Tang's dining table

Chapter 819 If it’s not you, who should it be?

Yu Xiurong's roar was like a dreamy tiger roaring in the valley.

The originally cheerful camp suddenly became silent. Not only that, the servants, maids, and nuns who originally wanted to be lazy quickly began to find work for themselves.

As for Li Si, he had already responded while dragging the wooden ox to stumble towards where Yu Xiurong's voice came from.

Cui Yao didn't care. She looked at Chunyu's master and servant and said, "This is the majesty of Lady Yun's wife."

Chunyu smiled and said: "This is the difference between a chicken like me and a phoenix. I have known a truth since I was a child, and I will not compete with the phoenix for food."

Cui Yao smiled and said: "Li Yifu is so unworthy."

Chunyu said: "I take shelter in a high family and let others take whatever they want. Isn't it a good thing to have a few years of peace and quiet?"

Cui Yao said: "It's so disrespectful to take and ask for anything."

Chunyu pointed to his chest and said: "It's just a skin bag. After it's dirty, wash it with the water of Canglang, and then it will be white and flawless."

Cui Yao frowned and said, "What is Canglang Water?"

Chunyu pointed to his heart and said: "This heart has a burning brilliance, carrying the essence of the sun and the moon, and downloading the names of the ancestors. Now, new branches are sprouting. You must not belittle yourself because of the dirty things in the world." , and then forget that there is still a dusty orb in the chest."

Cui Yao nodded and said: "He is indeed a unique person. The Lord still looks at people in such a penetrating way. Since you only want a place that can accommodate a desk, the hundreds of mansions in Princess Anding's mansion are enough to accommodate you.

However, Princess Anding has a lively and brilliant nature and cannot be harmed by outsiders. If you want to find a place in Princess Anding's mansion, then you must contribute to this mansion and stay there for a long time. "

Chun Yu saluted Cui Yao and said, "How dare you disobey your orders!"

Just when Cui Yao and Chunyu reached an agreement, Yu Xiurong's palm slapped Li Si's buttocks several times in a row as he had just put on his jacket.

Li Si didn't care at all and just smiled at Wen Huan who was watching the excitement through the window. Di Guangsi gritted his teeth and smiled. As for Yun Jin, he had been beaten just now.

Chunyu's arrival at the camp would not arouse any interest from Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie.

This is a trivial matter for the three of them, not to mention that it is something that has been decided long ago.

Since the Chunyu family can keep their heads down and be a humble child in Li Yifu's house, there is no reason to become domineering after coming here.

Once a person's personality is formed, there is basically no possibility of changing it. Chun Yu is a person who cherishes life very much. In the past five years, it has been confirmed. If she could not really understand some oracle bone inscriptions, Yun Chu would have This woman wasn't even interested in taking another look.

"Someone killed Li Yifu's eldest son. This is forcing Li Yifu to jump over the wall. I just don't know how Li Yifu will fight back?"

Wenrou had just read the documents from Luoyang. After thinking about it, she asked Yunchu and Di Renjie a question.

Di Renjie moved his fat body lying on the recliner and said: "The dragnet has been set, and Li Yifu cannot escape even if he has wings."

Yun Chu said: "It should not be Li Yifu's style to bow down and obey orders. When his arrogance was high, he could not repent when His Majesty warned him to control his son and son-in-law at home, and directly asked who was the informer.

Such a person can no longer clearly see his position. This time everyone is forcing him, and he will definitely fight back. "

Wen Wenwen did not judge the opinions of Di Renjie and Yun Chu. She picked out a piece of paper from a thick pile of documents and placed it in front of Yun Chu: "Look, Li Yifu has transferred 500 troops from Jinwu Guard and has left Luoyang. Look. It seems that he is ready to venture into Chang'an."

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment and said, "Who gave him the courage to do this?"

Yun Chu was also stunned, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on Wen Wen. He felt that Li Yifu would not be able to do such a risky thing as going deep alone.

Wen Wenwen took out another piece of paper and put it in Yunchu's hand and said: "Helan Minzhi's other courtyard was attacked. Fortunately, the Tubo warriors there were effective and repelled the assassins, but the two buildings across Helan Minzhi's other courtyard were burned down. Oil bombs burned the ground white.

On the same day, Prince Lu's Mansion was also attacked by kerosene bombs. Although no casualties were caused, Prince Lu's favorite library was still engulfed in fire. Prince Lu cried to His Majesty and said it was us.

In addition, twenty-eight officials were assassinated on the same day, all of whom belonged to Li's party without exception.

Now that the data is complete, the two of them can continue to explore who did this and what the purpose was. "

Yunchu and Di Renjie looked at each other, and both of them fell silent.

Wen Wen frowned and said: "Assassinations are not something that can be brought to light after all, and can easily be taken advantage of by the enemy. It seems that we must be extremely cautious when arranging assassinations in the future.

We were the instigators of this wave of assassinations in Luoyang. However, many fishermen have sneaked in. There were two assassinations, and even the shadow of Bai Qisi. It seems that Yin Erhu, Xue Changfeng and the others should evacuate Luoyang. .

If my prediction is correct, as soon as we arrive in Luoyang, the first order we receive must be to wipe out the numerous assassins in Luoyang City. "

Di Renjie asked: "Can you take over the Dali Temple in Luoyang?"

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and shook his head: "Although Luoyang Dali Temple and Chang'an Dali Temple are colleagues, they are in the same position."

