Tang's dining table

Chapter 85 Mo Dao Jinchang Canal is shallow

Naturally, it was not Yunchu who produced water, but the eleven wells they dug.

In winter, the groundwater level in Chang'an City is the lowest. Although it is more difficult to dig a well at this time than in spring, summer and autumn, as long as the well has water, there is no need to worry about the well drying up.

"The water is sweet water!" Liu Sancai held a handful of wet mud and gravel and brought it to Yun Chu's mouth, asking him to taste it.

Yun Chu quickly moved away, smiled and scolded: "Just taste it yourself, don't let me taste it."

Liu Sancai threw away the mud with a smile and pointed to the well behind him: "All eleven wells have produced water. Now we only need to connect these eleven wells so that we can open the canals."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Lay bricks on the well wall, spread washed river sand and pebbles, hehehe..." Liu Sancai smiled like a pug, with a flattering look in his eyes, and his pride as a Tang Dynasty was completely invisible.

"Then finish it quickly and I will send you the money for the second phase of the project."

Liu Sancai nodded wildly and howled at the other well diggers. Suddenly, the people standing at the mouth of the well dragging muddy water became even more crazy.

On the third day, a stream of filthy well water slowly flowed out from a mud hole, rushed down a two-foot-wide channel made of stone flakes and Sanhe soil, and gathered at the frozen site of Daci'en Temple. In the lotus pond, when the water level slowly rises on the ice surface, the clear water overflows from the other end of the lotus pond, flows into the guide channel, and gushes out from the mouth of the animal head hanging on the wall of Daci'en Temple.

Immediately, the spring water rushed down the dug ditch, flowed around most of Jinchangfang, and then entered the culvert. Finally, it entered the pit system of Chang'an along the culvert, and finally joined the filth. It flows into the rolling Wei River.

Chang'an is severely cold in winter, but the well water coming out of the ground is a little warm. Exposed to the cold winter, there are still curls of white gas coming out.

A stream of water suddenly appeared in Jinchangfang. Even Master Xuanzang, who usually ignored worldly affairs, walked along the gurgling water accompanied by the Zhike monk.

"With an extra layer of water, there is a little more agility, a little more purity, and a little less worldly troubles."

The monk who knew the guest immediately put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, the monthly allocation from Jinchangfang will be paid out as scheduled."

Xuanzang smiled and said: "In one month, Jinchangfang has become more alive and less resentful. The money was originally dedicated to Buddha. Now it is time for Buddha to return it to the world's living beings."

The monk Zhike had a smile on his face. Although he was dissatisfied with the monthly payment given by Daci'en Temple to the poor people around him, Master Xuanzang said that he could only keep his mouth shut and keep complimenting Master Xuanzang's opinions.

Master Xuanzang is no longer the little monk who traveled west alone to obtain Buddhist scriptures. He is now the famous leader of the Ten Virtues of the Tang Dynasty. It is also said that Xuanzang is the incarnation of Shariputra, the leader of the ten disciples of Sakyamuni.

Wisdom is fierce and can solve all doubts. He is known as the first wisdom.

He is actually the walking incarnation of power in Buddhism. Not to mention only 300 guans per month, but even 3,000 guan or 30,000 guan, Zhike monks will find them for him to use even if their heads are bowed to the ground.

Yunchu saw Xuanzang from a distance, and Xuanzang also saw Yunchu from a distance.

Neither of them paid much attention to each other.

Yunchu felt that he was now on guard duty for Master Xuanzang, and meeting him would be a bit of a flattery. Master Xuanzang also felt that it was not a good time to meet Yunchu at this moment, so it would be better not to meet him at all.

However, a leader's trip must have a purpose, otherwise a leader of Xuanzang's level would not easily come out to see a newly built canal. Now that it has come out, it already contains a strong sense of caring for Yunchu.

Surrounded by a group of great monks known as the Fifty Virtues, Master Xuanzang looked at a water channel, exiting from the east gate of Daci'en Temple, and the news of returning from the north gate was quickly received.

Among them, Magistrate Lu of Wannian County was the most responsive. However, he did not come in person. Instead, he sent Sunhu Cao to deliver three thousand dans of yellow rice, millet, and his annual salary of eighty guan. Three hundred catties of salt, fifty catties of spices, and forty bolts of silk.

Immediately, the Fan Yang Lu family in Beijing sent another 100,000 yuan, saying that it would help build the gate of Jinchangfang.

Even Cheng Yaojin's wife, Mrs. Lu, sent her housekeeper to deliver a lot of precious jewelry in a low-key manner, hoping that Yunchu could exchange it for money and use it to build the Jinchangfang gate.

After sending away the housekeeper of Cheng Yaojin's family and agreeing to sell the jewelry only to a gold shop called Deshenglong in exchange for money, Yunchu welcomed Li Ji's wife again and met with Yuchi Jingde's wife Pai who didn't go out all year round. Here comes the housekeeper.

The two housekeepers also sent a lot of jewelry. It is said that the wife of the house personally pulled it off her head when she heard that Jinchangfang was going to change its door.

Of course, these jewelry must be sold, and they can only be sold to that damn Desheng Longjin store, leaving Yunchu no room for other operations.

Moreover, just after the two housekeepers left, a fat-headed and big-eared gold shopkeeper from Deshenglong came to visit Yun Chu.

It only took a short quarter of an hour for Yun Chu to get the jewelry from several ladies and deliver it to shopkeeper Deshenglong.

