Tang's dining table

Chapter 822 The unpayable daughter’s debt

With the wooden cow and the flowing horse, Li Zhi no longer scratched the giant bear's ears. After entering the small courtyard where Li Si lived, his brows furrowed.

This courtyard is very small, just like the Yun family's Chang'an mansion. The courtyard here is not large, which does not meet the living requirements of a Tang princess.

Fortunately, the yard is not big, but it is very delicate. If you don't look elsewhere, just the two red maples planted in the yard are enough to show how much care Yun has put in decorating the yard.

One is in the center of the yard, and the other is in front of the window. The window is a small flower window with a glass sequin in the center.

Li Zhi is a very elegant person. Of course he knows the principle of through-windows in garden construction. Although there are only two red maples in the yard, looking out from the sequins on the window, due to the angle, a patchwork of red maples will appear in front of him. Red maple forest...

Li Si enthusiastically invited Li Zhi to her boudoir. Although Li Zhi had objections to Li Si living in such a small yard, seeing that Li Si didn't care at all, he reluctantly entered his daughter's boudoir.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled the elegant fragrance of pears. This spice is called Elise Tent Zhongxiang. The ingredients and production process are very simple. It is difficult to make a subtle combination of agarwood, Elise juice, floral fragrance, etc., and configure it. Okay, the aroma is sweet but not greasy, soft and boney, and the fragrance has many layers of changes.

The configuration is not good...it just smells like rotten pears.

Therefore, some of the incense in the tent are extremely valuable, while others are as cheap as dirt.

The incense that Li Si uses here is obviously the best. One tael of gold may not be able to exchange for one tael of incense like this.

Li Zhi sniffed and said to Li Si, "This smells good."

Li Si said quickly: "It's nothing. When making Suhe sesame oil, fry the arsenic in oil, take out the arsenic residue, use the remaining oil to mix Suhe sesame oil, and then mix it with pear juice and floral fragrance. It produces a very good incense in the goose pear tent.

The best thing about this kind of incense is that it repels insects, mosquitoes, and flies. Even in the summer, as long as you have this kind of incense in the house, all insects will be protected. When your father leaves for a while, you can take some back with you. This is just a child. It's prepared by myself, it's not available outside. "

When Li Zhi heard the word arsenic, he couldn't write calmly. He wanted to leave the house immediately, but Li Si held his arms tightly and couldn't leave.

"Father, don't worry. After the arsenic is fried in oil, its medicinal properties will change. Although it is still a little toxic, it is not harmful to humans."

Li Zhi looked at the two dresses on the altar table that were made of fine silk but looked shabby and said, "Why are these old clothes offered on the altar table?"

Li Si lowered his head and said nothing.

Li Hong said on the side: "When I first arrived at the Yun family, Sisi was frightened and always cried and couldn't sleep. So Mrs. Yun begged the eldest nun beside Sisi to go back to the palace and brought her father's and mother's old clothes. Wrapped in these clothes, Sisi will be willing to drink milk and eat well. These two clothes will wrap Sisi until she is six years old..."

Li Zhi said angrily: "Is the Yun family treating you badly?"

Li Si shook his head and said, "Except that I can't see my father and mother often, my child lacks nothing."

Li Zhi's anger rose. He looked back at Yun Chu who was following him and said, "Is this how you take care of my daughter?"

Yun Chu said with a bitter look on his face: "Your Majesty, for Princess An Ding, Wei Chen and his wife can only give her what her father and mother can't give. The rest, Wei Chen thinks he has done a perfect job.

Your Majesty, you are making things difficult for me by raising a phoenix in my humble home. "

There were tears in Li Si's eyes, but he smiled and hugged Li Zhi's arm and said, "The child is doing well in Yun's family. Father, you don't have to blame yourself..."

Li Zhi sighed, stroked Li Si's head and said, "You are Princess Li. This is your fate and your responsibility."

Li Si wiped away his tears with his sleeve and said, "Father, I will take you to see some good things."

Li Zhi saw that his daughter had returned to her lively appearance, and left happily.

Passing through the main room of the small courtyard, Li Zhi saw a small wooden house. The foundation of this wooden house was originally a big locust tree. Now, most of the branches of this locust tree have been cut off, and a large locust tree is now built. The exquisite wooden house stands on a tree trunk as thick as several people can hug it, no more than three feet above the ground.

