Tang's dining table

Chapter 806 Can’t forget each other

When Li Si saw that Yun Jin had finished chewing the beef on hand, he picked up his own beef with chopsticks and put it on Yun Jin's dinner plate. He also carefully separated the large pieces of beef to make it easier for Yun Jin to take it.

Yun Jin gave Li Si a big smile, then decisively started eating beef, and threatened Wen Huan that Di Guangsi would not fight for it.

Yu Xiurong looked up at her husband and found that his face looked ugly, so she sighed and lowered her head to eat noodles.

Li Si is different from Li Hong. This kid seems a little stupid, but he is a kid who is never confused about important matters.

In the past, her husband said that Li Si was thoughtful, and he had been teaching the child in a rough way, hoping that she would become more lively.

Now, to be lively is to be truly lively, and to be thoughtful is to be truly thoughtful.

Cui Yao said that Li Si was not suitable for studying. In fact, this child was not very good at studying. He had read "Book of Rites" and "Women's Rules" in front of him and forgot about it in an instant. In the beginning, just teaching Li Si how to read cost a lot of money. It took more than ten times the efforts of Yu Xiurong, Cui Yao and Li Hong.

So far, I don't know as many words as Yun Jin and his sister.

However, even if they were able to learn from one level, the four of them, Yun Jin, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi combined, could not compare to Li Si, who was very thorough.

Although Li Si didn't deliberately look at the eye interaction between Yun Chu and Yu Xiurong, she knew it clearly. She knew that the master and her mother were two very smart people, and nothing could be hidden from them.

Not to mention that I have changed a lot today...

This is a child who has been able to look at living people since he was a child. Over the years, Yun's family has finally stopped living cautiously, and has begun to show some of the willfulness and mischief that children are accustomed to. On two occasions, he even started to roll around in front of Yu Xiurong. It wasn't until Yu Xiurong gave him a beating that the temptation ended.

She felt that Yu Xiurong treated her the same as he treated the Yun Jin brothers and sisters.

Growing up in Yun's family, if she is treated specially, it means that she is not the host in Yun's family, but a guest.

When she went to the palace to meet her parents, Li Si felt like she was a guest. When she went to the East Palace to see the prince, Li Si felt like she was a guest. After Yunshi acted like a rogue and rolled around and was beaten by her mother, she finally decided that this was her home.

Compared with the homes of other princesses in the Tang Dynasty, she only has a small courtyard with only five houses. There is a small garden in the courtyard, and there is a pomegranate tree in the corner. When the pomegranate flowers bloom, , as long as you open the window, your eyes will be filled with fiery red.

Two nuns from the palace live in one room, and two maids from the palace live in one room. There used to be two eunuchs. Li Si didn't like them, so he asked Li Hong to take them away. So, Li Si now lives alone. One person lives in the boss's suite.

The yard next door used to be where Aunt Naha lived, and it was exactly the same as hers. Now, Aunt Naha has gone to the Western Regions to become the queen, and the yard is still there. From time to time, my mother would personally take out the bedding in the house to dry. Aunt Naha My mother never allowed others to touch my personal belongings.

"If I leave, my mother will definitely keep this yard for me. As long as the sun is good, she will take out the bedding inside to dry."

When Li Si returned to the yard, he muttered to himself, jumped up, and threw himself into his soft, fluffy big bed.

There was a snoring sound in his ears, and Li Si angrily pulled open the huge flower bear doll on the bedside, and saw the lynx's cunning face.

"I've told you countless times that you are not allowed to go to bed." Li Si angrily went to grab the lynx's pointed ears. The lynx nimbly dodged away, arched its front legs, stretched its hind legs, opened its mouth wide, stretched out, and pulled back. The tail that was about to be caught by Li Si jumped up to the window sill nimbly, and then got out of the half-open window.

Li Si was lying on the soft bed holding a huge flower bear doll, staring at the green five blessings painted on the top of the algae, his eyes rolling around.

"Taiping, Taiping, when you were born, the world was at peace. Why should I be born in peace and stability?"

As he spoke, Li Si turned over and pressed the flower bear doll under him, punching and kicking him for a while.

Yun Chu rinsed his mouth with tea, turned around and spit the tea into the spittoon, while Yu Xiurong said angrily: "Our family can't raise a peaceful child.

Look at all the things you teach, none of them are knowledge that breaks the sky or destroys the earth. This kid Li Si is learning some things that women should not learn, and at the same time he wants her to learn such contradictory things as the "Women's Code" , it would be weird if she could learn it.

I am fourteen this year, I can marry someone, I can also harm someone.

Naha gave the pile of things she left in Chang'an to Li Si again. Now that it's fine, the dog picked off the bell, which is the beginning of biting people. "

Yun Chu glanced at Yu Xiurong and said: "I came out of a savage den, and I can't learn how to lower my eyebrows and behave like a child. It would be a pity if I could raise sheep in the wolf den."

Li Si is twelve years old. She is not fourteen years old like you always say. She is still a child. Even the time in her belly is counted. She is not the way you are trying to encourage growth. She is a princess, and there will be many in the future. People have to rely on her to live, so there is no harm in learning some economic methods early. "

Yu Xiurong looked at her husband's expression and whispered, "Li Si has taken it away. Yun Jin will no longer have to play with it."

Yun Chu remained silent, and after a long time he said to Yu Xiurong, "When did the things belonging to Naha become the Yun family's?"

Yu Xiurong waved his hand and said, "That's what I thought."

Yun Chu said: "You shouldn't even think about it. You should think about it this way. When will your husband prepare a dowry for Cai Yun'er to practice her skills?"