Shopkeeper Deshenglong spread out each piece of jewelry to look at it carefully, and sighed in admiration, praising each piece of jewelry as priceless.

After praising him, he left Yunchu with a withdrawal receipt of 500,000 yuan. With this receipt, Yunchu could take 500,000 yuan from Desheng Longjin Store at any time.

"Everything else about Jinchangfang is easy to say, except that the clothes of the people here are in tatters, which is an eyesore. When the time comes, they will worry about being seen by saints and it will be an eyesore."

Yunchu complained in a low voice as he sent shopkeeper Deshenglong out.

The shopkeeper looked at Yun Chu with a half-smile but said nothing.

Yun Chu added: "The clothes worn by Deshenglong in a certain shop are very good. I wonder if the old shopkeeper can also donate some to the people of Jinchangfang, so that the residents can immediately praise Deshenglong as a man who cares about the people." A good businessman who is suffering."

Hearing this, the old shopkeeper pondered for a moment and said, "What would Mr. Li think if the three characters Deshenglong could be embroidered with silk thread on his clothes?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Golden thread is better!"

The old shopkeeper shook his head and said: "It's not easy to suppress gold thread, just silk yellow!"

"I wonder what the old shopkeeper thinks of the number of ten thousand pieces?"

The old shopkeeper looked at Yun Chu with cannibalistic eyes and said, "Everyone in Jinchangfang can't wait for more than 5,600 pieces. I think 6,000 pieces is already a good deal!"

Yunchu sighed and said: "People in the world always only look at the immediate interests, but they don't know that the immediate interests are just a small path. It should be noted that if you are full of complaints, you will prevent heartbreak. You should take a broad view of the scenery. The Jinchang Canal is shallow and watching fish is better than peach blossoms. River!"

The old shopkeeper looked at the canal water on the side of the road, which was no more than two feet deep, and then looked at Yun Chu's face that was gradually turning white and said: "Okay, for the sake of you being a big fish in the canal water, I will ask you all the questions later. recognize."

Yun Chu was overjoyed and held up his hands and said: "How about asking the old shopkeeper to use my wife from Jinchangfang to make these six thousand clothes?"

"How about the labor fee for each piece of clothing is 20 yuan?"

"Although we can't use silk for the fabric, how about using sixty bundles of linen?"

"Old shopkeeper, you..."

Liu Yi, who was hiding in the back and shivering, saw the old shopkeeper jumping on the carriage as if he was running away, and then walked out from behind and said: "Chief, we are not short of money and food, and we are even very comfortable."

Yun Chu, who was originally smiling, now darkened his face. He felt that this matter was not over yet.

"Chief, don't scare me. Isn't it a good thing to have more money?"

Yun Chu said calmly: "More money is naturally a good thing, but more people are not a good thing."

When Liu Yi saw Yun Chu walking away worriedly, he did not continue to show any fear. He was just an ordinary person now, with something to support him. As long as he behaved honestly, no disaster would befall him. superior.

In the evening, after the curfew drums stopped beating, the head of each household in Jinchangfang came to the front yard of Yun's house to listen to the chief's words.

When Yunchu proposed that each family should provide a strong laborer, preparations for the construction of the gate would begin tomorrow, and the daily wages would be ten yuan, two kilograms of yellow rice, or millet.

The remaining labor force, the old, the weak and the young will start sorting out the construction waste from Jinchangfang in the past few days tomorrow. They will also put the waste into the seepage pit left in the past, and try to use this waste to clear out the stinky building. The seepage pit was completely filled.

Then build a hut in the open space, and pay five yuan a day, and a pound of yellow rice or millet.

All women who can make clothes will start sewing clothes according to Deshenglong's requirements starting from tomorrow, once they receive the linen from Deshenglong's gold shop. People's homes.

For each person's clothes, he was given five pieces of money and a pound of sorghum.

After the clothes are made, they receive linen from the workshop to make linings and shoes. The wages are also five yuan per head, plus a pound of sorghum.

Yun Chu has drawn up the charter, and the rest is the matter of Fangzheng Liu Yi. He will assign the people of Fangzheng. According to the military regulations formulated by the previous imperial court when guarding Chang'an, teams were formed according to the organizational structure, even, hundreds of people, thousands of people. The team then broke down the tasks one by one and assigned the responsibilities to each person. Although there was still an extra management fee, Yunchu immediately admitted it and converted the money into rice grains and distributed them to the people responsible for management.

That is to say, after watching the scene of Liu Yi assigning tasks, Yunchu looked at the tall walls of Chang'an City and realized that Chang'an City did not have the characteristics of a commercial city at all. It was a real military fortress.

There is a Guo wall outside the city, and behind the Guo wall is the city wall. Behind the city wall is a military fortress broken down into 108 small ones, namely squares. At the end of the square wall is the imperial city, and inside the imperial city is the palace city.

Even the people in the city are usually divided according to the military style. Once thieves attack the city, they can organize into an army in a short time and participate in the defense of the city.

Fangshi is an excellent design to isolate spies from chaos in the city. This design is like a ship's drainage warehouse. Even if a few Fangshi are infiltrated by thieves, as long as these Fangshi are surrounded, the city can be kept from chaos. .

Unfortunately, in such a well-designed city, there are rarely scenes of large armies attacking by force. Most of them abandon the city and escape before the enemy arrives.

Such a number occurred six times in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

With Chang'an being captured six times, the Tang Dynasty, this majestic and huge empire, finally fell into the dust created by the barbarians.

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