When Yun Chu saw Li Zhi, he was about to follow his daughter up. He quickly walked two steps to the tree and said, "Your Majesty, it's better not to look at it."

Li Zhi was in a bad mood at this time, and looked particularly annoyed at Yun Chu. He glanced sideways at Yun Chu, and then followed his daughter into the wooden house...

Yunchu didn't hear Li Zhi's cry and felt a little regretful. Li Hong whispered: "Will it scare my father?"

Yun Chu put his hands in his sleeves and said calmly: "Your sister spent more than 2,100 yuan to collect the poisons in the house. Your Majesty, when you go in this time, you will probably be able to collect all the poisons that Datang can find." More than 60% of the objects can be seen.

But don't worry, they are all dead and can't harm anyone. "

Li Hong frowned and said, "Sisi was so scared when she went in once. Master, do you think her arrangement is really good?"

Yun Chu whispered: "Your sister is unwilling to return to the palace even to death. She knows the taboos of the palace. She has no choice but to use these taboos openly to isolate herself from the palace and make herself a A poisonous woman, so not many people dare to bully her.

Anyway, your royal family is a group of lords who bully the weak and fear the strong. "

Li Hong chuckled and said, "I have a bad temper and like to hit people, which is the same as me."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Wait a moment and remember to throw the blame on Sun Shenxian. This pot is too big for us to carry."

Just as Yunchu and Li Hong were whispering, Li Zhi with a livid face came out of the wooden house, and Li Si happily introduced her to the emperor to Luoyang, where she got the orphan drug from the medicinal merchant. Mountain rice shovel head.

Li Zhi's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water. Without saying a word, he looked at Yun Chu with ferocious eyes.

Yun Chu hurriedly saluted and said: "Wei Chen also feels that it is very inappropriate for Princess Anding to handle these poisons, and Princess Anding is strictly prohibited from touching these things on weekdays."

This explanation obviously did not satisfy the emperor. Li Zhi opened his numb mouth and squeezed out two words: "Bold!"

Yun Chu said helplessly: "Ever since the old immortal invented cowpox, he has been very interested in these poisons..."

"Shut up, don't try to attack Sun Simiao. Come on, Princess An Ding is extremely rude and rude. She is guilty of an unforgivable crime. In consideration of her young age, I punished the teacher Yun Chu and went to the wall of the Ministry of Rites' admonishment room for ten days to reflect on her own mistakes. .”

The emperor's words were the law, and Yun Chu naturally had no room for explanation. Soon, two guards stood behind him, waiting for the emperor to leave, and then sent Yun Chu to the Ministry of Rites to admonish him to think about his mistakes.

The emperor left angrily, and the giant bear got up in panic and followed him. The royal guards who had almost filled the Yun family also left. Yun Chu looked at Li Hong, and the two brothers Li Si said: "With you guys A pair of students are truly a blessing to be teachers.”

Li Hong smiled and said: "Most of Sisi's matter has finally been solved. It's worth it for Master to sit in front of the wall and think about it for ten days."

Yun Chu held Li Si who was crying in his arms, patted the little girl on the back and said, "Don't slack off, the job is only half done, the rest depends on whether your mother will fall into the trap."

Li Si raised his face full of tears and did not cry out, but there were clicking sounds in his throat. It seemed that he was extremely sad.

Yun Chu wiped her tears, then pointed her nose with his finger and said, "Now that you have made a decision, don't regret it."

Li Si choked and said, "I will never regret it!"

Seeing that Li Si's agitated mood had calmed down, Yun Chu picked up the change of clothes that Yu Xiurong had prepared for him, left the house, mounted his horse and followed the two royal guards straight to the Ministry of Etiquette's exhortation field.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry..." Li Zhi's furious voice kept ringing in the Ziwei Hall.

"Not for the son of man, not for the son of man, this damn two hundred and fifty, I gave my good daughter Shi En to him to raise, and he actually taught me a poisonous woman, Yun Chu, I will never break up with you."

