saying: Don't look at what he says, but look at what he does. What.

Li Jingxuan was obviously an old official in the officialdom, and he was in his arms when the emperor ordered Chang'an City to provide relief to the victims.

He wanted to use the incident of the victims to catch the officials on Yunchu's side first, so that he could not talk about it and put forward some conditions that could not be mentioned before, such as giving priority to the preparation of residences for officials coming from Luoyang, and opening a commercial apartment for them. The opening is convenient.

It can be seen from this that Li Jingxuan and others gave priority to solving the suffering of these victims as much as they worried about the emperor.

Only the common people feel that the court must give priority to solving the problems of the victims as soon as possible, but the vast majority of officials do not think so.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there have always been natural disasters and disaster victims. Officials with some experience have basically dealt with the victims' problems and experienced various problems. They have turned the victims into mobs. , it is not uncommon for comfort to turn into rebellion.

In the end, the mob was suppressed by the government, and the rebellion was suppressed by the government soldiers. In the end, I was surprised to find that there was never a mob in the world, let alone a rebellion... For example, Li Yifu suppressed the mob in Hebei, and Xue Rengui appeased the Yingzhou rebellion...

Chang'an is different after all.

A mature city will never change its rhythm of life just because of some small accidents.

Even if 300,000 disaster victims arrived outside the city, it would not slow down the busy city of Chang'an.

Chang'an is like a huge and well-oiled machine. After a large number of disaster victims are swallowed by the machine, they change into clean clothes and eat a full meal. When they come out again, they all look lean and look a little bit... Silly man.

It won't take long for these disaster victims to fall in love with Chang'an and never miss their hometown again. After all, the memories of their bitterly cold hometown are only hunger and cold, and there are not many good things left. It's not like Chang'an. Even they Mudlegs can also secretly look at the beauties with open necklines. The most important thing is that there are some Hu Ji who sell wine. When the weather is hot, they wear gauze clothes, and the two spots of bright red on their chests are obvious...

There is a huge shortage of manpower in Chang'an. The main reason is that at this time, even if Chang'an was wealthy, people still needed to do all the work. Just to supply the old immortal to prepare a pharmacy for himself, he would have to go 800 yuan at a time. Guy, there are mountains of medicinal materials there. These people are needed to cut the medicinal materials into pieces, cut them into sections, grind them into powder, steam them into soup... Anyway, there is no job where you can only eat and not work.

Not to mention places such as pure handmade papermaking workshops, which require a huge amount of manpower.

The government in Chang'an City is an extremely efficient government. After Yun Chu accepted the Li Yi Mansion's verification of the account books, Master Mi and other officials had already resettled the people who had fled to Chang'an, although there were still people behind. Rushing towards Chang'an one after another, it is basically nothing.

Yunchu read the documents for the resettlement of the victims brought by Master Mi. After looking at them for an hour, he rubbed the bridge of his nose and slowly raised his head and said to Master Mi who had just come in and was making pots of tea: "In this case, there is no need. Shut down all breweries?”

Master Mi put a cup of tea in front of Yunchu and said: "Junhou, you don't dare to stop the brewing workshop. If this is stopped, the drunkards all over the world will go crazy. What's more, the people in Chang'an City who make a living by brewing now will With more than 10,000 people, the winery was closed down, and the food saved helped the victims, but wouldn’t those of us in Chang’an who rely on winemaking become new victims of the disaster?”

Yun Chu snorted and said: "I know you take advantage of the brewery, but what you say is not unreasonable. The taxes paid by the brewery every year are indeed a huge sum, and I can't bear to part with it.

Since you have made a guarantee for the shopkeepers of the breweries, the breweries can continue and the brewing can continue.

However, there are suddenly 300,000 more mouths for food in a city. You have to guarantee such a huge food gap. Moreover, the food in Changping Granary cannot be used. "

Master Mi smiled and spread his hands, waving five stubby fingers in front of Yun Chu and said: "The words of the Lord are worth five thousand guan, and my subordinates have already put the five thousand guan in the big account.

As for the grain gap, officials have ordered grain merchants to make up for it. Although the Weibei plateau is experiencing a severe drought and there is no harvest, the weather in Hexi has been good this year and the grain is abundant. Grain merchants were originally worried about falling grain prices, but now there is no need Don't worry, we can make up for it by just increasing the transport capacity.

Sir, should we turn this food gap into an official business? In this way, if you come in at a low price and go out at a high price, you can still get five thousand coins. "

Yun Chu looked at some deer-headed and rat-eyed Master Mi and said, "Don't compete with the people for profit. This is a custom we have always followed in Chang'an. Only in this way will the merchants think about making their business bigger. When the time comes, we want to Whatever, merchants can supply it.”