Yu Xiurong was completely shameless in front of Yun Chu. When her husband said this, she leaned over and said in the most seductive voice: "Husband, when will you prepare a dowry for our Cai Yun'er that can be used to practice?"

Yunchu spread his hands and said, "What does your daughter like to do?"

Yu Xiurong rolled his eyes for a long time and sighed: "I still can't tell what this silly woman likes. Does it count that she likes to draw toads recently?"

Yun Chu said: "Raising toads is also a good business. Toad puffs and toad clothes are both valuable and valuable, and many of them can be sold for money."

Yu Xiurong said angrily: "Are you willing to let your daughter raise toads?"

Yun Chu looked into Yu Xiurong's eyes and said, "Let me tell you a secret. Toad Yi will be of great use in the future."

Yu Xiurong asked in confusion: "What's the big use?"

Yun Chu waved his hand and said: "You will know in the future. It is impossible for your daughter to really want to raise toads. I don't worry about others."

Yun Chu didn't plan to tell anyone, and neither did Yu Xiurong, about clamping toad clothes in paper to make banknotes that were difficult to imitate.

The number of copper bulls in Chang'an City is still insufficient. At least 108 must be built before they can be used as the subject matter to issue banknotes.

Banking is something that can only be done by the government. This function cannot be replaced by temple kitchens.

Because he was too curious about Li Ji's old clam bead, Yun Chu came to Da Ci'en Temple again to pay homage to Master Xuanzang.

Today's Daci'en Temple may be the most luxurious royal temple in Tang Dynasty society.

The decoration of this temple is very close to the Famen Temple that Yunchu visited before. It has bluestone paving and every scene. The biggest difference from Famen Temple is the monks in the temple.

Daci'en Temple is very profitable, and the abbot, Master Guiji, gives out a huge amount of money every year.

Just like in this case of 300,000 refugees, the Daci'en Temple family donated 10,000 dan of food.

The rest of the temples and Taoist temples also donated a lot of very good grains. After being handled by Wannian County Rice Master, the quantity of these grains has more than tripled, but the quality of the grains has dropped a lot. It can only be said that these grains are The food can still be eaten. Originally, Master Mi could exchange it for more food, but Yun Chu stopped him. Although the victims of the disaster would eat everything, they were still humans, not animals.

The monks in Daci'en Temple looked like monks. As for the monks from Famen Temple he had seen before, they looked more and more like businessmen.

Master Guiji becomes more and more like the Maitreya Buddha of later generations, while Master Xuanzang becomes more and more like a young man.

These are all external manifestations of monks' magical powers. Master Xuanzang, a monk who does not look like a monk, has many people thinking that he is a monk.

Therefore, when they saw Master Xuanzang sitting in the pavilion doing such an outrageous thing as fishing, neither the monks in Daci'en Temple nor the believers outside raised any doubts.

They always felt that Master Xuanzang was using fishing to explain a kind of Buddhism that they did not understand.

Yunchu walked into the pavilion, first looked at the two black monks, and found that their eyes were closed, as if they were dead. Then he came to Master Xuanzang and looked at the fish caught by him in the barrel as usual.

Very good. It seems that Master Xuanzang has been fishing for a while. There are four or five fish lingering in the barrel.

Yunchu sat next to Master Xuanzang and said, "What kind of fish is Master fishing for?"

Master Xuanzang looked back at Yun Chu, who was about to practice meditation with him, and said without hesitation: "Carp, grass carp, don't you recognize them?"

Yun Chu said angrily: "Shouldn't you say something else?"

Xuanzang asked strangely: "What did you say? Could it be that the ones in the barrel weren't carp and grass carp?"

Yun Chu scratched his itchy head and whispered, "I mean, Mr. Ying entrusted the child to you?"

Xuanzang was silent for a moment, put down the fishing rod in his hand and said, "It's better to be kind."

Yun Chu said: "Since the Young Master has leaked the news to me, I'm afraid he hopes to tell it through me instead of hiding it."

Master Xuanzang frowned and said, "Li Chunfeng, the liar you exposed some time ago, said a long time ago that Duke Ying was in danger of annihilating his family."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "The liar may still be a liar, but this sentence is not wrong."

Master Xuanzang said indifferently: "Are you also a liar?"

Yun Chu said: "I know some things that others don't know."

"Am I going to die this year? I think I might not die."

"After I came, many things changed, and they were different from what was said in the book."

Xuanzang was silent for a moment and said, "Are you doing something good or something bad?"

Yun Chu thought for a long time before he said with certainty: "In my opinion, it is generally good, and some things seem to have turned bad."

Xuanzang sighed and said, "You are acting against heaven."

Yunchu looked at the gloomy sky outside the pavilion and said, "I don't seem to have much respect for the sky."

As soon as he finished speaking, a thunder exploded above the pavilion, and then a bright red fork-shaped lightning illuminated the gloomy sky.

Xuanzang looked at Yunchu, who was motionless as a mountain, nodded and said, "It seems you really don't fear God."

Yun Chu pointed to the lightning that appeared again in the distance and said, "It's just a natural phenomenon. As long as I put things in my hands, I can create lightning myself."

After hearing Yunchu's arrogant words, Xuanzang silently fished out the fish from the barrel and put them back into the pool one by one.

Then he said to Master Guiji who was waiting outside the pavilion: "Quickly fish out the fish here and put them all into the river."

Master Guiji clasped his hands in agreement and left.

Yun Chu said: "How about we forget each other in the rivers and lakes?"

Master Xuanzang shook his head and said, "I don't want more people to know your secrets, not even fish."

Yun Chu said in surprise: "Why don't you cook them? If you put them back into the river, wouldn't more fish know my secret?"

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