Di Renjie nodded and said: "Both sides of the same yamen receive credit. As time goes by, one will naturally come down to the top. Chi Yuan, the chief minister of Dali Temple in Luoyang, is very unconvinced with me."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "If we don't take over Luoyang's official business, Luoyang has nothing to do with us. In Luoyang, we can be bad guys or the masterminds behind the scenes, but we can't reveal any further thoughts about Luoyang.

In other words, we, a group of people, hope that Luoyang will be in chaos, hope that Luoyang will be ruined, and even wish that Luoyang would be burned down. "

Wen Wen stretched and said: "Then it's settled, we are just a group of villains who desperately hope that His Majesty will abandon Luoyang and return to Chang'an."

Di Renjie also smiled and said: "That's good, I don't have to deal with Captain Chi Yuan. I heard that this guy is very skilled in martial arts and I might not be able to defeat him.

It's time for you to take action. It's best to beat this guy flat once and for all, so that he will never want to compete with me again. "

While he was talking, Yun's cook walked into the tent carrying a roasted lamb.

Yun Chu, Gentle and Di Renjie, who have always been good at eating, don't have the slightest fondness for this thing. The main reason is that after a sheep is roasted over charcoal fire, it turns into something like firewood, and the only place where the taste can be tasted is the skin. Layer, that's it, the main flavor is provided by the flour and seasonings applied on the sheepskin, but the depth of the mutton is tasteless. Not only the juices of the mutton are roasted, but the meat tastes a bit bitter.

The reason why this thing was brought in first was mainly to give it to Li Ji, Su Dingfang, and Liang Jianfang.

And you can't send the whole sheep over. This is not in line with the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty. Li Ji has the highest status and can only send sheep heads and necks. Su Dingfang can send sheep backs, Liang Jianfang can send sheep tails, and the rest can just give some randomly.

This thing must be decomposed and sent from Yunchu's dining table to show sincerity. It is generally regarded as filial piety. If it is sent directly from the kitchen, there is a saying in the Tang Dynasty called - giving food.

This time, the nobles of Chang'an were sent out in an empty group. Li Ji was once again favored by the emperor, and his official position was promoted to one of the highest officials can do - Sikong!

The first grade of Jue Zheng is the Three Dukes who are inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.

Generally, those who have been granted an official position to this level can only act as a mascot. When officials at any level meet them, they have to come forward to salute, say some greetings, and then disperse and share the shrines with future generations. The second master Guan in the novel has different approaches but the same purpose.

Therefore, regardless of whether Yun Chu and Li Ji are at odds with each other, in this huge team, those who eat delicious food must stick to Li Ji first. If he hides and eats secretly, he will definitely be impeached by the censor.

Not a single bit of the sheep was left. Li Si took Yun Jin, Wen Huan, Di Guangsi and their servants to send them over one by one. They were able to get a lot of rewards and praises.

The main person of the Yun family is Princess An Ding Li Si, so everything is done in the name of this child.

After the whole roasted lamb was sent away, Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie set up a barbecue outside the tent and started grilling lamb skewers.

Grilled lamb kebabs are the correct way to eat grilled lamb. If you want to eat tender ones, eat the tender ones, and if you want to eat older ones, eat older ones. Moreover, the seasonings are controllable, and the abundance and frugality are up to you. It is more glamorous than the roasted whole lamb. Bitch is ten times stronger.

The mutton skewers that were grilled first were sent to the woman's tent. After the woman claimed that they didn't need it anymore, the three men started grilling their favorite parts.

Wen Wen only eats the lean ones and doesn't eat any of the fat. He only uses the mutton to moisten it and roast it. He doesn't know what's so delicious about such dry wood.

Di Renjie likes the fat and thin ones, and can't wait for them to be roasted before he starts to eat them.

Only Yunchu likes to eat thinly sliced ​​lamb tails. When the roasted fat bursts and splashes, just sprinkle a handful of mixed seasonings on it. Put it in your mouth and take a bite, and the hot lamb tails will turn into A stream of heat and a strange fragrance fills the chest and lungs.

When the meal was getting delicious, Li Ji came over with Su Dingfang and Liang Jianfang in a wheelchair.

Seeing that Yunchu and the others were not as good as him, he was a little satisfied. After the servants brought a few small Huts, they sat by the oven and roasted mutton like Yunchu and the others.

Yun Chu brought the wine bottle, and the three of them didn't think it was theirs. After taking a few sips, Li Ji said, "Are you familiar with this Liu Xiangdao?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Shang Shu of the Ministry of Punishment, I heard that this person is fair and impartial, but I have no contact with him."

Li Ji took a bite of the lamb tail he had roasted randomly, was stunned for a moment, pointed at Yun Chu and said: "I know you won't send real good things to me. This thing is too good for me, a person who is about to lose all his teeth." .

You bake it for me, and I will be responsible for eating it. "

No way, not only Li Ji likes roasted lamb tail, but Su Dingfang and Liang Jianfang also have a strong preference for this oily thing.

While Li Ji was looking at Yunchu's roasted mutton, he said casually: "Liu Xiangdao sent me a secret letter, saying that he wanted to use my power to interrogate someone. Tell me, this person won't be you, right? "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Young Master looks highly upon Yun Chu."

Li Ji took Yun Chu's roasted lamb tail and took one bite, his mouth was full of oil. He didn't bother to wipe the mutton oil that flowed onto his beard, and said with a smile: "If it's not you, who should it be?"

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