Master Mi nodded sadly.

Yun Chu looked up at Director Mi and said, "Looking at your potential, if you become an official in Chang'an, don't treat money as money. Just rely on your usual share as Director. When you are promoted to an official in another place, you will never be able to do so." As long as there is no shortage of money, just use it.

This money can be taken clearly, but what can you do with the dirty money? It will not damage your character. "

Master Mi responded in embarrassment, but he still approached Yunchu and whispered: "The prince doesn't value money. The subordinate thinks that Li Shilang likes money. Just look at his eyes shining when he checks the accounts." From the looks of it, I feel that he might take the initiative to ask for filial piety from us, how much do you think is appropriate for you to prepare?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "When the time comes, prepare more Chang'an local specialties. If one portion is not enough, just two portions, no more than three portions at most.

People who come from Luoyang are poor, and it is understandable that they are eager to see money. As for money, they don’t have any money. "

Master Mi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Not a penny?"

Yun Chu snorted coldly and said: "If you have money, you should give it to your relatives and friends, not to white-eyed wolves. Your clan uncle has contributed a lot this time. You can get 500 coins and send it to Luoyang Mansion quietly.

If we give money to Li Jingxuan and the others, there is no chance that some bastard will take the money we gave him in front of His Majesty and accuse me of bribery. "

"How could they be so mean and shameless?"

Yun Chu shrugged his shoulders and said, "In the past, all the people you came into contact with were those who only saw money. Now, hum, times have changed, and anyone can come out."

Master Mi walked away angrily. It wasn't that he didn't understand, but he just couldn't understand it in front of Yun Chu, the person who could decide his fate. Rather than asking for advice, he was actually testing whether his Shangguan understood the secret, lest he He was tricked by the group of censors brought by Li Jingxuan.

Now that Shangguan knew it, Master Mi resigned with satisfaction.

The relief period for the victims this time was very short, only half a month, which meant that the government only provided free meals for half a month. After half a month, those who worked had wages and could support their families.

Of course, for families where there is no one working among the victims, the government will continue to take care of the food until they find a way to make a living.

The remaining ones were sent to the Fushou Garden and the younger ones to the orphanage. The problem of the victims this time was basically over.

Li Jingxuan's review of Chang'an is still continuing. The accounts have been verified. Now it's time to check various warehouses to see if the physical objects match the account books.

In fact, there is no need to check. Li Jingxuan knows this well. He has been working as a minister in Xitai over the years and has checked countless state capitals. Whether there is any problem in the middle, he can basically tell at a glance.

Now, Li Jingxuan stood on Zhuque Street, staring at the twenty-four shining bronze bulls on both sides of the street with the rising sun behind his back.

"There was too much money in the city of Chang'an at that time, and the minister also knew it. When there was too much money, prices would rise. This was not good for the people, nor was it good for the court. In order to prevent the money from being poisoned, a certain family ordered it to be cast. These twenty-four bronze bulls are erected on Zhuque Street. This solves the problem of high prices in Chang'an."

Li Jingxuan turned his head with difficulty and looked at Yun Chu and said: "The Tang Dynasty was actually very short of copper. The money-casting department of the Ministry of Households never received more than 300,000 kilograms of copper from Tongshan every year, and the fire consumption was only two cents.

Why didn't the king send these copper coins to Luoyang at that time, and then disperse them by household to various places that were short of money? In this way, the problem of high prices could also be solved. "

Yun Chu did not answer, and the various Chang'an officials who followed Yun Chu looked at Li Jingxuan angrily.

Wen Wen said calmly: "It's useless, even if the minister can disperse the money to various parts of the Tang Dynasty, the money will eventually be gathered in Chang'an because it has to be spent.

Instead of all kinds of unexplained wear and tear in the process, it would be better to cast it into a bronze bull and stand it here, which would be nice to look at every day. "

Li Jingxuan sighed, patted the extremely gorgeous bronze bull in front of him with his hand, and was filled with emotion.

He is also one of the few smart people. How could he not understand the reason why Yun Chu cast such twenty-four bronze bulls? In addition to stabilizing prices and preventing the occurrence of hoarding incidents in Chang'an City, the most important thing is that it can make Chang'an The account has completely become an inexplicable account.

Whenever there was something unclear about the accounts, Yun Chu could explain all the unexplainable problems just by pointing to the copper bull.

After all, the Bronze Bull is both copper and money. A huge and unclear account is just a small account in front of the twenty-four Bronze Bulls, and can be settled at any time.

At least for now, Li Jingxuan doesn't know how to count the wealth owned by the Chang'an government!

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