Li Hong, who hurried back to put out the fire, heard his father's roar outside the palace, interspersed with two grievances of a giant bear. It seemed that his father was really angry this time, and he couldn't even do it easily in the past. The giant bear that moved a finger also suffered disaster.

Li Hong knew clearly that if he went in at this time, he would replace the giant bear and become his father's punching bag.

However, he understood better that his father was angry because Li Si had lost the royal dignity, rather than because he truly felt sorry for his daughter. After all, she had two daughters who should have been married long ago and were working as washerwomen in the Yeting Palace in Chang'an.

The only person who can truly calm his father's anger is his mother. This has little to do with the relationship between husband and wife, but because the two of them have become accustomed to each other's existence, and they are also the best allies against the people in the world.

Two years ago, Xu Jingzong taught him that the emperor and the people of the world were actually mortal enemies.

He only understood this truth after thinking about it for a long time. When he looked back at Emperor Taizong's famous saying, "Water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it." He gained new and further understanding.

Boat and water are not the same thing. How can they be called one body?

Can the water feel the hesitation of the boat, or can the boat feel the pain of the water?

The difference between the two types of people without empathy is even greater than the difference between a stone and a pig.

However, Li Hong did not go to Zhaoyang Palace where his mother lived. He believed that his mother would arrive at the next moment if his father was so angry.

Sure enough, after Li Hong waited for a while, the queen mother arrived with a large group of maids and eunuchs. Li Hong also saw Sun Shenxian in the crowd.

The most important task of Sun Shenxian's visit this time was to ensure that the emperor could have a healthy body and complete the entire process of Fengchan Taishan.

Wu Mei also saw Li Hong, stopped and said, "How can you act so wantonly?"

Li Hong said with an innocent face: "I didn't expect that my father would come suddenly, and Li Si admired his father too much, so he let his father see some things that he shouldn't have seen."

Wu Mei saluted Sun Simiao and said, "Does Sun Shenxian know what Li Si did?"

Sun Simiao frowned and said: "One hundred poisons are also called one hundred medicines. There are many restrictions on others' collection of one hundred poisons. Seeing that it was easy for Princess An Ding to collect them, the old Taoist handed over this matter to her. Queen, is there anything wrong with this?"

Wu Mei saluted Sun Simiao again and said: "The old god's words are naturally without taboos, but Li Si..."

Sun Simiao said with a straight face: "This child has an incomplete soul and can live for so many years, which is beyond the expectations of the old master. Compared with the child's survival, what else does the queen want?"

A tangled look appeared on Wu Mei's face. She wanted to say that Li Si was of royal blood, how could he be exposed to poisons. When she thought that there was no royal family at all in Sun Simiao's place, she could only swallow hard and walked in in a hurry. Ziwei Palace.

After a while, Sun Simiao also entered. Li Hong wanted to follow, but was stopped by the eunuch Ruichun.

Half an hour later, Li Hong finally entered the Ziwei Palace, only to find that his father, the emperor, and the empress were drinking tea with Sun Simiao. They were chatting and laughing, but there was still a little bit of anger.

Li Hong drove away Gong E who was waiting on him and helped the three people in front of him make tea.

After two courses of tea, I heard my father ask Sun Simiao.

"Taoist Master, in your eyes, poisons are some of the most important medicinal materials in a hundred medicines. In the eyes of others, they may become harmful things."

Sun Simiao took a sip of the tea brought by Li Hongjing and said slowly: "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. Medicinal materials pay attention to the compatibility and preparation. However, the dead poisons that your Majesty saw today are actually not dangerous at all. Dead poisons, At the moment of death, the toxicity will be reduced by more than 80%, and when it dries, it becomes food instead of poison."

Li Zhi snorted and said, "Does that mean a venomous snake loses its venom after it dies?"

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "I once drank fresh venom directly from poisonous snakes, and I felt no discomfort at all."

Li Zhi frowned and said, "Really?"

Sun Simiao smiled and took out a small jade bottle from his arms, and poured out a trace of crystal brushed liquid. Under the gazes of Wu Mei and Li Zhi, the liquid fell into Sun Simiao's tea cup.

While shaking the tea cup filled with venom, Sun Simiao said to Li Zhi and his wife: "This is the venom from the newly picked Gushan rice shovel head today. It was originally intended for medicinal use, but was summoned to the imperial city by the queen. Now, it has passed." After four hours, most of the toxicity has disappeared. By this time tomorrow, it will be rotten and no longer toxic."

As he spoke, Sun Simiao drank the tea mixed with venom in one gulp.

Li Zhi murmured to himself: "He is indeed an old immortal."

Sun Simiao looked at Li Zhi and said, "As long as there are no wounds in your Majesty's mouth and stomach, there will be no problem for you to drink it."

Wu Mei then said to Li Hong: "So, Li Si is unwilling to enter the imperial city, right?"

Li Hong shook his head and said, "She wants to."

Wu Mei said: "If you want to, why do you do things far away from the imperial city? Also, the troops Naha left in Chang'an are now under Li Si's control, right?"

Li Hong nodded and said: "Only Li Si in the world can take over what Naha left in Chang'an. Even if Yun Chu takes it, he still has a disobedient heart."

Li Zhi said sarcastically: "He really thinks it's safe, and then he's managing everything secretly?"

Li Hong laughed dryly and said: "Li Si is of the blood of his father, the emperor and his mother, how could he become someone else's puppet?

Now that Li Si has taken over, it is Li Si who makes the decision. "

Wu Mei said: "Li Si is willing to recruit Yun Chu's son Yun Jin as his consort."

Li Hong looked at his father and mother and muttered: "I don't want to marry Naha, don't you agree?"

Li Zhi clicked his lips and said: "Naha's fate is not good. If she looks the same as us, I will agree even if I don't say no."

Wu Mei snorted coldly and said to Li Zhi: "Naha gave birth to a daughter, with black hair..."

Before Li Zhi said anything, Li Hong seemed to have been struck by lightning. He turned his head with difficulty to look at his mother and said, "Who is next to Naha?"

Wu Mei did not look at Li Hong's angry eyes and continued to ask Li Zhi: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Li Zhi said in confusion: "What?"

Wu Mei said: "It is the one who should be given a name and canonized."

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong, whose expression changed in an instant, and said, "This is your eldest daughter. Why don't you give her a name? If Naha, that stupid woman, gives her a stupid Cypriot name, you will be in trouble."

Li Hong grabbed his thighs with both hands, forced himself to collect his thoughts and said: "After Feng Chan Taishan, my son is going to tour the Western Regions, is that okay?"

Li Zhi was furious about Li Si not long ago and made Li Hong see the joke. Now that he has the opportunity to see Li Hong's relationship with his children, he naturally disagrees and said with a smile: "What do you think?"

Sun Simiao seemed to have fallen asleep since he drank the cup of tea with snake venom, although he was already in a trance while sitting there.

Li Hong released his grip on his thigh and said to Wu Mei: "My two sisters are still doing laundry in Chang'an Yeting Palace. Now they are older and have already arrived for marriage. What does the queen think?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei unnaturally and said, "Forget it!"

Wu Mei looked at Li Hong with burning eyes and said, "Evil beast!"

Li Hong spread his hands and said, "Let this be the case for Li Si. Let her choose the life she wants to live."

Wu Mei sneered and said, "Where is your daughter who is far away in the Western Regions?"

Li Hong shook his head and said: "Naha will take good care of her."

Li Zhi stood up and stared into Li Hong's eyes and said, "Very good, I finally look like an emperor."

The three of them chatted for a long time, seemingly without achieving any goal. However, when Li Hong left the Ziwei Hall, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Si's matter has basically been settled. Although he doesn't understand why his mother is so easy to talk to about Li Si's matter, Li Hong is still happy for Li Si. He doesn't have to have close contact with the royal family, but he has everything a princess can have. It's indeed a good thing.

The bad thing is Naha. It is obvious that her mother and father are still very concerned about controlling the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Regions.

The mother's news came faster than her own, and her mother placed helpers around Naha, which was unexpected.

However, Li Hong still wanted to wait for the news of Naha to come, and he could only handle it if he was sure of his side.

However, people must be sent quickly to the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions to inform the old monkey that there is a spy around Naha.

Although nothing could be found from his mother, Li Hong believed that with the old monkey's ability, he would definitely find this damn spy in the Western Regions.

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